Daily Iowan, November 24, 1918
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The Daily Iowan The Student Newspaper of the State University of Iowa VOL. VXIII - NEW SERIES VOL. III IOWA CITY, IOWA, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1918 NUMBER 27 IOWA TAKES ANOTHER CONFERENCE GAME HAWKEYES WALLOP PURPLE ELEVEN IN CONFERENCE GAME Iowa Scores in Second Period of Battle -- Reed in Last Game Is Brilliant IOWA STANDS NEAR TOP Defeat or Northwestern Team Puts Iowa in Second Place-- Final Score is 23-7 The Iowa slogan "Wreck Northwestern" is no more a mere sign but a realization for the Hawkeyes hammered the Purple team to a pulp winning by the one-sided count of 23 to 7, in one of the most spectacular battles ever played on Iowa field. The defeat of the Purple wrecked all their hopes of a second place in the conference and puts Iowa in a position to claim honors. Murphy's team scored early in the first quarter when Peton recovered Kelley's fumble on the kickoff; Underhill passed to Edgren for 30 yards to the yard line, and Underhill scored on the next play by a fake. Cigrand booted the goal, giving Northwestern 7. For the rest of the quarter, the Iowa backs hit the Purple line for huge gains, only to lose a chance to score when a pass went wrong. The quarter ended with the ball on the 50-yard line. Iowa Shows Up Late Iowa opened the second period by smashing the Purple forward wall for long gains, Scott, Lohman, and Donnelly taking turns at the oval. The Hawks carried the ball 39 yards to the 4-yard line. Slater was called back but was shy a yard for the down, Northwestern taking the ball. Underhill kicked, and Iowa marched to the 15-yard line and lost the oval on downs. Kelley fumbled a punt but recovered. Lohman passed to Reed for 40 yards to the 7-yard line. Lohman hit the line for 6 yards and went over the next play. Kelley kicked goal. Iowa 7; Northwestern, 7. Iowa soon took the ball when Belding took a pass. Donnelly, Scott and Lohman went to the Purple 4-yard line, having made 26 yards in the drive. Iowa fumbled on the 4-yard line, Northwestern took the ball and Underhill kicked out as the half ended. Fourth Quarter Fast The Hawkeyes scored in the third period when Kelley dropped back to his 20-yard line and sent the ball over for 3 points, Iowa, 10; Northwestern, 7. The Iowa team outplayed their opponents consistently taking the ball for long gains on passes and smashes, Lohman, Donnelly, and Scott doing the artillery work. The quarter ended when Reed fumbled a pass after a hard run. It was Iowa's ball on her 35-yard line. The last quarter was the one that spelled disaster for Murphy, for the Hawkeye team tore through the weak Purple line at will. Iowa took the ball to the 2-foot line on plunges from Scott, Lohman and Donnelly. Lohman went over the second marker. Kelley missel goal, Iowa, 16; Northwestern, 7. Iowa scored the last touchdown when Reed hooked a long pass and (continued on page 4) MEN MAY MOVE TO NEW BARRACKS WITHIN TEN DAYS State Has Authorized Diversion of Funds in Order to Make the Building Permanent CONSTRUCTION IS RETARDED Arched Roof Over Large Court Will Form Armory if Legislature Grants Needed Funds About five hundred of the S. A. T. C. may be moved to the new University barracks on the West side within ten days if the weather and other conditions continue favorable, according to J. M. Fisk, superintendent of grounds and buildings. Each division of the new structure is being built as a unit in order that men may be moved as rapidly as possible. The contract calls for the completion of the entire barracks by January 1, but difficulties in the matter of securing labor and materials have somewhat retarded work. Wooden Barracks Uneconomical [bold] Last year the legislature made a grant of $125,000 for the construction of an armory at the University, but owing to war conditions work on it was held up. When housing the S. A. T. C. became a pressing problem something had to be done immediately. The government offered to furnish money necessary for building wooden barracks, but the University authorities considered that it would be a waste of money to put up temporary quarters. The state executive council, pending the approval of the legislature, granted the right to divert money from other funds to add to the government appropriation and thus make possible