Daily Iowan, January 5, 1919
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The Daily Iowan The Student Newspaper of the State University of Iowa VOL.XVIII-NEW SERIES VOL. III IOWA CITY, IOWA, SUNDAY, JANUARY 5, 1919 NUMBER 40 VETERAN GUARDIAN OF ATHLETIC FIELD GATES PASSED AWAY "Jimmie" Barry Dies After a Six Weeks' Illness, at Age of Eighty-Five Years SERVED FOR FIFTY YEARS Had Been Janitor, Fired Boilers in Heating Plant and Guarded Athletic Field Gate "Jimmie" Barry, beloved of the University of Iowa students and alumni, died at his home in Iowa City last Thursday morning, January 2, after an illness of six weeks. He was eighty-five years of age. He was unconscious for three days preceding his death, but passed away peacefully. For fourteen years, "Jimmie" has been guardian of the gate of the Iowa athletic field in which capacity he was known to practically every student of the University. Perhaps no person connected with the University has had a wider circle of acquaintances or has made more friends among the students than he. He always had a cheerful word and a smile for everyone. On the field he ruled supreme, and no youngster dared trespass upon his authority. "Jimmie" had been in the service of the University for over fifty years, serving first as janitor of the buildings, then in the heating plant, and finally as a guardian of the athletic field. He was a native of Ireland, being born at Badon, County of Cork. When twenty-two years old he came to America, and to Iowa City five years after he landed in this country. He has made his home here since that time. Funeral services were held yesterday morning at St. Patrick's church at 9 o'clock, and his body was interred in St. Joseph's cemetery. PRES. H.L. SOUTHWICK GIVES TWO LECTURES In speaking on the subject "Science and Art in Expression" before the classes in public speaking at the liberal arts auditorium last evening, Henry Lawrence Southwick, president of the Emerson College of Oratory, Boston, discussed the two essential things that an orator must have. It is necessary, the speaker stated, that an orator have something to say, and must have an object in saying it. He must know his subject and must be willing to say it. But this is not enough, he continued, an orator must not only have something to say, but he must know how to say it. President Southwick gave a reading on "Richelieu" at the natural science auditorium last night. WILL REORGANIZE BAND The University band will be reorganized with the former S.A.T.C. men as a nucleus, and other experienced musicians, especially new members for flute, piccolo, cornet, alto, baritone, and trap drums. Rehearsals will be at 4:30p.m. on days arranged later. Any experienced players may apply to Dr. O.E. Van Doren at the band room any day between 9-11 and 2-5:30, or by telephoning 747. Delta Zeta had a party at the house Friday evening. HAWKEYE PLANS FOR MANY FEATURES Cuts Must Be In By January 15-Popular Girl Section Will Be Different At a meeting of the Hawkeye staff, Friday afternoon, pans were made for several new features, which promise to be innovations, in the junior book. The "beauty" or "popular girl" section, as the case may be, is to be "different,' but more than that the editor refuses to divulge to the press at this time. Considerable space will be devoted to this section, and a place among the beauties will be especially coveted in the Victory Hawkeye. (Grace Altschuler told us this when Mary wasn't listening.) Both the editor and the business manager declare vehemently that junior pictures must be in before the 15th of this month, or they will not appear in the Hawkeye. During the last few days pictures have begun to come in rapidly, and it would seem that at a present rate, at least most of the juniors will be portrayed in the Victory book. The editor desires that anyone having any interesting snapshots or knowledge as to where any such are kept, be kind enough to consult her at the office of the Victory Hawkeye in the physics building. She says that MUCH ART will be displayed in the new annual. DR. MUELLER NAMED AS NOTED ATHLETE Football Prowess of the Late Physician is Mentioned in Chicago Tribune A resume of events in the sports world during 1918, published in a recent issue of The Chicago Tribune, names the late Dr. John G. Mueller, '95, of Iowa City, as one of the noted athletes who died during the year. Dr. Mueller was a member of the Iowa eleven in the early 90's and was known as one of the star linemen of the west. He played a brilliant game at a time when nose guards and headgear were unknown,- when the score