Daily Iowan, January 7, 1919
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PAGE FOUR THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Sunday, January 7, 1919 WANT ADS RATE 10c a line or fraction: 20% discount on three or more insertions. Want ads cash in advance. FOUND-A grey scarf on S. Clinton street. Call at Iowan office. LOST-On Iowa avenue or campus a small oval enameled pin. Finder please call B-235. CO. B ADOPTS FRENCH BOY Co. B of the S. A. T. C. before demobilizing raised a fund for the care of a French orphan child for one year. The name of their "Godson" has just arrived,-Charles Larroque, born May 15, 1911, address Monesties, Tarn, France. He will be glad to hear from any member of the company. The committee having in charge the placing of these children wishes to express appreciation of what Co. B has done and also to thank all others who left donations in the box at the Y. M. C. A. headquarters. Every penny is helping some French child, the chairman of the committee says. NURSES ENTERTAIN Nurses at 329 Iowa avenue entertained at a party New Year's night Internes were present in full force and the chaperones were Mary C. Haarer, superintendent of the University training school for nurses, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wheeler. This party was one of the first social functions in which the nurses have had leisure to indulge since the outbreak of the influenza epidemic. ADVERTISED LETTERS Allen, Glen Campbell, John M. Carpenter, C. De Lancey, J. L. Deeny, R. B. Donnelly, Raymond (2) Flannagan, J. C. Hadden, Raymond Johnson, H. E. Kaltenback, Rev. V. H. Koch, L. K. Lee, Wm. J. MacDonald, Donald D. Mills, Philip Mocre, W. D. Siyemore, Earl L. Smith, Harold B. Southwell, J. C. Staack, Raymond Talley, Bert Walters, Dr. J. D. Women Frantz, Mrs. Jenn Graham, Mrs. M. Ethel Gibson, Mrs. Verdie Hull, Bell Payne, Miss A. M. Rabe, Mrs. John Max Mayer, P. M. PASTIME TODAY & TOMORROW See the newest and most beautiful star in pictures Madlaine Traverse -IN- "THE DANGER ZONE" A powerful drama of a woman's battle against her past; also a good comedy. ADMISSION 15c WILL GET CERTIFICATE Pauline Peters, '17 is with the aftercare department of the Red Cross at Boston, and has charge of the mental cases of soldier, sailors, and marines and their families. She will receive her psychiarists certificate from the committee of mental hygiene in March. MISS WARDALL RETURNS Ruth A. Wardall, professor of home economics, returned Thursday from Cleveland, Ohio, where she has been engaged in establishing a home economics department department in Society for Savings bank. A daughter arrived at the home of Prof and Mrs. F. P. Schoene Friday evening. Newman club will meet Wednesday evening at 7:30 at the K.C. hall. George F. Kay, dean of liberal arts and state geologist, has accepted an invitation to address the Sioux City Academy of Science early in February. He will speak on the geological history of northwestern Iowa. Women's Forensic council will meet today at 4:00. Women's League will hold a reception in the L. A. drawing room from 3 to 5 o'clock Saturday afternoon and invites all University women to meet Jeanne Terraz. French student. No invitations are to be issued other than this announcement. Men who wish to join the glee club should register at the school of music office or at Prof. Hays' studio today or Wednesday. This includes all who have previously applied. It's a Great Life If You've Got the Price Suppose you drew down just Twenty-One Bucks per week! And every night you took your sweetheart out you had to blow the whole twenty-one, what would you do about it? SEE- BRANT WASHBURN IN "The Way of a Man With a Maid" It's a Paramount Tomorrow and Thursday STRAND THEATER LITERARY SOCIETY NOTICES Octave Thanet will hold a business meeting tonight at 7:30 at the Congregational conference house. It is important, says the president. Erodelphian meets tonight at 7:30 in L. A. drawing rom. No program. Hesperia business meeting tonight, at 7:30 in rooms over Book and Craft Shop. Everybody come and be on time. FRANZEN GOES EAST C. G. F. Franzen, formerly principal of the University high school, left Saturday on his way to Hartford, Conn., where he plans to enter business. Mr. Franzen was recently honorably discharged from the officers' training school at Camp Zachary Taylor, Kentucky. Prof. and Mrs. S. H. Sims are the parents of a son born Friday afternoon. DAINTY LUNCHES between or after classes. Drop into WHITING'S PHARMACY On Dubuque St. Quality Drugs Whetstones Quality Sodas An Amazing Offering of Good Warm Blankets and Comforts An offering that will be of interest to Housewives, Fraternities, Sororities etc. Now, just at the time when everybody needs warm winter coverings. SHEETINGS AND PILLOW CASES, TOO Blankets, Comforters and Sheetings are needed now, to make, the Home, Fraternities, and Sororities comfortable, restful and inviting. Unusual qualities and exceptional variety. See them on Second Floor. Yetter's THE BIG STORE A Brand New Year Fresh Merchandise Off with the old calendar and on with the new and shining year. This New Year finds our store a treasure house of fine new SUITS AND OVERCOATS New models and new patterns. Look us up before you buy. Warm Overcoats for cold winter days. $25 $35 $45 BREMER'S GoldenEagle