a permanent building. Built Around Large Court [bold] At the present time barracks of stone-trimmed brick are being constructed around an inner rectangular court. This court is 200 feet wide by 400 feet long. The hope for the future is that the legislature will be kind enough to grant the amount of money necessary to roof the court over. When this is done it will form the armory. Plans are for an arched roof without central support. This would mean that the arch would have to be at least ninety feet high in the center, as high as the Johnson County Bank Building. The signing of peace terms will not lessen the value of this structure. When no longer needed for barracks it will be used for rifle practice and other University activities. BAND MAY GO TO CAMP DODGE [bold] The University band has secured permission to go to Camp Dodge Thanksgiving. Plans are still incomplete, but it is probable that the band will parade through town on the way to the train. It has been the custom in the past for students of the University and citizens of Iowa City to contribute to band trips, and this scheme may be adopted to raise the necessary funds for the trip. ANNOUNCES IOWAN STAFF FOR MONTH [bold] The editorial staff of The Iowan for the month ending Dec. 21 has just been announced. Several changes in personnel occur. The position of managing editor, occupied by Rowena Wellman is the only permanent one of the editor's staff. The new staff is: News Editor - Ethyn Williams Humorous Editor - M. Elizabeth Hendee Exchange Editor - Marie Kellog Feature Editor - Ruth Stewart Sporting Editor - G. D. Evans year are Agnes Kingsbury, Elizabeth Hendee, Kathryn Fritson, Ethyn William, and Beth Wellman. FIVE S. A. T. C. MEN STRUCK BY AUTO [bold] Merle White, Who Was the Most Seriously Injured, Still in University Hospital [bold] Five men of Co. O were struck by a car driven by Hary Dubraba, an employee in Brown's garage of Tiffin Thursday evening at 7 o'clock. The accident occurred at the intersection of Madison and Washington streets, as the men were on their way to mess. The injured men were taken to the University hospital in the car. Merle White, who was the most seriously injured, is still at the hospital. The other four were but slightly bruised and have been returned to the company. According to Lieut. Barmore who saw the accident, as he was on his way to the women's gymnasium, the car turned sharply into the group of men who were well to the north side of the street, and about thirty feet from the corner. The driver and witnesses drove at once to the mayor's office, where Lieut. Barmore preferred charges against the driver for carelessness. He pleaded guilty and was fined $50 and costs. GIRLS OF UNIVERSITY HELP WAR ORPHANS [bold] Alpha Theta, Pi Phi, and Kappa Kappa Gamma sororities are supporting war orphans. Odd little French letters have arrived from grateful relatives or from the happy youngsters themselves. The girls of Currier hall have donated their magazine and party funds to the little French orphans for the last two years. HUMANIST TO MEET [bold] The Humanist society will meet at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thayer, 512 North Van Buren street, Monday, Nove. 25 at 8 o'clock. Mrs. Nellie S. Aurner, dean of women, will read the paper of the evening on "Hengest: A Study in Early English Hero Legend." Mrs. Aurner won her Ph.D. degree with her thesis in this special field. Mrs. E. W. Rockwood, wife of Dr. Rockwood, is said to be a member of one of the teams which is going to make speaking tours over Iowa next week for the benefit of the war savings stamp drive. FRATERNITIES' FATE DEPENDS ON ACTION OF MEETING TODAY [bold] Administration Favors Opening of Chapters Providing Men Regard Action Advisable [bold] GOVERNMENT LIFTS ITS BAN [bold] Local Organizations Are Eager to Resume Chapter Life-- Houses Are Problem [bold] University officials will approve re-establishment of men's social fraternities in the University on an active basis, provided the fraternity men themselves deem such action advisable, Dean Rienow stated in an interview yesterday. Representatives of the various fraternities will meet this afternoon at 3 o'clock in the liberal arts auditorium to decide what action will be taken. Active Basis Favored [bold] Recent caucases as to the sentiment of the fraternity relative to