Daily Iowan, January 14, 1919
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PAGE FOUR THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Tuesday, January 14, 1919 WANT ADS RATE 10c a line or fraction: 20% discount on three or more insertions. Want ads cash in advance. FOUND--A grey scarf on S. Clinton street. Call at Iowan office. LOST--On Iowa avenue or campus a small oval enameled pin. Finder please call B-235. LOST--Gold Ever-sharp pencil. Return Iowan office. LOST--Gold wrist watch. Name on back. Return Iowan office. PRESIDENT MASARYK OF CZECHO-SLOVAKS FRIEND OF SHIMEK Father of University's Botany Professor Fought in the Revolution of 1848 IN HARMONY WITH U. S. Shimek Was Professor in University of Prague--Colleague of Masaryk President Masaryk, of the new republic of the Czecho-Slovaks, is a personal friend of Prof. Bohumil Shimek, head of the Botany department, and the latter has been deeply gratified at the well-earned recognition which has come to the great leader. Professor Shimek was exchange professor in the University of Prague, the oldest university in central Europe, in 1914, and while there he renewed his acquaintance with President Masaryk, then professor of philosophy in the same university. President Masaryk was for many years a member of the Austrian Parliament, and when the war offered an opportunity for the escape of his people from the injustices done them by the Austrian government, he left his family and all of his possessions to seek aid for them. Shimek a Patriotic Speaker Through the past year Professor Shimek has given many patriotic addresses, and he has also worked a great deal in the Czecho-Slovak movement. He is especially interested in this because his father was one of those many Czecho-Slovaks, who fought in the revolutionary war of 1848. After this war he came to America. Professor Shimek was born and raised in this country, and he, like many other Czecho-Slovaks or Bohemians, as they are also called, has no desire to go back to live in Europe, but he has a sentimental interest in helping his brothers across the sea. Professor Shimek emphasizes the fact that at no time in the work of the Bohemians here was there a single thing done that was not in perfect harmony with the interests of this country, nor was there any criminal propaganda carried on at any time. The political ideals of the Czecho-Slovaks are like those of this country and they are a most democratic people. Up to the present time they are the only European people who were released from bondage in this way, who has set up a stable, orderly, republican government. Helped Masaryk to go Back It was largely through the efforts of Professor Shimek and other patriotic men in the United States that President Masaryk was enabled to go back and establish the new republic. It is also interesting to know that at the same time that the Bohemians in this country were sending large sums of money to their fellow workers across the sea, they were far overscribing their quotas in buying liberty bonds, war savings stamps and other war activities. They also sent many men across the sea to fight for democracy. The establishment of a free Czecho-Slovak republic is doubly gratifying to Professor Shimek, not only because of the personal bond with President Masaryk and the other leaders, but because it is possible for him to assist at least in some degree in bringing about a realization of the hopes of his own father. NEW SCIENCE CLUB IS FOR RESEARCH WORK A new science club has been organized to encourage research among undergraduates. Students majoring in botany, bacteriology, zoology, biology, and geology are eligible upon recommendation by the head of the department in which their major is chosen. General scholarship will also be taken into consideration when prospective members are voted upon. Membership is limited to twenty. Coey Custer Jones is president, Florence Landon, vice president, Avis Wood, secretary, and Esther Christenson, treasurer. Meetings will be conducted much like those of Sigma Xi and papers requiring at least six weeks' preparation will be read. MISS PIERCE IS HONORED Bessie Pierce, instructor in history in the University, and supervisor of history in the University high school, has been asked to serve on a committee of the Missouri Valley Historical association which has for its purpose the standardization of library equipment in history for high schools. The committee embraces in its membership Howard C. Hill and R. M. Tryon of the University of Chicago, Margaret Mitchell of the University of Oklahoma, Carl E. Pray of the State Normal college, Ypsilanti Mich.; Oscar H. Williams, state high school inspector of Indiana, and E. M. Violette, First District Normal school, Kernsville, Mo. Sporting Goods CAMPING