Daily Iowan, January 9, 1919
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Thursday, January 9, 1919 The Daily Iowan State University of Iowa Page Three SOCIETY AND PERSONAL Lieut. Ira N. Crow, medicine '08, who is stationed at the American Red Cross hospital No. 5, the largest evacuation hospital in the world, was among the seven Iowa doctors whose pictures appeared in the Des Moines Register recently. Women's League council will meet Thursday in room 116 L. A. at 4 o'clock. Marjorie Peters, of Tipton, a junior last year, visited friends here the first of the week. Ethel Snair of Kalona, who is teaching this year at Chelsea, visited friends here Monday. Miss Snair received her B. A. degree at Iowa in 1917. Beneta Buxton, Achoth, has gone to her home in Des Moines on account of the death of her sister. Freshman girls who lived in the Theta Xi house last quarter are now comfortably located in their new home at the corner of Davenport and Capitol streets. Frances Turner of Avoca, Gamma Phi Beta, has returned to school this quarter. Liliah Whetstein, freshman, is confined to her home in Wellman on account of influenza. Fred Loftus of West Union, an alumnus, is visiting friends in Iowa City. Olive Brown, freshman, is ill with influenza. Delta Zeta will initiate Ruth Tisdale, Lucille Goodykoontz, and Florence Huber, Saturday evening. Glen Wolford of Lone Tree, a student in 1916-17, is now in the U. S. Naval band at Cardiff, Wales. Sadie G. Holiday, alumna of the University, director of Camp Macbride at Lake Okoboji, is now director of girls' clubs in Salt Lake City. She has just re-opened a community club house for young women, a center for mountain climbing, hockey, and other clubs. Ruth Dockerty, '18 is now doing Y.W.C.A. work in Beaumont, Texas. Soldiers continue to come back to Iowa from the various camps. Among those who are resuming their work are: Lieutenants Homer Brown, John Ingraham, Emslie Hutcheon, Luther Erickson, Edward Rate; and Privates George Wilimek and Ray Parrott. Marjorie Shuler, Celestine O'Brien, Lillian Ten Eyck, and Helen Williams were initiated into Hesperia Tuesday evening. Lieut. Carl I. Anderson, who has been in the service at Camp Sherman, has been discharged and is now a demonstrator in the dental clinic. Howard M. Le Sourd, Y.M.C.A. secretary, and the Reverends Herbert L. Searles, Walter C. Schafer, and L. G. Rohrbaugh, student pastors, left Tuesday night for Chicago to attend the twelfth annual conference of the religious workers in American colleges and universities at the La Salle Hotel, January 8 and 9. New students who are entering the graduate college this quarter are: J. D. Boyd, B. S. from Idaho in chemistry; Rudolf H. Freese, B. A. from Iowa '18 in engineering; A. W. Lindsay, B. A. from Morningside in '16 and M. S. from Iowa in '17; Irl H. Marshall, B. A. from Iowa in '13. STARK-KURTZ Miss Edna Kathryne Stark, '15, and Prof. C. F. Kurtz of the extension division were married in Davenport on New Year's Day. Mr. and Mrs. Kurtz are taking an extended trip in the east, and will be at home in Iowa City after February 1. NOTICE Will all men and women interested in the rifle team and in rifle work meet at the S.U.I. armory, Sergeant Maier's office, this afternoon at 4 o'clock. A discussion of 1919 rifle activities and the formation of a new rifle club will be features of the meeting. NOTICE The editor of the Victory Hawkeye announces that office hours will be from 1 to 3 daily and from 9 to 12 and 1 to 3 Saturdays, in room B-1 of the physics building. Lyman Hopkins, of Iowa Falls, senior dentist, is recovering from an operation at University hospital for the removal of his tonsils. See it first in The Daily Iowan. Let The Iowan be your letter. Let The Iowan be your