Daily Iowan, January 30, 1919
Page 3
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Thursday, January 30, 1919 The Daily Iowa State University of Iowa Page Three CONGREGATIONAL GUILD HOLD ANNUAL MEETING Social hour, a program election of officers, and supper were features of the annual meeting of the Congregational guild at the conference house Sunday afternoon. President William A. Bochoven introduced the speakers and likened the work of the Congregational church today to the voyage of the Mayflower. In his talk on "Strange Seas," Prof. C. M. Case, spoke of the unusual problems facing the church of late years and the changing nature of its task on account of war and reconstruction. Prof. C. E. Young followed with a tribute to "The Staunch Ship." Charlotte C. Donnell assistant in the school of commerce, read a copy of the original "Cabin Compact," drawn up by the pilgrim Congregationalists in the early days, and stressed the need of a compact today. Mrs. Frank Thayer sang several selections, and the Guild elected officers for the coming year. Albert Wilcox was elected president, Esther Fonda, vice president and Florence Fisher, secretary and treasurer. TO HAVE INTER-FRAT GAMES Pan-Hellenic delegates met at the Phi Delta Theta house and decided to stage a basketball tournament. Last winter a great deal of interest was created and a number of close games were played. Ronald Reed was chosen to make out the schedule and have charge of the other arrangements. Each team is to play eight games and a trophy will be given to the winner. HESPERIANS MUST ATTEND The artistic reading contest takes the place of regular meeting this week, therefore attendance is required, and the regular fine will be levied for absences. KING COMES FROM TEXAS FOR VISIT Former Professor Is With Y. M. School----Camp Travis Khaki College Irving King, former professor in the college of education, is home on a furlough from San Antonio, Texas, where he has been connected with Camp Travis Khaki college, an institution under the direction of the Y.M.C.A. With the signing of the armistice, opportunity was offered for a real camp educational program. General Estes, commander of the division, issued an order releasing the men from afternoon company formations, and large numbers of them enrolled in the various classes. School meets four afternoons and evenings a week, with four class periods of fifty minutes each and a general lecture at the end of the evening session on some practical subject of an industrial, commercial or civic nature. In these lectures an attempt is make to eliminate the purely inspirational type of talk. Commercial subjects predominate in the program, although courses are also offered in Spanish, French, drawing, song leadership, and the common branches. Professor King returns to Camp Travis Friday to begin work in the army convalescent school. This school is designed by the government to care for the returning disabled men, and is not a part of the Y.M.C.A. activity. Mildred Halverson will spend Saturday and Sunday at her home in Marengo. Bernice Cole is spending the week in Des Moines. [advertisement] DON'T FORGET That you have an opportunity this week to contribute your bit towards alleviating the suffering in Armenia and the near East. You will not be canvassed. We are leaving it to you to think this over and do your share. Leave your contribution at the Y.M.C.A. and Y.W.C.A. Headquarters, or if you haven't the cash, you can leave your pledge. Don't forget. By order of the War Committee, A. C. ROBINSON Chairman for Johnson County SIGNOR SALVI, HARPIST TO PLAY IN IOWA CITY "The Wizard of the Harp," Signor Alberto Salvi, will appear in concert in Iowa City within the next few weeks. Signor Salvi is a young Italian virtuoso 25 years old, who played before the Italian royal court when a mere child. Since then he has held the enviable position of harpist for the orchestras of Milan, Paris, Rome, Naples, Venice and Florence. He has toured Europe and America for five years and was awarded the gold medal of first prize for his playing at the Panama Exposition. In addition to his skill at the harp this young genius is a pipe organist, pianist, symphony director and composer whose works are being used by artists both in America and abroad, and whose grand opera, "Count Verdi," was produced with much success by the Milan Opera company. C. E. SUPPER THURSDAY The Christian Endeavor society of the Congregational church will hold its monthly business meeting and picnic supper at 6 o'clock Thursday evening at the conference house. All members are invited to be present. EDWARD MAYER HONORED Lieut. Edward Mayer, formerly of The Daily Iowan staff, wears the Italian service ribbon. Lieut. Mayer was one of the forty-eight birdmen to operate in Italy during the war. The Italian government awarded the ribbon to him, says dispatches from Washington, D. C. Mayer is now in New York. HORN WILL ADDRESS CLUB Dr. Ernest Horn will read a paper on reconstruction in the course