Daily Iowan, January 21, 1919
Page 4
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PAGE FOUR THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Tuesday, January 21, 1919 WANT ADS RATE 10c a line or fraction: 20% discount on three or more insertions. Want ads cash in advance. LOST-Gold Ever-sharp pencil. Return Iowan office. LOST-Gold wrist watch. Name on back. Return Iowan office. LOST-Pink and white cameo pin surrounded with pearls. Return to this office. Reward. 50 LOST- Pair of nose glasses with white times and dropleaf lens. Were in case. Tel. 2125, 125 N. Clinton. LOST-Large size Waterman fountain pen between First National bank and campus. Return to Iowan office. LOST-Grey wool scarf with yellow stripes. Return Iowan office. 49 FOR RENT-Modern front room at 505 E. Washington. 51 LOST-A Pi Beta Phi pin. Reward. Phone 382. 51 (continued from page 1) STEFANSSON, ARCTIC EXPLORER, COMING himself to his chosen work, and has won a reputation equal to that of Admiral Perry, Captain Scott, and other great explorers. On one occasion he was believed lost in the Arctic, and for seventeen months was not heard from. He finally announced, through the New York Times, the discovery of new land. Admiral Perry described this discovery of new land in the Arctic as "a great achievement." Send the Iowan home. THE BEST EVER That's what people say when their clothes come back looking like new from ou restablishment. High class work only. T. Dell Kelley The Reliable Cleaner PHONE 17 UNDER GOVERNMENT SUPERVISION STOP THE LEAKS IN YOUR POCKETBOOK Keeping track of where your money goes is the first step in THRIFT. When leaks are discovered and stopped you'll find some extra change in your bocketbook every week. This extra change merely represents money that you are wasting and didn't know it until you investigated your own expenditures. Our suggestion is that you put the amount thus saved in a savings account in this bank and keep adding to it the dollars and cents you'll in your pocketbook every week. First National Bank MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM The Townsend Studio ASK ANY BODY (The Store of Greater Service to Students) An Important Purchase of Young Men's Suits and Overcoats THE EXTRAORDINARY LARGE VOLUME OF BUSINESS THIS SEASON HAS REDUCED OUR STOCK TO SUCH AN EXTENT THAT WE WERE ABLE TO ACCEPT AN OFFER FROM ONE OF THE MOST NOTED CLOTHING MANUFACTURERS IN AMERICA TO BUY A LARGE QUANTITY OF HIGH-GRADE SUITS AND OVERCOATS AT A SPECIAL CONCESSION IN PRICE. THESE SUITS AND OVERCOATS ARE MADE OF THE FINEST ALL-WOOL FABRICS AND OF SUPERIOR TAILORING. MODELS OF THE NEWEST AND LATEST STYLES. WE PURCHASED THIS SPECIAL LOT OF HIGH-GRADE CLOTHING FROM ALFRED DECKER, COHN & CO., MAKERS OF THE FAMOUS- Society=Brand Clothes WE BOUGHT THIS LARGE ASSORTMENT OF CLOTHING AT A SPECIAL DISCOUNT DUE TO THE FACT THAT WE ARE IN POSITION TO BUY LARGE QUANTITIES AND BOUGHT THEM AT SPOT CASH PRICES. THIS SPECIAL SALE WILL MEAN A SAVING TO YOU OF FROM $5 TO $10 ON EVERY SUIT AND 33 1-3 PER CENT DISCOUNT ON OVERCOATS. THE SUITS WE HAVE PLACED IN THREE LINES. THE FORMER PRICE ON THESE SUITS WERE- $45, $50 AND $55. WE HAVE GROUPED THEM TO SELL FOR $38.65 $42.65 $48.75 THE OVERCOATS ARE GROUPED INTO THREE LINES, REGULAR VALUE BEING $30, $35, AND $38.50, TO CLOSE OUT AT 1-3 OFF OR AT- $19.85 $23.85 $26.85 (Make Your Selections Early from the Greatest Variety) Bremer's Golden Eagle IOWA CITY, IOWA