OUTFITS Hunting Coats, Caps, Sweaters, Rubber Boots, Ponchos, Raincoats, Gloves, Leggings, Sheep Skin Coats, Mess Kits, Camp Furniture, Tents, Cots, Blankets and everything you need. Hundreds of other articles. For Xmas Presents Many acceptable gifts for your soldier friend in service; or as a present to your officer instructors in charge of S. A. T. C. WRITE FOR CATALOG No. 9 ARMY & NAVY EQUIPMENT CO. 37 West 125th St. New York. Y. M. C. A. RALLY PLANNED Secretary H. M. Le Sourd Will Speak at Next Meeting Members of the Y.M.C.A. cabinet and chairmen of the various association committees held a dinner at the Commercial club Saturday night to make plans for the membership campaign and map out a general schedule for the next year. The next rally has been set for Wednesday evening at 7 oclock. Mr. H. M. Le Sourd, secretary of the Y.M.C.A., will give a short talk on the subject, "After Demobilization, What?" Moral, social and religious problems will be discussed at a meeting of the Fireside Forum Wednesday evening. Moving pictures will be shown Monday, Thursday and Saturday nights. VENUS PENCILS These famous pencils are the standard by which all other pencils are judged. 17 black degrees 6B softest to 9H hardest and hard and medium copying Look for the VENUS finish FREE! Trial Sampes of VENUS Pencils and Eraser sent free. Please enclose 6c in stamps for packing and postage. American Lead Pencil Co. 215 Fifth Avenue, N.Y. Dept. D .GARDEN. TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY CORINNE GRIFFITH IN "MISS AMBITION" also A good 2reel comedy A New Iowa Song "A PLEDGE TO IOWA" 25 Cents At Suniers Music Store Vimy Ridge Concert Co. 9 WOUNDED CANADIAN SOLDIERS 9 Who Went Over-the-Top at Vimy Ridge And Were Wounded Fighting the Hnns IN--LATEST VOCAL and INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC THEY WILL TELL TRENCH STORIES AND MAKE YOU LAUGH WITH THEIR TRENCH SONGS AND JOKES. MR. DOETZEL WHO HAS SACRIFICED BOTH LEGS AT VIMY RIDGE WILL TELL YOU OF HIS FOUR YEARS EXPERIENCE IN THE TRENCHES UNDER HUN FIRE. The Concert will last two hours in addition to our Parmount Pictures. Matinee Picture Starts at 1:30. Concert from 3:00 to 5:00. Night Picture Starts at 7:00. Concert from 8:30 to 10:30. Tomorrow and Thursday MATINEE AND NIGHT STRAND THEATRE Two shows daily Matinee and Night. Prices--Adults 50c; Children, 25c. Last Time Tonight--Douglas Fairbanks, in "He Comes Up Smiling"
PAGE FOUR THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Tuesday, January 14, 1919 WANT ADS RATE 10c a line or fraction: 20% discount on three or more insertions. Want ads cash in advance. FOUND--A grey scarf on S. Clinton street. Call at Iowan office. LOST--On Iowa avenue or campus a small oval enameled pin. Finder please call B-235. LOST--Gold Ever-sharp pencil. Return Iowan office. LOST--Gold wrist watch. Name on back. Return Iowan office. PRESIDENT MASARYK OF CZECHO-SLOVAKS FRIEND OF SHIMEK Father of University's Botany Professor Fought in the Revolution of 1848 IN HARMONY WITH U. S. Shimek Was Professor in University of Prague--Colleague of Masaryk President Masaryk, of the new republic of the Czecho-Slovaks, is a personal friend of Prof. Bohumil Shimek, head of the Botany department, and the latter has been deeply gratified at the well-earned recognition which has come to the great leader. Professor Shimek was exchange professor in the University of Prague, the oldest university in central Europe, in 1914, and while there he renewed his acquaintance with President Masaryk, then professor of philosophy in the same university. President Masaryk was for many years a member of the Austrian Parliament, and when the war offered an opportunity for the escape of his people from the injustices done them by the Austrian government, he left his family and all of his possessions to seek aid for them. Shimek a Patriotic Speaker Through the past year Professor Shimek has given many patriotic addresses, and he has also worked a great deal in the Czecho-Slovak movement. He is especially interested in this because his father was one of those many Czecho-Slovaks, who fought in the revolutionary war of 1848. After this war he came to America. Professor Shimek was born and raised in this country, and he, like many other Czecho-Slovaks or Bohemians, as they are also called, has no desire to go back to live in Europe, but he has a sentimental interest in helping his brothers across the sea. Professor Shimek emphasizes the fact that at no time in the work of the Bohemians here was there a single thing done that was not in perfect harmony with the interests of this country, nor was there any criminal propaganda carried on at any time. The political ideals of the Czecho-Slovaks are like those of this country and they are a most democratic