of study in the secondary schools at the meeting of the political science club to be held Monday evening. [advertisement] DAINTY LUNCHES between or after classes. Drop into WHITING'S PHARMACY On Dubuque St. ART LECTURES FOR FRESHMEN Prof. C. A. Cumming, head of the graphic and plastic arts department will choose his own subject from the field of art for the freshman lecture today. Prof. W. E. Hays has arranged for a freshman orchestra of twelve instruments to play for the singing at the close of the hour. CITY WATER IS PURE The city water is free from bacteria and pure for drinking purposes once more according to the latest analysis of the University water laboratory. W. A. Jessup. Dr. Sudhindra Bose of the political science department will speak on Brahmanism before the Wesley club at 7:30 this evening. A social hour will follow. I. W. A. A. ENTERTAINS AT HOUSEWARMING As a manifestation of enthusiasm over the re-opening of the gymnasium, I.W.A.A. is giving a housewarming at the women's gymnasium from 3 to 5 Saturday afternoon. The committee in charge invites all University women to come for at least a part in the festivities. Dancing will be the feature of the program, with music on piano and violin. Members of the aesthetic dancing class are also to appear. Punch and cookies will be served. Girls of the athletic association, wearing black and gold ribbons, are to act as hostesses. Miss Bessie Pierce, teacher of history at the University high school, is confined to her home with a severe cold. [advertisement] [illustration of Capitol dome with clouds] Under Government Supervision A CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT IS A GOOD INVESTMENT Money deposited in a Certificate of Deposit account draws interest from the day you secure your certificate. This bank accepts deposits in any amount and pays interest at the rate of 4% if left here for either six months or one year. It would be hard to find a better place for your idle funds. Your money is always available and at the same time earning interest for you. If you have any idle money we suggest you secure one of our certificates of deposit. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Member Federal Reserve System [advertisement] RACINE'S CIGAR STORES Where good cigars and smokers' articles are kept Soda Fountain and Billiard Parlor in connection Where All Good Fellows Linger Longer [advertisement] VARSITY DANCE Company A Armory Varsity 8 Piece Orchestra Dancing from 8:45 to 11:45 Friday Eve., Jan. 31. and Saturday Eve., Feb. 1.
Thursday, January 30, 1919 The Daily Iowa State University of Iowa Page Three CONGREGATIONAL GUILD HOLD ANNUAL MEETING Social hour, a program election of officers, and supper were features of the annual meeting of the Congregational guild at the conference house Sunday afternoon. President William A. Bochoven introduced the speakers and likened the work of the Congregational church today to the voyage of the Mayflower. In his talk on "Strange Seas," Prof. C. M. Case, spoke of the unusual problems facing the church of late years and the changing nature of its task on account of war and reconstruction. Prof. C. E. Young followed with a tribute to "The Staunch Ship." Charlotte C. Donnell assistant in the school of commerce, read a copy of the original "Cabin Compact," drawn up by the pilgrim Congregationalists in the early days, and stressed the need of a compact today. Mrs. Frank Thayer sang several selections, and the Guild elected officers for the coming year. Albert Wilcox was elected president, Esther Fonda, vice president and Florence Fisher, secretary and treasurer. TO HAVE INTER-FRAT GAMES Pan-Hellenic delegates met at the Phi Delta Theta house and decided to stage a basketball tournament. Last winter a great deal of interest was created and a number of close games were played. Ronald Reed was chosen to make out the schedule and have charge of the other arrangements. Each team is to play eight games and a trophy will be given to the winner. HESPERIANS MUST ATTEND The artistic reading contest takes the place of regular meeting this week, therefore attendance is required, and the regular fine will be levied for absences. KING COMES FROM TEXAS FOR VISIT Former Professor Is With Y. M. School----Camp Travis Khaki College Irving King, former professor in the college of education, is home on a furlough from San Antonio, Texas, where he has been connected with Camp Travis Khaki college, an institution under the direction of the Y.M.C.A. With the signing of the armistice, opportunity was offered for a real camp educational program. General Estes, commander of the division, issued an order releasing the men from afternoon company formations, and large numbers of them enrolled in the various classes. School meets four afternoons and evenings a week, with four class periods of fifty minutes each and a general lecture at the end of the evening session on some practical subject of an industrial, commercial or civic nature. In these lectures an