Daily Iowan, February 6, 1919
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Thursday, February 6, 1919 THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA PAGE THREE SOCIETY AND PERSONL HOUSEWARMING A SUCCESS Tiny black and yellow ribbon bows distinguished I.W.A.A. hostesses from their guests at the house-warming for all University women at the women’s gymnasium from 3 to 5:30 Saturday afternoon. Dancing and more dancing was the order of the afternoon’s entertainment. Dressed in attractive costumes to represent the folk whose dances they were giving, Elizabeth Dorcas, Eula Van Meter, and Thelma and Esther Graves, were entertaining in their dances. Nellie S. Aurner, dean of women, and faculty women came at different times through the afternoon. More than 200 University women attended the house warming, danced a bit, drank one or two or three glasses of punch, ate a wafer; chatted a bit; and left, voting I.W.A.A. a splendid hostess. Miss Sarah McBride, preceptress of Currier hall, is entertaining her mother. Madeline Coonan, Alpha Xi Delta, has gone to her home in Emmetsburg. Dr. D. Brumfiel, instructor in histology, will give an illustrated lecture on “Color Changes in Animals” at the physics lecture room Friday at 7:30. Among the slides will be a number of original drawings, results of Dr. Brumfiel’s observations of Marine forms along the Atlantic coast. Amanda Johnson, of Evansville, Minn., freshman last quarter, is improving. She has been in the University hospital nine weeks with pneumonia following influenza. Hazel Hembd of Belmond is visiting her brother Harold who is a sophomore here. Hope Hobbs of Marshalltown is confined to her home on account of illness. [advertisement] The Boss Says-- -- and one can live without soap, but not so well, too-- and if people only knew it they would save money by buying in quantities — He’s got a couple of soaps there that sell for a dime, he says he’ll put up against any 30c soap on the market and if you buy them by the box you get 12 bars for dollar— That’s saving money I’ll say— The ad man with HENRY LOUIS The Rexall & Kodak Store 129 E. College [advertisement] WHEN you buy a pipe bearing the W D C trade-mark, you have the satisfaction of knowing that your money could not have bought a better pipe. The W D C is strictly American made. You can choose among a multitude of styles, sizes and grades at the best shops— $6 down to 75 cents. [emblem W D C TRADE MARK] WM. DEMUTH & CO., New York World’s Largest Pipe Manufacturer [picture of a pipe] Look at the lines of this one. They flow, a delight to the eye, from the rich brown of the genuine French Briar bowl, through the sterling sheen of the ring, to the jet black lustre of the vulcanite bit. Lieut. and Mrs. LeRoy Rader are again in school. Mrs. Rader was formerly Jean Richards. Lieut. Glen Ireland has recently returned from France and is visiting friends in the city. Lieut. Ireland was a senior engineer here and went to Fort Snelling to the first officers’ training camp. Beth chapter of Achoth will be at home, Saturday afternoon from 3 to 5 in the Masonic temple, to all the Eastern Star girls in the University. There will be no Varsity Friday night on account of freshman Pan-Hellenic. Women’s league council will be held this afternoon at 4 o’clock in room 116 of the liberal arts building. All council members must attend her send substitute. J.J. Bridgeman of the state board of health will give an illustrated lecture on “The Use of Chlorinated Antiseptics” in the pharmacy lecture room tonight at 4 o’clock. [advertisement] [picture of man in suit] Society Brand Clothes FOR YOUNG MEN AND MEN WHO STAY YOUNG JUST RECEIVED A SPECIAL SHIPMENT OF NEW SPRING SUITS AND OVERCOATS. NEW MODELS WITH WAIST LINE SEAM AND DOUBLE BREASTED STYLES. SELECT VALUES OF THE SEASON IN SOCIETY-BRAND CLOTHES. THE KIND THE YOUNG MEN LIKE TO WEAR. A VERY LARGE VARIETY, NEW WEAVES, NEW MODELS; NEW PATTERNS, YOUNG MEN’S SINGLE AND DOUBLE BREASTED STYLES. $35, $40, $45 and up Bremers Golden Eagle Iowa City Iowa [advertisement] Dancing from 8:45 to 11:45 VARSITY DANCE Company A Armory Varsity 8 Piece Orchestra SATURDAY EVE, FEB. 8.
