Daily Iowan, December 1, 1918
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PAGE FOUR THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA WANT ADS RATE 10c a line or fraction: 20% discount on three or more insertions. Want ads cash in advance. FOR RENT - Modern furnished room close in. Also light housekeeping rooms. 505 E Washington St. 25 FOR SALE - Underwood No. 5 typewriter in very good condition, Tabulater and back spacer, will sell cheap. J.O. Maruth. STUDENTS - Not members of the S.A.T.C. who desire to work for their board apply at the University cafeteria. 30 FOR SALE- Thoroughbred Airedale puppies. Champion registered stock. The ideal Christmas present. Tel. Red 770. 30 FOUND - A three cornered pin with letters A.H.S. on it. May be had by calling at Iowan office and paying for this ad. 31 FOR RENT: Two very desirable rooms for ladies. Strictly modern. 724 E. Market St. FOR RENT - Modern furnished house at 604 S. Clinton. Inquire at 4 E. Prentiss. 32 CONFERENCE THIS WEEK Extension Division Will Assist in Securing a Good Program The fifth annual conference on supervision, which will be held here Dec. 5, 6, and 7, will be under the direction of the college of education, in co-operation with the extension division of the University. Many high school and grade principals, city and county superintendents and school supervisors are expected to attend. The program this year is said to be exceptionally strong, and one that will be of practical assistance to school men and women of the state. Peter Sandiford, professor of education at the University of Toronto, who was so much appreciated at the last conference will be here again this year. M.C. Potter of Milwaukee, Wis., E.E. Oberholtzer of Tulsa, Okla, and S.O. Hartwell, of St. Paul, Minn. are three of the city superintendents who will hold important places on the program. Dr. L.D. Coffman, of the University of Minnesota, and C.H. Judd, of the University of Chicago, will give lectures on their work. Round tables for the different superintendents and principals will be conducted by E.J. Ashbaugh, who is in charge of the educational service of extension division[,] Other important school men of the country will give talks. MORE NEW BOOKS IN LIBRARY Several new [boks] were put into circulation yesterday in the University library. Some dealing with objects of historical or geographic interest are: “The Virgin Islands Our New Possessions and the British Islands” by Theodore de Booy and John T. Faris; “The Incas of Peru,” Sir Clements R. Markham, and “The Relations of the United States and Spain” in two volumes by F.E. Chadwick. Other timely subjects are “The Secret of Distinctive Dress,” Mary Brooks Picken; “The A B C of Exhibit Planning,” Evart G. Routzahn, “Income and Federal Tax Reports,” John A. Collins; and “Organized Banking” by Eugene E. Agger. The library has also several new books on Russia. E.G. Schroeder, director of physical education, has returned from Princeton university where he completed a two weeks’ course in calisthenics bayonet work, SOCIETY AND PERSONAL The Alpha club entertained friends at a dinner Thanksgiving day. Ralph Yepsen, Co. B, S.A.T.C., who has been an influenza patient at the University hospital has recovered and was discharged Thursday. Foster Thomasson, Co. E, S.A.T.C., who has been for some time at the University hospital convalescing from the influenza, has been discharged temporarily, in order that he might spend Thanksgiving at home. Prevented by bad weather from carrying out their plans for a joyous Thanksgiving out of town, fourteen nurses at 19 North Gilbert street, enjoyed a sumptuous dinner of turkey, “n’everything” and completed the celebration with a theatre party. Blanche Gross McGovern, who has been ill with influenza at Davenport, is improving. Lieut. Tom Lichty, a former student, is visiting in the city. Lichty received his commission at Camp Hancock. Julia Wade has gone to Des Moines for a short visit. Harriet Franker and Lilliam Ten Eyck, 403 E. Jefferson street, have the influenza. Mrs. Edward M. Smith and Dorothy Smith of Winterset are visiting with Ruth and Marian at the Tri-Delt house. [advertisement] .GARDEN. GAIL KANE –in—“THE DAREDEVIL” Also A good comedy [advertisement] For Christmas Giving We Have Just Received From Our New York Office Newest Georgette Crepe Waists, splendid values at..$5.98, $6.98, $7.98 Newest pure Silk Petticoats, unusual values at..