was generally decided by the "survival of the fittest." Since his graduation from the college of medicine, Dr. Mueller was one of the prominent physicians and surgeons of the state. He was successful in helping to stamp out the disease in this community during the recent influenza epidemic, but became so weakened through his tireless efforts that he succumbed to the plague. GYM CLASS BEGINS Men who registered for physical training must report classes next week, the first class starting Monday. A locker fee of $1.67 will be charged for the quarter. Faculty men will report for gym work from 5 to 6 in the afternoons. Wrestler will report on Monday from 4:30 to 5:30 for instruction. The swimming pool is bein prepared for use but it is not definitely known as to when it will be open for use as health conditions at present do not permit the using of the tank. The above information was given out by E.G. Schroeder of the physical training department. OFFICIAL NOTICE The last day of regular registration for the winter term will be Tuesday, Jan. 7. All students in the city not registered prior to 5 p.m., Tuesday, Jan. 7, will be required to pay the prescribed late registration fee of twenty-five cents for each day's delay beyond this date, Sundays excepted. Beginning with Thursday, Jan. 9, each instructor in the University is requested to ask each student attending any of his classes and not reported to the department as officially registered for that class, to call at once at the Registrar's office to verify, or complete his registration and each student should be instructed not to attend this class again until he is officially registered for it. H.C. DORCAS, Registrar. ATHLETIC WEEK IS TO BE OBSERVED BY ALL IOWA STUDENTS "I" Club Plans Series of Events for Week- Coe Game Starts Off Celebration FOOTBALL MEN TO DINE Annual Dinner for Team to Take Place at Jefferson- Will Choose Captain A whole "athletic week' comprised of four big events has been scheduled by the "I" club beginning with the Coe-Iowa game on Wednesday evening. Iowa athletes hope to generate such Iowa spirit as never before has been seen on the campus. Thursday evening at 6 o'clock the annual football dinner will be held at the Jefferson hotel. All men of the squad, the board in control of athletics, and speakers will attend. President Von Lackum of the "I" club and Secretary Reed decline to divulge who the speakers are. It is probable that the captain of next year's gridiron squad will be elected at this dinner. Two monster mass meetings have been slated for Friday night. The men's meeting will be held in the armory and the women's at the same hour in the women's gymnasium. The future policies, plans, and prospects of athletics at the University will be discussed. Speakers and various stunts will be announced Tuesday. The "I" club means that every man and woman in the University shall attend one of these meetings. Overflow meetings will be held if there is not sufficient room for all. Last year marked the beginning of a renewed enthusiasm for athletics at the University. A series of dinners and mixers were held which proved successful from every angle . Sport followers at Iowa attribute to these mixers the great number of athletes who went out for cinder track and diamond last spring. The state championship in track was won last year by Iowa. The "I" club was also successful in winning many high school athletes to the University who might otherwise have left the state. Paul Anderson, nephew of Dean and Mrs. C.E. Seashore, gave a lecture Friday evening, at the liberal arts auditorium. He spoke on the subject of Russia and Terrorism, in which he related experiences he had at the front. FREE INOCULATION AGAINST PNEUMONIA Shortage in Supple of Serum Limits Number of Doses to Two Hundred "First come, first served," is the mesage of the University health service in offering its supply of 300 doses only of anti-pneumonia serum to any number of the student body who wish innoculation, free of charge. Students who want to be vaccinated may apply at the office of Dr. D.C. Steelsmith, head of the University health service, room 302 of the medical building. This anti-pneumonia serum has a very mild reaction and is a good preventive against an attack of pneumonia after any disease, influenza included. Although the present situation is decided hopeful, Dr. Steelsmith thinks that a third, fourth, and even a fifth wave of the epidemic may be anticipated before the disease ceases its ravages. In view of this possibility, the opportunity for vaccination is a timely one. With but a limited amount of serum