Daily Iowan, January 7, 1919
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Sunday, January 7, 1919 THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA PAGE THREE SOCIETY AND PERSONAL Whitby will assemble at the liberal arts drawing room at 7:30 tonight and will adjourn from there to the home of Coey Custer Jones on the West Side. There will be an open program. Frank Hronick, student from Cedar Rapids, who was among the first influenza patients in the S. A. T. C., and entered the University hospital October 4, was just discharged Saturday as fully recovered from pneumonia. Dean Lierlee, of Marshalltown, and Paul McKay, Iowa City, who submitted to operations for appendicitis at the University hospital have recovered sufficiently to be discharged. Beatrice Ritz, Iota Xi Epsilon, sophomore in liberal arts, is suffering from a severe cold at the Homeopathic hospital. The Political Science club met last evening in the liberal arts drawing room with Prof. and Mrs. H. G. Plum as host and hostess. Prof. C. M. Case read the paper of the evening dealing with the problems of reconstruction from a sociological standpoint. Nancy Lamb and Helen Grotewohl, Delta Gammas, visited in Cedar Rapids Saturday. Among the former students resuming University work this quarter are: Eugenia Crissinger, of Farnhamville, freshman in 1916, Mildred Tummel of Centerville, and Margaret Brown of Sigourney, freshman last year; Helen Nicklaus of Elgin, and Helen Andrews of New Providence, both juniors. Blanche Healey, of Mount Auburn, a probationer in the nurses training school, is recovered from a serious operation at the University hospital where she has been confined for treatment early in the fall. Herman Holliday of Corydon, senior dentist, and Mr. Armstrong, of Casper, Wyoming, brother of Dr. Margaret Armstrong, are recovering at the University hospital from operations for tonsilitis. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Graaf of Estherville, have been visiting their son Sergeant Orestes Graaf, who recently submitted to his second mastoid operation at the University hospital. He is now recovering rapidly. Omega Hilton, instructor in chemistry, is under Dr. Dean's care at the University hospital. Laurena Leo, a student at the Chicago Normal School of Physical Education, is the gust of her sister June, Alpha Delta Pi. Samuel K. Stover, of Minneapolis, a graduate of the college of applied science, is visiting his sisters, Sarah, assistant in the secretary's office, and Bessie, of the library staff. Lieut. Clifton Cooper, a student last year, has been honorably discharged from Camp Jackson, S. C. He visited friends in Iowa City during the holidays. Delvena Anderson of the library staff is visiting friends at Spring Valley, Mo. Florence Lichty, Delta Zeta, has influenza at her home at Waterloo. Cornelia McKee has tonsillitis at her home at Denmark, but expects to return to her work here in a few days. Florence Fisher, Gamma Phi Beta, who was obliged to give up her work the first quarter because of illness has re-entered the University. Sophia Kleaveland, Alpha Xi Delta, has returned to school. She was called home to Jewel before vacation to care for members of her family who had influenza. Mrs. Margaret Cavanaugh, instructor in typewriting in the University high school, and her daughters Marian, a freshman in the University and Dorothy, a student in the high school, spent the vacation in Prairie Du Chien, Wis. They were met there by Mrs. Cavanaugh's son, Raymond, who is in the flying observation corps at Ellington Field, Texas. Florence Franzen, formerly a student in the University, and assistant in the State Historical library, is visiting friends here. Since leaving the University, Miss Franzen, was graduated from the nurses training school of Johns-Hopkins University, Baltimore. Margaret Clark of Estherville is ill at Currier hall. C. I. Erickson, M.A. '17, and a fellow is psychology has resumed his research work here. He has been in the psychological examining division of the army for the past year and a half and comes here from Camp Funston, Kans. TYPEWRITERS We sell, rent, and exchange all makes of Typewriters M. F. Patterson Co. DEY BLOCK - - IOWA AVE. .GARDEN. TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY ALICE JOYCE in "Everybody's Girl" also A TWO-REEL COMEDY $3.75 Season Tickets $3.75 Guaranteed admission to all home games played by the University of Iowa Athletic Teams Tickets on Sale at the Secretary's Office, Old Capitol Building and at Whetstone's Drug Store THE FOLLOWING HOME SCHEDULE IS PRACTICALLY ASSURED BASEBALL Coe ..........................Date unsettled Cornell .....................Date unsettled Illinois ............................. May 10 Notre Dame ........................May 17 Michigan .......................... May 19 Ames ........................Date unsettled TRACK Ames ...............................May 3 BASKETBALL Coe ................................Jan. 8 Indiana ...........................Jan. 13 Minnesota ............................Feb. 1 Ames ..............................Feb. 15 Chicago ...........................Feb. 19 Cornell ............................Feb. 22 Northwestern .........................Mar. 8 Wisconsin ..........................Mar. 11