$4.98, $5.98, $6.98 Ladies and Children’s Bath Robes at..$4.98, $5,98, $6.98 Beautiful New Sweaters for Women and Children, extra values, at..$3.98, $4.98, $5.98 Beautiful New Crepe and Flannellette Kimonas, very special values, at..$1.98, $2.98 to $5.98 FUR MUFFS FUR PIECES FUR SETS at exceedingly reasonably prices. ANOTHER LOWERING OF THE SELLING DRIVE PRICES On All Wool and Silk Ready-to-Wear Apparel Yetter’s THE BIG STORE [advertisement] THE SPIRIT OF THE TIMES CO-OPERATION—SERVICE—SELF-SACRIFICE Through the request of the government the banks of the country are refusing to make certain classes of loans, for by so doing it would retard our efforts in this world war; these banks are making a sacrifice of business and profits. In order to increase the purchasing power of the money in the U.S., the government wishes to keep it at work all the time, and to accomplish this result recommends that settlement on open accounts be made in full every 30 days. Beginning September 1, the members of the Iowa City Credit Bureau placed their business on a 30 days basis, and feel assured that our customers will approve of our action in this matter, and will co-operate with us to the full extent of their ability, that the wishes of our government for conservation of our resources may be fully met in the spirit of patriotism and self-sacrifice that the times justify. Help win the war by paying your account in full every thirty days. IOWA CITY CREDIT BUREAU 70 of Iowa City’s leading progressive firms are members [advertisement] Don’t Delay Your Xmas Shopping See our cards, stationery, pictures and Roycroft metal and leather goods. BOOK and CRAFT SHOP 124 EAST WASHINGTON STREET [advertisement] Englert Theatre Coming Tuesday, Dec. 10 Charlotte Greenwood In “SO LONG LETTY” [advertisement] Victor Service If you are thinking of getting a Victrola we are at your service for as many demonstrations as you may wish--and we recommend to you our convenient payment service and our full line of Victrola styles. If you now have a Victrola we call your attention to our exceptional stock of Victor Records, our prompt deliveries, and our wish to be of service in any way possible. Victors and Victrolas, $10 to $400 [emblem] Vicator HIS MASTER’S VOICE HARMONY HALL
PAGE FOUR THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA WANT ADS RATE 10c a line or fraction: 20% discount on three or more insertions. Want ads cash in advance. FOR RENT - Modern furnished room close in. Also light housekeeping rooms. 505 E Washington St. 25 FOR SALE - Underwood No. 5 typewriter in very good condition, Tabulater and back spacer, will sell cheap. J.O. Maruth. STUDENTS - Not members of the S.A.T.C. who desire to work for their board apply at the University cafeteria. 30 FOR SALE- Thoroughbred Airedale puppies. Champion registered stock. The ideal Christmas present. Tel. Red 770. 30 FOUND - A three cornered pin with letters A.H.S. on it. May be had by calling at Iowan office and paying for this ad. 31 FOR RENT: Two very desirable rooms for ladies. Strictly modern. 724 E. Market St. FOR RENT - Modern furnished house at 604 S. Clinton. Inquire at 4 E. Prentiss. 32 CONFERENCE THIS WEEK Extension Division Will Assist in Securing a Good Program The fifth annual conference on supervision, which will be held here Dec. 5, 6, and 7, will be under the direction of the college of education, in co-operation with the extension division of the University. Many high school and grade principals, city and county superintendents and school supervisors are expected to attend. The program this year is said to be exceptionally strong, and one that will be of practical assistance to school men and women of the state. Peter Sandiford, professor of education at the University of Toronto, who was so much appreciated at the last conference will be here again this year. M.C. Potter of Milwaukee, Wis., E.E. Oberholtzer of Tulsa, Okla, and S.O. Hartwell, of St. Paul, Minn. are three of the city superintendents who will hold important places on the program. Dr. L.D. Coffman, of the University of Minnesota, and C.H. Judd, of the University of Chicago, will give lectures on their work. Round tables for the different superintendents and principals will be conducted by E.J. Ashbaugh, who is in charge of the educational service of extension division[,] Other important school men of the country will give talks. MORE NEW BOOKS IN LIBRARY Several new [boks] were put into