letter. Send The Iowan home. [advertisement] IT'S A GREAT LIFE IF YOU'VE GOT THE PRICE Suppose you drew down just Twenty-One Bucks per week! And every night you took your sweetheart out you had to blow the whole twenty-one, what would you do about it? SEE---- BRYANT WASHBURN in 'THE WAY OF A MAN WITH A MAID" It's a Paramount Thursday STRAND Theatre [advertisement] DAINTY LUNCHES between or after classes. Drop into WHITING'S PHARMACY On Dubuque St. [advertisement] GARDEN Thursday----Friday---7 Big Reels--- "MORAL SUICIDE" Featuring JOHN MASON ANNE LUTHER LEAH BAIRD Admission 10c [advertisement] ENGLERT THEATRE.... TUESDAY, JAN. 14 Direct From Illinois Theatre Chicago [illustrations of show girls dancing] JOHN CORT Presents The Supreme Musical Comedy Sensation Replete with Love-Life Lyrics Lingerie & Laughter FLO-FLO (Book By Fred De Gresac. Words & music By Silvio Hein.) And Her Famous "PERFECT 36" Chorus Fresh From Its All Year's Run At The Cort Theatre, New York. Gorgeous Production Most Costly Gowned Musical Offering En Tour Special "FLO-FLO" Orchestra Prices-----50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.50, $2.00----Seats Saturday [advertisement] The Crossett Shoe "makes life's walk easy" [illustration of folded shirt] Tailored at Fashion Pack. BREMERS' Gigantic Sale STARTS TODAY Thursday, January 9th, 1919 Each Department Has Special Prices $2 and $2.25 SILK TIES $1.75 3 for $5.00 $8.00 Quality SILK SHIRTS $6.95 $12.50 Quality CREPE SHIRTS $11.45 $10.00 Quality SILK SHIRTS $8.95 $2.00 Quality DRESS SHIRTS $1.48 $13.50 Quality CORDOVAN SHOES $11.45 $2.50 Quality UNION SUITS $2.19 $40.00 Quality SUITS & OVERCOATS $33.45 [Illustration of man buttoning his shirt and illustration of shoe] BREMERS' GOLDEN EAGLE [advertisement] Dancing from 8:45 to 11:45 VARSITY DANCE Company A Armory Varsity 8 Piece Orchestra Friday Eve., Jan. 10th and Saturday Eve., Jan. 11th
Thursday, January 9, 1919 The Daily Iowan State University of Iowa Page Three SOCIETY AND PERSONAL Lieut. Ira N. Crow, medicine '08, who is stationed at the American Red Cross hospital No. 5, the largest evacuation hospital in the world, was among the seven Iowa doctors whose pictures appeared in the Des Moines Register recently. Women's League council will meet Thursday in room 116 L. A. at 4 o'clock. Marjorie Peters, of Tipton, a junior last year, visited friends here the first of the week. Ethel Snair of Kalona, who is teaching this year at Chelsea, visited friends here Monday. Miss Snair received her B. A. degree at Iowa in 1917. Beneta Buxton, Achoth, has gone to her home in Des Moines on account of the death of her sister. Freshman girls who lived in the Theta Xi house last quarter are now comfortably located in their new home at the corner of Davenport and Capitol streets. Frances Turner of Avoca, Gamma Phi Beta, has returned to school this quarter. Liliah Whetstein, freshman, is confined to her home in Wellman on account of influenza. Fred Loftus of West Union, an alumnus, is visiting friends in Iowa City. Olive Brown, freshman, is ill with influenza. Delta Zeta will initiate Ruth Tisdale, Lucille Goodykoontz, and Florence Huber, Saturday evening. Glen Wolford of Lone Tree, a student in 1916-17, is now in the U. S. Naval band at Cardiff, Wales. Sadie G. Holiday, alumna of the University, director of Camp Macbride at Lake Okoboji, is now director of girls' clubs in Salt Lake City. She has just re-opened a community club house for young women, a center for mountain climbing, hockey, and other clubs. Ruth Dockerty, '18 is now doing Y.W.C.A. work in Beaumont, Texas. Soldiers continue to come back to Iowa from the various camps. Among those who are resuming their work are: Lieutenants Homer Brown, John Ingraham, Emslie Hutcheon, Luther