Daily Iowan, December 5, 1918
Page 4
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Page Four The Daily Iowan State University of Iowa Thursday, December 5, 1918 WANT ADS Rate 10c a line or fraction: 20% discount on three or more insertions. Want ads cash in advance. FOR SALE----Thoroughbred Airedale puppies. Champion registered stock. The ideal Christmas present. Tel. Red 770. FOUND----A three cornered pin with letters A. H. S. on it. May be had by calling at Iowan office and paying for this ad. LOST----Gamma Phi Beta sorority pin with Omicron guard. Finder please call Gama Phi Beta house, 113. Reward for return. LOST----Small gold pin shapel like Old English "P" Finder please return to Dean of Women's office. FOR RENT: Two very desirable rooms for ladies. Strictly modern. 724 E. Market St. FOR RENT----Modern furnished house at 604 S. Clinton. Inquire at 4 E. Prentiss. LOST----A ladies' black silk handbag. Return to this office. WANTED---Young man to take care of furnace for use of room. (continued from page 1) BASKET BALL SEASON GREAT PROSPECTS The basketball schedule will also be made out, and this year's basket-shotters will probably battle the fastest conference fives. The schedules will be announced on Coach Jones' return. Who the athlete that is to lead the Hawkeyes as captain on the gridiron in next season's games will be, is not known. A committee is working on the matter of giving a banquet to the team and as customary the captain will be chosen at this time. There are several players eligible for the captaincy. Among them are, Held, Block, Slater, Belding, and Synhorst, in the line and Kelly, Sykes and Lohman in the backfield. Of those eligible to be chosen Lohman seems to be given the edge. No one would fill the position better than the Fort Madison star, who made himself known and feared by all teams as one of the best fullbacks the west has seen for some time. His passing and his offensive play have been of the highest brand and this moleskin wearer would prove to be the logical man for a captaincy. Chances of a winning team for next year look bright now, for only four men are to be lost by graduation. With a large number of second string material of varsity caliber and seven of this year's team to pick from, Coach Jones has the making of another winning machine, one that will have nothing less than conference championship in view. ACCEPTS RED CROSS POSITION Professor G. G. Benjamin of the history department has received word that his brother, Paul L. Benjamin, has accepted the position of assistant national director of the Red Cross bureau at Washington. Mr. Benjamin has been executive secretary of the anti-tuberculosis committee of the Associated Charities at Minneapolis for three years. While there Florence M. Leninger, L. A. '18 was his secretary. INVITATIONS RECALLED Owing to the quarantine Pi Beta Phi is compelled to recall its invitations issued for Saturday, Dec. 7. Announcement of the postponement will be made only through the press. Adv. Edna Woodward, freshman, is ill with influenza. QUARTER SYSTEM TO BE CONTINUED THROUGHOUT YEAR Schedules for Next Quarter to be Out by Dec. 10----Many New Courses Offered MANY STUDENTS EXPECTED Demobilized Men May Return for Second Quarter----Credit System Under Discussion The quarter system will be continued for the remainder of the school year, according to information given out by the administration yesterday, but whether it shall be made permanent is still a matter of question. Plans as now formulated will insure the printing of the schedule of classes for next quarter by Dec. 10. The various departments are intending to offer a number of new courses in order to accommodate those who desire to enter now. The aim is to have about as many new classes as at the beginning of a new year. Dean Kay says, "Juniors and seniors should have no difficulty in making selections to suit their courses." The matter of granting credit to underclassmen and seniors is now under consideration by the executive committee, which hopes to be able to reach definite conclusions this week. Faculty members will then be advised as fo[r] procedure in the many unusual cases which may arise. Inquiries are being received every day at the registrar's office from men in camp who hope to be demobilized in time to return for the second quarter. A large number are expected back. The psychology department is expected several graduate students, among them C. F. Hansen, Lieut. Merrill Ream, and Lieut. Van Houten. 