Daily Iowan, December 1, 1918
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Page Two The Daily Iowan State University of Iowa Sunday, December 1, 1918 THE DAILY IOWAN The Student Newspaper of the State University of Iowa Member Iowa College Press A morning paper published for the period of the war three times a week----Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday----by The Daily Iowan Publishing company at 103 Iowa avenue, Iowa City Entered as second class matter at the post office of Iowa City, Iowa Subscription Rate $2.00 per year BOARD OF TRUSTEES C. H. Weller, chairman, E. M. McEwen, E. S. Smith, Gretchen Kane, Alice Hinkley, M. Elizabeth Hendee, Mary Anderson. EDITORIAL STAFF Editor-in-chief Mildred E. Whitcomb Telephone Black 1757 Office Hours----8 to 12; 1 to 6 daily, Room 14 L. A. building. Managing editor, Rowena Wellman News Editor Agnes Kingsbury Humorous Editor Elizabeth Hendee Exchange Editor Ethyn Williams Feature Editor Ruth Stewart Sporting Editor G. D Evans BUSINESS STAFF Romola Latchem----Business Manager Telephone 935 Office Hours----daily, 103 Iowa Avenue "I have never had a policy. I have simply tried to do what seemed best each day as each day came."----Lincoln ARE YOU A QUITTER? Young man, are you going to be a quitter? Now that the war is over and you are no longer subject to draft are you going to forget the zeal for study that came upon you last September when you chose to enter the University rather than to await summons with other registrants. You came to the University, many of you who had never attended here previously, that through study you might attain a commission in the army. The University could help you then. Now that its benefits are farther removed, your interest has flagged. You have not liked it here, always. Everything has not been agreeable. But this has been War. Neither has the University administration liked it or the faculty or the women students for that matter. They have suffered too by frustration of plans, limitation of authority, and a hundred handicaps. But they have simply acquiesced. There are many men here who are mature, who have left remunerative positions to be in the S.A.T.C., and it is quite natural and proper that they should return. But there are great numbers of young chaps who need a college education if they are to survive the ever-increasing competition in the world of business. Just because life in the Students' Army Training Corps has not been a bed of roses, they are ready to quit now. They do not see that it was no fault of the University that they could not get the full benefit of their academic courses. Everything that could be done to make University life beneficial and normal was done. It takes no great vision to see that. You came here, supposedly for a college education, not to escape life as a private in the army. You came here to further your training that you might be a better citizen of your country. If you go home, it will be interpreted in the wrong light. Without a legitimate and pressing excuse for leaving the University, persons will suspect a yellow streak in your makeup. THE NEW UNIVERSITY German universities have suffered a staggering blow because of the war, and a new era has opened for American schools. Before the war German universities were great centers of learning and scholars from all over the world went there to receive their degrees. Many well known professors in this country have finished their work at the University of Berlin. Within the last few years, American schools have been improved and enlarged, and the American university of today occupies a much higher place in the world's estimation than the one of ten years ago. The "Made in America" movement started in the schools of the nation first of all, and improvement was made in educational institutions with characteristic American speed. For several years immediately preceding the war, our scholars were learning to stay at home to take their degrees, and perhaps if the war had not come the present condition might have come about eventually. But it would have been slow. We are inclined now to feel that anything extolling the Germans is propaganda, and in the case of German educational superiority we may indulge our feelings. We were systematically taught to admire the German schools and to give them perhaps the highest place in our esteem. Exchange of professors with the University of Berlin became a common practice, and professors with German degrees were given extra regard by the American public. One of the great things which the war has brought about is our increased respect for home products. From now on we shall keep our scholars at home in our own unsurpassed schools. Truly it is a new era for American universities. OLD KING WINTER It is a sure sign----as sure a sign of winter as the first robin is of spring. What? The first tumble of the season, of course. Maybe it was the icy walk, maybe it was weakness from over-indulgence on Thanksgiving day. But anyhow, someone lost her equilibrium and attempted to sweep up the snowy sidewalk with her person. And, concluded the spectator, winter