Daily Iowan, January 28, 1919
Page 3
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Tuesday, January 28, 1919 The Daily Iowan State University of Iowa Page Three SPORT SPARKS Big Ten Standing Chicago ….3 [win] 0 [loss] 1000 [pct.] Minnesota ….2 [win] 0 [loss] 1000 [pct.] Northwestern ….2 [win] 1 [loss] 667 [pct.] Illinois ….2 [win] 1 [loss] 667 [pct.] Purdue ….2 [win] 1 [loss] 667 [pct.] Iowa ….2 [win] 3 [loss] 400 [pct.] Michigan ….1 [win] 2 [loss] 333 [pct.] Indiana ….1 [win] 2 [loss] 250 [pct.] Ohio State ….0 [win] 1 [loss] 000 [pct.] Wisconsin ….0 [win] 3 [loss] 000 [pct.] Minnesota and the Maroons still remain unbeaten in the Big Ten race for basketball honors, the Gophers having won a pair of contests while the Maroons have downed three opponents. There is however a good chance of the Gophers losing the lead for in the Hawkeye team they will meet this week they will face a five that is working quite smoothly. Chicago has met but one strong contender so that the Maroons are due for a setback or two when they start playing on foreign floors. Illinois added another vistory to their list by downing the Badgers in a 25 to 15 score. The Wisconsin team has been unable to get going this season and it looks as though they will have to be counted out of the fight for a top berth. Grinnell broke even with the Cornhuskers in their first clash with a Missouri Valley team. The second tilt which the Scarlet copped was an overtime. Evans, the Grinnell forward, tossed in the basket, that won. Michigan is again having a hard time in convincing Big Ten teams that they are of conference caliber for they lost both games on the Chicago trip. The Purple five managed to nose out the Wolverines by a 17 to 16 score. Indiana has been the only five to fall before the Michigan offense. According to dope from Ames, they have received a setback in wrestling prospects for several of their best grapplers have been forced to quit the game due to injuries. Lame ankles and broken ribs are the cause of Mayser's hard luck stories. With the appearance of several of the best teams in the Big Ten on the Iowa floor in succession for the near future the Hawkeyes have an excellent chance to go toward the top of the ladder, as the percentage column reads now. Iowa is in third place due to a triple tie for second place between the Purple, Purdue and Illinois teams. Cornell looms up as one of the strong teams of the state with Byerly, Saunderson, Kepler, and Hurlburt, the Marshalltown find, as a nucleus around which the coach has built a powerful five. Kingsley and Oss of the Gophers lead the conference players in points for both are averaging five baskets to a game. Kingsley so far has bettered this average. Howard Younkin has been discharged from the marines and is here making arrangements to re-enter the University. WRESTLERS TRY OUT IN THREE MATCHES Wrestling tryouts to decide the makeup of the team that will meet Ames there Feb. 8 were held Friday afternoon. Three matches were wrestled but the condition of the men caused the others to be postponed until later. Captain Wagner won his match in the 125 pound division by throwing Bennett in a fast bout. Parrott was awarded the decision over Annaberg in the 135 pound class. Stonebrook and McCollister, the other candidates, were sick and will wrestle this week. The winner will take on Parrott to decide who shall represent the Hawkeyes in this class. Jensen in the 145 pound weight won a fall over Smith with a body scissors. This match was the fastest on the program. The matches in the 158 pound class are to be held Monday. Hall is suffering from an infection. Smith and Nelson also will wrestle in the division. White and L. D. Smith in the 175 pound weight have not wrestled but they will likely meet this week. According to Director E. G. Schroeder all the men are in good scholastic standing. IOWAN GIRL GETS WIRE FROM STAGE STAR There is ever a reward for the faithful. The persistence of Nancy Lamb, Iowan reporter, in pursuing the most beautiful woman on the stage for an interview won its reward in a real ten word telegram of apology from the much sought actress. The Rock Island train had no sooner left Maxine Elliott's private car in the Iowa City yards than Miss Lamb's special messenger boy presented to the guard of the coach her request for an interview with the celebrated star. All that afternoon the messenger boy waited for a reply. When she decided no answer was forthcoming, Miss Lamb appeared in person at the private car, but she succeeded only in hearing the sound of Miss Elliott's voice in polite refusal. Not discouraged Miss Lamb again sent her card back stage before the evening performance in hope that she might get a