Daily Iowan, January 14, 1919
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Tuesday, January 14, 1919 THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA PAGE THREE SOCIETY PLANNING IOWA WAR HISTORY Ten Volume Edition of State's Activity in Great Conflict to be Published The State Historical society of Iowa is making plans for a comprehensive and monumental history of Iowa's part in the world war, as a memorial to the citizens of Iowa who serves in a great cause. Material for such work has been collected ever since America entered the war. In the historical researches which have recently been published by the society in the "Iowa Journal of History" in the "Iowa and War," pamphlets and in several substantial volumes a background for the undertaking has already been developed. The history which is to be a record of the people of Iowa as well as a military record, will cover eight or ten volumes. Some of the subjects which are to be included in the outline are the selective draft, volunteers for the officers training camp, the schools in war time, Camp Dodge, the Students Army Training corps, and the war work of the Y.M.C.A. and the K. C. HUMANIST MEETING HELD Prof. C.E. Young Spoke on Modern Methods of Teaching French Prof. C. E. Young, chairman of the Romance language department, spoke at the meeting of the Humanist society Monday evening on modern methods of teaching French, with special reference to methods used in the University. The society met at the home of Prof. and Mrs. J. H. Scott. "The question of methods,' stated Professor Young is determined by the question of aims." The department in the University aims to give the student a reading knowledge of the language, a phonetically accurate pronunciation, an opportunity to understand spoken French and to lay a foundation for the speaking of the language, according to Professor Young. Instructors in the department endeavor in all courses to acquaint the student with the life, thought, history, and civilization of the French people. The talk of a league of nations at the present time makes it of primary importance that students understand this international language. Professor Young emphasized the point that any language which helps us to understand the thought and character of another nation helps us to become better American citizens and to deal more intelligently with our alien countrymen. DANIELS-GIBSON Bessie Daniels, assistant surgical nurse at the University hospital, and Paul Gibson, senior medical student, were married in Cedar Rapids Saturday. Mr. Gibson is a member of the Phi Rho Sigma fraternity and will graduate in March. Mr. and Mrs. Gibson will continue their work for the present and will reside in Iowa City. Students spending the week-end out of town were Nadine Cain at Colfax, Stella Dunn at Cedar Rapids, Isabel Guthrie at West Liberty, Lucy Pierce at Washington, Agnes Schwertfeger at Muscatine, Gladys Wagner at Sigourney, and Charlotte Wickham at Des Moines. Pastime A Special feature for today and tomorrow Gladys Brockwell in "The Strange Woman" The greatest star of modern times Also A 2-reel Marie Dressler Comedy The funniest woman on the screen A great show See it Admission 15 cents Y. W. C. A. LECTURE COURSE A series of lectures will be given by the Y. W. C. A. beginning in two weeks. The first series consists of four lectures: "The Business of Being a Woman," "The Business of Being a Friend," "The Business of Being a Student," and "The Business of Being a Christian." Speakers for these have not as yet been chosen. The committee in charge is planning to work out a distinctive service for each meeting. Y. W. MEETING "Fakers" is the subject of the talk to be given by secretary. H. M. Le Sourd of the army Y. M. C. A. Tea will be served at 4 o'clock Wednesday afternoon in the association parlor, followed by the Vesper service in the drawing room at 4:30. There will be special music. All girls are invited to attend. Ensign Kenneth G. Ellsworth is visiting friends at the University. LEWIS AT Y. M. WEDNESDAY Prof. E. E. Lewis will speak at the "Fireside Forum" at the Y. M. C. A. Wednesday evening. The subject of this speech will be announced later. A sing will follow. As this is the first meeting of this kind at the Y. M. C. A. this year it is expected that there will be a large attendance. Moving pictures will be shown Thursday evening. Send the Iowan home. ATTEND OUR Gigantic Clearance Sale AND SAVE MONEY $2.00 and $2.50 Quality Neckwear $1.75 3 for $5.00 $8.00 Quality Silk Shirts $6.95 $2.00 Quality Dress Shirts $1.45 20% Discount on all Trousers 20% Discount on all Sweaters $13.50 Quality Cordavan Shoes $11.45 $2.00 Quality Union Suits $2.19 $3.50 Quality Pajamas at $2.75 $35.00 Quality Suits and Overcoats $28.65 $40 Quality Suits and Overcoats $33.45 $50 Quality Suits and Overcoats $42.75 Every article you buy here is guaranteed to give satisfaction. Bremers' Golden Eagle SPECIALIZING Coasts' Midwinter Department Sales These Special Department Sales are inaugurated in order to cut down top-heavy stocks in the different departments or sections of the store and place merchandise for your special choosing from the various sections of the store at prices considerably below the usual clearance sale basis allowing far greater price reductions than are usually quoted. These Department Sales Are For Two Days, Three Times a Week TODAY AND TOMORROW choice of all $30.00 and $35.00 Suits regardless of color, style or weight your unrestricted CHOICE ONLY $24.50 COASTS
