Daily Iowan, January 12, 1919
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PAGE FOUR THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Sunday, January 12, 1919 WANT ADS Rate 10c a line or fraction: 20% discount of three or more insertions. Want ad cash in advance. FOUND-A grey scarf on S. Clinton street. Call at Iowan office. LOST-On Iowa avenue or campus a small oval enamled pin. Finder please call B-235. Lost-Gold Ever-sharp pencil. Return Iowan office. CAPT. CHARLE ROWE DIES Broncial Pneumonia Causes Death of University Alumnus Capt. Charles P. Rowe, law '19, died of bronchial pnumonia in a hospital at Troyes, France, October 13; about two weeks after he had been wounded while leading his company on a charge through the barbed wire entanglements. After being graduated from the college of law, he was admitted to the bar in the same year. Two years later he went to Pomona, Calif. where he became associated with Judge J.A. Gallup in the practice of law. Captain Rowe was in the office of the adjutant general of Iowa until he moved to California. As a member of the national guard, he became captain in 1916. He was sent to France in July last year, and was sent to the front almost immediately. FINAL GLEE CLUB TRY-OUTS Final try-outs for the Men's Glee club will be held Tuesday evening 7:30 at Prof. W.E Hay's studio. About sixty men were present at the preliminaries Thursday, and a large number are expected to appear at the finals. HORN ADDRESSES FRESHMEN Dr. Ernest Horn, professor of education in the University, and superintendent of the University high school will address the freshman women this afternoon. He will speak on "How To Study," a subject of which he has lectured throughout the state. Send the Iowan home. ENGINEERING STUDENTS ELECT CLASS OFFICERS The engineers have elected class offices for the past week. Senior officers are: Leo Sharp, president, A. H. Hanapel, vice-president, and Donald Curtis, secretary and treasurer. Freshman officers are: Howard Coe, president; Howard Rich, vice-president; R.F Morrison, secretary and treasurer. Alvin Hanapel is president of the Association of Applied Science, Raymond Justin, vice-president; E. E. Jones, secretary and treasurer; R. Stanton, Martin E. Flentje, and O. C. Thompson are yell leaders. RETURN YEARBOOK PLEDGES All girls who were given cards pledging support to athletics and promising to buy a year book are asked to leave these cards in the box at the Y.W.C.A rooms Monday. BEGINS RELIGIOUS COURSE Dean George F. Kay, of the college of liberal arts, will begin, Sunday morning, Jan. 12, a course of four lectures on "Religion in Days of Reconstruction" from the viewpoint of a scientist. All students not taking a course on Sunday morning are invited. The class will meet int he Prebyterian church at 9:45. IOWA ATHLETICS GET BIG BOOST (continued from page 1) followed in an Irish lilt. Enla Van Meter and Elizabeth Dorcas gave a pleasing dance in colonial costumes. Prentiss Talks H.J Prentiss, chairman of the Athletic board, concluded the program with a talk, direct and emphatic, stressing the importance of support for University athletics from the girls. Cards pledging the purchase of a season ticket for the schedule of athletic events were handed out to be signed. Wafers, cocoa and fluffy marshmallows were served, but still the enthusiastic ones lingered to prolong the "grand and glorious feeling" of enjoying true campus spirit. Impomptu piano selections furnished music for dancing to such late hour that dormitory rules were almost violated. CLUB TO MEET AT PATRICKS The Philosphical club will meet Monday evening, Jan. 13, 8 o'clock, at the home of Dr. and Mrs. G.T.W. Patrick, 704 N. Dubuque street and Ellsworth Fairs will give a report on the recent meeting of the American Psychological association and Child Welfare centers in the East. Let the Iowan be your letter. A New Iowa Song "A PLEDGE TO IOWA" 25 Cents At Suniers Music Store YETTER'S ANNOUNCE A GREAT "Move-On" Sale Of High-Grade Winter Coats, Suits, Dresses, and Dry Goods The "Sale" starts Tuesday morning, January 14th at 9 o'clock. Read the Big BUlletin that we distributed Saturday. NOTE EACH ITEM and remember that hundreds of BARGAINS await you which are not advertised. One of the Most Important Features of this "Sale' are the remarkable values in READY TO WEAR APPAREL, Garments for every occasion. Come Tuesday and start shopping. Yetter's The Big Store WANTED 20 Extra Sales-women During our "Move On" Sale. Preference given to those with experience. Apply at once. Let a Daily Iowan WANT AD Do it for you Find your employment-hire your help for you-find that lost article-rent your room-sell that typewriter, etc. 10c a line Reduction after 1st insertion SPECIALIZING Coasts' Midwinter Departmetn Sales These Special Department Sales are inaugurated in order to cut down top-heavy stocks in the different departments or sections of the store and place merchandise for your special choosing from the various sections of the store at prices considerably below the usual clearence sale basis allowing far greater price reductions than are usually quoted. These Departmetn Sales Are For Two Days, Three Times a Week FOR MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY choice of all $30.00 and $35.00 Suits regardless of color, style, or weight your unrestricted CHOICE ONLY COASTS 24.50
