Daily Iowan, January 19, 1919
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Sunday, January 19, 1919 THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA PAGE FIVE UNIVERSITY CALENDAR Coming events cast their shadows before them. Sunday, Jan. 19 Lecture, "Religion in Days of Reconstruction," by Dean George F. Kay. Presbyterian church, 9:45 a.m. Vesper Services, Natural Science auditorium, 4 p.m. Lecture, "The Revival of Idealism," by Rev. Allan Hoben, University of Chicago. Music by University choir. Monday, Jan. 20 Political Science Club. L.A. Assembly, 8 p.m. Reading by Professor Klingaman. Home Economics club, business meeting. Lecture room of Home Economics building, 4 p.m. Sophomore Class Election. Liberal Arts building. Room 7. 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. History Conference meeting. L.A. building. Room 224. 4 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 21 Regular meeting of Women's Glee club. Professor Hays' studio, 4 p.m. Regular meeting of "I" club. Liberal Arts assembly. 7:30 p.m. Whitby business meeting. Liberal arts building, 4:25 p.m. Band rehearsal. Band hall, 4:15 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 22 Lecture, "Barbados," by Prof. C. C. Nutting. Natural science auditorium. 8 p.m. I. W. A. A. initiation. Women's gymnasium. Y. W. C. A. rally. Liberal arts drawing room. 7:30 p.m. Newman club initiation. Knights of Columbus hall. 7:30 p.m. Regular meeting of Men's Glee club. Professor Hays' studio. 7:15 p.m. Spanish club meeting. 22 E. Jefferson, 8 p.m. Kappa Phi meeting. Methodist University Pastor's house, 8 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 23 Lecture, "Evolution," by Professor C. C. Nutting. Liberal Arts assembly, 4 p.m. Lecture by Isaac Marcossan. Natural Science auditorium. 8 p.m. Erodelphian meeting. Liberal Arts drawing room. 7 p.m. Hesperian party. Women's gymnasium, 7:30 p.m. Band rehearsal, band hall, 4:30 p.m. Friday, Jan. 24 University club tea. 3 to 6 p.m. Triangle club. Open to ladies of members of club. Band rehearsal. Band hall, 4:30 p.m. Irving meeting. 8 p.m. Zetagathian meeting. L. A. assembly. 8:30 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 25 University club. Brief business meeting. Supper, 6 p.m. Triangle club. Business meeting. 8:30 p.m. "EARLY BIRDS" WILL BE GIVEN ALUMNUS FREE To the first fifty students who apply at the main entrance of the campus tomorrow morning, will be given a copy of the January Alumnus. Copies will be sold to those who come later. Surplus advertising for this month make possible a reward for the "early birds." Rumors have been circulating that the wise are planning to set their alarm clocks the night before. Philomathean literary society has elected William Johnson, Max Conrad, and Frederick Egan to the Men's Forensic council. Mr. Conrad was chosen president of Forensic council. GREAT NEWSPAPER MAN TO SPEAK (continued from page 1) since. Going to the war becomes a habit--a very dangerous one to be sure, but with many compensations." When the Russian revolution broke out, Mr. Marcosson was in London. Through the British admiralty he was able to go to Norway on a converted warship and was the first American to reach Petrograd from the outside world after the upheaval which dethroned the Czar. Here he had the opportunity of meeting all the leading figures in that political turmoil. Made It Hot for Germans Mr. Marcosson has caused the late Imperial German government more annoyance than any other American writer. By studying the German propaganda in the neutral countries systematically and fearlessly, he was the first to expose the German game in Spain. He followed it up with equally scathing revelations of the Teutonic espionage system in Holland, Sweden, and Switzerland. In Holland last June an attempt was made to lure him to the German frontier where a scheme had been hatched to kidnap him into Germany. Newman club will meet at Townsend's today at 12 o'clock for the Hawkeye photograph. .GARDEN. SUNDAY and MONDAY Emmy Wehlen IN "HIS BONDED WIFE" Pastime TODAY-TOMORROW Oh! Girls, look who's come CONSTANCE TALMADGE in her latest and best picture-- "A LADY'S NAME" Dont fail to see this good A dandy comedy drama show ADMISSION 15c MORE SPRING MODELS In heavier goods were placed in stock Saturday Waist Line Coats and Double Breasted are the favorities for this coming season All Wool Fabrics Only There is no chance of getting anything but all wool here in these Hart Schaffner & Marx Suits and Coats--Price $37.50 and up COASTS Mrs. Charlie Chaplin (MILDRED HARRIS) Wife of the World's Greatest Comedian IN LOIS WEBER'S SIX REEL PRODUCTION "BORROWED CLOTHES" TODAY STRAND THEATRE UNDER GOVERNMENT SUPERVISION STOP THE LEAKS IN YOUR POCKETBOOK Keeping track of where your money goes is the first step in THRIFT. When leaks are discovered and stopped you'll find some extra change in your bocketbook every week. This extra change merely represents money that you are wasting and didn't know it until you investigated your own expenditures. Our suggestion is that you put the amount thus saved in a savings account in this bank and keep adding to it the dollars and cents you'll in your pocketbook every week. First National Bank MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM "A GOOD TIME" FOR 'U' STUDENTS YOUNG MEN and YOUNG WOMEN TO BUY THAT PAIR OF SHOES THAT YOU MAY NEED NOW; OR PERHAPS IN THE NEAR FUTURE This week ends it -OUR PRESENT- Great Shoe Sale WHERE THE "BEST & BETTER" SHOES ARE LESS -BEST COME NOW- YOU WILL APPRECIATE OUR SALE PRICES Philip J. Stach ESTABLISHED 1885 IOWA CITY IA. THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES.