Sunday, January 7, 1919 THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA PAGE THREE SOCIETY AND PERSONAL Whitby will assemble at the liberal arts drawing room at 7:30 tonight and will adjourn from there to the home of Coey Custer Jones on the West Side. There will be an open program. Frank Hronick, student from Cedar Rapids, who was among the first influenza patients in the S. A. T. C., and entered the University hospital October 4, was just discharged Saturday as fully recovered from pneumonia. Dean Lierlee, of Marshalltown, and Paul McKay, Iowa City, who submitted to operations for appendicitis at the University hospital have recovered sufficiently to be discharged. Beatrice Ritz, Iota Xi Epsilon, sophomore in liberal arts, is suffering from a severe cold at the Homeopathic hospital. The Political Science club met last evening in the liberal arts drawing room with Prof. and Mrs. H. G. Plum as host and hostess. Prof. C. M. Case read the paper of the evening dealing with the problems of reconstruction from a sociological standpoint. Nancy Lamb and Helen Grotewohl, Delta Gammas, visited in Cedar Rapids Saturday. Among the former students resuming University work this quarter are: Eugenia Crissinger, of Farnhamville, freshman in 1916, Mildred Tummel of Centerville, and Margaret Brown of Sigourney, freshman last year; Helen Nicklaus of Elgin, and Helen Andrews of New Providence, both juniors. Blanche Healey, of Mount Auburn, a probationer in the nurses training school, is recovered from a serious operation at the University hospital where she has been confined for treatment early in the fall. Herman Holliday of Corydon, senior dentist, and Mr. Armstrong, of Casper, Wyoming, brother of Dr. Margaret Armstrong, are recovering at the University hospital from operations for tonsilitis. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Graaf of Estherville, have been visiting their son Sergeant Orestes Graaf, who recently submitted to his second mastoid operation at the University hospital. He is now recovering rapidly. Omega Hilton, instructor in chemistry, is under Dr. Dean's care at the University hospital. Laurena Leo, a student at the Chicago Normal School of Physical Education, is the gust of her sister June, Alpha Delta Pi. Samuel K. Stover, of Minneapolis, a graduate of the college of applied science, is visiting his sisters, Sarah, assistant in the secretary's office, and Bessie, of the library staff. Lieut. Clifton Cooper, a student last year, has been honorably discharged from Camp Jackson, S. C. He visited friends in Iowa City during the holidays. Delvena Anderson of the library staff is visiting friends at Spring Valley, Mo. Florence Lichty, Delta Zeta, has influenza at her home at Waterloo. Cornelia McKee has tonsillitis at her home at Denmark, but expects to return to her work here in a few days. Florence Fisher, Gamma Phi Beta, who was obliged to give up her work the first quarter because of illness has re-entered the University. Sophia Kleaveland, Alpha Xi Delta, has returned to school. She was called home to Jewel before vacation to care for members of her family who had influenza. Mrs. Margaret Cavanaugh, instructor in typewriting in the University high school, and her daughters Marian, a freshman in the University and Dorothy, a student in the high school, spent the vacation in Prairie Du Chien, Wis. They were met there by Mrs. Cavanaugh's son, Raymond, who is in the flying observation corps at Ellington Field, Texas. Florence Franzen, formerly a student in the University, and assistant in the State Historical library, is visiting friends here. Since leaving the University, Miss Franzen, was graduated from the nurses training school of Johns-Hopkins University, Baltimore. Margaret Clark of Estherville is ill at Currier hall. C. I. Erickson, M.A. '17, and a fellow is psychology has resumed his research work here. He has been in the psychological examining division of the army for the past year and a half and comes here from Camp Funston, Kans. TYPEWRITERS We sell, rent, and exchange all makes of Typewriters M. F. Patterson Co. DEY BLOCK - - IOWA AVE. .GARDEN. TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY ALICE JOYCE in "Everybody's Girl" also A TWO-REEL COMEDY $3.75 Season Tickets $3.75 Guaranteed admission to all home games played by the University of Iowa Athletic Teams Tickets on Sale at the Secretary's Office, Old Capitol Building and at Whetstone's Drug Store THE FOLLOWING HOME SCHEDULE IS PRACTICALLY ASSURED BASEBALL Coe ..........................Date unsettled Cornell .....................Date unsettled Illinois ............................. May 10 Notre Dame ........................May 17 Michigan .......................... May 19 Ames ........................Date unsettled TRACK Ames ...............................May 3 BASKETBALL Coe ................................Jan. 8 Indiana ...........................Jan. 13 Minnesota ............................Feb. 1 Ames ..............................Feb. 15 Chicago ...........................Feb. 19 Cornell ............................Feb. 22 Northwestern .........................Mar. 8 Wisconsin ..........................Mar. 11
Daily Iowan Newspapers