at its disposal, the University health service may require two weeks in which to complete the number of inocculations applied for. MISS HAARER AT RED CROSS MEET Raker Bill Conferring Rank on Army Nurse Endorsed Unanimously At the recent meeting of the Nursing committee of the Central Division of the Red Cross, held in Chicago in December, the University sent as its delegate, Mary C. Haarer, superintendent of the nurses' training school. While in Chicago, Miss Haarer also attended the meeting of the Nursing committee of the General Medical board, council of National Defense. This committee reviewed the Student Nurse Reserve Campaign, which resulted in an increase of 7000 in the usual enrollment. At the close of the meeting recommendations were recorded advocating fuller legislation governing education and training of nurses. The vote was unanimous in favor of the Raker bill now before Congress, which gives rank to army nurses. It is thought that the conferring of rank upon nurses would bring about a discipline like that assured in the army proper. Both meetings were enlightening in view of the unusual situation brought about by the war and the present influenza epidemic. The chairman stressed the fact that the influenza epidemic created a greater need for nurses than did the demand for army nurses. NEW HYGIENE COURSE A course in general hygiene and sanitation is open to liberal arts students this term. The course will deal with phases of both personal hygiene and public sanitation, including such subject as proper water and milk supplies, food, garbage and sewage disposal, ventilation, sources of infection of various disease and method of preventing same. It represents a three house course and will be given by Dr. D.C. Steelsmith, University health officer. BASKETBALL SQUAD PREPARED TO DOWN COE COLLEGE TEAM Bannick Puts Quintet Through Fast Scrimmage With Second String Men GAME IS WEDNESDAY NIGHT Coe Has Strong Team- Hold Camp Dodge Five to Conservative Score With only two practices remaining in which to round his varsity into shape for the Coe battle Wednesday night, Coach Bannick ran his squad through fast scrimmage last night in which the first came out with the long end of a 13 to 10 score. It was not until late in the play that the varsity forged to the front when Olson rang i two baskets putting the first in the lead. The varsity quintet started the scrimmage with Capt. Berrien and Cotton at forwards, Worth center, and Fiesler and Kaufman playing the guard positions. Later in the game Nicholas went in for Fiesler and Olson replaced Cotton. The second team composed of Chehak and Conwell, forwards, McElroy, center, and Wallen and Newcomb, guards, outplayed the Hawkeyes for the most part of the tilt and showed a brand of teamwork that made the varsity look a mediocre five. Chehak rang two long ringers while Conwell made things hum when he dropped in a long one from the side lines. McElroy at the pivot situation played a fast game and caged a pair of net shakers, one being good from mid floor. Forwards Shift To start the strongest lineup possible, Bannick has tried all sorts of combinations to get the smoothest working quintet possible. Cotton and Berrien have been given the call on the forwards, Olson alternating with Cotton. Olie is putting up a merry battle, for being out such a time, and it will not be long, it is thought, before the Swede will be pushing someone for a varsity berth, a position he has held for two years. Worth is working well at center with another possibility of Olson being tried at the pivot place where he always played. Kaufman and Fiesler made an excellent pair of guards for both are classy men, with Fiesler's eyes for the hoop a specialty. Kaufman mixes well in the team play while not many forwards slip through for baskets. Brown has returned from the army and will be ready to start next week. Brownie has scrimmaged with the squad and is in good early season form. This scrappy little guard has held his position for the last two years and it is hard to see him any place but the first string. Last night's scrimmage will probably be the final one before the Coe game in which the team takes hard practices in basket shooting and signals. The Coe give that will struggle with the Hawkeyes is a classy crew; they held the Camp Dodge team to a 21 to 17 score. In Barvenik and Kremers they have a pai rof players who rank with the best in the state while Hasek and Lindaman at the guards whom Iowa must give special watching. Carrithers has been training his squad for a month and they are said to be in shape to put up a strong argument with Bannick's quintet.