an immediate resumption of activities indicate a strong desire on the part of the men to re-open local chapters. Unless, however, the government issues orders that the men in the S. A. T. C. will be removed from barracks it would be impractical to re-open the fraternity houses, fraternity men say. The government has now placed its formal sanction upon the fraternity in college training camps. Became Inactive [bold] The fraternities voted to become inactive in the autumn before the United States had declared fraternity life incompatible with that of S. A. T. C. Rushing and pledging of members and fraternity parties would be the first activities resumed, should local chapters decide to become active before the opening of the University next year. TO BEGIN ACADEMIC WORK [bold] Men Transferred to Other Camps May Return to S. A. T. C. [bold] Student formerly in the S. A. T. C. who have been transferred to officers' training camps will be allowed the privilege of returning to the University as members of the S. A. T. C., provided they return at once, according to a communication to the president's office from Washington. The message further states that normal academic work will begine at the opening of the second term. In the colleges of law and engineering, students will be received as the normally are in September, and courses will be so arranged that they may do a full year's work in the remaining two terms and a summer school. In the college of liberal arts, there will be a large increase in the number of courses offered, and full quotas in all departments. There will be a meeting of all fraternity men in the liberal arts auditorium this afternoon at 3 o'clock. ROBERT E. RIENOW LOUISE SWANSON DIES OF FLU IN DES MOINES [bold] Louise Swanson, sophomore in the University last year and a member of the Alpha Delta Pi sorority, died in Des Moines yesteday, a victim of the Spanish influenza, followed by pneumonia. Miss Swanson was at Drake University this year studying music and was in school when she contracted influenza. She was a member of the Erodelphian literary society, while at Iowa. Glenn Greenwood of the Varsity eleven is a cousin of Miss Swanson's. Her home is in Webster City. UNIVERSITY GIVES $12,000 TO U. W. W. [bold] Expect Student and Faculty Contributions to Reach That Figure [bold] Although reports on the United War Work campaign are still incomplete, it is estimated that the University will have contributed $12,000 by the close of the drive. The exact amount will be announce later in the week. Solicitation was conducted in separate groups, the University women, the men, the S. A. T. C., the faculty, and the nurses. For this reason it has been difficult to compile the final results of the campaign. Different women's house about the campus have contributed the following sums: House Pledge Average Delta Zeta $297.50 $16.52 Faculty women $591.00 $15.55 Sigma Chi $385.00 $13.75 Pi Phi $616.00 $13.58 Kappa $307.00 $9.59 Gamma Phi Beta $205.00 $8.91 Phi Psi $165.00 $8.68 Delta Gamma $241.00 $8.70 Tri Delt $75.00 $8.33 Currier $1272.00 $7.70 Alpha Theta $120.00 $7.50 Alpha Chi $192.00 $7.38 Currier Annex $80.00 $6.66 Theta Xi $132.50 $6.62 Alpha Delta Pi $157.00 $6.28 Achoth $75.00 $6.25 Administrative $260.00 $6.04 Alpha Xi Delta $158.00 $5.85 Alpha Tau Beta $38.50 $5.50 Iota Xi Epsilon $43.00 $5.37 Alpha Club $16.75 $2.09 COMPLETE PLANS FOR THE Y. M. C. A. RALLY [bold] Plans for the Y. M. C. A. rally which is to be held this afternoon at 3 o'clock in the Y. M. C. A. building have been completed. The following program has been prepared: Orchestra -- Selected. Singing -- Led by Prof. W. E. Hays. Invocation -- George C. Pullman. Song -- Battle Hymn of the Republic. Aims of "Y" Service -- E. O. Pence The Military and the "Y" -- Capt. G. W. Robertson. The University and the "Y" -- President W. A. Jessup. Song -- America. Orchestra -- Selected. Delta Zeta danced at the chapter house Friday evening. HAWKEYES WALLOP PURPLE ELEVEN IN CONFERENCE GAME Iowa Scores in Second Period of Battle—Reed in Last Game Is Brilliant IOWA STANDS NEAR TOP Defeat or Northwestern Teams Puts Iowa in Second Place—Final Score is 23-7 The Iowa slogan “Wreck Northwestern” is no more a mere sign but a realization for the Hawkeyes hammered the Purple team to a pulp winning by the one-sided count of 23 to 7, in one of the most