Sunday, January 19, 1919 THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA PAGE FIVE UNIVERSITY CALENDAR Coming events cast their shadows before them. Sunday, Jan. 19 Lecture, "Religion in Days of Reconstruction," by Dean George F. Kay. Presbyterian church, 9:45 a.m. Vesper Services, Natural Science auditorium, 4 p.m. Lecture, "The Revival of Idealism," by Rev. Allan Hoben, University of Chicago. Music by University choir. Monday, Jan. 20 Political Science Club. L.A. Assembly, 8 p.m. Reading by Professor Klingaman. Home Economics club, business meeting. Lecture room of Home Economics building, 4 p.m. Sophomore Class Election. Liberal Arts building. Room 7. 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. History Conference meeting. L.A. building. Room 224. 4 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 21 Regular meeting of Women's Glee club. Professor Hays' studio, 4 p.m. Regular meeting of "I" club. Liberal Arts assembly. 7:30 p.m. Whitby business meeting. Liberal arts building, 4:25 p.m. Band rehearsal. Band hall, 4:15 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 22 Lecture, "Barbados," by Prof. C. C. Nutting. Natural science auditorium. 8 p.m. I. W. A. A. initiation. Women's gymnasium. Y. W. C. A. rally. Liberal arts drawing room. 7:30 p.m. Newman club initiation. Knights of Columbus hall. 7:30 p.m. Regular meeting of Men's Glee club. Professor Hays' studio. 7:15 p.m. Spanish club meeting. 22 E. Jefferson, 8 p.m. Kappa Phi meeting. Methodist University Pastor's house, 8 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 23 Lecture, "Evolution," by Professor C. C. Nutting. Liberal Arts assembly, 4 p.m. Lecture by Isaac Marcossan. Natural Science auditorium. 8 p.m. Erodelphian meeting. Liberal Arts drawing room. 7 p.m. Hesperian party. Women's gymnasium, 7:30 p.m. Band rehearsal, band hall, 4:30 p.m. Friday, Jan. 24 University club tea. 3 to 6 p.m. Triangle club. Open to ladies of members of club. Band rehearsal. Band hall, 4:30 p.m. Irving meeting. 8 p.m. Zetagathian meeting. L. A. assembly. 8:30 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 25 University club. Brief business meeting. Supper, 6 p.m. Triangle club. Business meeting. 8:30 p.m. "EARLY BIRDS" WILL BE GIVEN ALUMNUS FREE To the first fifty students who apply at the main entrance of the campus tomorrow morning, will be given a copy of the January Alumnus. Copies will be sold to those who come later. Surplus advertising for this month make possible a reward for the "early birds." Rumors have been circulating that the wise are planning to set their alarm clocks the night before. Philomathean literary society has elected William Johnson, Max Conrad, and Frederick Egan to the Men's Forensic council. Mr. Conrad was chosen president of Forensic council. GREAT NEWSPAPER MAN TO SPEAK (continued from page 1) since. Going to the war becomes a habit--a very dangerous one to be sure, but with many compensations." When the Russian revolution broke out, Mr. Marcosson was in London. Through the British admiralty he was able to go to Norway on a converted warship and was the first American to reach Petrograd from the outside world after the upheaval which dethroned the Czar. Here he had the opportunity of meeting all the leading figures in that political turmoil. Made It Hot for Germans Mr. Marcosson has caused the late Imperial German government more annoyance than any other American writer. By studying the German propaganda in the neutral countries systematically and fearlessly, he was the first to expose the German game in Spain. He followed it up with equally scathing revelations of the Teutonic espionage system in Holland, Sweden, and Switzerland. In Holland last June an attempt was made to lure him to the German frontier where a scheme had been hatched to kidnap him into Germany. Newman club will meet at Townsend's today at 12 o'clock for the Hawkeye photograph. .GARDEN. SUNDAY and MONDAY Emmy Wehlen IN "HIS BONDED WIFE" Pastime TODAY-TOMORROW Oh! Girls, look who's come CONSTANCE TALMADGE in her latest and best picture-- "A LADY'S NAME" Dont fail to see this good A dandy comedy drama show ADMISSION 15c MORE SPRING MODELS In heavier goods were placed in stock Saturday Waist Line Coats and Double Breasted are the favorities for this coming season All Wool Fabrics Only There is no chance of getting anything but all wool here in these Hart Schaffner & Marx Suits and Coats--Price $37.50 and up COASTS Mrs. Charlie Chaplin (MILDRED HARRIS) Wife of the World's Greatest Comedian IN LOIS WEBER'S SIX REEL PRODUCTION "BORROWED CLOTHES" TODAY STRAND THEATRE UNDER GOVERNMENT SUPERVISION STOP THE LEAKS IN YOUR POCKETBOOK Keeping track of where your money goes is the first step in THRIFT. When leaks are discovered and stopped you'll find some extra change in your bocketbook every week. This extra change merely represents money that you are wasting and didn't know it until you investigated your own expenditures. Our suggestion is that you put the amount thus saved in a savings account in this bank and keep adding to it the dollars and cents you'll in your pocketbook every week. First National Bank MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM "A GOOD TIME" FOR 'U' STUDENTS YOUNG MEN and YOUNG WOMEN TO BUY THAT PAIR OF SHOES THAT YOU MAY NEED NOW; OR PERHAPS IN THE NEAR FUTURE This week ends it -OUR PRESENT- Great Shoe Sale WHERE THE "BEST & BETTER" SHOES ARE LESS -BEST COME NOW- YOU WILL APPRECIATE OUR SALE PRICES Philip J. Stach ESTABLISHED 1885 IOWA CITY IA. THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES.
Daily Iowan Newspapers