Daily Iowan, November 28, 1918
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PAGE FOUR THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Thursday, November 28, 1918 “Camp Dodge” Proves To Be Camp Fromer S.U.I. Men “Can’t Dodge” Three Majors, Three Captains, and Thirty-two Lieutenants Represent the University . An Accurate Roster of the Men is Not Available. (Special to The Daily Iowan) CAMP DODGE, Ia., Nov. 27,----With a hundred or more former students of the University of Iowa in camp, that institution is more heavily represented than any other college or university. An accurate roster of the Iowa men is not available, but one man set himself to the task of preparing a little list. With very little effort he obtained the names of some sixty men, and it is to be assumed that there are many more there, largely among the enlisted men. The list of Old Gold constituents got together by the one man follows: Officers – Maj. Alfred G. Brown Maj. J.R. Day Maj. Percy Bordwell (On special duty at Washington) Capt. Atwell Tally Capt. Harold B. Strong Capt. C.A. Norem Lieut. Francis Bewsher Lieut. John Bowan Lieut. Archie Nelson Lieut. Ed Baldwin Lieut. Verne Muth Lieut. Howard P. Miller Lieut. Fifer Lieut. Wayne Currell Lieut. Harold Newcomb Lieut. Clifford Moody Lieut. John Pfiffner Lieut. John Foade Lieut. Sheppard Lieut. Paul Abrams Lieut. Norman Landers Lieut. Thomas C Murphy Lieut. Roy D. Burns Lieut. Earl Draper Lieut. Paul Rockwood Lieut. Arthur Zimmerman (On special duty at Washington) Lieut. Wayne McMillan Lieut. Leonard Keese Lieut. LuVerne Smith Lieut. Newman Dorr Lieut. R.L. Sylvester Lieut. Otto Schluter Lieut. Ralph Potter Lieut. Charles Stryker Lieut. Andy Fedderson Lieut. Leroy Rader Lieut. Harvey Hindt Lieut. Warren T. Spies Enlisted Men - Sergeant Edwin Hicklin Sergeant Irving Knudson Intelligence Sergeant W. Earl Hall Acting Sergeant Harold Thomas (in O.T.S. at Camp Zachary Taylor) Corporal Archie Springer Acting Sergeant Walt Bernard (In O.T.S. at Camp Pike) Private Tom Gabrio Private John Rock (transferred to Fort Riley) Private “Doc” Loucks Private Thomas Cunningham Private Ed Feeney Private Ries Private Albert Ady Private Roy A. Sands Private S.R. Meek Private Johnson Private Harold Irwin (In O.T.C. at Camp Zachary Taylor) Private Carl Moeller Private “Shawkey” Ross LETTERS FROM OUR SOLDIERS “Events move so fast that one does not feel inclined to write of them. By the time this letter reaches you French soil will probably be freed of foreign devils and we may even be able to say that Germany is in full debacle. We felt here in the circle which is mine, after the wonderful counterstroke of Foch which we saw and took part in, that Germany was done for. Now it seems certain. If only there is no sentimental weakening but only a drive through to the utter overthrow of Germany. That was always my feeling that Germany must be crushed by a military defeat on the Western front and that no stopping was possible until either that happened or we fell ourselves. I have had moments of dejection but I always have kept the faith. I have seen French soldiers weep, too, not in the cowardly despair of Germany at this moment, but in rage at the situation. I shall never forget certain moments we pass through when the heavens were very dark. But with Foch in command and American aid, one perhaps as important as the other, things changed. The Americans have made good--- but don’t let your papers make you forget that it is the French that still play the great role. The British have all my admiration too. A wonderful come back! STEPHEN H. BUSH. PROF. MERRY ASSISTS IN SAVINGS STAMP WORK Prof. Glenn N. Merry, head of the department of public speaking, left Saturday night in charge of the team of men among whom is an officer of the French High commission to speak in behalf of the War Savings Stamp campaign. The biggest meetings scheduled will be at Mason City, Algona, Emmetsburg, and Estherville. Professor Merry is chairman of the speaker’s commission of the state council of defense, field representative of the Four Minute men in Iowa, and is generally prominent in war work. CLUB ELECTS OFFICERS Officers of the Cosmopolitan club for this year have been elected at a recent business meeting held at the hall of music. President, Juan J. Valdes; vice-president, Ruby McCarthy; secretary, John Evanoff; treasurer, Quentin Fernandez; associate editor, Victoriano Diamonon; and national vice-president, Florence Peterman. Initiation of the new members will be held sometime this week. The time and place will be announced later by bulletins. The University of Minnesota has had to invalided French soldiers among its students this year. The men, who have been brought by the American Council of Education, will wear French uniforms. LIEUT. R.N. GRIFFIN PROMOTED Lieut. Ralph H. Griffin, a former student of this university and a member of the Phi Zeta Epsilon fraternity, has been advanced to captaincy. Captain Griffin left school during his sophomore year to go to Fort