spectacular battles ever played on Iowa field. The defeat of the Purple wrecked all their hopes of second place in the conference and puts Iowa in a position to claim honors. Murphy’s team scored early in the first quarter when Peton recovered Kelley’s fumble on the kickoff; Underhill passed to Edgren for 30 yards to the yard line, and Underhill scored on the next play by a fake. Cigrand booted the goal, giving Northwestern 7. For the rest of the quarter, the Iowa backs hit the Purple line for huge gains, only to lose a chance to score when a pass went wrong. The quarter ended with the ball on the 50-yard line. Iowa Shows Up Late Iowa opened the second period by smashing the Purple forward wall for long gains, Scott, Lohman, and Donnelly taking turns at the oval. The Hawks carried the ball 39 yards to the 4-yard line. Slater was called back but was shy a yard for the down, Northwestern taking the ball. Underhill kicked, and Iowa marched to the 15-yard line and lost the oval on downs. Kelley fumbled a punt but recovered. Lohman passed to Reed for 40 yards to the 7-yard line. Lohman hit the line for 6 yards and went over the next play. Kelley kicked goal. Iowa, 7; Northwestern, 7. Iowa soon took the ball when Belding took a pass. Donnelly, Scott, and Lohman went to the Purple 4-yard line, having made 26 yards in the drive. Iowa fumbled on the 4-yard line, Northwestern took the ball and Underhill kicked out as the half ended. Fourth Quarter Fast The Hawkeyes scored in the third period when Kelley dropped back to his 20-yard line and sent the ball over for 3 points, Iowa, 10; Northwestern, 7. The Iowa team outplayed their opponents consistently taking the ball for long gains on passes and smashes, Lohman, Donnelly, and Scott doing the artillery work. The quarter ended when Reed fumbled a path after a hard run. It was Iowa’s ball on her 35-yard line. The last quarter was the one that spell disaster for Murphy, for the Hawkeye team tore through the weak Purple line at will. Iowa took the ball to the 2-foot line on plunges by Scott, Lohman, and Donnelly. Kelley missed goal, Iowa, 16; Northwestern, 7. Iowa scored the last touchdown when Reed hooked a long pass and (continued on page 4)
The Daily Iowan The Student Newspaper of the State University of Iowa VOL. VXIII - NEW SERIES VOL. III IOWA CITY, IOWA, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1918 NUMBER 27 IOWA TAKES ANOTHER CONFERENCE GAME HAWKEYES WALLOP PURPLE ELEVEN IN CONFERENCE GAME Iowa Scores in Second Period of Battle -- Reed in Last Game Is Brilliant IOWA STANDS NEAR TOP Defeat or Northwestern Team Puts Iowa in Second Place-- Final Score is 23-7 The Iowa slogan "Wreck Northwestern" is no more a mere sign but a realization for the Hawkeyes hammered the Purple team to a pulp winning by the one-sided count of 23 to 7, in one of the most spectacular battles ever played on Iowa field. The defeat of the Purple wrecked all their hopes of a second place in the conference and puts Iowa in a position to claim honors. Murphy's team scored early in the first quarter when Peton recovered Kelley's fumble on the kickoff; Underhill passed to Edgren for 30 yards to the yard line, and Underhill scored on the next play by a fake. Cigrand booted the goal, giving Northwestern 7. For the rest of the quarter, the Iowa backs hit the Purple line for huge gains, only to lose a chance to score when a pass went wrong. The quarter ended with the ball on the 50-yard line. Iowa Shows Up Late Iowa opened the second period by smashing the Purple forward wall for long gains, Scott, Lohman, and Donnelly taking turns at the oval. The Hawks carried the ball 39 yards to the 4-yard line. Slater was called back but was shy a yard for the down, Northwestern taking the ball. Underhill kicked, and Iowa marched to the 15-yard line and lost the oval on downs. Kelley fumbled a punt but recovered. Lohman passed to Reed for 40 yards to the 7-yard line. Lohman hit the line for 6 yards and went over the next play. Kelley kicked goal. Iowa 7; Northwestern, 7. Iowa soon took the ball when Belding took a pass. Donnelly, Scott and Lohman went to the Purple 4-yard line, having made 26 yards in the drive. Iowa fumbled on the 4-yard line, Northwestern took the ball and Underhill kicked out as the half ended. Fourth Quarter Fast The Hawkeyes scored in the third period when Kelley