has surely come. For this is a better sign than even the sight of red flannel peeping out of cuffs. LAUGH Man must be amused. His craving for a laugh is one of the most prominent marks of distinction which differentiates him from the lower animals. In fact, some men would not be human if they did not laugh. Others are termed "inhuman" because they lack this saving grace----a sense of humor. Consider Charles Chaplin, who is said to receive a fabulous salary, all because he can [b]ring tears to the eyes of the low-brow. Doug Fairbanks----idol of the women----draws his salary because he can go anywhere and can make folks laugh. Let a minister gain the reputation of being humorous, and his flock will increase ten fold. It is the seriousness of church going which frightens most of us. And another proof that the hearty laugh is the mark of a human being is the utter astonishment experienced by the Germans when they see the American soldiers laugh. Laugh, and be human----The Daily Illini. WOMEN HAVE SING THURSDAY The War Camp Community service will hold a sing for all women of the University and city in the natural science auditorium Thursday evening, Dec. 5. Detailed plans are being made and it is hoped that all the women will attend and make the sing a great success. The program and full particulars will be given in Tuesday's Iowan. LE SOURD TO GO TO OMAHA Secretary Le Sourd of the Y.M.C.A. will leave Thursday for Omaha where he will attend a meeting of Y.M.C.A. student secretaries. Besides Iowa six states will be represented at the conference. Marie Kellog, 502 Iowa avenue, has gone to her home in Cedar Rapids for the week end. [advertisement] STOP AND SHOP At the New YE GYFTE SHOP 407 North Dubuque St. Everything Just New From the Orient Christmas Shoppers Should Look Over the New Line Before Buying You'll like what we have and come again YE GYFTE SHOP 407 North Dubuque Street Open from 2 to 5 p.m. Evenings till 9:30 [advertisement] WHAT DO YOU WANT IN CLOTHES? You want something more definite than just "a suit" or "an overcoat;" you don't buy even a cigar that way; you pick and choose and get what suits your taste. In clothes you want looks and fit, color and pattern and weave; the obvious things that you can see. The important things, however, are the things you cannot see. Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes offer security in the hidden parts; all-wool fabrics, high class tailoring, correct style; and an assurance of your satisfaction, or your money back. COASTS' The home of Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes.
Page Two The Daily Iowan State University of Iowa Sunday, December 1, 1918 THE DAILY IOWAN The Student Newspaper of the State University of Iowa Member Iowa College Press A morning paper published for the period of the war three times a week----Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday----by The Daily Iowan Publishing company at 103 Iowa avenue, Iowa City Entered as second class matter at the post office of Iowa City, Iowa Subscription Rate $2.00 per year BOARD OF TRUSTEES C. H. Weller, chairman, E. M. McEwen, E. S. Smith, Gretchen Kane, Alice Hinkley, M. Elizabeth Hendee, Mary Anderson. EDITORIAL STAFF Editor-in-chief Mildred E. Whitcomb Telephone Black 1757 Office Hours----8 to 12; 1 to 6 daily, Room 14 L. A. building. Managing editor, Rowena Wellman News Editor Agnes Kingsbury Humorous Editor Elizabeth Hendee Exchange Editor Ethyn Williams Feature Editor Ruth Stewart Sporting Editor G. D Evans BUSINESS STAFF Romola Latchem----Business Manager Telephone 935 Office Hours----daily, 103 Iowa Avenue "I have never had a policy. I have simply tried to do what seemed best each day as each day came."----Lincoln ARE YOU A QUITTER? Young man, are you going to be a quitter? Now that the war is over and you are no longer subject to draft are you going to forget the zeal for study that came upon you last September when you chose to enter the University rather than to await summons with other registrants. You came to the University, many of you who had never attended here previously, that through study you might attain a commission in the army. The University could help you then. Now that its benefits are farther removed, your interest has flagged. You have not liked it here, always. Everything has not been agreeable. But this has been War. Neither has the University administration liked it or the faculty or the women students for that matter. They have suffered too by frustration of plans, limitation of authority, and a hundred handicaps. But they have simply acquiesced. There are many men here who are mature, who have left remunerative positions to be in the S.A.T.C., and it is quite natural and proper that they should return. But there are great numbers of young chaps who need a college education if they are to survive the ever-increasing competition in the world of business. Just because life in the Students' Army Training Corps has not been a bed of roses, they are ready to quit now. They do not see that it was no fault of the University that they could not get the full benefit of their