Daily Iowan, November 26, 1918
Page 4
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Page Four The Daily Iowan State University of Iowa Tuesday, November 26, 1918 Want Ads Rate 10c a line or fraction: 20% discount on three or more insertions. Want ads cash in advance. FOR RENT-- A single room for $7 in a modern home. Call Black 1664 at meal times. LOST--Will the party who exchanged and took a Stetson army hat with blue hat cord at Varsity dance notify J. E. Rock, C. I, Hdqt. FOR RENT--Modern furnished room close in. Also light housekeeping rooms. 505 E Washington St. 25 LOST--In L. A. auditorium, a pocket book containing bills, change, and papers with name and address. Return to Dean Aurner's office. 26 LOST--A bunch of keys. Finder phone 2056. 25 SALESMEN WANTED: Men who can sell farmers preferred. Men who have sold in agricultural or packing enterprises will find by answering this ad, the best selling stock they have handled this season. Our men are selling 90 per cent of the prospects called on. Excellent leads furnished. Address: C. S. care of Iowan and writer will make an appointment by letter at any convenient place in the state. FOR SALE--Underwood No. 5 typewriter in very good condition, Tabulater and back spacer, will sell cheap. J. O. Maruth. LOST:--A black fox fur piece, Return to Alpha Chi Omega house. 26 Will the young lady that got the little maltese kitten a week ago please call at the place. 28 LOST--Parker lucky curve fountain pen. Black. Return to Iowan office. 28 STUDENTS--Not members of the S. A. T. C. who desire to work for their board apply at the University cafeteria. 30 FOR SALE--Thoroughbred Airedale puppies. Champion registered stock. The ideal Christmas present. Tel. Red 770. 30 Military Notes A new training schedule for the S. A. T. C. which shortens the schedule to six hours a week has been arranged. It includes two hours of drill three times a week, and discontinues the recreation hour. The men will sing between 4:30 and 5:30 o'clock and will study from 7:15 to 9:15. Taps will be played at 9:30. Although this is only a tentative schedule, it will probably prove more satisfactory than the old one. Thanksgiving vacation for S. A. T. C. men will be from reveille until 11:00 p. m. A bayonet course is under construction across the river. Lieutenant Chamberlain is in charge. Woolen uniforms for all have just been received by the quartermaster. Telephone electricians will complete their course Dec. 1. They will be retained at this station, however, pending further orders. The officers are planning a dance to be given at the Kappa Sigma house Friday. Company O will give a dance at the park tonight. House Used Again On account of crowded hospital conditions, the University hospital is again making use of the Psi Omega house, 625 Burlington, in order that fourteen S. A. T. C. men who are ill with tonsilitis may have proper treatment. This house was used by the hospital during the influenza epidemic. Gets Federal Position Helen Heberling Will Make Survey in Eastern Factories Helen Heberling, class of '14, has been appointed to a position with the U. S. bureau of labor and commerce. She will make a survey of factory conditions for women in New York and the New England states. Miss Heberling was active in University affairs. In 1914 she was sent as the University representative with the Ford peace party. After graduation she did some graduate work and later took a position with the Butterick publications and the New York Tribune to do feature advertising. Miss Heberling was a resident of Lowa City, and a member of the Delta Delta Delta sorority. She is a sister of Marjorie, a senior in the University. Newman Club Will Dance Catholic students of the University will dance at Majestic hall Thanksgiving evening in honor of the Catholic student soldiers here. Ruth Rogers, Madeline Coonan, Marie Baldwin, Helen Evans, Rosalie Martin, Gertrude Murphy, Clara Foley, Doris Davitt, Eileen Galvin, Lucile Becker, and Mary Fitzgerald will be hostesses, in receiving the students. Punch Dunkel's four-piece orchestra will furnish the music. This is the first mixer of the kind the Newman club has held and it promises to be one of the best attended events of the year. War Work Campaign To Close This Week The women of the University will close their United War Work campaign this week and all reports must be in by Wednesday, according to an announcement made by the executive committee. The total amount pledged so far is $6,343.25. Pledge money for this drive is being earned in various ways. Some students are blacking shoes, doing house work and other odd jobs, while others are "keeping store," and selling chocolate bars, candy and fruit. Graduate Chemists Busy Six students are doing graduate work in chemistry this year. The number, although small compared to that of other years, is nevertheless larger than might be expected in times like these, when there is so much government work for chemists. It is very probable that some of the alumni who are holding such positions now will be coming back before long, if the munition plants suspend