Daily Iowan, January 9, 1919
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PAGE FOUR THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Thursday, January 9, 1919 WANT ADS RATE 10c a line or fraction: 20% discount on three or more insertions. Want ads cash in advance. FOUND— A grey scarf on S. Clinton street. Call at Iowan office. LOST— On Iowa avenue or campus a small oval enameled pin. Finder please call B-235. LOST— Gold Ever-sharp pencil. Return Iowan office. MILITARY COURSES MAY BE RESTRICTED TO UNDERGRADUATES University Likely to Return to Plan of Freshman-Sophomoe Army Drill CAPT. LANE OUT OF TOWN University Service Bill in Congress Not Expected to Get Wide Support Future military instruction in the University is assured, but the exact nature of the work to be given is problematic. Pending the return of Capt. Albert L. Lane, professor of military tactics, from Ames, where he was called by the illness of Mrs. Lane, no action has been taken by the committee on military affairs. As the situation is now, everything points to a return to the R. O. T. C. plan which was instituted here last year. Under this plan all freshmen and sophomores in the colleges of liberal arts, engineering, and pharmacy were required to take a minimum of three hours a week military drill. Up to Congress After this two year basic course, the work could be continued as an elective for two years, during which pay was received. Uniforms and equipment were furnished by the government throughout the four years. If the present Congress should pass a university military service bill, which is being advocated now by a league to secure universal service, such an action would doubtless make a decided change in the military courses in the colleges. Many prominent Americans are very much opposed to this measure now that the European war emergency is past. Administrative officials of the University feel that there is little danger of such a contingency. Is Faculty Question Administration of the military department is now under the faculty. Capt. Lane is a member of that body. A large number of administrative questions will naturally come up, which will have to be decided later when the organization is complete. One of the questions being asked by former members of the R. O. T. C. is whether they will be held to their agreement to take two additional years of military training in the University and to attend two summer camps. Many of these men have been in the regular service and a number of them have reserve commissions. YULE-PHELPS Mildred Yule and Henry Phelps, both alumni of S. U. I. were married at San Francisco during the holidays. Miss Yule has been superintendent of schools in Cedar county for the past three years. She received her B. S. degree in 1906. Miss Yule was affiliated with the Alpha Xi Delta sorority. Mr. Phelps received his B. S. degree in 1905 and at present is district engineer of the Iowa State Highway commission. [advertisement] Clearance Sale of COATS We have in stock nearly 200 Ladies’ Coats—bought this season which we are going to close regardless of cost. For $15.00 and $25.00 You will find at our store Coat Values which will [uot] be equaled anywhere. Some sold as high as $65.00. Sale Starts Tuesday Jan. 7th And lasts until every coat is sold. If you can use a new coat don’t miss this sale. You’ll never get bargains to equal these DRESSES and SUITS very specially priced are included in this great sale. Harvat $ Stach “The Woman’s Shop” 10 S. Dubuque Street [advertisement] Novelty Dance AT BURKLEY HOTEL BALLROOM FRIDAY, JAN. 10TH, 1919 DANCING FROM 8:45 TO 11:45 Music by the Novelty Jazz Band, including piano, violin, cornet, saxophone, clarinet banjo, trombone, drums, bells, etc. [advertisement] TYPEWRITERS We sell, rent, and exchange all makes of Typewriters M.F. Patterson Co. DEY BLOCK - - IOWA AVE.
PAGE FOUR THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Thursday, January 9, 1919 WANT ADS RATE 10c a line or fraction: 20% discount on three or more insertions. Want ads cash in advance. FOUND— A grey scarf on S. Clinton street. Call at Iowan office. LOST— On Iowa avenue or campus a small oval enameled pin. Finder please call B-235. LOST— Gold Ever-sharp pencil. Return Iowan office. MILITARY COURSES MAY BE RESTRICTED TO UNDERGRADUATES University Likely to Return to Plan of Freshman-Sophomoe Army Drill CAPT. LANE OUT OF TOWN University Service Bill in Congress Not Expected to Get Wide Support Future military instruction in the University is assured, but the exact nature of the work to be given is problematic. Pending the return of Capt. Albert L. Lane, professor of military tactics, from Ames, where he was called by the illness of Mrs. Lane, no action has been taken by the committee on military affairs. As the situation is now, everything points to a return to the R. O. T. C. plan which was instituted here last year. Under this plan all freshmen and sophomores in the colleges of liberal arts, engineering, and pharmacy were required to take a minimum of three hours a week military drill. Up to Congress After this two year basic course, the work could be continued as an elective for two years, during which pay was received. Uniforms and equipment were furnished by the government throughout the four years. If the present Congress should pass a university military service bill, which is being advocated now by a league to secure universal service, such an action would doubtless make a decided change in the military courses in the colleges. Many prominent Americans are very much opposed to this measure now that the European war emergency is past. Administrative officials of the University feel that there is little danger of such a contingency. Is Faculty Question Administration of the military department is now under the faculty. Capt. Lane is a member of that body. A large number of administrative questions will naturally come up, which will have to be decided later when the organization is complete. One of the questions being asked by former members of the R. O. T. C. is whether they will be held to their agreement to take two additional years of military training in the University and to attend two summer camps. Many of these men have been in the regular service and a number of them have reserve commissions. YULE-PHELPS Mildred Yule and Henry Phelps, both alumni of S. U. I. were married at San Francisco during the holidays. Miss Yule has been superintendent of schools in Cedar county for the past three years. She received her B. S. degree in 1906. Miss Yule was affiliated with the Alpha Xi Delta sorority. Mr. Phelps received his B. S. degree in 1905 and at present is district engineer of the Iowa State Highway commission. [advertisement] Clearance Sale of COATS We have in stock nearly 200 Ladies’ Coats—bought this season which we are going to close regardless of cost. For $15.00 and $25.00 You will find at our store Coat Values which will [uot] be equaled anywhere. Some sold as high as $65.00. Sale Starts Tuesday Jan. 7th And lasts until every coat is sold. If you can use a new coat don’t miss this sale. You’ll never get bargains to equal these DRESSES and SUITS very specially priced are included in this great sale. Harvat $ Stach “The Woman’s Shop” 10 S. Dubuque Street [advertisement] Novelty Dance AT BURKLEY HOTEL BALLROOM FRIDAY, JAN. 10TH, 1919 DANCING FROM 8:45 TO 11:45 Music by the Novelty Jazz Band, including piano, violin, cornet, saxophone, clarinet banjo, trombone, drums, bells, etc. [advertisement] TYPEWRITERS We sell, rent, and exchange all makes of Typewriters M.F. Patterson Co. DEY BLOCK - - IOWA AVE.
Daily Iowan Newspapers