18 YEAR OLDS RELEASED Men Too Young for S. A. T. C. Are Freed from Military Control Men who are too young to enter the collegiate section of the S.A.T.C. at the time of induction into service and who were placed in separate barracks under partial military jurisdiction have been released from any obligations they may have had in the S.A.T.C. At the time of the signing of the armistice these men, who entered military training at their own expense and who were not in any sense, under the jurisdiction of the government felt that the continuance of their training was not necessary and they desired again to enter civilian life. After due consideration, military authorities agreed to grant their wishes and accordingly disbanded the organization known all over the campus as "The Eighteen Year Olds." IOWA MUSICIAN HONORED Prof. Ralph Lawton, pianist, and instructor in the school of music of the University at one time, has been successful in the States since his return from London. At present Professor Lawton is in New York. On Dec. 9 he will give a recital at Aeolian Hall interpreting the works of many music masters. Alpha Delta Pi will hold initiation ceremonies for the following girls Friday afternoon at 5 o'clock: Edna Frey, Rockford; Florence Burtis, Decorah; and Marian George, West Union. Alpha Theta announces pledging of Catherine Morton of Estherville. Three S.A.T.C. men who are now patients in the University hospital are Henry Huff Company H, who is taking treatments; Arthur Gregorson, Company F, who will undergo an operation, and Karl Reichwein, Company E, who is being given medical treatment. Anna Cornick of Burlington came yesterday morning to assist in the care of her sister, Vera Cornick, sophomore, who is ill with influenza. Florence Landon, Alpha Theta is recovering from influenza and complications. Lieut. Henry Bender, L. A. '17, is expected to return soon from France [and] he is recovering from severe wounds. [advertisement] [Illustration of man in overcoat and hat] RUN YOUR EYES OVER THIS LIST------ PRACTICAL CHRISTMAS GIFTS Hosiery 50c, $1 and $1.50 House Coats $5 to $10. Shirts $1.50, $2.50 and up Mufflers, 50c, $1.00 and $1.50. Cuff Links 50C to $1.50 Caps, Cloth and Fur, $1.00 to $15.00 Hats, $3.00 to $12.00 Neckwear 50c to $2.50 Fashion-Park, Adler-Rochester and Society-Brand Clothes for Young Men. The kind you'll want. Ready-to-Put-On $25 to $40 Every Article Guaranteed to give satisfaction. It is not the price that counts, it is the appropriateness of the article. Make your selections early. BREMERS' GOLDEN EAGLE [advertisement] ATTENTION STUDENTS Many Complaints Have Reached Us Concerning Checks Given By Students Who Have No Funds To Meet Them At The Time They Are Given. This Causes Unusual Trouble And Expense To The Bankers And Merchants And Is Absolutely Unnecessary On Your Part. Be Sure Your Balance Is Sufficient To Meet All Checks You Write. IOWA CITY CREDIT BUREAU Yours For Better Business Keep Your Credit Good Iowa City Credit Bureau.
Page Four The Daily Iowan State University of Iowa Thursday, December 5, 1918 WANT ADS Rate 10c a line or fraction: 20% discount on three or more insertions. Want ads cash in advance. FOR SALE----Thoroughbred Airedale puppies. Champion registered stock. The ideal Christmas present. Tel. Red 770. FOUND----A three cornered pin with letters A. H. S. on it. May be had by calling at Iowan office and paying for this ad. LOST----Gamma Phi Beta sorority pin with Omicron guard. Finder please call Gama Phi Beta house, 113. Reward for return. LOST----Small gold pin shapel like Old English "P" Finder please return to Dean of Women's office. FOR RENT: Two very desirable rooms for ladies. Strictly modern. 724 E. Market St. FOR RENT----Modern furnished house at 604 S. Clinton. Inquire at 4 E. Prentiss. LOST----A ladies' black silk handbag. Return to this office. WANTED---Young man to take care of furnace for use of room. (continued from page 1) BASKET BALL SEASON GREAT PROSPECTS The basketball schedule will also be made out, and this year's basket-shotters will probably battle the fastest conference fives. The schedules will be announced on Coach Jones' return. Who the athlete that is to lead the Hawkeyes as captain on the gridiron in next season's games will be, is not known. A committee is working on the matter of giving a banquet to the team and as customary the captain will be chosen at this time. There are several players eligible for the captaincy. Among them are, Held, Block, Slater, Belding, and Synhorst, in the line and Kelly, Sykes and Lohman in the backfield. Of those eligible to be chosen Lohman seems to be given the edge. No one would fill the position better than the Fort Madison star, who made himself known and feared by all teams as one of the best fullbacks the west has seen for some time. His passing and his offensive play have been of the highest brand and this moleskin wearer would prove to be the logical man for a captaincy. Chances of a winning team for next year look bright now, for only four men are to be lost by graduation. With a large number of second string material of varsity caliber and seven of this year's team to pick from, Coach Jones has the making of another winning machine, one that will have nothing less than conference championship in view. ACCEPTS RED CROSS POSITION Professor G. G. Benjamin of the history department has received word that his brother, Paul L. Benjamin, has accepted the position of