Daily Iowan, December 1, 1918
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The Daily Iowan The Student Newspaper of the State University of Iowa Vol. VXIII----New Series Vol. III Iowa City, Iowa, Sunday, December 1, 1918 Number 30 THE IOWA=DODGE GAME RESULTS 0 TO 0 UNIVERSITY GIRL WILL DO CANTEEN WORK IN FRANCE Olive Gwinn, Senior in Liberal Arts Leaves Tonight----To Sail Soon WILL TRAIN IN NEW YORK Made Application for Overseas Work In August----Will stay Six Months or Year A University girl will go to France. Olive Gwinn, a senior in liberal arts, has the honor of being the first woman student from Iowa to go into overseas work. Instructors, alumnae, and former students represent the women of the University of Iowa in France, but Olive Gwinn is the first girl student to win the much coveted privilege. Miss Gwinn will leave tonight for New York where she will take intensive training for a week or two before sailing. She will do canteen work. Miss Gwinn received word on Friday that she should come to Chicago immediately. Her military clearance was given her on Oct. 17, and she received her passports at that time. She experienced no difficulty, she declares, in securing her passports. Application for canteen work was made by Miss Gwinn in August. She signed for a year's work, but it may be that she will be overseas only six months. Miss Gwinn entered the University in 1915. Last year, when a junior, she spent at the University of Alberta in Canada. While there she had experience in social work with the orphans at the Children's Shelter home. She would receive her degree here at the June convocation. The home of Miss Gwinn is in Leon, and she was graduated from the high school at that place. HAWKEYE PLANS BEGUN Cooperation of Students Urged----Call for Pictures to Be made Later Plans for the "Victory Hawkeye" are already under way and it is the expectation of the new management to start work in a very short time. Appointments to the staff will probably be made within the next two weeks, so that active work may be begun immediately. The editor, Mary Rice, and business manager, Grace Altshuler, urge the cooperation of students to make this year's Hawkeye all that a victory Hawkeye should be. Any contributions will be welcomed. Of most importance at present is the matter of pictures for which a call will be sent at the earliest opportunity. It has been customary for a special inducement to be offered for the photographs which are handed in before Jan. 1. More definite particulars about this will be given out later Ruth Tisdale's mother from West Union is visiting at Currier hall. Violet Blakely's mother and father from Fort Dodge are visiting here. Margaret Dolliver, sophomore, is visiting at her home in Fort Dodge. AUDREY MILLER DIES News of the death of Audrey Belle Miller daughter of Mrs. W. M. Miller, of Seymour, reached Iowa City yesterday. Death came after a prolonged illness, as a result of heart trouble. Miss Miller was for two years a student in the University, but was unable to resume her work this year on account of ill health. She is survived by her mother, two brothers and three sisters. Arrangements for the funeral which will be held in Seymour, have not been completed. Mrs. W E. Hays, a sister which whom Miss Miller made her home while in Iowa City was at her bedside when death came. Professor Hays left yesterday to attend the funeral. FRATERNITY HOUSES MAY BE REOPENED Negotiations Under Way With Local Real Estate Men For Desirable Quarters The fraternity situation at the University is still somewhat unsettled. Orders from the war department disbanding the S.A.T.C. and removing the ban on [G]reek letter societies were received so suddenly that no definite arrangements have yet been made. Group meetings are being held today to discuss plans for rushing and the question of re-opening fraternity houses. It is probable that all houses formerly in use will be reopened immediately. Representatives of various fraternities have been negotiating with real estate men of the city for this purpose. The problem of the houses now in use as women's dormitories is still unsolved. Should the fraternities again take possession of these, cottages may be taken over by the University for the women. Mrs. Nellie S. Aurner, dean of women, favors the cottage