Daily Iowan, January 19, 1919
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PAGE FOUR THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Sunday, January 19, 1919 TWO NEW CLASS TICKETS LAUNCHED Sophomore Election Takes Place Tomorrow--Smith and Anneberg Opponents After a long period of quiescence, class politics are booming again, and for the first time this year some real competition is promised. Within the last twenty-four hours the important political developments have been the launching of a new sophomore and a freshman ticket. Tomorrow is the day of the big event for the sophomores. Their election is scheduled to take place in room 7, liberal arts, from 3:30 to 5:30. The Everett Smith machine is in good running order, their ticket having been doped out before the holidays, but it was postponed at the request of several sophomores. W.A. Anneberg of Carroll heads the most recent sophomore ticket and he is supported by Esther Mackintosh as vice president, Rothwell Proctor, treasurer; Esther Swartz, secretary; Dorothy Banks, corresponding secretary Paul Ebersole, class delegate; Lester Dyke, athletic representative. Candidates for the Hawkeye trusteeship on this ticket are Florence Landon, Arthur Rosenbaugh, Bill Evans, and Frank Shuttleworth. The victory ticket headed by Everett Smith contains the names of Jean Birdsall, Vivienne Coady, Happy Evans, Leila Stevens, Jean Holloway, and Bill Kelly. Nancy Lamb, Marion Smith, Joe Hill and Carl Spiecker are out for the Hawkeye places. Miss Marion Janes will come from Minneapolis next Wednesday, to help organize discussional groups, which are being formed by the Y.M.C.A. We Stand For a Constructive Conscientious Program SOPHOMORE REPRESENTATIVE TICKET PRESIDENT--W. A. ANNEBERG VICE PRESIDENT--ESTHER MACKINTOSH TREASURER--ROTHWELL PROCTOR SECRETARY--ESTHER SWARTZ COR. SECRETARY--DOROTHY BANKS CLASS DELEGATS--PAUL EBERSOLE ATHLETIC REP.--DESTER DYKE HAWKEYE TRUSTEES: ARTHUR ROSENBAUGH BILL EVANS FRANK SHUTTLEWORTH FLORENCE LANDON Vote For Fair Play and a Greater Class Spirit VICTORY TICKET SOPHOMORE CLASS ELECTION President, Everett E. Smith Vice-President, Jean Birdsall Corresponding Secretary, Vivienne Coady Recording Secretary, "Happy" Evans Treasurer, Leila Stevens Class Delegate, Jean Holloway Hawkeye Trustees: Joel Hill Carl Spiecker Nancy Lamb Marion C. Smith Athletic Manager, William Kelly The above candidates pledge themselves to labor for the interests of the Sophomore class as a whole. Examine the makeup of the ticket and judge for yourself. Vote Monday in Room 7 L.A. 3:30-5:30 VOTE IT STRAIGHT!
PAGE FOUR THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Sunday, January 19, 1919 TWO NEW CLASS TICKETS LAUNCHED Sophomore Election Takes Place Tomorrow--Smith and Anneberg Opponents After a long period of quiescence, class politics are booming again, and for the first time this year some real competition is promised. Within the last twenty-four hours the important political developments have been the launching of a new sophomore and a freshman ticket. Tomorrow is the day of the big event for the sophomores. Their election is scheduled to take place in room 7, liberal arts, from 3:30 to 5:30. The Everett Smith machine is in good running order, their ticket having been doped out before the holidays, but it was postponed at the request of several sophomores. W.A. Anneberg of Carroll heads the most recent sophomore ticket and he is supported by Esther Mackintosh as vice president, Rothwell Proctor, treasurer; Esther Swartz, secretary; Dorothy Banks, corresponding secretary Paul Ebersole, class delegate; Lester Dyke, athletic representative. Candidates for the Hawkeye trusteeship on this ticket are Florence Landon, Arthur Rosenbaugh, Bill Evans, and Frank Shuttleworth. The victory ticket headed by Everett Smith contains the names of Jean Birdsall, Vivienne Coady, Happy Evans, Leila Stevens, Jean Holloway, and Bill Kelly. Nancy Lamb, Marion Smith, Joe Hill and Carl Spiecker are out for the Hawkeye places. Miss Marion Janes will come from Minneapolis next Wednesday, to help organize discussional groups, which are being formed by the Y.M.C.A. We Stand For a Constructive Conscientious Program SOPHOMORE REPRESENTATIVE TICKET PRESIDENT--W. A. ANNEBERG VICE PRESIDENT--ESTHER MACKINTOSH TREASURER--ROTHWELL PROCTOR SECRETARY--ESTHER SWARTZ COR. SECRETARY--DOROTHY BANKS CLASS DELEGATS--PAUL EBERSOLE ATHLETIC REP.--DESTER DYKE HAWKEYE TRUSTEES: ARTHUR ROSENBAUGH BILL EVANS FRANK SHUTTLEWORTH FLORENCE LANDON Vote For Fair Play and a Greater Class Spirit VICTORY TICKET SOPHOMORE CLASS ELECTION President, Everett E. Smith Vice-President, Jean Birdsall Corresponding Secretary, Vivienne Coady Recording Secretary, "Happy" Evans Treasurer, Leila Stevens Class Delegate, Jean Holloway Hawkeye Trustees: Joel Hill Carl Spiecker Nancy Lamb Marion C. Smith Athletic Manager, William Kelly The above candidates pledge themselves to labor for the interests of the Sophomore class as a whole. Examine the makeup of the ticket and judge for yourself. Vote Monday in Room 7 L.A. 3:30-5:30 VOTE IT STRAIGHT!
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