people. Up to the present time they are the only European people who were released from bondage in this way, who has set up a stable, orderly, republican government. Helped Masaryk to go Back It was largely through the efforts of Professor Shimek and other patriotic men in the United States that President Masaryk was enabled to go back and establish the new republic. It is also interesting to know that at the same time that the Bohemians in this country were sending large sums of money to their fellow workers across the sea, they were far overscribing their quotas in buying liberty bonds, war savings stamps and other war activities. They also sent many men across the sea to fight for democracy. The establishment of a free Czecho-Slovak republic is doubly gratifying to Professor Shimek, not only because of the personal bond with President Masaryk and the other leaders, but because it is possible for him to assist at least in some degree in bringing about a realization of the hopes of his own father. NEW SCIENCE CLUB IS FOR RESEARCH WORK A new science club has been organized to encourage research among undergraduates. Students majoring in botany, bacteriology, zoology, biology, and geology are eligible upon recommendation by the head of the department in which their major is chosen. General scholarship will also be taken into consideration when prospective members are voted upon. Membership is limited to twenty. Coey Custer Jones is president, Florence Landon, vice president, Avis Wood, secretary, and Esther Christenson, treasurer. Meetings will be conducted much like those of Sigma Xi and papers requiring at least six weeks' preparation will be read. MISS PIERCE IS HONORED Bessie Pierce, instructor in history in the University, and supervisor of history in the University high school, has been asked to serve on a committee of the Missouri Valley Historical association which has for its purpose the standardization of library equipment in history for high schools. The committee embraces in its membership Howard C. Hill and R. M. Tryon of the University of Chicago, Margaret Mitchell of the University of Oklahoma, Carl E. Pray of the State Normal college, Ypsilanti Mich.; Oscar H. Williams, state high school inspector of Indiana, and E. M. Violette, First District Normal school, Kernsville, Mo. Sporting Goods CAMPING OUTFITS Hunting Coats, Caps, Sweaters, Rubber Boots, Ponchos, Raincoats, Gloves, Leggings, Sheep Skin Coats, Mess Kits, Camp Furniture, Tents, Cots, Blankets and everything you need. Hundreds of other articles. For Xmas Presents Many acceptable gifts for your soldier friend in service; or as a present to your officer instructors in charge of S. A. T. C. WRITE FOR CATALOG No. 9 ARMY & NAVY EQUIPMENT CO. 37 West 125th St. New York. Y. M. C. A. RALLY PLANNED Secretary H. M. Le Sourd Will Speak at Next Meeting Members of the Y.M.C.A. cabinet and chairmen of the various association committees held a dinner at the Commercial club Saturday night to make plans for the membership campaign and map out a general schedule for the next year. The next rally has been set for Wednesday evening at 7 oclock. Mr. H. M. Le Sourd, secretary of the Y.M.C.A., will give a short talk on the subject, "After Demobilization, What?" Moral, social and religious problems will be discussed at a meeting of the Fireside Forum Wednesday evening. Moving pictures will be shown Monday, Thursday and Saturday nights. VENUS PENCILS These famous pencils are the standard by which all other pencils are judged. 17 black degrees 6B softest to 9H hardest and hard and medium copying Look for the VENUS finish FREE! Trial Sampes of VENUS Pencils and Eraser sent free. Please enclose 6c in stamps for packing and postage. American Lead Pencil Co. 215 Fifth Avenue, N.Y. Dept. D .GARDEN. TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY CORINNE GRIFFITH IN "MISS AMBITION" also A good 2reel comedy A New Iowa Song "A PLEDGE TO IOWA" 25 Cents At Suniers Music Store Vimy Ridge Concert Co. 9 WOUNDED CANADIAN SOLDIERS 9 Who Went Over-the-Top at Vimy Ridge And Were Wounded Fighting the Hnns IN--LATEST VOCAL and INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC THEY WILL TELL TRENCH STORIES AND MAKE YOU LAUGH WITH THEIR TRENCH SONGS AND JOKES. MR. DOETZEL WHO HAS SACRIFICED BOTH LEGS AT VIMY RIDGE WILL TELL YOU OF HIS FOUR YEARS EXPERIENCE IN THE TRENCHES UNDER HUN FIRE. The Concert will last two hours in addition to our Parmount Pictures. Matinee Picture Starts at 1:30. Concert from 3:00 to 5:00. Night Picture Starts at 7:00. Concert from 8:30 to 10:30. Tomorrow and Thursday MATINEE AND NIGHT STRAND THEATRE Two shows daily Matinee and Night. Prices--Adults 50c; Children, 25c. Last Time Tonight--Douglas Fairbanks, in "He Comes Up Smiling"
Daily Iowan Newspapers