system. Fraternities are beginning to resume their social activities. One of the first parties was a dinner given at the Jefferson hotel Saturday night by Sigma Pi. SEVENTY-FIVE GIRLS AND ONLY TWO MEN About seventy-five girls attended the hard times party given by the Y.W.C.A. in the liberal arts building Friday evening. The awkward squad won the prize for stunts. During the evening two lone men wandered into the assembly of strangely attired damsels and immediately flight was in order. At last a heroine came to the rescue by asking them if they would kindly move on since a girl's party was in progress. MISS HAEFNER IS Y SPEAKER Ruth Haefner, county food demonstrator, will be the speaker at the Y.W.C.A. Wednesday afternoon. National World Relief week begins tomorrow, and Miss Haefner's talk on "The World, Mr. Hoover, and You," will deal with the opportunities for University girls to help in the work of relief for the world during the beginning of the reconstruction period. BOARD IN BARRACKS AT COST POSSIBLE University Now Planning to Take Care of Men Demobolized From S. A. T. C. Men of the University may be able to receive board and room at cost next quarter, in the barracks now being completed. An inquiry is being made to determine whether a sufficient number are interested in the prospect to make it successful. Freshman S.A.T.C. men met with Dean Kay and Dean Rienow yesterday. When the material gathering at this meeting is organized the approximate number of men who will return to school next quarter will be known. Courses can then be planned so that men may register as they would in September of an ordinary year, and may be enabled to enter as full sophomores next year. The 8 o'clock schedule, with afternoon classes beginning at 1:10 will be used next quarter. The papers for the demobilization of the S.A.T.C. have not been received at headquarters. GLEE CLUB NOW ORGANIZED Fifty-Two University Women Have Been Selected by Prof. Hays Prof. W. E. Hays has finished the organization of the Women's Glee club. It is made up of twenty-two sopranos and twenty altos. The members of the Glee club are as follows: First sopranos: Vivienne Coady, Lake City; Ruth Rowland, Iowa City; Julia Wade, Iowa City; Willian Willits, Des Moines; Alyce Cochran, Iowa City; Blanche Miller, Sioux Falls, S. Dak.; Alice Hinkley, Keokuk; Vesta Meredith, Atlantic; Rosalind Jenks, Prairie City; Edna Price, Monte Vista, Colo.; Margaret Brady, Fort Dodge; Marie Colfix, Fulton, S. Dak. Second sopranos: Mona Goodwin, Manchester; Winifred Bussey, Sioux City; Lillian Neff, Davenport; Corinne Hamill, Iowa city; Kathryn Flynn, Waterloo; Lucille Arnold, Independence; Regina Des Jardins, Denver, Colo.; Alice O'Reilly, White, S. Dak.; Beatrice Gates, Pierre, S. Dak.; Josephine Gage, Sabula. First altos: Margaret Dolliver, Fort Dodge; Valliere Decker, Kadoka, S. Dak.; Clarice Knudson, Jewell; Elizabeth Engelbeck, Des Moines; Jean Speirs, Rembeck; Irene Whittaker, Washington; Helen Hays, Sioux City; Ferne Chittenden, Victor; Alleene Davis, Sutherland; Margaret Stotts, Chicago, Ill. Second altos: Dorothy Kelly, Oskaloosa; Ada Yoder, Kalona; Sadie Whitney, Rock Rapids; Florence Pascoe, Albia; Margery Heberling, Iowa City; Alberta Metcalf, Nichols; Isis Kinser, Promise City; Ardis Woodard, Leon; Sarah Conn, Ida Grove; Mary Hughes, Sutherland The Y.M.C.A. and K. C. huts are to have a quiet week end. The "Y" gave a mixed program last night----moving pictures, reading and an Indian club act. Bible classes will meet at 9:30 this morning, after which there will be open house for the rest of the day. CITY QUARANTINE ON AGAIN Iowa City goes under quarantine again Monday morning. Schools, churches, and movies will close indefinitely. This was decided at a meeting of the city board of health last night. The University will not be affected directly by this ruling. The number of influenza cases has increased so steadily for the past three days that after a full day's deliberation the city officials voted in favor of another period of quarantine. In the University most of the new cases are among the women. Few cases reported to Dr. D. C. Steelsmith are of a serious nature. Rumors concerning the closing of the University are ill founded for no action has been taken by University authorities. DEAN SEASHORE AT ANNUAL CONFERENCE