dropped back to his 20-yard line and sent the ball over for 3 points, Iowa, 10; Northwestern, 7. The Iowa team outplayed their opponents consistently taking the ball for long gains on passes and smashes, Lohman, Donnelly, and Scott doing the artillery work. The quarter ended when Reed fumbled a pass after a hard run. It was Iowa's ball on her 35-yard line. The last quarter was the one that spelled disaster for Murphy, for the Hawkeye team tore through the weak Purple line at will. Iowa took the ball to the 2-foot line on plunges from Scott, Lohman and Donnelly. Lohman went over the second marker. Kelley missel goal, Iowa, 16; Northwestern, 7. Iowa scored the last touchdown when Reed hooked a long pass and (continued on page 4) MEN MAY MOVE TO NEW BARRACKS WITHIN TEN DAYS State Has Authorized Diversion of Funds in Order to Make the Building Permanent CONSTRUCTION IS RETARDED Arched Roof Over Large Court Will Form Armory if Legislature Grants Needed Funds About five hundred of the S. A. T. C. may be moved to the new University barracks on the West side within ten days if the weather and other conditions continue favorable, according to J. M. Fisk, superintendent of grounds and buildings. Each division of the new structure is being built as a unit in order that men may be moved as rapidly as possible. The contract calls for the completion of the entire barracks by January 1, but difficulties in the matter of securing labor and materials have somewhat retarded work. Wooden Barracks Uneconomical [bold] Last year the legislature made a grant of $125,000 for the construction of an armory at the University, but owing to war conditions work on it was held up. When housing the S. A. T. C. became a pressing problem something had to be done immediately. The government offered to furnish money necessary for building wooden barracks, but the University authorities considered that it would be a waste of money to put up temporary quarters. The state executive council, pending the approval of the legislature, granted the right to divert money from other funds to add to the government appropriation and thus make possible a permanent building. Built Around Large Court [bold] At the present time barracks of stone-trimmed brick are being constructed around an inner rectangular court. This court is 200 feet wide by 400 feet long. The hope for the future is that the legislature will be kind enough to grant the amount of money necessary to roof the court over. When this is done it will form the armory. Plans are for an arched roof without central support. This would mean that the arch would have to be at least ninety feet high in the center, as high as the Johnson County Bank Building. The signing of peace terms will not lessen the value of this structure. When no longer needed for barracks it will be used for rifle practice and other University activities. BAND MAY GO TO CAMP DODGE [bold] The University band has secured permission to go to Camp Dodge Thanksgiving. Plans are still incomplete, but it is probable that the band will parade through town on the way to the train. It has been the custom in the past for students of the University and citizens of Iowa City to contribute to band trips, and this scheme may be adopted to raise the necessary funds for the trip. ANNOUNCES IOWAN STAFF FOR MONTH [bold] The editorial staff of The Iowan for the month ending Dec. 21 has just been announced. Several changes in personnel occur. The position of managing editor, occupied by Rowena Wellman is the only permanent one of the editor's staff. The new staff is: News Editor - Ethyn Williams Humorous Editor - M. Elizabeth Hendee Exchange Editor - Marie Kellog Feature Editor - Ruth Stewart Sporting Editor - G. D. Evans year are Agnes Kingsbury, Elizabeth Hendee, Kathryn Fritson, Ethyn William, and Beth Wellman. FIVE S. A. T. C. MEN STRUCK BY AUTO [bold] Merle White, Who Was the Most Seriously Injured, Still in University Hospital [bold] Five men of Co. O were struck by a car driven by Hary Dubraba, an employee in Brown's garage of Tiffin Thursday evening at 7 o'clock. The accident occurred at the intersection of Madison and Washington streets, as the men were on their way to mess. The injured men were taken to the University hospital in the car. Merle White, who was the most seriously injured, is still at the hospital. The other four