Erickson, Edward Rate; and Privates George Wilimek and Ray Parrott. Marjorie Shuler, Celestine O'Brien, Lillian Ten Eyck, and Helen Williams were initiated into Hesperia Tuesday evening. Lieut. Carl I. Anderson, who has been in the service at Camp Sherman, has been discharged and is now a demonstrator in the dental clinic. Howard M. Le Sourd, Y.M.C.A. secretary, and the Reverends Herbert L. Searles, Walter C. Schafer, and L. G. Rohrbaugh, student pastors, left Tuesday night for Chicago to attend the twelfth annual conference of the religious workers in American colleges and universities at the La Salle Hotel, January 8 and 9. New students who are entering the graduate college this quarter are: J. D. Boyd, B. S. from Idaho in chemistry; Rudolf H. Freese, B. A. from Iowa '18 in engineering; A. W. Lindsay, B. A. from Morningside in '16 and M. S. from Iowa in '17; Irl H. Marshall, B. A. from Iowa in '13. STARK-KURTZ Miss Edna Kathryne Stark, '15, and Prof. C. F. Kurtz of the extension division were married in Davenport on New Year's Day. Mr. and Mrs. Kurtz are taking an extended trip in the east, and will be at home in Iowa City after February 1. NOTICE Will all men and women interested in the rifle team and in rifle work meet at the S.U.I. armory, Sergeant Maier's office, this afternoon at 4 o'clock. A discussion of 1919 rifle activities and the formation of a new rifle club will be features of the meeting. NOTICE The editor of the Victory Hawkeye announces that office hours will be from 1 to 3 daily and from 9 to 12 and 1 to 3 Saturdays, in room B-1 of the physics building. Lyman Hopkins, of Iowa Falls, senior dentist, is recovering from an operation at University hospital for the removal of his tonsils. See it first in The Daily Iowan. Let The Iowan be your letter. Let The Iowan be your letter. Send The Iowan home. [advertisement] IT'S A GREAT LIFE IF YOU'VE GOT THE PRICE Suppose you drew down just Twenty-One Bucks per week! And every night you took your sweetheart out you had to blow the whole twenty-one, what would you do about it? SEE---- BRYANT WASHBURN in 'THE WAY OF A MAN WITH A MAID" It's a Paramount Thursday STRAND Theatre [advertisement] DAINTY LUNCHES between or after classes. Drop into WHITING'S PHARMACY On Dubuque St. [advertisement] GARDEN Thursday----Friday---7 Big Reels--- "MORAL SUICIDE" Featuring JOHN MASON ANNE LUTHER LEAH BAIRD Admission 10c [advertisement] ENGLERT THEATRE.... TUESDAY, JAN. 14 Direct From Illinois Theatre Chicago [illustrations of show girls dancing] JOHN CORT Presents The Supreme Musical Comedy Sensation Replete with Love-Life Lyrics Lingerie & Laughter FLO-FLO (Book By Fred De Gresac. Words & music By Silvio Hein.) And Her Famous "PERFECT 36" Chorus Fresh From Its All Year's Run At The Cort Theatre, New York. Gorgeous Production Most Costly Gowned Musical Offering En Tour Special "FLO-FLO" Orchestra Prices-----50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.50, $2.00----Seats Saturday [advertisement] The Crossett Shoe "makes life's walk easy" [illustration of folded shirt] Tailored at Fashion Pack. BREMERS' Gigantic Sale STARTS TODAY Thursday, January 9th, 1919 Each Department Has Special Prices $2 and $2.25 SILK TIES $1.75 3 for $5.00 $8.00 Quality SILK SHIRTS $6.95 $12.50 Quality CREPE SHIRTS $11.45 $10.00 Quality SILK SHIRTS $8.95 $2.00 Quality DRESS SHIRTS $1.48 $13.50 Quality CORDOVAN SHOES $11.45 $2.50 Quality UNION SUITS $2.19 $40.00 Quality SUITS & OVERCOATS $33.45 [Illustration of man buttoning his shirt and illustration of shoe] BREMERS' GOLDEN EAGLE [advertisement] Dancing from 8:45 to 11:45 VARSITY DANCE Company A Armory Varsity 8 Piece Orchestra Friday Eve., Jan. 10th and Saturday Eve., Jan. 11th
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