few words and a smile from the stage beauty between acts. Another disappointment followed. A night or two later the following telegram was delivered to Miss Lamb's house address: Des Moines, Jan. 22----Regret exceedingly that the great rush prevented my seeing you. Maxine Elliott. Pi Beta Phi, Gamma Phi Beta, and Alpha Xi Delta held open house Sunday afternoon. June Cummins and Marianne Ashford visited at the Gamma Phi Beta house during the week end. [advertisement] Tdoay & Tomorrow Jan. 27-28-29 "THE EYES OF THE WORLD" By Harold Bell Wright Filled with heart Tugs and Thrills 9 Reels of Love, Adventure, Comedy, Pathos, Daring Intrigue A Clune Production ENGLERT THEATRE Matinee 2:30 Night 8:15 Prices 30c [advertisement] DAINTY LUNCHES between or after classes. Drop into WHITING'S PHARMACY On Dubuque St. [advertisement] .GARDEN. Tuesday and Wednesday EARLE WILLIAMS In "THE MAN WHO WOULDN'T TELL" Also A special 2-reel comedy [advertisement] VENUS PENCILS [illustration of Venus de Milo] These famous pencils are the standard by which all other pencils are judged. 17 black degrees 6B softest to 9H hardest and hard and medium copying Look for the Venus finish [illustration of 5 Venus pencils in a container] FREE! Trial Samples of Venus Pencils and Eraser sent free. Please enclose 6c in stamps for packing and postage. AMERICAN LEAD PENCIL CO. 215 Fifth Avenue, N. Y. Dept. D [advertisement] STUDENTS! We do the highest grade shoe repairing in the city. Bring in your old shoes and let us make them like new. WASHINGTON SHOE REPAIR SHOP Across from the Englert Theatre [advertisement] DON'T FORGET That you have an opportunity this week to contribute your bit towards alleviating the suffering in Armenia and the near East. You will not be canvassed. We are leaving it to you to think this over and do your share. Leave your contribution at the Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A. Headquarters, or if you haven't the cash, you can leave your pledge. Don't forget. By order of the War Committee, A. C. ROBINSON Chairman for Johnson County [advertisement] RACINE'S CIGAR STORES Where good cigars and smokers' articles are kept Soda Fountain and Billiard Parlor in connection Where All Good Fellows Linger Longer [advertisement] THE TOWNSEND STUDIO If you've paid the fee, If you've signed the book, Your face you'll see, In the "VICTORY BOOK" If not *!'----?-;:*$*!!!
Tuesday, January 28, 1919 The Daily Iowan State University of Iowa Page Three SPORT SPARKS Big Ten Standing Chicago ….3 [win] 0 [loss] 1000 [pct.] Minnesota ….2 [win] 0 [loss] 1000 [pct.] Northwestern ….2 [win] 1 [loss] 667 [pct.] Illinois ….2 [win] 1 [loss] 667 [pct.] Purdue ….2 [win] 1 [loss] 667 [pct.] Iowa ….2 [win] 3 [loss] 400 [pct.] Michigan ….1 [win] 2 [loss] 333 [pct.] Indiana ….1 [win] 2 [loss] 250 [pct.] Ohio State ….0 [win] 1 [loss] 000 [pct.] Wisconsin ….0 [win] 3 [loss] 000 [pct.] Minnesota and the Maroons still remain unbeaten in the Big Ten race for basketball honors, the Gophers having won a pair of contests while the Maroons have downed three opponents. There is however a good chance of the Gophers losing the lead for in the Hawkeye team they will meet this week they will face a five that is working quite smoothly. Chicago has met but one strong contender so that the Maroons are due for a setback or two when they start playing on foreign floors. Illinois added another vistory to their list by downing the Badgers in a 25 to 15 score. The Wisconsin team has been unable to get going this season and it looks as though they will have to be counted out of the fight for a top berth. Grinnell broke even with the Cornhuskers in their first clash with a Missouri Valley team. The second tilt which the Scarlet copped was an overtime. Evans, the Grinnell forward, tossed in the basket, that won. Michigan is again having a hard time in convincing Big Ten teams that they are of conference caliber for they lost both games on the Chicago trip. The Purple five managed to nose out the Wolverines by a 17 to 16 score. Indiana has been the only five to fall before the Michigan offense. According to dope from Ames, they have received a setback in wrestling prospects for several of their best grapplers have been forced to quit the game due to injuries. Lame ankles and broken ribs are the cause of Mayser's hard luck stories. With the appearance of several of the best teams in the Big Ten on the Iowa floor in succession for the near future the Hawkeyes have an excellent chance to go toward the top of the ladder, as the percentage column reads now. Iowa is in third place due to a triple tie for second place between the Purple, Purdue and Illinois teams. Cornell looms up as one of the strong teams of