Daily Iowan, January 19, 1919
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Sunday, January 19, 1919 THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA PAGE EIGHT Coats, Suits and Dresses Reduced for THE JANUARY CLEARANCE Women's all wool cloth coats in broadcloth, velour, silvertone, pom pom, mercerized plush and normandy cloth, sizes to 48. The former prices were up to $65.00. Choose during the "CLEARANCE" SALE at $8.98 $12.98 $19.98 $29.98 $34.98 SILK PLUSH COATS Rich luxurious SILK PLUSH COATS, some fur trimmed, sizes up to 48, all beautifully tailored and made of Salt's best plushes. Included in the assortments are coats easily worth up to $55.00. Clearance SALE Prices $29.98 and $39.98 Finer Models of rare beauty go at Correspondingly Low Prices. WOMEN'S SUITS MARKED DOWN All are this season's styles, tailored from all-wool gaberdine, poplin, broadcloth, silvertone and velour in all the fashionable new colors. Some of these suits sold earlier in he season up to $80.00. You may take your choice during this Clearance Sale at $9.98, $19.98 and $29.98 A large number of them are those rich fur-trimmed Suits that are so popular. Womens Silk and Wool Dresses Here is an excellent assortment of Silk and Wool Dresses that will prove interesting to economical women. There are to be had in a splendid variety of materials in all the new and wanted colors. Not a dress in the entire stock worth less than $12.98 and some as much as $35.00 Choose now, at $6.98 $9.98 $12.98 and $19.98 CHARMING PARTY DRESSES A fine assortment of styles for party or other dress occasions. The fabrics and colors are especially attractive. All are moderately priced-- GEORGETTE CREPE WAISTS Beautiful fabrics, all the new spring colors, wonderful values at-- $4.98 They are really worth more-- Beautiful Petticoats Greatly Reduced No matter whether you are needing a petticoat for practical or dress-up wear you will find all styles in this selection. SILK FLOUNCE PETTICOATS Just as pretty as a silk petticoat if a tiny bit happens to show beneath your skirt, and they are more durable with good heatherbloom tops. $3.98. SILK PETTICOATS Beautiful new ones have just arrived. They are made of good quality Silk with deep flounces, ruffled trimmed, plain colors and delightful changeable tones. The silk petticoats are made of guaranteed silk. The prices are exceedingly good values at-- $4.98 and $5.98 Yetter's: THE BIG STORE WANT ADS RATE 10c a line or fraction: 20% discount on three or more insertions. Want ads cash in advance. LOST--Gold Ever-sharp pencil. Return Iowan office. LOST--Gold wrist watch. Name on back. Return Iowan office. LOST--Pink and white cameo pin surrounded with pearls. Return to this office. Reward. 50 LOST--Pair of nose glasses with white rims and dropleaf lens. Were in case. Tel. 2125, 125 N. Clinton. LOST--Large size Waterman fountain pen between First National bank and campus. Return to Iowan office. Send the Iowan home. EDUCATION DEAN RETURNS TO IOWA (Continued from page one) books, school supplies, and suggestions. It is probable that within the next few years many Russian men and women will be sent to our Universities to gain a more intimate knowledge of our methods. Was in Thick of Fight "The Bolsheviki have ripped the they could reach. I visited many lit-destroyed every school supply which they could reach.. I visited many little schools where they had no books, no chalk, no paper, ink nor light; where teachers were conducting their schools orally during the short period of daylight between 10 o'clock sunrise and 2 o'clock sunset. But their consecration and devotion to duty cannot be excelled by any teachers in the world." During the very worst of the Bolshevik revolution Dean Russell was in Tomsk. One evening when he was dining with the commander of the army, the officer was summoned to quell an uprising. That night 700 people were killed. Dead bodies strewing the streets within the heart of the city were no uncommon sight. Time after time the Cossacks attacked the trains and took away with them all the women passengers onboard; there was scarcely a day when we went out upon the streets but we wandered whether or not we would return alive. On his return to the states Dean Russell visited in Japan where he also made a study of the Japanese educational system. He will depart soon for Washington, D.C., where he will give a complete report of his investigations before resuming his regular work in the University of Iowa. GOOD--Candy WHITMAN KEELEY HUYLER PAGE & SHAW MARTHA WASHINGTON --BUY CANDY YOU KNOW-- Whetstones H. A. STRUB & CO. New 1919 Dress Goods and Silks-fine line-the latest and prices right H. A. STRUB & CO.