work. The cessation of war activities wil lnecessitate specialization in chemistry to a greater extent than ever before. The American Chemical society, although hindered in its activities by the war, is going to do all in its power to encourage this sort of work, specializing that along theoretical lines. Professor Hays will organize a "singing squad." All S. A. T. C. men who are interested in this singing club, will meet with Professor Hays, Wednesday evening at 6:45. Hesperia The Hesperian Literary society will hold its regular meeting tomorrow evening at the University club room over the Book and Craft shop. The business meeting will begin at 7:30, and an open program, at 8:15. All girls of the University, especially freshmen, are cordially invited. Walter Kitson Leads Y Officers of the Y. M. C. A. for the year are: Walter Kitson, president; Ray S. Wycoff, vice-president; Howard Maudsley, secretary. Members of the cabinet are: Charles [Ma?], Robert Aurner, G. M. Wilcox, [Ho?] Tousley, Orville and Ernest [St?] and William F. Goodell. Christmas Economy A Careful Selection, and An Appropriate One, Is Necessary In our broad assortments of neckwear, shirts, hosiery, hats, gloves and other accessories, it will be perfectly easy for you to choose not only an appropriate and practical gift, but also accomplish definite and practical economy. In preparing our assortments we gave extraordinary consideration to the choice of values, and regardless of the fact that the impression prevails that prices are high, we can assure you that they are not high, quality considered. Your expenditure may be 50 cents for a tie, or $25.00 for a fine dressing gown, but whatever the purchase, the style, value and character will be extremely desireable. Neckwear, Hosiery, Handkerchiefs, and such other articles can be had in individual boxes if desired. Bremer's Golden Eagle Headquarters for Christmas Gifts Don't Delay Your Xmas Shopping See our cards, stationery, pictures and Roycroft metal and leather goods. Book and Craft Shop 124 East Washington Street "Say it with Flowers" For Thanksgiving get them from Aldous & Son 18 S. Clinton St. Florists Greenhouse 700 Church Gregg and Pitman Shorthand "So Easy" for S. U. I. Students to become expert typists and stenographers at Irish's Business College Iowa City, Iowa 205 1-2 Washington Street Entrance First Stairway East of Commercial Bank Phone 42 Garden Heda Novo in "The Changing Woman" Also Two single reel comedies Admission 5c & 10c Pastime Theatre Today & Tomorrow Peggy Hyland in "Marriages Are Made" Girls--See This Admission 10c & 15c
Page Four The Daily Iowan State University of Iowa Tuesday, November 26, 1918 Want Ads Rate 10c a line or fraction: 20% discount on three or more insertions. Want ads cash in advance. FOR RENT-- A single room for $7 in a modern home. Call Black 1664 at meal times. LOST--Will the party who exchanged and took a Stetson army hat with blue hat cord at Varsity dance notify J. E. Rock, C. I, Hdqt. FOR RENT--Modern furnished room close in. Also light housekeeping rooms. 505 E Washington St. 25 LOST--In L. A. auditorium, a pocket book containing bills, change, and papers with name and address. Return to Dean Aurner's office. 26 LOST--A bunch of keys. Finder phone 2056. 25 SALESMEN WANTED: Men who can sell farmers preferred. Men who have sold in agricultural or packing enterprises will find by answering this ad, the best selling stock they have handled this season. Our men are selling 90 per cent of the prospects called on. Excellent leads furnished. Address: C. S. care of Iowan and writer will make an appointment by letter at any convenient place in the state. FOR SALE--Underwood No. 5 typewriter in very good condition, Tabulater and back spacer, will sell cheap. J. O. Maruth. LOST:--A black fox fur piece, Return to Alpha Chi Omega house. 26 Will the young lady that got the little maltese kitten a week ago please call at the place. 28 LOST--Parker lucky curve fountain pen. Black. Return to Iowan office. 28 STUDENTS--Not members of the S. A. T. C. who desire to work for their board apply at the University cafeteria. 30 FOR SALE--Thoroughbred Airedale puppies. Champion registered stock. The ideal Christmas present. Tel. Red 770. 30 Military Notes A new training schedule for the S. A. T. C. which shortens the schedule to six hours a week has been arranged. It includes two hours of drill three times a week, and discontinues the recreation hour. The men will sing between 4:30 and 5:30 o'clock and will study from 7:15 to 9:15. Taps will be played at 9:30. Although this is only a tentative schedule, it will probably prove more satisfactory than the old one. Thanksgiving vacation for S. A. T. C. men will be from reveille until 11:00 p. m. A bayonet course is under construction across the river. Lieutenant Chamberlain is in charge. Woolen uniforms for all have just been received by the quartermaster. Telephone electricians will complete their course Dec. 1. They will be retained at this station, however, pending further orders. The officers are planning a dance to be given at the Kappa Sigma house