The Daily Iowan The Student Newspaper of the State University of Iowa VOL.XVIII-NEW SERIES VOL. III IOWA CITY, IOWA, SUNDAY, JANUARY 5, 1919 NUMBER 40 VETERAN GUARDIAN OF ATHLETIC FIELD GATES PASSED AWAY "Jimmie" Barry Dies After a Six Weeks' Illness, at Age of Eighty-Five Years SERVED FOR FIFTY YEARS Had Been Janitor, Fired Boilers in Heating Plant and Guarded Athletic Field Gate "Jimmie" Barry, beloved of the University of Iowa students and alumni, died at his home in Iowa City last Thursday morning, January 2, after an illness of six weeks. He was eighty-five years of age. He was unconscious for three days preceding his death, but passed away peacefully. For fourteen years, "Jimmie" has been guardian of the gate of the Iowa athletic field in which capacity he was known to practically every student of the University. Perhaps no person connected with the University has had a wider circle of acquaintances or has made more friends among the students than he. He always had a cheerful word and a smile for everyone. On the field he ruled supreme, and no youngster dared trespass upon his authority. "Jimmie" had been in the service of the University for over fifty years, serving first as janitor of the buildings, then in the heating plant, and finally as a guardian of the athletic field. He was a native of Ireland, being born at Badon, County of Cork. When twenty-two years old he came to America, and to Iowa City five years after he landed in this country. He has made his home here since that time. Funeral services were held yesterday morning at St. Patrick's church at 9 o'clock, and his body was interred in St. Joseph's cemetery. PRES. H.L. SOUTHWICK GIVES TWO LECTURES In speaking on the subject "Science and Art in Expression" before the classes in public speaking at the liberal arts auditorium last evening, Henry Lawrence Southwick, president of the Emerson College of Oratory, Boston, discussed the two essential things that an orator must have. It is necessary, the speaker stated, that an orator have something to say, and must have an object in saying it. He must know his subject and must be willing to say it. But this is not enough, he continued, an orator must not only have something to say, but he must know how to say it. President Southwick gave a reading on "Richelieu" at the natural science auditorium last night. WILL REORGANIZE BAND The University band will be reorganized with the former S.A.T.C. men as a nucleus, and other experienced musicians, especially new members for flute, piccolo, cornet, alto, baritone, and trap drums. Rehearsals will be at 4:30p.m. on days arranged later. Any experienced players may apply to Dr. O.E. Van Doren at the band room any day between 9-11 and 2-5:30, or by telephoning 747. Delta Zeta had a party at the house Friday evening. HAWKEYE PLANS FOR MANY FEATURES Cuts Must Be In By January 15-Popular Girl Section Will Be Different At a meeting of the Hawkeye staff, Friday afternoon, pans were made for several new features, which promise to be innovations, in the junior book. The "beauty" or "popular girl" section, as the case may be, is to be "different,' but more than that the editor refuses to divulge to the press at this time. Considerable space will be devoted to this section, and a place among the beauties will be especially coveted in the Victory Hawkeye. (Grace Altschuler told us this when Mary wasn't listening.) Both the editor and the business manager declare vehemently that junior pictures must be in before the 15th of this month, or they will not appear in the Hawkeye. During the last few days pictures have begun to come in rapidly, and it would seem that at a present rate, at least most of the juniors will be portrayed in the Victory book. The editor desires that anyone having any interesting snapshots or knowledge as to where any such are kept, be kind enough to consult her at the office of the Victory Hawkeye in the physics building. She says that MUCH ART will be displayed in the new annual. DR. MUELLER NAMED AS NOTED ATHLETE Football Prowess of the Late Physician is Mentioned in Chicago Tribune A resume of events in the sports world during 1918, published in a recent issue of The Chicago Tribune, names the late Dr. John G. Mueller, '95, of Iowa City, as one of the noted athletes who died during the year. Dr. Mueller was a member of the Iowa eleven in the early 90's and was known as one of the star linemen of the west. He played a brilliant game at a time when nose guards and headgear were unknown,- when the score was generally decided by the "survival of the