Daily Iowan, February 6, 1919
Page 2
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WHAT OTHERS THINK To the Editor of The Iowan: Every college and university prides itself on its sportsmanship. After nearly two years absence from Iowa, I returned last Saturday to see the Iowa-Minnesota basketball game. I was surprised and disgusted by the unsportsmanlike conduct of a number of the fans. They were far in the minority but their actions were so offensive that the majority passed unnoticed. Any decision by the referee against Iowa was followed by groans, hisses, catcalls and even shouts to put out the referee, whereas decisions against Minnesota were met with cheers and much applause. The loudest demonstrations were concerned with the application of Rule 7, Section 9 in the Rulebook, “Holding.” Special attention of officials was called to this rule at the annual meeting of the Western Intercollegiate Basketball Association last December. Its interpretation was as follows: Voted, that when a player places [bot harms] around an opponent, even though the player may have one or both hands on the ball, it shall be ruled Holding. The referee was Saturday night, Cap Hedges, is clean and square. He [advertisement] H.A. STRUB & CO. New 1919 Dress Goods and Silks-fine line-the latest and prices right. H.A. STRUB & CO. [advertisement] UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE ON THE CORNER Text Books and Supplies Valentines for the Young and Old UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE was an all-American basket ball player from Dartmouth and he knows the game. He is a graduate of this school and for one whole season coached the team without a cent of pay. He is officiating because he loves the game, and not for what he can get out of it. With a record like that, does anyone think that he would make decisions unfair to Iowa or to any other team? As an alumnus of this University, I want to believe that the disgraceful conduct of those few the other evening was due to pure thoughtlessness, and that a repetition will never occur. H.L. VON LACKUM. President and Mrs. W.A. Jessup entertained the board in control of athletics, all I and I-2 men at dinner Tuesday evening. President W.A. Jessup returned Tuesday afternoon from Des Moines. [advertisement] DAINTY LUNCHES between or after classes. Drop into WHITING’S PHARMACY On Dubuque St. Send The Iowan home. Let The Iowan be your letter. [advertisement] People’s Steam Laundry 225 IOWA AVE. WHEN IN NEED OF LAUNDRY WORK. Telephone 58 C.J.[Toms?] [advertisement] [emblem] ‘TENSHUN [emblem] First class printing and engraving cannot be done by any chance hit and miss plan— it requires a long schooling at the work to turn out good, first-class jobs every time. We specialize in Dance Programs, Plain and De Luxe, Invitations and Announcements, Binding, Gold Stamping and All Manner of Printing and Engraving for Business and Social Occasions, Menus and Toast Programs, Stationery, Visiting Cards, Petitions Economy Advertising Company Phone 98 Washington and Linn Streets [advertisement] UNDER GOVERNMENT SUPERVISION Use a Check or a Draft When Mailing Money A draft or a check drawn on this bank is the safest and most convenient way to send money through the mail. If you haven’t a checking account this is a particularly good time to call on us and open one. You’ll find it useful in more ways than sending money to distant points. We will be glad to advise with you in the matter of handling your Christmas finances. Maybe we can make some suggestions that will prove mutually profitable. First National Bank MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM [advertisement] THE Townsend Studio Lest you forget We say it yet.
WHAT OTHERS THINK To the Editor of The Iowan: Every college and university prides itself on its sportsmanship. After nearly two years absence from Iowa, I returned last Saturday to see the Iowa-Minnesota basketball game. I was surprised and disgusted by the unsportsmanlike conduct of a number of the fans. They were far in the minority but their actions were so offensive that the majority passed unnoticed. Any decision by the referee against Iowa was followed by groans, hisses, catcalls and even shouts to put out the referee, whereas decisions against Minnesota were met with cheers and much applause. The loudest demonstrations were concerned with the application of Rule 7, Section 9 in the Rulebook, “Holding.” Special attention of officials was called to this rule at the annual meeting of the Western Intercollegiate Basketball Association last December. Its interpretation was as follows: Voted, that when a player places [bot harms] around an opponent, even though the player may have one or both hands on the ball, it shall be ruled Holding. The referee was Saturday night, Cap Hedges, is clean and square. He [advertisement] H.A. STRUB & CO. New 1919 Dress Goods and Silks-fine line-the latest and prices right. H.A. STRUB & CO. [advertisement] UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE ON THE CORNER Text Books and Supplies Valentines for the Young and Old UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE was an all-American basket ball player from Dartmouth and he knows the game. He is a graduate of this school and for one whole season coached the team without a cent of pay. He is officiating because he loves the game, and not for what he can get out of it. With a record like that, does anyone think that he would make decisions unfair to Iowa or to any other team? As an alumnus of this University, I want to believe that the disgraceful conduct of those few the other evening was due to pure thoughtlessness, and that a repetition will never occur. H.L. VON LACKUM. President and Mrs. W.A. Jessup entertained the board in control of athletics, all I and I-2 men at dinner Tuesday evening. President W.A. Jessup returned Tuesday afternoon from Des Moines. [advertisement] DAINTY LUNCHES between or after classes. Drop into WHITING’S PHARMACY On Dubuque St. Send The Iowan home. Let The Iowan be your letter. [advertisement] People’s Steam Laundry 225 IOWA AVE. WHEN IN NEED OF LAUNDRY WORK. Telephone 58 C.J.[Toms?] [advertisement] [emblem] ‘TENSHUN [emblem] First class printing and engraving cannot be done by any chance hit and miss plan— it requires a long schooling at the work to turn out good, first-class jobs every time. We specialize in Dance Programs, Plain and De Luxe, Invitations and Announcements, Binding, Gold Stamping and All Manner of Printing and Engraving for Business and Social Occasions, Menus and Toast Programs, Stationery, Visiting Cards, Petitions Economy Advertising Company Phone 98 Washington and Linn Streets [advertisement] UNDER GOVERNMENT SUPERVISION Use a Check or a Draft When Mailing Money A draft or a check drawn on this bank is the safest and most convenient way to send money through the mail. If you haven’t a checking account this is a particularly good time to call on us and open one. You’ll find it useful in more ways than sending money to distant points. We will be glad to advise with you in the matter of handling your Christmas finances. Maybe we can make some suggestions that will prove mutually profitable. First National Bank MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM [advertisement] THE Townsend Studio Lest you forget We say it yet.
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