the state with Byerly, Saunderson, Kepler, and Hurlburt, the Marshalltown find, as a nucleus around which the coach has built a powerful five. Kingsley and Oss of the Gophers lead the conference players in points for both are averaging five baskets to a game. Kingsley so far has bettered this average. Howard Younkin has been discharged from the marines and is here making arrangements to re-enter the University. WRESTLERS TRY OUT IN THREE MATCHES Wrestling tryouts to decide the makeup of the team that will meet Ames there Feb. 8 were held Friday afternoon. Three matches were wrestled but the condition of the men caused the others to be postponed until later. Captain Wagner won his match in the 125 pound division by throwing Bennett in a fast bout. Parrott was awarded the decision over Annaberg in the 135 pound class. Stonebrook and McCollister, the other candidates, were sick and will wrestle this week. The winner will take on Parrott to decide who shall represent the Hawkeyes in this class. Jensen in the 145 pound weight won a fall over Smith with a body scissors. This match was the fastest on the program. The matches in the 158 pound class are to be held Monday. Hall is suffering from an infection. Smith and Nelson also will wrestle in the division. White and L. D. Smith in the 175 pound weight have not wrestled but they will likely meet this week. According to Director E. G. Schroeder all the men are in good scholastic standing. IOWAN GIRL GETS WIRE FROM STAGE STAR There is ever a reward for the faithful. The persistence of Nancy Lamb, Iowan reporter, in pursuing the most beautiful woman on the stage for an interview won its reward in a real ten word telegram of apology from the much sought actress. The Rock Island train had no sooner left Maxine Elliott's private car in the Iowa City yards than Miss Lamb's special messenger boy presented to the guard of the coach her request for an interview with the celebrated star. All that afternoon the messenger boy waited for a reply. When she decided no answer was forthcoming, Miss Lamb appeared in person at the private car, but she succeeded only in hearing the sound of Miss Elliott's voice in polite refusal. Not discouraged Miss Lamb again sent her card back stage before the evening performance in hope that she might get a few words and a smile from the stage beauty between acts. Another disappointment followed. A night or two later the following telegram was delivered to Miss Lamb's house address: Des Moines, Jan. 22----Regret exceedingly that the great rush prevented my seeing you. Maxine Elliott. Pi Beta Phi, Gamma Phi Beta, and Alpha Xi Delta held open house Sunday afternoon. June Cummins and Marianne Ashford visited at the Gamma Phi Beta house during the week end. [advertisement] Tdoay & Tomorrow Jan. 27-28-29 "THE EYES OF THE WORLD" By Harold Bell Wright Filled with heart Tugs and Thrills 9 Reels of Love, Adventure, Comedy, Pathos, Daring Intrigue A Clune Production ENGLERT THEATRE Matinee 2:30 Night 8:15 Prices 30c [advertisement] DAINTY LUNCHES between or after classes. Drop into WHITING'S PHARMACY On Dubuque St. [advertisement] .GARDEN. Tuesday and Wednesday EARLE WILLIAMS In "THE MAN WHO WOULDN'T TELL" Also A special 2-reel comedy [advertisement] VENUS PENCILS [illustration of Venus de Milo] These famous pencils are the standard by which all other pencils are judged. 17 black degrees 6B softest to 9H hardest and hard and medium copying Look for the Venus finish [illustration of 5 Venus pencils in a container] FREE! Trial Samples of Venus Pencils and Eraser sent free. Please enclose 6c in stamps for packing and postage. AMERICAN LEAD PENCIL CO. 215 Fifth Avenue, N. Y. Dept. D [advertisement] STUDENTS! We do the highest grade shoe repairing in the city. Bring in your old shoes and let us make them like new. WASHINGTON SHOE REPAIR SHOP Across from the Englert Theatre [advertisement] DON'T FORGET That you have an opportunity this week to contribute your bit towards alleviating the suffering in Armenia and the near East. You will not be canvassed. We are leaving it to you to think this over and do your share. Leave your contribution at the Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A. Headquarters, or if you haven't the cash, you can leave your pledge. Don't forget. By order of the War Committee, A. C. ROBINSON Chairman for Johnson County [advertisement] RACINE'S CIGAR STORES Where good cigars and smokers' articles are kept Soda Fountain and Billiard Parlor in connection Where All Good Fellows Linger Longer [advertisement] THE TOWNSEND STUDIO If you've paid the fee, If you've signed the book, Your face you'll see, In the "VICTORY BOOK" If not *!'----?-;:*$*!!!
Daily Iowan Newspapers