Snelling where he received his lieutenancy. He was placed in the Rainbow division and fought with them at the Marne and at Chauteau Thierry and in the battle of Champagne. Prof. G.T.W. Patrick gave the address at the meeting of the Political Science club Tuesday evening. “The Psychological Factors in Reconstruction” was the topic. Dr. G.G. Benjamin has been elected president of the club this year to take the place of Prof. Dan E. Clark now in Red Cross work. [advertisement] S.A.T.C. OFFICERS and Students We manufacture and carry in stock a full assortment of S.A.T.C. accessories. Everything you need. A FEW SPECIALS Officers’ Serge Uniforms.. $25.00 Spiral Puttees.. $3.50 Flannel Shirts.. $3.00 Hat Cords, Insignia, Military Books, Sporting Goods and hundreds of articles listed in our catalog “H” Write for it Today ARMY & NAVY SUPPLY CO 210 West 42nd Street New York City [advertisement] Pastime THEATRE THANKSGIVING DAY –SPECIAL—The Charming ETHEL CLAYTON in “A SOUL WITHOUT WINDOWS” A fine picture SEE IT ADMISSION 10c & 15c [advertisement] GARDEN TODAY “RED BLOOD AND YELLOW” Also Burlingham Travel Pictures SATURDAY Constance Talmadge in “THE STUDIO GIRL” The physical training department of the University of Michigan is giving a course in military training for women. The girls do everything but the manual of arms and bayonet practice; setting up exercises will be started as soon as drill is held in the gymnasium. [advertisement] REJOICE AND BE GLAD We have every reason to rejoice and be glad this THANKSGIVING DAY. The Nation’s crop production has broken all records. We have raised enough food to feed ourselves and to be of material help to our Allies. We have been victorious on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean. This is no time to lay down on the job. Keep up the production speed. Food and more of it will be the cry even long after the war is over. You can depend upon the bank to back you to the limit in any essential industry. Let us help you solve your financial problems. FIRST NATIONAL BANK [advertisement] Don’t Delay Your Xmas Shopping See our cards, stationery, pictures and Roycroft metal and leather goods. BOOKS and CRAFT SHOP 124 EAST WASHINGTON STREET [advertisement] FOOTBALL THANKSGIVING DAY DUBUQUE vs. IOWA CITY HIGH SCHOOL ON IOWA FIELD GAME CALLED AT 3:00 ADMISSION 50c [advertisement] ADMISSION $1.00 WAR TAX EXTRA VARSITY DANCE Company A Armory CAHILL ORCHESTRA SATURDAY EVENING NOVEMBER 30 DANCING FROM 7 to 9:45 By Order of Commanding Officer of Training Camp.
PAGE FOUR THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Thursday, November 28, 1918 “Camp Dodge” Proves To Be Camp Fromer S.U.I. Men “Can’t Dodge” Three Majors, Three Captains, and Thirty-two Lieutenants Represent the University . An Accurate Roster of the Men is Not Available. (Special to The Daily Iowan) CAMP DODGE, Ia., Nov. 27,----With a hundred or more former students of the University of Iowa in camp, that institution is more heavily represented than any other college or university. An accurate roster of the Iowa men is not available, but one man set himself to the task of preparing a little list. With very little effort he obtained the names of some sixty men, and it is to be assumed that there are many more there, largely among the enlisted men. The list of Old Gold constituents got together by the one man follows: Officers – Maj. Alfred G. Brown Maj. J.R. Day Maj. Percy Bordwell (On special duty at Washington) Capt. Atwell Tally Capt. Harold B. Strong Capt. C.A. Norem Lieut. Francis Bewsher Lieut. John Bowan Lieut. Archie Nelson Lieut. Ed Baldwin Lieut. Verne Muth Lieut. Howard P. Miller Lieut. Fifer Lieut. Wayne Currell Lieut. Harold Newcomb Lieut. Clifford Moody Lieut. John Pfiffner Lieut. John Foade Lieut. Sheppard Lieut. Paul Abrams Lieut. Norman Landers Lieut. Thomas C Murphy Lieut. Roy D. Burns Lieut. Earl Draper Lieut. Paul Rockwood Lieut. Arthur Zimmerman (On special duty at Washington) Lieut. Wayne McMillan Lieut. Leonard Keese Lieut. LuVerne Smith Lieut. Newman Dorr Lieut. R.L. Sylvester Lieut. Otto Schluter Lieut. Ralph Potter Lieut. Charles Stryker Lieut. Andy Fedderson Lieut. Leroy Rader Lieut. Harvey Hindt Lieut. Warren T. Spies Enlisted Men - Sergeant Edwin Hicklin Sergeant Irving Knudson Intelligence Sergeant W. Earl Hall Acting Sergeant Harold Thomas (in O.T.S. at Camp Zachary Taylor) Corporal Archie Springer Acting Sergeant Walt Bernard (In O.T.S. at Camp Pike) Private Tom Gabrio Private John Rock (transferred to Fort Riley) Private “Doc” Loucks Private Thomas Cunningham Private Ed Feeney Private Ries Private Albert Ady Private Roy A. Sands Private S.R. Meek Private Johnson Private Harold Irwin (In O.T.C. at Camp Zachary Taylor) Private Carl Moeller Private “Shawkey” Ross LETTERS FROM OUR SOLDIERS “Events move so fast that one does not feel inclined to write of them. By the time this letter reaches you French soil will probably be freed of foreign devils and we may even be able to say that Germany is in full debacle. We felt