PAGE FOUR THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Sunday, January 12, 1919 WANT ADS Rate 10c a line or fraction: 20% discount of three or more insertions. Want ad cash in advance. FOUND-A grey scarf on S. Clinton street. Call at Iowan office. LOST-On Iowa avenue or campus a small oval enamled pin. Finder please call B-235. Lost-Gold Ever-sharp pencil. Return Iowan office. CAPT. CHARLE ROWE DIES Broncial Pneumonia Causes Death of University Alumnus Capt. Charles P. Rowe, law '19, died of bronchial pnumonia in a hospital at Troyes, France, October 13; about two weeks after he had been wounded while leading his company on a charge through the barbed wire entanglements. After being graduated from the college of law, he was admitted to the bar in the same year. Two years later he went to Pomona, Calif. where he became associated with Judge J.A. Gallup in the practice of law. Captain Rowe was in the office of the adjutant general of Iowa until he moved to California. As a member of the national guard, he became captain in 1916. He was sent to France in July last year, and was sent to the front almost immediately. FINAL GLEE CLUB TRY-OUTS Final try-outs for the Men's Glee club will be held Tuesday evening 7:30 at Prof. W.E Hay's studio. About sixty men were present at the preliminaries Thursday, and a large number are expected to appear at the finals. HORN ADDRESSES FRESHMEN Dr. Ernest Horn, professor of education in the University, and superintendent of the University high school will address the freshman women this afternoon. He will speak on "How To Study," a subject of which he has lectured throughout the state. Send the Iowan home. ENGINEERING STUDENTS ELECT CLASS OFFICERS The engineers have elected class offices for the past week. Senior officers are: Leo Sharp, president, A. H. Hanapel, vice-president, and Donald Curtis, secretary and treasurer. Freshman officers are: Howard Coe, president; Howard Rich, vice-president; R.F Morrison, secretary and treasurer. Alvin Hanapel is president of the Association of Applied Science, Raymond Justin, vice-president; E. E. Jones, secretary and treasurer; R. Stanton, Martin E. Flentje, and O. C. Thompson are yell leaders. RETURN YEARBOOK PLEDGES All girls who were given cards pledging support to athletics and promising to buy a year book are asked to leave these cards in the box at the Y.W.C.A rooms Monday. BEGINS RELIGIOUS COURSE Dean George F. Kay, of the college of liberal arts, will begin, Sunday morning, Jan. 12, a course of four lectures on "Religion in Days of Reconstruction" from the viewpoint of a scientist. All students not taking a course on Sunday morning are invited. The class will meet int he Prebyterian church at 9:45. IOWA ATHLETICS GET BIG BOOST (continued from page 1) followed in an Irish lilt. Enla Van Meter and Elizabeth Dorcas gave a pleasing dance in colonial costumes. Prentiss Talks H.J Prentiss, chairman of the Athletic board, concluded the program with a talk, direct and emphatic, stressing the importance of support for University athletics from the girls. Cards pledging the purchase of a season ticket for the schedule of athletic events were handed out to be signed. Wafers, cocoa and fluffy marshmallows were served, but still the enthusiastic ones lingered to prolong the "grand and glorious feeling" of enjoying true campus spirit. Impomptu piano selections furnished music for dancing to such late hour that dormitory rules were almost violated. CLUB TO MEET AT PATRICKS The Philosphical club will meet Monday evening, Jan. 13, 8 o'clock, at the home of Dr. and Mrs. G.T.W. Patrick, 704 N. Dubuque street and Ellsworth Fairs will give a report on the recent meeting of the American Psychological association and Child Welfare centers in the East. Let the Iowan be your letter. A New Iowa Song "A PLEDGE TO IOWA" 25 Cents At Suniers Music Store YETTER'S ANNOUNCE A GREAT "Move-On" Sale Of High-Grade Winter Coats, Suits, Dresses, and Dry Goods The "Sale" starts Tuesday morning, January 14th at 9 o'clock. Read the Big BUlletin that we distributed Saturday. NOTE EACH ITEM and remember that hundreds of BARGAINS await you which are not advertised. One of the Most Important Features of this "Sale' are the remarkable values in READY TO WEAR APPAREL, Garments for every occasion. Come Tuesday and start shopping. Yetter's The Big Store WANTED 20 Extra Sales-women During our "Move On" Sale. Preference given to those with experience. Apply at once. Let a Daily Iowan WANT AD Do it for you Find your employment-hire your help for you-find that lost article-rent your room-sell that typewriter, etc. 10c a line Reduction after 1st insertion SPECIALIZING Coasts' Midwinter Departmetn Sales These Special Department Sales are inaugurated in order to cut down top-heavy stocks in the different departments or sections of the store and place merchandise for your special choosing from the various sections of the store at prices considerably below the usual clearence sale basis allowing far greater price reductions than are usually quoted. These Departmetn Sales Are For Two Days, Three Times a Week FOR MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY choice of all $30.00 and $35.00 Suits regardless of color, style, or weight your unrestricted CHOICE ONLY COASTS 24.50
Daily Iowan Newspapers