were but slightly bruised and have been returned to the company. According to Lieut. Barmore who saw the accident, as he was on his way to the women's gymnasium, the car turned sharply into the group of men who were well to the north side of the street, and about thirty feet from the corner. The driver and witnesses drove at once to the mayor's office, where Lieut. Barmore preferred charges against the driver for carelessness. He pleaded guilty and was fined $50 and costs. GIRLS OF UNIVERSITY HELP WAR ORPHANS [bold] Alpha Theta, Pi Phi, and Kappa Kappa Gamma sororities are supporting war orphans. Odd little French letters have arrived from grateful relatives or from the happy youngsters themselves. The girls of Currier hall have donated their magazine and party funds to the little French orphans for the last two years. HUMANIST TO MEET [bold] The Humanist society will meet at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thayer, 512 North Van Buren street, Monday, Nove. 25 at 8 o'clock. Mrs. Nellie S. Aurner, dean of women, will read the paper of the evening on "Hengest: A Study in Early English Hero Legend." Mrs. Aurner won her Ph.D. degree with her thesis in this special field. Mrs. E. W. Rockwood, wife of Dr. Rockwood, is said to be a member of one of the teams which is going to make speaking tours over Iowa next week for the benefit of the war savings stamp drive. FRATERNITIES' FATE DEPENDS ON ACTION OF MEETING TODAY [bold] Administration Favors Opening of Chapters Providing Men Regard Action Advisable [bold] GOVERNMENT LIFTS ITS BAN [bold] Local Organizations Are Eager to Resume Chapter Life-- Houses Are Problem [bold] University officials will approve re-establishment of men's social fraternities in the University on an active basis, provided the fraternity men themselves deem such action advisable, Dean Rienow stated in an interview yesterday. Representatives of the various fraternities will meet this afternoon at 3 o'clock in the liberal arts auditorium to decide what action will be taken. Active Basis Favored [bold] Recent caucases as to the sentiment of the fraternity relative to an immediate resumption of activities indicate a strong desire on the part of the men to re-open local chapters. Unless, however, the government issues orders that the men in the S. A. T. C. will be removed from barracks it would be impractical to re-open the fraternity houses, fraternity men say. The government has now placed its formal sanction upon the fraternity in college training camps. Became Inactive [bold] The fraternities voted to become inactive in the autumn before the United States had declared fraternity life incompatible with that of S. A. T. C. Rushing and pledging of members and fraternity parties would be the first activities resumed, should local chapters decide to become active before the opening of the University next year. TO BEGIN ACADEMIC WORK [bold] Men Transferred to Other Camps May Return to S. A. T. C. [bold] Student formerly in the S. A. T. C. who have been transferred to officers' training camps will be allowed the privilege of returning to the University as members of the S. A. T. C., provided they return at once, according to a communication to the president's office from Washington. The message further states that normal academic work will begine at the opening of the second term. In the colleges of law and engineering, students will be received as the normally are in September, and courses will be so arranged that they may do a full year's work in the remaining two terms and a summer school. In the college of liberal arts, there will be a large increase in the number of courses offered, and full quotas in all departments. There will be a meeting of all fraternity men in the liberal arts auditorium this afternoon at 3 o'clock. ROBERT E. RIENOW LOUISE SWANSON DIES OF FLU IN DES MOINES [bold] Louise Swanson, sophomore in the University last year and a member of the Alpha Delta Pi sorority, died in Des Moines yesteday, a victim of the Spanish influenza, followed by pneumonia. Miss Swanson was at Drake University this year studying music and was in school when she contracted influenza. She was a member of the Erodelphian literary society, while at Iowa. Glenn Greenwood of the Varsity eleven is a cousin of Miss Swanson's. Her home is in Webster City. UNIVERSITY GIVES $12,000 