fittest." Since his graduation from the college of medicine, Dr. Mueller was one of the prominent physicians and surgeons of the state. He was successful in helping to stamp out the disease in this community during the recent influenza epidemic, but became so weakened through his tireless efforts that he succumbed to the plague. GYM CLASS BEGINS Men who registered for physical training must report classes next week, the first class starting Monday. A locker fee of $1.67 will be charged for the quarter. Faculty men will report for gym work from 5 to 6 in the afternoons. Wrestler will report on Monday from 4:30 to 5:30 for instruction. The swimming pool is bein prepared for use but it is not definitely known as to when it will be open for use as health conditions at present do not permit the using of the tank. The above information was given out by E.G. Schroeder of the physical training department. OFFICIAL NOTICE The last day of regular registration for the winter term will be Tuesday, Jan. 7. All students in the city not registered prior to 5 p.m., Tuesday, Jan. 7, will be required to pay the prescribed late registration fee of twenty-five cents for each day's delay beyond this date, Sundays excepted. Beginning with Thursday, Jan. 9, each instructor in the University is requested to ask each student attending any of his classes and not reported to the department as officially registered for that class, to call at once at the Registrar's office to verify, or complete his registration and each student should be instructed not to attend this class again until he is officially registered for it. H.C. DORCAS, Registrar. ATHLETIC WEEK IS TO BE OBSERVED BY ALL IOWA STUDENTS "I" Club Plans Series of Events for Week- Coe Game Starts Off Celebration FOOTBALL MEN TO DINE Annual Dinner for Team to Take Place at Jefferson- Will Choose Captain A whole "athletic week' comprised of four big events has been scheduled by the "I" club beginning with the Coe-Iowa game on Wednesday evening. Iowa athletes hope to generate such Iowa spirit as never before has been seen on the campus. Thursday evening at 6 o'clock the annual football dinner will be held at the Jefferson hotel. All men of the squad, the board in control of athletics, and speakers will attend. President Von Lackum of the "I" club and Secretary Reed decline to divulge who the speakers are. It is probable that the captain of next year's gridiron squad will be elected at this dinner. Two monster mass meetings have been slated for Friday night. The men's meeting will be held in the armory and the women's at the same hour in the women's gymnasium. The future policies, plans, and prospects of athletics at the University will be discussed. Speakers and various stunts will be announced Tuesday. The "I" club means that every man and woman in the University shall attend one of these meetings. Overflow meetings will be held if there is not sufficient room for all. Last year marked the beginning of a renewed enthusiasm for athletics at the University. A series of dinners and mixers were held which proved successful from every angle . Sport followers at Iowa attribute to these mixers the great number of athletes who went out for cinder track and diamond last spring. The state championship in track was won last year by Iowa. The "I" club was also successful in winning many high school athletes to the University who might otherwise have left the state. Paul Anderson, nephew of Dean and Mrs. C.E. Seashore, gave a lecture Friday evening, at the liberal arts auditorium. He spoke on the subject of Russia and Terrorism, in which he related experiences he had at the front. FREE INOCULATION AGAINST PNEUMONIA Shortage in Supple of Serum Limits Number of Doses to Two Hundred "First come, first served," is the mesage of the University health service in offering its supply of 300 doses only of anti-pneumonia serum to any number of the student body who wish innoculation, free of charge. Students who want to be vaccinated may apply at the office of Dr. D.C. Steelsmith, head of the University health service, room 302 of the medical building. This anti-pneumonia serum has a very mild reaction and is a good preventive against an attack of pneumonia after any disease, influenza included. Although the present situation is decided hopeful, Dr. Steelsmith thinks that a third, fourth, and even a fifth wave of the epidemic may be anticipated before the disease ceases its ravages. In view of this possibility, the opportunity for vaccination is a timely one. With but a limited amount of serum at its disposal, the University health service may