assistant national director of the Red Cross bureau at Washington. Mr. Benjamin has been executive secretary of the anti-tuberculosis committee of the Associated Charities at Minneapolis for three years. While there Florence M. Leninger, L. A. '18 was his secretary. INVITATIONS RECALLED Owing to the quarantine Pi Beta Phi is compelled to recall its invitations issued for Saturday, Dec. 7. Announcement of the postponement will be made only through the press. Adv. Edna Woodward, freshman, is ill with influenza. QUARTER SYSTEM TO BE CONTINUED THROUGHOUT YEAR Schedules for Next Quarter to be Out by Dec. 10----Many New Courses Offered MANY STUDENTS EXPECTED Demobilized Men May Return for Second Quarter----Credit System Under Discussion The quarter system will be continued for the remainder of the school year, according to information given out by the administration yesterday, but whether it shall be made permanent is still a matter of question. Plans as now formulated will insure the printing of the schedule of classes for next quarter by Dec. 10. The various departments are intending to offer a number of new courses in order to accommodate those who desire to enter now. The aim is to have about as many new classes as at the beginning of a new year. Dean Kay says, "Juniors and seniors should have no difficulty in making selections to suit their courses." The matter of granting credit to underclassmen and seniors is now under consideration by the executive committee, which hopes to be able to reach definite conclusions this week. Faculty members will then be advised as fo[r] procedure in the many unusual cases which may arise. Inquiries are being received every day at the registrar's office from men in camp who hope to be demobilized in time to return for the second quarter. A large number are expected back. The psychology department is expected several graduate students, among them C. F. Hansen, Lieut. Merrill Ream, and Lieut. Van Houten. 18 YEAR OLDS RELEASED Men Too Young for S. A. T. C. Are Freed from Military Control Men who are too young to enter the collegiate section of the S.A.T.C. at the time of induction into service and who were placed in separate barracks under partial military jurisdiction have been released from any obligations they may have had in the S.A.T.C. At the time of the signing of the armistice these men, who entered military training at their own expense and who were not in any sense, under the jurisdiction of the government felt that the continuance of their training was not necessary and they desired again to enter civilian life. After due consideration, military authorities agreed to grant their wishes and accordingly disbanded the organization known all over the campus as "The Eighteen Year Olds." IOWA MUSICIAN HONORED Prof. Ralph Lawton, pianist, and instructor in the school of music of the University at one time, has been successful in the States since his return from London. At present Professor Lawton is in New York. On Dec. 9 he will give a recital at Aeolian Hall interpreting the works of many music masters. Alpha Delta Pi will hold initiation ceremonies for the following girls Friday afternoon at 5 o'clock: Edna Frey, Rockford; Florence Burtis, Decorah; and Marian George, West Union. Alpha Theta announces pledging of Catherine Morton of Estherville. Three S.A.T.C. men who are now patients in the University hospital are Henry Huff Company H, who is taking treatments; Arthur Gregorson, Company F, who will undergo an operation, and Karl Reichwein, Company E, who is being given medical treatment. Anna Cornick of Burlington came yesterday morning to assist in the care of her sister, Vera Cornick, sophomore, who is ill with influenza. Florence Landon, Alpha Theta is recovering from influenza and complications. Lieut. Henry Bender, L. A. '17, is expected to return soon from France [and] he is recovering from severe wounds. [advertisement] [Illustration of man in overcoat and hat] RUN YOUR EYES OVER THIS LIST------ PRACTICAL CHRISTMAS GIFTS Hosiery 50c, $1 and $1.50 House Coats $5 to $10. Shirts $1.50, $2.50 and up Mufflers, 50c, $1.00 and $1.50. Cuff Links 50C to $1.50 Caps, Cloth and Fur, $1.00 to $15.00 Hats, $3.00 to $12.00 Neckwear 50c to $2.50 Fashion-Park, Adler-Rochester and Society-Brand Clothes for Young Men. The kind you'll want. Ready-to-Put-On $25 to $40 Every Article Guaranteed to give satisfaction. It is not the price that counts, it is the appropriateness of the article. Make your selections early. BREMERS' GOLDEN EAGLE [advertisement] ATTENTION STUDENTS Many Complaints Have Reached Us Concerning Checks Given By Students Who Have No Funds To Meet Them At The Time They Are Given. This Causes Unusual Trouble And Expense To The Bankers And Merchants And Is Absolutely Unnecessary On Your Part. Be Sure Your Balance Is Sufficient To Meet All Checks You Write. IOWA CITY CREDIT BUREAU Yours For Better Business Keep Your Credit Good Iowa City Credit Bureau.
Daily Iowan Newspapers