Daily Iowan, January 26, 1919
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Sunday, January 26, 1919 The Daily Iowan State University of Iowa Page Five SOCIETY AND PERSONAL Ivy Lane entertained at the Phi Delta Theta house Friday evening. The chaperones were Mr. and Mrs. Sproat and Dr. and Mrs.. Brumfiel. Girls visiting out of town this week are Elizazbeth Devine at Livermore, Melvina Toeller at Cedar Rapids, Lucile Arnold at Independence, Alberta Metcalf at Nichols, Dollie Dulgar at Muscatine, Ila Collins at Fairfield, Winifred Dunham at Marshalltown, Viva Barsaloux at Des Moines, Myrle Sinn at Williamsburg, Mary Neal at Vinton, Lucille Sawyer at Shenandoah, Mildred Kelly at Wapello, Dorothy Godby at Des Moines, Mary Blair and Elsie Boiuersox at Shueyville. Marguerite Shuell is visiting her sister Maude and her brother Gerald this week. Miss Shuell was a sophomore here last year. The Men's Glee club has elected the following officers: Harold Thomas, president; Charles H. Maruth, vice president; and Lenihan Lally, treasurer. Phi Beta Pi entertained at a dancing party at Majestic hall Friday evening. Prof. and Mrs. C. F. Kurtz were chaperones. Sallie Marshall, Obera Brown and Dorothy Mosteller of Atlantic are spending the week end at the Delta Gamma house. May Lamb of Glenwood visited her sister Nancy at the Delta Gamma house this week. Delta Zeta announces the pledging of Ruth Stewart of Des Moines, and Florence Van Meter of Tipton. Mrs. Ed M. Smith and daughter Dorothy of Winterset are visiting Marian Smith at the Tri-Delt house. Graces Pfannebecker of Sigourney and Helen Richter of Des Moines are visiting at the Tri-Delt house. Phillip Steffen, James Chamberlain, John Stroh, Henry McCullough, Robert Messer and Marcel Holm are spending the week end in Davenport. Lieut. D. Richard Young of Creston is back in the University after a period of army training. Gamma Phi Beta entertained at a reception Saturday afternoon in honor of their chaperon, Miss Camerer. Gamma Phi Beta announces the pledging of Ruth Emery Doolittle of Des Moines, Alta Fessencen of Clear Lake, and Lucille Bennison of Iowa City. Lieut. Warren Bassett of Des Moines has returned to school. Lieut. Bassett is a sophomore in the University. Harry Hungerford of Carroll is visiting at the Phi Psi house. Mr. Hungerford is a sergeant in the marines and is stationed at Marine Barracks, Boston. He was a former student here. Anne Perrin has returned to her home in Parkersville after a visit at the Delta Gamma house. REPRESENTATIVE TICKET POPULAR WITH FRESHMEN The Representative ticket won an almost complete victory Friday in the freshman election. Lue Prentiss was the only one on either of the other tickets elected. The Representative candidates pulled down votes two or three times greater than those of the Hawkeye or Iowa politicians. The results of the election are as follows in the order of tickets: President: John M. Wormley 155, "Pinky" Green 54, Dick Treynor 42; vice president: Olive Yetter 131, Willian Willits 45, Mirian Roe 71; treasurer: Kalmon Cook 107, Douglas Boynton 63, Vesta Plummer 82; corresponding secretary: Catherine Deur 144, Helen Group 41, Gladys Abel 53; recording secretary: Gertrude Meloy 97, Viva Barstoll 27, Lue Prentiss 117; class delegate: Quinn O'Brien 104, Carol Cobb 60, Hubert Marks 78; athletic delegate: Frank Shimek 128, Guerdon Parker 68, Myles Killdee 50. PAY UP, PLEASE Only about one-third of the money pledged in the United War Work campaign has been paid up to date. Students or members of the faculty who have made pledges to the student solicitors are asked to call at the secretary's office in Old Capitol and pay these pledges immediately. MAJOR BALDWIN SPEAKS TO NATIONAL ASSOCIATION Major B. T. Baldwin, chief psychologist and director of occupational therapy of the Reed hospital, Washington, D. C., and director of the Iowa child welfare research station, delivered a lecture on "The function of psychology in the rehabilitation of the disabled soldier" before the American Psychological association, Baltimore, recently. The American Psychological association is devoted to the reconstruction work in psypchology. CURRIER FRESHMEN ENTERTAIN Freshmen at Currier hall entertained at a party Saturday evening. There was a short program followed by dancing. The decorations were in green and white. A prize was presented to the freshman who named the greatest number of her classmates in the hall. Catherine Deur was chairman of the committee in charge. [advertisement] See the world's greatest tenor Adolph Zuker presents---- ENRICO CARUSO [illustration of Enrico Caruso] In "MY COUSIN" An Artcraft Picture Story and Scenario by Margaret Turnbull Directed by Edward Jose The immortal Caruso in