Attends Meeting of Association of American Universities at Cambridge, Mass. C. E. Seashore, dean of the graduate college, has gone to Cambridge, Mass., to represent the University of Iowa at the twentieth annual conference of the Association of American Universities at Harvard university, Dec. 4 and 5. This conference was held in Iowa City last year. The association has a membership of twenty-four universities. The lectures and discussions will stress the big things such as organization and international relationships of colleges and universities, effect of war on education, future place of humanities in education, problems presented by the S.A.T.C. and future military training of students. A conference of women delegates under the auspices of the committee on war service training for women college students meets at Radcliff's the date to be announced later. The conference will close with a meeting at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology under the auspices of the Society for the Promotion of Engineering Education, with the members of the British mission attending. Interesting features of this division of the conference will be discussions on the liberal element in education; effect of the war on education, and the organization of technical education in the United States. TEN COUNTIES REPRESENTED Twenty- six foreign students representing ten different countries have enrolled in the University this year. The Philippines Islands are represented by ten students. One graduate, eight liberal arts, and one engineering student. China has five representatives, one is taking engineering and four are taking liberal arts.. There are four Japanese students; one is in the college of medicine and the others are all studying dentistry. France is represented by Mademoiselle Jeanne Terraz. India, Korea, Bulgaria, Armenia, South Africa and Puerto Rico have one student from each. HAWKEYE-DODGER GAME RESULTS IN A SCORELESS TIE Iowa and Soldier Eleven Fight Stiff Contest----Belding's Punts Beauties KELLEY IS INDIVIDUAL STAR Game is Played Continuously in Camp Dodger's Territory, Says Iowa Writer. (Special to The Daily Iowan) Des Moines, Nov. 30.----Fighting from start to finish, Coach Jones' Hawkeyes held the Camp Dodge fast eleven to scoreless tie in one of the most sensational games played in the entire season in Iowa. The game resolved itself into a punting duel with Belding starring. At one point in the game, Iowa smashed through the Dodgers to the one yard line where they lost the ball on a fumble. The game was full of such features. In the third quarter Iowa advanced to the Dodger ten yard line only to lose the ball again. Four passes failed. In the final quarter of the game, the Hawkeyes took up the fight with renewed vigor and marched to the eight yard line. From there Kelley missed a drop kick. Kelley was the individual star of the contest. Lohman, Scott, Donnelly, and Captain Reed also shone with their accustomed brilliance. The whole line played a star game. Iowa outplayed the Dodgers throughout the entire contest. Practically the whole game was played in the Dodger territory. A sensation of the game was Belding's run for 40 yards on a fake play. The Camp Dodge team fought a hard game. With only one day to recover from their fray with the Funston team, they did remarkably well. Walter Eckersall, Chicago Tribune sports writer, was referee at the game. Other noted officials were there including Major Crawford of West Point as umpire. JUNIORS ATTENTION Juniors should make appointments to have their Hawkeye pictures taken at once. The price of the cut this year will be $1.25 before December 21. After that date it will be advanced to $1.50. The Hawkeye, due to unavoidable conditions is late in getting started this year, and the hearty cooperation of all juniors and organizations is requested in order that the Hawkeye may be in the hands of the publishers at as early a date as possible. CLASS FOR NURSES JAN. 6 Mary C. Haarer, superintendent of nurses expects a class of probationers Jan. 6 for a special preparatory course of three months designed to meet the war needs. The first class of this kind which is modeled after a similar plan at Vassar was completed with good success last summer and is to be permanent. A few students will graduate in February ad a large class in June.