PAGE FOUR THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Sunday, January 7, 1919 WANT ADS RATE 10c a line or fraction: 20% discount on three or more insertions. Want ads cash in advance. FOUND-A grey scarf on S. Clinton street. Call at Iowan office. LOST-On Iowa avenue or campus a small oval enameled pin. Finder please call B-235. CO. B ADOPTS FRENCH BOY Co. B of the S. A. T. C. before demobilizing raised a fund for the care of a French orphan child for one year. The name of their "Godson" has just arrived,-Charles Larroque, born May 15, 1911, address Monesties, Tarn, France. He will be glad to hear from any member of the company. The committee having in charge the placing of these children wishes to express appreciation of what Co. B has done and also to thank all others who left donations in the box at the Y. M. C. A. headquarters. Every penny is helping some French child, the chairman of the committee says. NURSES ENTERTAIN Nurses at 329 Iowa avenue entertained at a party New Year's night Internes were present in full force and the chaperones were Mary C. Haarer, superintendent of the University training school for nurses, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wheeler. This party was one of the first social functions in which the nurses have had leisure to indulge since the outbreak of the influenza epidemic. ADVERTISED LETTERS Allen, Glen Campbell, John M. Carpenter, C. De Lancey, J. L. Deeny, R. B. Donnelly, Raymond (2) Flannagan, J. C. Hadden, Raymond Johnson, H. E. Kaltenback, Rev. V. H. Koch, L. K. Lee, Wm. J. MacDonald, Donald D. Mills, Philip Mocre, W. D. Siyemore, Earl L. Smith, Harold B. Southwell, J. C. Staack, Raymond Talley, Bert Walters, Dr. J. D. Women Frantz, Mrs. Jenn Graham, Mrs. M. Ethel Gibson, Mrs. Verdie Hull, Bell Payne, Miss A. M. Rabe, Mrs. John Max Mayer, P. M. PASTIME TODAY & TOMORROW See the newest and most beautiful star in pictures Madlaine Traverse -IN- "THE DANGER ZONE" A powerful drama of a woman's battle against her past; also a good comedy. ADMISSION 15c WILL GET CERTIFICATE Pauline Peters, '17 is with the aftercare department of the Red Cross at Boston, and has charge of the mental cases of soldier, sailors, and marines and their families. She will receive her psychiarists certificate from the committee of mental hygiene in March. MISS WARDALL RETURNS Ruth A. Wardall, professor of home economics, returned Thursday from Cleveland, Ohio, where she has been engaged in establishing a home economics department department in Society for Savings bank. A daughter arrived at the home of Prof and Mrs. F. P. Schoene Friday evening. Newman club will meet Wednesday evening at 7:30 at the K.C. hall. George F. Kay, dean of liberal arts and state geologist, has accepted an invitation to address the Sioux City Academy of Science early in February. He will speak on the geological history of northwestern Iowa. Women's Forensic council will meet today at 4:00. Women's League will hold a reception in the L. A. drawing room from 3 to 5 o'clock Saturday afternoon and invites all University women to meet Jeanne Terraz. French student. No invitations are to be issued other than this announcement. Men who wish to join the glee club should register at the school of music office or at Prof. Hays' studio today or Wednesday. This includes all who have previously applied. It's a Great Life If You've Got the Price Suppose you drew down just Twenty-One Bucks per week! And every night you took your sweetheart out you had to blow the whole twenty-one, what would you do about it? SEE- BRANT WASHBURN IN "The Way of a Man With a Maid" It's a Paramount Tomorrow and Thursday STRAND THEATER LITERARY SOCIETY NOTICES Octave Thanet will hold a business meeting tonight at 7:30 at the Congregational conference house. It is important, says the president. Erodelphian meets tonight at 7:30 in L. A. drawing rom. No program. Hesperia business meeting tonight, at 7:30 in rooms over Book and Craft Shop. Everybody come and be on time. FRANZEN GOES EAST C. G. F. Franzen, formerly principal of the University high school, left Saturday on his way to Hartford, Conn., where he plans to enter business. Mr. Franzen was recently honorably discharged from the officers' training school at Camp Zachary Taylor, Kentucky. Prof. and Mrs. S. H. Sims are the parents of a son born Friday afternoon. DAINTY LUNCHES between or after classes. Drop into WHITING'S PHARMACY On Dubuque St. Quality Drugs Whetstones Quality Sodas An Amazing Offering of Good Warm Blankets and Comforts An offering that will be of interest to Housewives, Fraternities, Sororities etc. Now, just at the time when everybody needs warm winter coverings. SHEETINGS AND PILLOW CASES, TOO Blankets, Comforters and Sheetings are needed now, to make, the Home, Fraternities, and Sororities comfortable, restful and inviting. Unusual qualities and exceptional variety. See them on Second Floor. Yetter's THE BIG STORE A Brand New Year Fresh Merchandise Off with the old calendar and on with the new and shining year. This New Year finds our store a treasure house of fine new SUITS AND OVERCOATS New models and new patterns. Look us up before you buy. Warm Overcoats for cold winter days. $25 $35 $45 BREMER'S GoldenEagle
Daily Iowan Newspapers