Friday. Company O will give a dance at the park tonight. House Used Again On account of crowded hospital conditions, the University hospital is again making use of the Psi Omega house, 625 Burlington, in order that fourteen S. A. T. C. men who are ill with tonsilitis may have proper treatment. This house was used by the hospital during the influenza epidemic. Gets Federal Position Helen Heberling Will Make Survey in Eastern Factories Helen Heberling, class of '14, has been appointed to a position with the U. S. bureau of labor and commerce. She will make a survey of factory conditions for women in New York and the New England states. Miss Heberling was active in University affairs. In 1914 she was sent as the University representative with the Ford peace party. After graduation she did some graduate work and later took a position with the Butterick publications and the New York Tribune to do feature advertising. Miss Heberling was a resident of Lowa City, and a member of the Delta Delta Delta sorority. She is a sister of Marjorie, a senior in the University. Newman Club Will Dance Catholic students of the University will dance at Majestic hall Thanksgiving evening in honor of the Catholic student soldiers here. Ruth Rogers, Madeline Coonan, Marie Baldwin, Helen Evans, Rosalie Martin, Gertrude Murphy, Clara Foley, Doris Davitt, Eileen Galvin, Lucile Becker, and Mary Fitzgerald will be hostesses, in receiving the students. Punch Dunkel's four-piece orchestra will furnish the music. This is the first mixer of the kind the Newman club has held and it promises to be one of the best attended events of the year. War Work Campaign To Close This Week The women of the University will close their United War Work campaign this week and all reports must be in by Wednesday, according to an announcement made by the executive committee. The total amount pledged so far is $6,343.25. Pledge money for this drive is being earned in various ways. Some students are blacking shoes, doing house work and other odd jobs, while others are "keeping store," and selling chocolate bars, candy and fruit. Graduate Chemists Busy Six students are doing graduate work in chemistry this year. The number, although small compared to that of other years, is nevertheless larger than might be expected in times like these, when there is so much government work for chemists. It is very probable that some of the alumni who are holding such positions now will be coming back before long, if the munition plants suspend work. The cessation of war activities wil lnecessitate specialization in chemistry to a greater extent than ever before. The American Chemical society, although hindered in its activities by the war, is going to do all in its power to encourage this sort of work, specializing that along theoretical lines. Professor Hays will organize a "singing squad." All S. A. T. C. men who are interested in this singing club, will meet with Professor Hays, Wednesday evening at 6:45. Hesperia The Hesperian Literary society will hold its regular meeting tomorrow evening at the University club room over the Book and Craft shop. The business meeting will begin at 7:30, and an open program, at 8:15. All girls of the University, especially freshmen, are cordially invited. Walter Kitson Leads Y Officers of the Y. M. C. A. for the year are: Walter Kitson, president; Ray S. Wycoff, vice-president; Howard Maudsley, secretary. Members of the cabinet are: Charles [Ma?], Robert Aurner, G. M. Wilcox, [Ho?] Tousley, Orville and Ernest [St?] and William F. Goodell. Christmas Economy A Careful Selection, and An Appropriate One, Is Necessary In our broad assortments of neckwear, shirts, hosiery, hats, gloves and other accessories, it will be perfectly easy for you to choose not only an appropriate and practical gift, but also accomplish definite and practical economy. In preparing our assortments we gave extraordinary consideration to the choice of values, and regardless of the fact that the impression prevails that prices are high, we can assure you that they are not high, quality considered. Your expenditure may be 50 cents for a tie, or $25.00 for a fine dressing gown, but whatever the purchase, the style, value and character will be extremely desireable. Neckwear, Hosiery, Handkerchiefs, and such other articles can be had in individual boxes if desired. Bremer's Golden Eagle Headquarters for Christmas Gifts Don't Delay Your Xmas Shopping See our cards, stationery, pictures and Roycroft metal and leather goods. Book and Craft Shop 124 East Washington Street "Say it with Flowers" For Thanksgiving get them from Aldous & Son 18 S. Clinton St. Florists Greenhouse 700 Church Gregg and Pitman Shorthand "So Easy" for S. U. I. Students to become expert typists and stenographers at Irish's Business College Iowa City, Iowa 205 1-2 Washington Street Entrance First Stairway East of Commercial Bank Phone 42 Garden Heda Novo in "The Changing Woman" Also Two single reel comedies Admission 5c & 10c Pastime Theatre Today & Tomorrow Peggy Hyland in "Marriages Are Made" Girls--See This Admission 10c & 15c
Daily Iowan Newspapers