academic courses. Everything that could be done to make University life beneficial and normal was done. It takes no great vision to see that. You came here, supposedly for a college education, not to escape life as a private in the army. You came here to further your training that you might be a better citizen of your country. If you go home, it will be interpreted in the wrong light. Without a legitimate and pressing excuse for leaving the University, persons will suspect a yellow streak in your makeup. THE NEW UNIVERSITY German universities have suffered a staggering blow because of the war, and a new era has opened for American schools. Before the war German universities were great centers of learning and scholars from all over the world went there to receive their degrees. Many well known professors in this country have finished their work at the University of Berlin. Within the last few years, American schools have been improved and enlarged, and the American university of today occupies a much higher place in the world's estimation than the one of ten years ago. The "Made in America" movement started in the schools of the nation first of all, and improvement was made in educational institutions with characteristic American speed. For several years immediately preceding the war, our scholars were learning to stay at home to take their degrees, and perhaps if the war had not come the present condition might have come about eventually. But it would have been slow. We are inclined now to feel that anything extolling the Germans is propaganda, and in the case of German educational superiority we may indulge our feelings. We were systematically taught to admire the German schools and to give them perhaps the highest place in our esteem. Exchange of professors with the University of Berlin became a common practice, and professors with German degrees were given extra regard by the American public. One of the great things which the war has brought about is our increased respect for home products. From now on we shall keep our scholars at home in our own unsurpassed schools. Truly it is a new era for American universities. OLD KING WINTER It is a sure sign----as sure a sign of winter as the first robin is of spring. What? The first tumble of the season, of course. Maybe it was the icy walk, maybe it was weakness from over-indulgence on Thanksgiving day. But anyhow, someone lost her equilibrium and attempted to sweep up the snowy sidewalk with her person. And, concluded the spectator, winter has surely come. For this is a better sign than even the sight of red flannel peeping out of cuffs. LAUGH Man must be amused. His craving for a laugh is one of the most prominent marks of distinction which differentiates him from the lower animals. In fact, some men would not be human if they did not laugh. Others are termed "inhuman" because they lack this saving grace----a sense of humor. Consider Charles Chaplin, who is said to receive a fabulous salary, all because he can [b]ring tears to the eyes of the low-brow. Doug Fairbanks----idol of the women----draws his salary because he can go anywhere and can make folks laugh. Let a minister gain the reputation of being humorous, and his flock will increase ten fold. It is the seriousness of church going which frightens most of us. And another proof that the hearty laugh is the mark of a human being is the utter astonishment experienced by the Germans when they see the American soldiers laugh. Laugh, and be human----The Daily Illini. WOMEN HAVE SING THURSDAY The War Camp Community service will hold a sing for all women of the University and city in the natural science auditorium Thursday evening, Dec. 5. Detailed plans are being made and it is hoped that all the women will attend and make the sing a great success. The program and full particulars will be given in Tuesday's Iowan. LE SOURD TO GO TO OMAHA Secretary Le Sourd of the Y.M.C.A. will leave Thursday for Omaha where he will attend a meeting of Y.M.C.A. student secretaries. Besides Iowa six states will be represented at the conference. Marie Kellog, 502 Iowa avenue, has gone to her home in Cedar Rapids for the week end. [advertisement] STOP AND SHOP At the New YE GYFTE SHOP 407 North Dubuque St. Everything Just New From the Orient Christmas Shoppers Should Look Over the New Line Before Buying You'll like what we have and come again YE GYFTE SHOP 407 North Dubuque Street Open from 2 to 5 p.m. Evenings till 9:30 [advertisement] WHAT DO YOU WANT IN CLOTHES? You want something more definite than just "a suit" or "an overcoat;" you don't buy even a cigar that way; you pick and choose and get what suits your taste. In clothes you want looks and fit, color and pattern and weave; the obvious things that you can see. The important things, however, are the things you cannot see. Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes offer security in the hidden parts; all-wool fabrics, high class tailoring, correct style; and an assurance of your satisfaction, or your money back. COASTS' The home of Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes.
Daily Iowan Newspapers