require two weeks in which to complete the number of inocculations applied for. MISS HAARER AT RED CROSS MEET Raker Bill Conferring Rank on Army Nurse Endorsed Unanimously At the recent meeting of the Nursing committee of the Central Division of the Red Cross, held in Chicago in December, the University sent as its delegate, Mary C. Haarer, superintendent of the nurses' training school. While in Chicago, Miss Haarer also attended the meeting of the Nursing committee of the General Medical board, council of National Defense. This committee reviewed the Student Nurse Reserve Campaign, which resulted in an increase of 7000 in the usual enrollment. At the close of the meeting recommendations were recorded advocating fuller legislation governing education and training of nurses. The vote was unanimous in favor of the Raker bill now before Congress, which gives rank to army nurses. It is thought that the conferring of rank upon nurses would bring about a discipline like that assured in the army proper. Both meetings were enlightening in view of the unusual situation brought about by the war and the present influenza epidemic. The chairman stressed the fact that the influenza epidemic created a greater need for nurses than did the demand for army nurses. NEW HYGIENE COURSE A course in general hygiene and sanitation is open to liberal arts students this term. The course will deal with phases of both personal hygiene and public sanitation, including such subject as proper water and milk supplies, food, garbage and sewage disposal, ventilation, sources of infection of various disease and method of preventing same. It represents a three house course and will be given by Dr. D.C. Steelsmith, University health officer. BASKETBALL SQUAD PREPARED TO DOWN COE COLLEGE TEAM Bannick Puts Quintet Through Fast Scrimmage With Second String Men GAME IS WEDNESDAY NIGHT Coe Has Strong Team- Hold Camp Dodge Five to Conservative Score With only two practices remaining in which to round his varsity into shape for the Coe battle Wednesday night, Coach Bannick ran his squad through fast scrimmage last night in which the first came out with the long end of a 13 to 10 score. It was not until late in the play that the varsity forged to the front when Olson rang i two baskets putting the first in the lead. The varsity quintet started the scrimmage with Capt. Berrien and Cotton at forwards, Worth center, and Fiesler and Kaufman playing the guard positions. Later in the game Nicholas went in for Fiesler and Olson replaced Cotton. The second team composed of Chehak and Conwell, forwards, McElroy, center, and Wallen and Newcomb, guards, outplayed the Hawkeyes for the most part of the tilt and showed a brand of teamwork that made the varsity look a mediocre five. Chehak rang two long ringers while Conwell made things hum when he dropped in a long one from the side lines. McElroy at the pivot situation played a fast game and caged a pair of net shakers, one being good from mid floor. Forwards Shift To start the strongest lineup possible, Bannick has tried all sorts of combinations to get the smoothest working quintet possible. Cotton and Berrien have been given the call on the forwards, Olson alternating with Cotton. Olie is putting up a merry battle, for being out such a time, and it will not be long, it is thought, before the Swede will be pushing someone for a varsity berth, a position he has held for two years. Worth is working well at center with another possibility of Olson being tried at the pivot place where he always played. Kaufman and Fiesler made an excellent pair of guards for both are classy men, with Fiesler's eyes for the hoop a specialty. Kaufman mixes well in the team play while not many forwards slip through for baskets. Brown has returned from the army and will be ready to start next week. Brownie has scrimmaged with the squad and is in good early season form. This scrappy little guard has held his position for the last two years and it is hard to see him any place but the first string. Last night's scrimmage will probably be the final one before the Coe game in which the team takes hard practices in basket shooting and signals. The Coe give that will struggle with the Hawkeyes is a classy crew; they held the Camp Dodge team to a 21 to 17 score. In Barvenik and Kremers they have a pai rof players who rank with the best in the state while Hasek and Lindaman at the guards whom Iowa must give special watching. Carrithers has been training his squad for a month and they are said to be in shape to put up a strong argument with Bannick's quintet.
Daily Iowan Newspapers