The Daily Iowan The Student Newspaper of the State University of Iowa Vol. VXIII----New Series Vol. III Iowa City, Iowa, Sunday, December 1, 1918 Number 30 THE IOWA=DODGE GAME RESULTS 0 TO 0 UNIVERSITY GIRL WILL DO CANTEEN WORK IN FRANCE Olive Gwinn, Senior in Liberal Arts Leaves Tonight----To Sail Soon WILL TRAIN IN NEW YORK Made Application for Overseas Work In August----Will stay Six Months or Year A University girl will go to France. Olive Gwinn, a senior in liberal arts, has the honor of being the first woman student from Iowa to go into overseas work. Instructors, alumnae, and former students represent the women of the University of Iowa in France, but Olive Gwinn is the first girl student to win the much coveted privilege. Miss Gwinn will leave tonight for New York where she will take intensive training for a week or two before sailing. She will do canteen work. Miss Gwinn received word on Friday that she should come to Chicago immediately. Her military clearance was given her on Oct. 17, and she received her passports at that time. She experienced no difficulty, she declares, in securing her passports. Application for canteen work was made by Miss Gwinn in August. She signed for a year's work, but it may be that she will be overseas only six months. Miss Gwinn entered the University in 1915. Last year, when a junior, she spent at the University of Alberta in Canada. While there she had experience in social work with the orphans at the Children's Shelter home. She would receive her degree here at the June convocation. The home of Miss Gwinn is in Leon, and she was graduated from the high school at that place. HAWKEYE PLANS BEGUN Cooperation of Students Urged----Call for Pictures to Be made Later Plans for the "Victory Hawkeye" are already under way and it is the expectation of the new management to start work in a very short time. Appointments to the staff will probably be made within the next two weeks, so that active work may be begun immediately. The editor, Mary Rice, and business manager, Grace Altshuler, urge the cooperation of students to make this year's Hawkeye all that a victory Hawkeye should be. Any contributions will be welcomed. Of most importance at present is the matter of pictures for which a call will be sent at the earliest opportunity. It has been customary for a special inducement to be offered for the photographs which are handed in before Jan. 1. More definite particulars about this will be given out later Ruth Tisdale's mother from West Union is visiting at Currier hall. Violet Blakely's mother and father from Fort Dodge are visiting here. Margaret Dolliver, sophomore, is visiting at her home in Fort Dodge. AUDREY MILLER DIES News of the death of Audrey Belle Miller daughter of Mrs. W. M. Miller, of Seymour, reached Iowa City yesterday. Death came after a prolonged illness, as a result of heart trouble. Miss Miller was for two years a student in the University, but was unable to resume her work this year on account of ill health. She is survived by her mother, two brothers and three sisters. Arrangements for the funeral which will be held in Seymour, have not been completed. Mrs. W E. Hays, a sister which whom Miss Miller made her home while in Iowa City was at her bedside when death came. Professor Hays left yesterday to attend the funeral. FRATERNITY HOUSES MAY BE REOPENED Negotiations Under Way With Local Real Estate Men For Desirable Quarters The fraternity situation at the University is still somewhat unsettled. Orders from the war department disbanding the S.A.T.C. and removing the ban on [G]reek letter societies were received so suddenly that no definite arrangements have yet been made. Group meetings are being held today to discuss plans for rushing and the question of re-opening fraternity houses. It is probable that all houses formerly in use will be reopened immediately. Representatives of various fraternities have been negotiating with real estate men of the city for this purpose. The problem of the houses now in use as women's dormitories is still unsolved. Should the fraternities again take possession of these, cottages may be taken over by the University for the women. Mrs. Nellie S. Aurner, dean of women, favors the cottage system. Fraternities are beginning to resume their social