a motion picture at last! Yes, a Caruso picture at last. The immortal singer-actor moves before your eyes. You would have to pay five dollars or ten dollars to see him equally well at any metropolitan opera house. Enrico Caruso, immortal son of Italy has acted before all the rulers of the world, Kings, Presidents, and Queens----has thrilled by gesture and song ten thousand cities ---- every bit as great an actor as singer----see him in "My Cousin." Today STRAND Theatre DR. HEARD DECLINES TOUR Dr. Mary K. Heard has declined a request of the War Work council of the National board of the Y.W.C.A. to form one of a committee of women doctors to lecture throughout all the cities of 10,000 or more in the state, on methods, ideals and standards for social education among women and girls. Dr. Heard does not feel that she can take time from her regular practice to devote to the period throughout the remainder of January and all of February which is designated for the work. [advertisement] Coming Mon.----Tues.----Wed Jan. 27-28-29 "THE EYES OF THE WORLD" By Harold Bell Wright Filled with heart Tugs and Thrills 9 Reels of Love, Adventure, Comedy, Pathos, Daring Intrigue A Clune Production ENGLERT THEATRE Matinee 2:30 Night 8:15 Prices 30c [advertisement] A WONDERFUL NEW FIRE! [illustration of the radiant gas Fireplace Heater] A new radiant gas Fireplace Heater has just been perfected. It has eliminated all the drawbacks of the old time gas "logs" and gas "grates." THE HUMPHREY RADIANTFIRE A perfect open fire. It floods the room with Radiant Heat and Firelight. It does not smell or deaden the air. Simple to light and extinguish. Turns down low. Styles to match your room. Economical. Come and see it! IOWA CITY LIGHT & POWER CO. 211-213 E. Washington St. [advertisement] SIGNS OF SPRING New Waists The spring line of our Blouse-Craft waists is ready for your inspection. All the newest styles and colors in georgette crepe de chine and organdies. [illustration of four young women wearing different styles of BlouseCraft shirtwaists in front of a Christmas tree] PETTICOATS The New Protecto Petticoats are here. Taffeta wash silks, Heather bloom and Skinners Satins in the colors that will be most popular this spring. [illustration of a woman wearing a Protecto Petticoat] Corset Steels cannot tear thru Protecto lining Look for the name sewn in each garment Protecto Petticoat F. J. STRUB & SON
Sunday, January 26, 1919 The Daily Iowan State University of Iowa Page Five SOCIETY AND PERSONAL Ivy Lane entertained at the Phi Delta Theta house Friday evening. The chaperones were Mr. and Mrs. Sproat and Dr. and Mrs.. Brumfiel. Girls visiting out of town this week are Elizazbeth Devine at Livermore, Melvina Toeller at Cedar Rapids, Lucile Arnold at Independence, Alberta Metcalf at Nichols, Dollie Dulgar at Muscatine, Ila Collins at Fairfield, Winifred Dunham at Marshalltown, Viva Barsaloux at Des Moines, Myrle Sinn at Williamsburg, Mary Neal at Vinton, Lucille Sawyer at Shenandoah, Mildred Kelly at Wapello, Dorothy Godby at Des Moines, Mary Blair and Elsie Boiuersox at Shueyville. Marguerite Shuell is visiting her sister Maude and her brother Gerald this week. Miss Shuell was a sophomore here last year. The Men's Glee club has elected the following officers: Harold Thomas, president; Charles H. Maruth, vice president; and Lenihan Lally, treasurer. Phi Beta Pi entertained at a dancing party at Majestic hall Friday evening. Prof. and Mrs. C. F. Kurtz were chaperones. Sallie Marshall, Obera Brown and Dorothy Mosteller of Atlantic are spending the week end at the Delta Gamma house. May Lamb of Glenwood visited her sister Nancy at the Delta Gamma house this week. Delta Zeta announces the pledging of Ruth Stewart of Des Moines, and Florence Van Meter of Tipton. Mrs. Ed M. Smith and daughter Dorothy of Winterset are visiting Marian Smith at the Tri-Delt house. Graces Pfannebecker of Sigourney and Helen Richter of Des Moines are visiting at the Tri-Delt house. Phillip Steffen, James Chamberlain, John Stroh, Henry McCullough, Robert Messer and Marcel Holm are spending the week end in Davenport. Lieut. D. Richard Young of Creston is back in the University after a period of army training. Gamma Phi Beta entertained at a reception Saturday afternoon in honor of their chaperon, Miss Camerer. Gamma Phi Beta announces the pledging of Ruth Emery Doolittle of Des Moines, Alta Fessencen of Clear Lake, and Lucille Bennison of Iowa City. Lieut. Warren Bassett of Des Moines has returned to school. Lieut. Bassett is a sophomore in the University. Harry Hungerford of Carroll is visiting at the Phi Psi house. Mr. Hungerford is a sergeant in the marines and is stationed at Marine Barracks, Boston. He was a former student here. Anne