Sunday, January 19, 1919 THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA PAGE EIGHT Coats, Suits and Dresses Reduced for THE JANUARY CLEARANCE Women's all wool cloth coats in broadcloth, velour, silvertone, pom pom, mercerized plush and normandy cloth, sizes to 48. The former prices were up to $65.00. Choose during the "CLEARANCE" SALE at $8.98 $12.98 $19.98 $29.98 $34.98 SILK PLUSH COATS Rich luxurious SILK PLUSH COATS, some fur trimmed, sizes up to 48, all beautifully tailored and made of Salt's best plushes. Included in the assortments are coats easily worth up to $55.00. Clearance SALE Prices $29.98 and $39.98 Finer Models of rare beauty go at Correspondingly Low Prices. WOMEN'S SUITS MARKED DOWN All are this season's styles, tailored from all-wool gaberdine, poplin, broadcloth, silvertone and velour in all the fashionable new colors. Some of these suits sold earlier in he season up to $80.00. You may take your choice during this Clearance Sale at $9.98, $19.98 and $29.98 A large number of them are those rich fur-trimmed Suits that are so popular. Womens Silk and Wool Dresses Here is an excellent assortment of Silk and Wool Dresses that will prove interesting to economical women. There are to be had in a splendid variety of materials in all the new and wanted colors. Not a dress in the entire stock worth less than $12.98 and some as much as $35.00 Choose now, at $6.98 $9.98 $12.98 and $19.98 CHARMING PARTY DRESSES A fine assortment of styles for party or other dress occasions. The fabrics and colors are especially attractive. All are moderately priced-- GEORGETTE CREPE WAISTS Beautiful fabrics, all the new spring colors, wonderful values at-- $4.98 They are really worth more-- Beautiful Petticoats Greatly Reduced No matter whether you are needing a petticoat for practical or dress-up wear you will find all styles in this selection. SILK FLOUNCE PETTICOATS Just as pretty as a silk petticoat if a tiny bit happens to show beneath your skirt, and they are more durable with good heatherbloom tops. $3.98. SILK PETTICOATS Beautiful new ones have just arrived. They are made of good quality Silk with deep flounces, ruffled trimmed, plain colors and delightful changeable tones. The silk petticoats are made of guaranteed silk. The prices are exceedingly good values at-- $4.98 and $5.98 Yetter's: THE BIG STORE WANT ADS RATE 10c a line or fraction: 20% discount on three or more insertions. Want ads cash in advance. LOST--Gold Ever-sharp pencil. Return Iowan office. LOST--Gold wrist watch. Name on back. Return Iowan office. LOST--Pink and white cameo pin surrounded with pearls. Return to this office. Reward. 50 LOST--Pair of nose glasses with white rims and dropleaf lens. Were in case. Tel. 2125, 125 N. Clinton. LOST--Large size Waterman fountain pen between First National bank and campus. Return to Iowan office. Send the Iowan home. EDUCATION DEAN RETURNS TO IOWA (Continued from page one) books, school supplies, and suggestions. It is probable that within the next few years many Russian men and women will be sent to our Universities to gain a more intimate knowledge of our methods. Was in Thick of Fight "The Bolsheviki have ripped the they could reach. I visited many lit-destroyed every school supply which they could reach.. I visited many little schools where they had no books, no chalk, no paper, ink nor light; where teachers were conducting their schools orally during the short period of daylight between 10 o'clock sunrise and 2 o'clock sunset. But their consecration and devotion to duty cannot be excelled by any teachers in the world." During the very worst of the Bolshevik revolution Dean Russell was in Tomsk. One evening when he was dining with the commander of the army, the officer was summoned to quell an uprising. That night 700 people were killed. Dead bodies strewing the streets within the heart of the city were no uncommon sight. Time after time the Cossacks attacked the trains and took away with them all the women passengers onboard; there was scarcely a day when we went out upon the streets but we wandered whether or not we would return alive. On his return to the states Dean Russell visited in Japan where he also made a study of the Japanese educational system. He will depart soon for Washington, D.C., where he will give a complete report of his investigations before resuming his regular work in the University of Iowa. GOOD--Candy WHITMAN KEELEY HUYLER PAGE & SHAW MARTHA WASHINGTON --BUY CANDY YOU KNOW-- Whetstones H. A. STRUB & CO. New 1919 Dress Goods and Silks-fine line-the latest and prices right H. A. STRUB & CO.
Daily Iowan Newspapers