activities. One of the first parties was a dinner given at the Jefferson hotel Saturday night by Sigma Pi. SEVENTY-FIVE GIRLS AND ONLY TWO MEN About seventy-five girls attended the hard times party given by the Y.W.C.A. in the liberal arts building Friday evening. The awkward squad won the prize for stunts. During the evening two lone men wandered into the assembly of strangely attired damsels and immediately flight was in order. At last a heroine came to the rescue by asking them if they would kindly move on since a girl's party was in progress. MISS HAEFNER IS Y SPEAKER Ruth Haefner, county food demonstrator, will be the speaker at the Y.W.C.A. Wednesday afternoon. National World Relief week begins tomorrow, and Miss Haefner's talk on "The World, Mr. Hoover, and You," will deal with the opportunities for University girls to help in the work of relief for the world during the beginning of the reconstruction period. BOARD IN BARRACKS AT COST POSSIBLE University Now Planning to Take Care of Men Demobolized From S. A. T. C. Men of the University may be able to receive board and room at cost next quarter, in the barracks now being completed. An inquiry is being made to determine whether a sufficient number are interested in the prospect to make it successful. Freshman S.A.T.C. men met with Dean Kay and Dean Rienow yesterday. When the material gathering at this meeting is organized the approximate number of men who will return to school next quarter will be known. Courses can then be planned so that men may register as they would in September of an ordinary year, and may be enabled to enter as full sophomores next year. The 8 o'clock schedule, with afternoon classes beginning at 1:10 will be used next quarter. The papers for the demobilization of the S.A.T.C. have not been received at headquarters. GLEE CLUB NOW ORGANIZED Fifty-Two University Women Have Been Selected by Prof. Hays Prof. W. E. Hays has finished the organization of the Women's Glee club. It is made up of twenty-two sopranos and twenty altos. The members of the Glee club are as follows: First sopranos: Vivienne Coady, Lake City; Ruth Rowland, Iowa City; Julia Wade, Iowa City; Willian Willits, Des Moines; Alyce Cochran, Iowa City; Blanche Miller, Sioux Falls, S. Dak.; Alice Hinkley, Keokuk; Vesta Meredith, Atlantic; Rosalind Jenks, Prairie City; Edna Price, Monte Vista, Colo.; Margaret Brady, Fort Dodge; Marie Colfix, Fulton, S. Dak. Second sopranos: Mona Goodwin, Manchester; Winifred Bussey, Sioux City; Lillian Neff, Davenport; Corinne Hamill, Iowa city; Kathryn Flynn, Waterloo; Lucille Arnold, Independence; Regina Des Jardins, Denver, Colo.; Alice O'Reilly, White, S. Dak.; Beatrice Gates, Pierre, S. Dak.; Josephine Gage, Sabula. First altos: Margaret Dolliver, Fort Dodge; Valliere Decker, Kadoka, S. Dak.; Clarice Knudson, Jewell; Elizabeth Engelbeck, Des Moines; Jean Speirs, Rembeck; Irene Whittaker, Washington; Helen Hays, Sioux City; Ferne Chittenden, Victor; Alleene Davis, Sutherland; Margaret Stotts, Chicago, Ill. Second altos: Dorothy Kelly, Oskaloosa; Ada Yoder, Kalona; Sadie Whitney, Rock Rapids; Florence Pascoe, Albia; Margery Heberling, Iowa City; Alberta Metcalf, Nichols; Isis Kinser, Promise City; Ardis Woodard, Leon; Sarah Conn, Ida Grove; Mary Hughes, Sutherland The Y.M.C.A. and K. C. huts are to have a quiet week end. The "Y" gave a mixed program last night----moving pictures, reading and an Indian club act. Bible classes will meet at 9:30 this morning, after which there will be open house for the rest of the day. CITY QUARANTINE ON AGAIN Iowa City goes under quarantine again Monday morning. Schools, churches, and movies will close indefinitely. This was decided at a meeting of the city board of health last night. The University will not be affected directly by this ruling. The number of influenza cases has increased so steadily for the past three days that after a full day's deliberation the city officials voted in favor of another period of quarantine. In the University most of the new cases are among the women. Few cases reported to Dr. D. C. Steelsmith are of a serious nature. Rumors concerning the closing of the University are ill founded for no action has been taken by University authorities. DEAN SEASHORE AT ANNUAL CONFERENCE Attends Meeting of Association of American