PAGE FOUR THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Tuesday, January 21, 1919 WANT ADS RATE 10c a line or fraction: 20% discount on three or more insertions. Want ads cash in advance. LOST-Gold Ever-sharp pencil. Return Iowan office. LOST-Gold wrist watch. Name on back. Return Iowan office. LOST-Pink and white cameo pin surrounded with pearls. Return to this office. Reward. 50 LOST- Pair of nose glasses with white times and dropleaf lens. Were in case. Tel. 2125, 125 N. Clinton. LOST-Large size Waterman fountain pen between First National bank and campus. Return to Iowan office. LOST-Grey wool scarf with yellow stripes. Return Iowan office. 49 FOR RENT-Modern front room at 505 E. Washington. 51 LOST-A Pi Beta Phi pin. Reward. Phone 382. 51 (continued from page 1) STEFANSSON, ARCTIC EXPLORER, COMING himself to his chosen work, and has won a reputation equal to that of Admiral Perry, Captain Scott, and other great explorers. On one occasion he was believed lost in the Arctic, and for seventeen months was not heard from. He finally announced, through the New York Times, the discovery of new land. Admiral Perry described this discovery of new land in the Arctic as "a great achievement." Send the Iowan home. THE BEST EVER That's what people say when their clothes come back looking like new from ou restablishment. High class work only. T. Dell Kelley The Reliable Cleaner PHONE 17 UNDER GOVERNMENT SUPERVISION STOP THE LEAKS IN YOUR POCKETBOOK Keeping track of where your money goes is the first step in THRIFT. When leaks are discovered and stopped you'll find some extra change in your bocketbook every week. This extra change merely represents money that you are wasting and didn't know it until you investigated your own expenditures. Our suggestion is that you put the amount thus saved in a savings account in this bank and keep adding to it the dollars and cents you'll in your pocketbook every week. First National Bank MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM The Townsend Studio ASK ANY BODY (The Store of Greater Service to Students) An Important Purchase of Young Men's Suits and Overcoats THE EXTRAORDINARY LARGE VOLUME OF BUSINESS THIS SEASON HAS REDUCED OUR STOCK TO SUCH AN EXTENT THAT WE WERE ABLE TO ACCEPT AN OFFER FROM ONE OF THE MOST NOTED CLOTHING MANUFACTURERS IN AMERICA TO BUY A LARGE QUANTITY OF HIGH-GRADE SUITS AND OVERCOATS AT A SPECIAL CONCESSION IN PRICE. THESE SUITS AND OVERCOATS ARE MADE OF THE FINEST ALL-WOOL FABRICS AND OF SUPERIOR TAILORING. MODELS OF THE NEWEST AND LATEST STYLES. WE PURCHASED THIS SPECIAL LOT OF HIGH-GRADE CLOTHING FROM ALFRED DECKER, COHN & CO., MAKERS OF THE FAMOUS- Society=Brand Clothes WE BOUGHT THIS LARGE ASSORTMENT OF CLOTHING AT A SPECIAL DISCOUNT DUE TO THE FACT THAT WE ARE IN POSITION TO BUY LARGE QUANTITIES AND BOUGHT THEM AT SPOT CASH PRICES. THIS SPECIAL SALE WILL MEAN A SAVING TO YOU OF FROM $5 TO $10 ON EVERY SUIT AND 33 1-3 PER CENT DISCOUNT ON OVERCOATS. THE SUITS WE HAVE PLACED IN THREE LINES. THE FORMER PRICE ON THESE SUITS WERE- $45, $50 AND $55. WE HAVE GROUPED THEM TO SELL FOR $38.65 $42.65 $48.75 THE OVERCOATS ARE GROUPED INTO THREE LINES, REGULAR VALUE BEING $30, $35, AND $38.50, TO CLOSE OUT AT 1-3 OFF OR AT- $19.85 $23.85 $26.85 (Make Your Selections Early from the Greatest Variety) Bremer's Golden Eagle IOWA CITY, IOWA
Daily Iowan Newspapers