TO U. W. W. [bold] Expect Student and Faculty Contributions to Reach That Figure [bold] Although reports on the United War Work campaign are still incomplete, it is estimated that the University will have contributed $12,000 by the close of the drive. The exact amount will be announce later in the week. Solicitation was conducted in separate groups, the University women, the men, the S. A. T. C., the faculty, and the nurses. For this reason it has been difficult to compile the final results of the campaign. Different women's house about the campus have contributed the following sums: House Pledge Average Delta Zeta $297.50 $16.52 Faculty women $591.00 $15.55 Sigma Chi $385.00 $13.75 Pi Phi $616.00 $13.58 Kappa $307.00 $9.59 Gamma Phi Beta $205.00 $8.91 Phi Psi $165.00 $8.68 Delta Gamma $241.00 $8.70 Tri Delt $75.00 $8.33 Currier $1272.00 $7.70 Alpha Theta $120.00 $7.50 Alpha Chi $192.00 $7.38 Currier Annex $80.00 $6.66 Theta Xi $132.50 $6.62 Alpha Delta Pi $157.00 $6.28 Achoth $75.00 $6.25 Administrative $260.00 $6.04 Alpha Xi Delta $158.00 $5.85 Alpha Tau Beta $38.50 $5.50 Iota Xi Epsilon $43.00 $5.37 Alpha Club $16.75 $2.09 COMPLETE PLANS FOR THE Y. M. C. A. RALLY [bold] Plans for the Y. M. C. A. rally which is to be held this afternoon at 3 o'clock in the Y. M. C. A. building have been completed. The following program has been prepared: Orchestra -- Selected. Singing -- Led by Prof. W. E. Hays. Invocation -- George C. Pullman. Song -- Battle Hymn of the Republic. Aims of "Y" Service -- E. O. Pence The Military and the "Y" -- Capt. G. W. Robertson. The University and the "Y" -- President W. A. Jessup. Song -- America. Orchestra -- Selected. Delta Zeta danced at the chapter house Friday evening. HAWKEYES WALLOP PURPLE ELEVEN IN CONFERENCE GAME Iowa Scores in Second Period of Battle—Reed in Last Game Is Brilliant IOWA STANDS NEAR TOP Defeat or Northwestern Teams Puts Iowa in Second Place—Final Score is 23-7 The Iowa slogan “Wreck Northwestern” is no more a mere sign but a realization for the Hawkeyes hammered the Purple team to a pulp winning by the one-sided count of 23 to 7, in one of the most spectacular battles ever played on Iowa field. The defeat of the Purple wrecked all their hopes of second place in the conference and puts Iowa in a position to claim honors. Murphy’s team scored early in the first quarter when Peton recovered Kelley’s fumble on the kickoff; Underhill passed to Edgren for 30 yards to the yard line, and Underhill scored on the next play by a fake. Cigrand booted the goal, giving Northwestern 7. For the rest of the quarter, the Iowa backs hit the Purple line for huge gains, only to lose a chance to score when a pass went wrong. The quarter ended with the ball on the 50-yard line. Iowa Shows Up Late Iowa opened the second period by smashing the Purple forward wall for long gains, Scott, Lohman, and Donnelly taking turns at the oval. The Hawks carried the ball 39 yards to the 4-yard line. Slater was called back but was shy a yard for the down, Northwestern taking the ball. Underhill kicked, and Iowa marched to the 15-yard line and lost the oval on downs. Kelley fumbled a punt but recovered. Lohman passed to Reed for 40 yards to the 7-yard line. Lohman hit the line for 6 yards and went over the next play. Kelley kicked goal. Iowa, 7; Northwestern, 7. Iowa soon took the ball when Belding took a pass. Donnelly, Scott, and Lohman went to the Purple 4-yard line, having made 26 yards in the drive. Iowa fumbled on the 4-yard line, Northwestern took the ball and Underhill kicked out as the half ended. Fourth Quarter Fast The Hawkeyes scored in the third period when Kelley dropped back to his 20-yard line and sent the ball over for 3 points, Iowa, 10; Northwestern, 7. The Iowa team outplayed their opponents consistently taking the ball for long gains on passes and smashes, Lohman, Donnelly, and Scott doing the artillery work. The quarter ended when Reed fumbled a path after a hard run. It was Iowa’s ball on her 35-yard line. The last quarter was the one that spell disaster for Murphy, for the Hawkeye team tore through the weak Purple line at will. Iowa took the ball to the 2-foot line on plunges by Scott, Lohman, and Donnelly. Kelley missed goal, Iowa, 16; Northwestern, 7. Iowa scored the last touchdown when Reed hooked a long pass and (continued on page 4)
Daily Iowan Newspapers