here in the circle which is mine, after the wonderful counterstroke of Foch which we saw and took part in, that Germany was done for. Now it seems certain. If only there is no sentimental weakening but only a drive through to the utter overthrow of Germany. That was always my feeling that Germany must be crushed by a military defeat on the Western front and that no stopping was possible until either that happened or we fell ourselves. I have had moments of dejection but I always have kept the faith. I have seen French soldiers weep, too, not in the cowardly despair of Germany at this moment, but in rage at the situation. I shall never forget certain moments we pass through when the heavens were very dark. But with Foch in command and American aid, one perhaps as important as the other, things changed. The Americans have made good--- but don’t let your papers make you forget that it is the French that still play the great role. The British have all my admiration too. A wonderful come back! STEPHEN H. BUSH. PROF. MERRY ASSISTS IN SAVINGS STAMP WORK Prof. Glenn N. Merry, head of the department of public speaking, left Saturday night in charge of the team of men among whom is an officer of the French High commission to speak in behalf of the War Savings Stamp campaign. The biggest meetings scheduled will be at Mason City, Algona, Emmetsburg, and Estherville. Professor Merry is chairman of the speaker’s commission of the state council of defense, field representative of the Four Minute men in Iowa, and is generally prominent in war work. CLUB ELECTS OFFICERS Officers of the Cosmopolitan club for this year have been elected at a recent business meeting held at the hall of music. President, Juan J. Valdes; vice-president, Ruby McCarthy; secretary, John Evanoff; treasurer, Quentin Fernandez; associate editor, Victoriano Diamonon; and national vice-president, Florence Peterman. Initiation of the new members will be held sometime this week. The time and place will be announced later by bulletins. The University of Minnesota has had to invalided French soldiers among its students this year. The men, who have been brought by the American Council of Education, will wear French uniforms. LIEUT. R.N. GRIFFIN PROMOTED Lieut. Ralph H. Griffin, a former student of this university and a member of the Phi Zeta Epsilon fraternity, has been advanced to captaincy. Captain Griffin left school during his sophomore year to go to Fort Snelling where he received his lieutenancy. He was placed in the Rainbow division and fought with them at the Marne and at Chauteau Thierry and in the battle of Champagne. Prof. G.T.W. Patrick gave the address at the meeting of the Political Science club Tuesday evening. “The Psychological Factors in Reconstruction” was the topic. Dr. G.G. Benjamin has been elected president of the club this year to take the place of Prof. Dan E. Clark now in Red Cross work. [advertisement] S.A.T.C. OFFICERS and Students We manufacture and carry in stock a full assortment of S.A.T.C. accessories. Everything you need. A FEW SPECIALS Officers’ Serge Uniforms.. $25.00 Spiral Puttees.. $3.50 Flannel Shirts.. $3.00 Hat Cords, Insignia, Military Books, Sporting Goods and hundreds of articles listed in our catalog “H” Write for it Today ARMY & NAVY SUPPLY CO 210 West 42nd Street New York City [advertisement] Pastime THEATRE THANKSGIVING DAY –SPECIAL—The Charming ETHEL CLAYTON in “A SOUL WITHOUT WINDOWS” A fine picture SEE IT ADMISSION 10c & 15c [advertisement] GARDEN TODAY “RED BLOOD AND YELLOW” Also Burlingham Travel Pictures SATURDAY Constance Talmadge in “THE STUDIO GIRL” The physical training department of the University of Michigan is giving a course in military training for women. The girls do everything but the manual of arms and bayonet practice; setting up exercises will be started as soon as drill is held in the gymnasium. [advertisement] REJOICE AND BE GLAD We have every reason to rejoice and be glad this THANKSGIVING DAY. The Nation’s crop production has broken all records. We have raised enough food to feed ourselves and to be of material help to our Allies. We have been victorious on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean. This is no time to lay down on the job. Keep up the production speed. Food and more of it will be the cry even long after the war is over. You can depend upon the bank to back you to the limit in any essential industry. Let us help you solve your financial problems. FIRST NATIONAL BANK [advertisement] Don’t Delay Your Xmas Shopping See our cards, stationery, pictures and Roycroft metal and leather goods. BOOKS and CRAFT SHOP 124 EAST WASHINGTON STREET [advertisement] FOOTBALL THANKSGIVING DAY DUBUQUE vs. IOWA CITY HIGH SCHOOL ON IOWA FIELD GAME CALLED AT 3:00 ADMISSION 50c [advertisement] ADMISSION $1.00 WAR TAX EXTRA VARSITY DANCE Company A Armory CAHILL ORCHESTRA SATURDAY EVENING NOVEMBER 30 DANCING FROM 7 to 9:45 By Order of Commanding Officer of Training Camp.
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