Universities at Cambridge, Mass. C. E. Seashore, dean of the graduate college, has gone to Cambridge, Mass., to represent the University of Iowa at the twentieth annual conference of the Association of American Universities at Harvard university, Dec. 4 and 5. This conference was held in Iowa City last year. The association has a membership of twenty-four universities. The lectures and discussions will stress the big things such as organization and international relationships of colleges and universities, effect of war on education, future place of humanities in education, problems presented by the S.A.T.C. and future military training of students. A conference of women delegates under the auspices of the committee on war service training for women college students meets at Radcliff's the date to be announced later. The conference will close with a meeting at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology under the auspices of the Society for the Promotion of Engineering Education, with the members of the British mission attending. Interesting features of this division of the conference will be discussions on the liberal element in education; effect of the war on education, and the organization of technical education in the United States. TEN COUNTIES REPRESENTED Twenty- six foreign students representing ten different countries have enrolled in the University this year. The Philippines Islands are represented by ten students. One graduate, eight liberal arts, and one engineering student. China has five representatives, one is taking engineering and four are taking liberal arts.. There are four Japanese students; one is in the college of medicine and the others are all studying dentistry. France is represented by Mademoiselle Jeanne Terraz. India, Korea, Bulgaria, Armenia, South Africa and Puerto Rico have one student from each. HAWKEYE-DODGER GAME RESULTS IN A SCORELESS TIE Iowa and Soldier Eleven Fight Stiff Contest----Belding's Punts Beauties KELLEY IS INDIVIDUAL STAR Game is Played Continuously in Camp Dodger's Territory, Says Iowa Writer. (Special to The Daily Iowan) Des Moines, Nov. 30.----Fighting from start to finish, Coach Jones' Hawkeyes held the Camp Dodge fast eleven to scoreless tie in one of the most sensational games played in the entire season in Iowa. The game resolved itself into a punting duel with Belding starring. At one point in the game, Iowa smashed through the Dodgers to the one yard line where they lost the ball on a fumble. The game was full of such features. In the third quarter Iowa advanced to the Dodger ten yard line only to lose the ball again. Four passes failed. In the final quarter of the game, the Hawkeyes took up the fight with renewed vigor and marched to the eight yard line. From there Kelley missed a drop kick. Kelley was the individual star of the contest. Lohman, Scott, Donnelly, and Captain Reed also shone with their accustomed brilliance. The whole line played a star game. Iowa outplayed the Dodgers throughout the entire contest. Practically the whole game was played in the Dodger territory. A sensation of the game was Belding's run for 40 yards on a fake play. The Camp Dodge team fought a hard game. With only one day to recover from their fray with the Funston team, they did remarkably well. Walter Eckersall, Chicago Tribune sports writer, was referee at the game. Other noted officials were there including Major Crawford of West Point as umpire. JUNIORS ATTENTION Juniors should make appointments to have their Hawkeye pictures taken at once. The price of the cut this year will be $1.25 before December 21. After that date it will be advanced to $1.50. The Hawkeye, due to unavoidable conditions is late in getting started this year, and the hearty cooperation of all juniors and organizations is requested in order that the Hawkeye may be in the hands of the publishers at as early a date as possible. CLASS FOR NURSES JAN. 6 Mary C. Haarer, superintendent of nurses expects a class of probationers Jan. 6 for a special preparatory course of three months designed to meet the war needs. The first class of this kind which is modeled after a similar plan at Vassar was completed with good success last summer and is to be permanent. A few students will graduate in February ad a large class in June.
Daily Iowan Newspapers