circulation yesterday in the University library. Some dealing with objects of historical or geographic interest are: “The Virgin Islands Our New Possessions and the British Islands” by Theodore de Booy and John T. Faris; “The Incas of Peru,” Sir Clements R. Markham, and “The Relations of the United States and Spain” in two volumes by F.E. Chadwick. Other timely subjects are “The Secret of Distinctive Dress,” Mary Brooks Picken; “The A B C of Exhibit Planning,” Evart G. Routzahn, “Income and Federal Tax Reports,” John A. Collins; and “Organized Banking” by Eugene E. Agger. The library has also several new books on Russia. E.G. Schroeder, director of physical education, has returned from Princeton university where he completed a two weeks’ course in calisthenics bayonet work, SOCIETY AND PERSONAL The Alpha club entertained friends at a dinner Thanksgiving day. Ralph Yepsen, Co. B, S.A.T.C., who has been an influenza patient at the University hospital has recovered and was discharged Thursday. Foster Thomasson, Co. E, S.A.T.C., who has been for some time at the University hospital convalescing from the influenza, has been discharged temporarily, in order that he might spend Thanksgiving at home. Prevented by bad weather from carrying out their plans for a joyous Thanksgiving out of town, fourteen nurses at 19 North Gilbert street, enjoyed a sumptuous dinner of turkey, “n’everything” and completed the celebration with a theatre party. Blanche Gross McGovern, who has been ill with influenza at Davenport, is improving. Lieut. Tom Lichty, a former student, is visiting in the city. Lichty received his commission at Camp Hancock. Julia Wade has gone to Des Moines for a short visit. Harriet Franker and Lilliam Ten Eyck, 403 E. Jefferson street, have the influenza. Mrs. Edward M. Smith and Dorothy Smith of Winterset are visiting with Ruth and Marian at the Tri-Delt house. [advertisement] .GARDEN. GAIL KANE –in—“THE DAREDEVIL” Also A good comedy [advertisement] For Christmas Giving We Have Just Received From Our New York Office Newest Georgette Crepe Waists, splendid values at..$5.98, $6.98, $7.98 Newest pure Silk Petticoats, unusual values at..$4.98, $5.98, $6.98 Ladies and Children’s Bath Robes at..$4.98, $5,98, $6.98 Beautiful New Sweaters for Women and Children, extra values, at..$3.98, $4.98, $5.98 Beautiful New Crepe and Flannellette Kimonas, very special values, at..$1.98, $2.98 to $5.98 FUR MUFFS FUR PIECES FUR SETS at exceedingly reasonably prices. ANOTHER LOWERING OF THE SELLING DRIVE PRICES On All Wool and Silk Ready-to-Wear Apparel Yetter’s THE BIG STORE [advertisement] THE SPIRIT OF THE TIMES CO-OPERATION—SERVICE—SELF-SACRIFICE Through the request of the government the banks of the country are refusing to make certain classes of loans, for by so doing it would retard our efforts in this world war; these banks are making a sacrifice of business and profits. In order to increase the purchasing power of the money in the U.S., the government wishes to keep it at work all the time, and to accomplish this result recommends that settlement on open accounts be made in full every 30 days. Beginning September 1, the members of the Iowa City Credit Bureau placed their business on a 30 days basis, and feel assured that our customers will approve of our action in this matter, and will co-operate with us to the full extent of their ability, that the wishes of our government for conservation of our resources may be fully met in the spirit of patriotism and self-sacrifice that the times justify. Help win the war by paying your account in full every thirty days. IOWA CITY CREDIT BUREAU 70 of Iowa City’s leading progressive firms are members [advertisement] Don’t Delay Your Xmas Shopping See our cards, stationery, pictures and Roycroft metal and leather goods. BOOK and CRAFT SHOP 124 EAST WASHINGTON STREET [advertisement] Englert Theatre Coming Tuesday, Dec. 10 Charlotte Greenwood In “SO LONG LETTY” [advertisement] Victor Service If you are thinking of getting a Victrola we are at your service for as many demonstrations as you may wish--and we recommend to you our convenient payment service and our full line of Victrola styles. If you now have a Victrola we call your attention to our exceptional stock of Victor Records, our prompt deliveries, and our wish to be of service in any way possible. Victors and Victrolas, $10 to $400 [emblem] Vicator HIS MASTER’S VOICE HARMONY HALL
Daily Iowan Newspapers