Perrin has returned to her home in Parkersville after a visit at the Delta Gamma house. REPRESENTATIVE TICKET POPULAR WITH FRESHMEN The Representative ticket won an almost complete victory Friday in the freshman election. Lue Prentiss was the only one on either of the other tickets elected. The Representative candidates pulled down votes two or three times greater than those of the Hawkeye or Iowa politicians. The results of the election are as follows in the order of tickets: President: John M. Wormley 155, "Pinky" Green 54, Dick Treynor 42; vice president: Olive Yetter 131, Willian Willits 45, Mirian Roe 71; treasurer: Kalmon Cook 107, Douglas Boynton 63, Vesta Plummer 82; corresponding secretary: Catherine Deur 144, Helen Group 41, Gladys Abel 53; recording secretary: Gertrude Meloy 97, Viva Barstoll 27, Lue Prentiss 117; class delegate: Quinn O'Brien 104, Carol Cobb 60, Hubert Marks 78; athletic delegate: Frank Shimek 128, Guerdon Parker 68, Myles Killdee 50. PAY UP, PLEASE Only about one-third of the money pledged in the United War Work campaign has been paid up to date. Students or members of the faculty who have made pledges to the student solicitors are asked to call at the secretary's office in Old Capitol and pay these pledges immediately. MAJOR BALDWIN SPEAKS TO NATIONAL ASSOCIATION Major B. T. Baldwin, chief psychologist and director of occupational therapy of the Reed hospital, Washington, D. C., and director of the Iowa child welfare research station, delivered a lecture on "The function of psychology in the rehabilitation of the disabled soldier" before the American Psychological association, Baltimore, recently. The American Psychological association is devoted to the reconstruction work in psypchology. CURRIER FRESHMEN ENTERTAIN Freshmen at Currier hall entertained at a party Saturday evening. There was a short program followed by dancing. The decorations were in green and white. A prize was presented to the freshman who named the greatest number of her classmates in the hall. Catherine Deur was chairman of the committee in charge. [advertisement] See the world's greatest tenor Adolph Zuker presents---- ENRICO CARUSO [illustration of Enrico Caruso] In "MY COUSIN" An Artcraft Picture Story and Scenario by Margaret Turnbull Directed by Edward Jose The immortal Caruso in a motion picture at last! Yes, a Caruso picture at last. The immortal singer-actor moves before your eyes. You would have to pay five dollars or ten dollars to see him equally well at any metropolitan opera house. Enrico Caruso, immortal son of Italy has acted before all the rulers of the world, Kings, Presidents, and Queens----has thrilled by gesture and song ten thousand cities ---- every bit as great an actor as singer----see him in "My Cousin." Today STRAND Theatre DR. HEARD DECLINES TOUR Dr. Mary K. Heard has declined a request of the War Work council of the National board of the Y.W.C.A. to form one of a committee of women doctors to lecture throughout all the cities of 10,000 or more in the state, on methods, ideals and standards for social education among women and girls. Dr. Heard does not feel that she can take time from her regular practice to devote to the period throughout the remainder of January and all of February which is designated for the work. [advertisement] Coming Mon.----Tues.----Wed Jan. 27-28-29 "THE EYES OF THE WORLD" By Harold Bell Wright Filled with heart Tugs and Thrills 9 Reels of Love, Adventure, Comedy, Pathos, Daring Intrigue A Clune Production ENGLERT THEATRE Matinee 2:30 Night 8:15 Prices 30c [advertisement] A WONDERFUL NEW FIRE! [illustration of the radiant gas Fireplace Heater] A new radiant gas Fireplace Heater has just been perfected. It has eliminated all the drawbacks of the old time gas "logs" and gas "grates." THE HUMPHREY RADIANTFIRE A perfect open fire. It floods the room with Radiant Heat and Firelight. It does not smell or deaden the air. Simple to light and extinguish. Turns down low. Styles to match your room. Economical. Come and see it! IOWA CITY LIGHT & POWER CO. 211-213 E. Washington St. [advertisement] SIGNS OF SPRING New Waists The spring line of our Blouse-Craft waists is ready for your inspection. All the newest styles and colors in georgette crepe de chine and organdies. [illustration of four young women wearing different styles of BlouseCraft shirtwaists in front of a Christmas tree] PETTICOATS The New Protecto Petticoats are here. Taffeta wash silks, Heather bloom and Skinners Satins in the colors that will be most popular this spring. [illustration of a woman wearing a Protecto Petticoat] Corset Steels cannot tear thru Protecto lining Look for the name sewn in each garment Protecto Petticoat F. J. STRUB & SON
Daily Iowan Newspapers