attempt is make to eliminate the purely inspirational type of talk. Commercial subjects predominate in the program, although courses are also offered in Spanish, French, drawing, song leadership, and the common branches. Professor King returns to Camp Travis Friday to begin work in the army convalescent school. This school is designed by the government to care for the returning disabled men, and is not a part of the Y.M.C.A. activity. Mildred Halverson will spend Saturday and Sunday at her home in Marengo. Bernice Cole is spending the week in Des Moines. [advertisement] DON'T FORGET That you have an opportunity this week to contribute your bit towards alleviating the suffering in Armenia and the near East. You will not be canvassed. We are leaving it to you to think this over and do your share. Leave your contribution at the Y.M.C.A. and Y.W.C.A. Headquarters, or if you haven't the cash, you can leave your pledge. Don't forget. By order of the War Committee, A. C. ROBINSON Chairman for Johnson County SIGNOR SALVI, HARPIST TO PLAY IN IOWA CITY "The Wizard of the Harp," Signor Alberto Salvi, will appear in concert in Iowa City within the next few weeks. Signor Salvi is a young Italian virtuoso 25 years old, who played before the Italian royal court when a mere child. Since then he has held the enviable position of harpist for the orchestras of Milan, Paris, Rome, Naples, Venice and Florence. He has toured Europe and America for five years and was awarded the gold medal of first prize for his playing at the Panama Exposition. In addition to his skill at the harp this young genius is a pipe organist, pianist, symphony director and composer whose works are being used by artists both in America and abroad, and whose grand opera, "Count Verdi," was produced with much success by the Milan Opera company. C. E. SUPPER THURSDAY The Christian Endeavor society of the Congregational church will hold its monthly business meeting and picnic supper at 6 o'clock Thursday evening at the conference house. All members are invited to be present. EDWARD MAYER HONORED Lieut. Edward Mayer, formerly of The Daily Iowan staff, wears the Italian service ribbon. Lieut. Mayer was one of the forty-eight birdmen to operate in Italy during the war. The Italian government awarded the ribbon to him, says dispatches from Washington, D. C. Mayer is now in New York. HORN WILL ADDRESS CLUB Dr. Ernest Horn will read a paper on reconstruction in the course of study in the secondary schools at the meeting of the political science club to be held Monday evening. [advertisement] DAINTY LUNCHES between or after classes. Drop into WHITING'S PHARMACY On Dubuque St. ART LECTURES FOR FRESHMEN Prof. C. A. Cumming, head of the graphic and plastic arts department will choose his own subject from the field of art for the freshman lecture today. Prof. W. E. Hays has arranged for a freshman orchestra of twelve instruments to play for the singing at the close of the hour. CITY WATER IS PURE The city water is free from bacteria and pure for drinking purposes once more according to the latest analysis of the University water laboratory. W. A. Jessup. Dr. Sudhindra Bose of the political science department will speak on Brahmanism before the Wesley club at 7:30 this evening. A social hour will follow. I. W. A. A. ENTERTAINS AT HOUSEWARMING As a manifestation of enthusiasm over the re-opening of the gymnasium, I.W.A.A. is giving a housewarming at the women's gymnasium from 3 to 5 Saturday afternoon. The committee in charge invites all University women to come for at least a part in the festivities. Dancing will be the feature of the program, with music on piano and violin. Members of the aesthetic dancing class are also to appear. Punch and cookies will be served. Girls of the athletic association, wearing black and gold ribbons, are to act as hostesses. Miss Bessie Pierce, teacher of history at the University high school, is confined to her home with a severe cold. [advertisement] [illustration of Capitol dome with clouds] Under Government Supervision A CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT IS A GOOD INVESTMENT Money deposited in a Certificate of Deposit account draws interest from the day you secure your certificate. This bank accepts deposits in any amount and pays interest at the rate of 4% if left here for either six months or one year. It would be hard to find a better place for your idle funds. Your money is always available and at the same time earning interest for you. If you have any idle money we suggest you secure one of our certificates of deposit. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Member Federal Reserve System [advertisement] RACINE'S CIGAR STORES Where good cigars and smokers' articles are kept Soda Fountain and Billiard Parlor in connection Where All Good Fellows Linger Longer [advertisement] VARSITY DANCE Company A Armory Varsity 8 Piece Orchestra Dancing from 8:45 to 11:45 Friday Eve., Jan. 31. and Saturday Eve., Feb. 1.
Daily Iowan Newspapers