Tuesday, January 14, 1919 THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA PAGE THREE SOCIETY PLANNING IOWA WAR HISTORY Ten Volume Edition of State's Activity in Great Conflict to be Published The State Historical society of Iowa is making plans for a comprehensive and monumental history of Iowa's part in the world war, as a memorial to the citizens of Iowa who serves in a great cause. Material for such work has been collected ever since America entered the war. In the historical researches which have recently been published by the society in the "Iowa Journal of History" in the "Iowa and War," pamphlets and in several substantial volumes a background for the undertaking has already been developed. The history which is to be a record of the people of Iowa as well as a military record, will cover eight or ten volumes. Some of the subjects which are to be included in the outline are the selective draft, volunteers for the officers training camp, the schools in war time, Camp Dodge, the Students Army Training corps, and the war work of the Y.M.C.A. and the K. C. HUMANIST MEETING HELD Prof. C.E. Young Spoke on Modern Methods of Teaching French Prof. C. E. Young, chairman of the Romance language department, spoke at the meeting of the Humanist society Monday evening on modern methods of teaching French, with special reference to methods used in the University. The society met at the home of Prof. and Mrs. J. H. Scott. "The question of methods,' stated Professor Young is determined by the question of aims." The department in the University aims to give the student a reading knowledge of the language, a phonetically accurate pronunciation, an opportunity to understand spoken French and to lay a foundation for the speaking of the language, according to Professor Young. Instructors in the department endeavor in all courses to acquaint the student with the life, thought, history, and civilization of the French people. The talk of a league of nations at the present time makes it of primary importance that students understand this international language. Professor Young emphasized the point that any language which helps us to understand the thought and character of another nation helps us to become better American citizens and to deal more intelligently with our alien countrymen. DANIELS-GIBSON Bessie Daniels, assistant surgical nurse at the University hospital, and Paul Gibson, senior medical student, were married in Cedar Rapids Saturday. Mr. Gibson is a member of the Phi Rho Sigma fraternity and will graduate in March. Mr. and Mrs. Gibson will continue their work for the present and will reside in Iowa City. Students spending the week-end out of town were Nadine Cain at Colfax, Stella Dunn at Cedar Rapids, Isabel Guthrie at West Liberty, Lucy Pierce at Washington, Agnes Schwertfeger at Muscatine, Gladys Wagner at Sigourney, and Charlotte Wickham at Des Moines. Pastime A Special feature for today and tomorrow Gladys Brockwell in "The Strange Woman" The greatest star of modern times Also A 2-reel Marie Dressler Comedy The funniest woman on the screen A great show See it Admission 15 cents Y. W. C. A. LECTURE COURSE A series of lectures will be given by the Y. W. C. A. beginning in two weeks. The first series consists of four lectures: "The Business of Being a Woman," "The Business of Being a Friend," "The Business of Being a Student," and "The Business of Being a Christian." Speakers for these have not as yet been chosen. The committee in charge is planning to work out a distinctive service for each meeting. Y. W. MEETING "Fakers" is the subject of the talk to be given by secretary. H. M. Le Sourd of the army Y. M. C. A. Tea will be served at 4 o'clock Wednesday afternoon in the association parlor, followed by the Vesper service in the drawing room at 4:30. There will be special music. All girls are invited to attend. Ensign Kenneth G. Ellsworth is visiting friends at the University. LEWIS AT Y. M. WEDNESDAY Prof. E. E. Lewis will speak at the "Fireside Forum" at the Y. M. C. A. Wednesday evening. The subject of this speech will be announced later. A sing will follow. As this is the first meeting of this kind at the Y. M. C. A. this year it is expected that there will be a large attendance. Moving pictures will be shown Thursday evening. Send the Iowan home. ATTEND OUR Gigantic Clearance Sale AND SAVE MONEY $2.00 and $2.50 Quality Neckwear $1.75 3 for $5.00 $8.00 Quality Silk Shirts $6.95 $2.00 Quality Dress Shirts $1.45 20% Discount on all Trousers 20% Discount on all Sweaters $13.50 Quality Cordavan Shoes $11.45 $2.00 Quality Union Suits $2.19 $3.50 Quality Pajamas at $2.75 $35.00 Quality Suits and Overcoats $28.65 $40 Quality Suits and Overcoats $33.45 $50 Quality Suits and Overcoats $42.75 Every article you buy here is guaranteed to give satisfaction. Bremers' Golden Eagle SPECIALIZING Coasts' Midwinter Department Sales These Special Department Sales are inaugurated in order to cut down top-heavy stocks in the different departments or sections of the store and place merchandise for your special choosing from the various sections of the store at prices considerably below the usual clearance sale basis allowing far greater price reductions than are usually quoted. These Department Sales Are For Two Days, Three Times a Week TODAY AND TOMORROW choice of all $30.00 and $35.00 Suits regardless of color, style or weight your unrestricted CHOICE ONLY $24.50 COASTS
Daily Iowan Newspapers