Thursday, February 6, 1919 THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA PAGE THREE SOCIETY AND PERSONL HOUSEWARMING A SUCCESS Tiny black and yellow ribbon bows distinguished I.W.A.A. hostesses from their guests at the house-warming for all University women at the women’s gymnasium from 3 to 5:30 Saturday afternoon. Dancing and more dancing was the order of the afternoon’s entertainment. Dressed in attractive costumes to represent the folk whose dances they were giving, Elizabeth Dorcas, Eula Van Meter, and Thelma and Esther Graves, were entertaining in their dances. Nellie S. Aurner, dean of women, and faculty women came at different times through the afternoon. More than 200 University women attended the house warming, danced a bit, drank one or two or three glasses of punch, ate a wafer; chatted a bit; and left, voting I.W.A.A. a splendid hostess. Miss Sarah McBride, preceptress of Currier hall, is entertaining her mother. Madeline Coonan, Alpha Xi Delta, has gone to her home in Emmetsburg. Dr. D. Brumfiel, instructor in histology, will give an illustrated lecture on “Color Changes in Animals” at the physics lecture room Friday at 7:30. Among the slides will be a number of original drawings, results of Dr. Brumfiel’s observations of Marine forms along the Atlantic coast. Amanda Johnson, of Evansville, Minn., freshman last quarter, is improving. She has been in the University hospital nine weeks with pneumonia following influenza. Hazel Hembd of Belmond is visiting her brother Harold who is a sophomore here. Hope Hobbs of Marshalltown is confined to her home on account of illness. [advertisement] The Boss Says-- -- and one can live without soap, but not so well, too-- and if people only knew it they would save money by buying in quantities — He’s got a couple of soaps there that sell for a dime, he says he’ll put up against any 30c soap on the market and if you buy them by the box you get 12 bars for dollar— That’s saving money I’ll say— The ad man with HENRY LOUIS The Rexall & Kodak Store 129 E. College [advertisement] WHEN you buy a pipe bearing the W D C trade-mark, you have the satisfaction of knowing that your money could not have bought a better pipe. The W D C is strictly American made. You can choose among a multitude of styles, sizes and grades at the best shops— $6 down to 75 cents. [emblem W D C TRADE MARK] WM. DEMUTH & CO., New York World’s Largest Pipe Manufacturer [picture of a pipe] Look at the lines of this one. They flow, a delight to the eye, from the rich brown of the genuine French Briar bowl, through the sterling sheen of the ring, to the jet black lustre of the vulcanite bit. Lieut. and Mrs. LeRoy Rader are again in school. Mrs. Rader was formerly Jean Richards. Lieut. Glen Ireland has recently returned from France and is visiting friends in the city. Lieut. Ireland was a senior engineer here and went to Fort Snelling to the first officers’ training camp. Beth chapter of Achoth will be at home, Saturday afternoon from 3 to 5 in the Masonic temple, to all the Eastern Star girls in the University. There will be no Varsity Friday night on account of freshman Pan-Hellenic. Women’s league council will be held this afternoon at 4 o’clock in room 116 of the liberal arts building. All council members must attend her send substitute. J.J. Bridgeman of the state board of health will give an illustrated lecture on “The Use of Chlorinated Antiseptics” in the pharmacy lecture room tonight at 4 o’clock. [advertisement] [picture of man in suit] Society Brand Clothes FOR YOUNG MEN AND MEN WHO STAY YOUNG JUST RECEIVED A SPECIAL SHIPMENT OF NEW SPRING SUITS AND OVERCOATS. NEW MODELS WITH WAIST LINE SEAM AND DOUBLE BREASTED STYLES. SELECT VALUES OF THE SEASON IN SOCIETY-BRAND CLOTHES. THE KIND THE YOUNG MEN LIKE TO WEAR. A VERY LARGE VARIETY, NEW WEAVES, NEW MODELS; NEW PATTERNS, YOUNG MEN’S SINGLE AND DOUBLE BREASTED STYLES. $35, $40, $45 and up Bremers Golden Eagle Iowa City Iowa [advertisement] Dancing from 8:45 to 11:45 VARSITY DANCE Company A Armory Varsity 8 Piece Orchestra SATURDAY EVE, FEB. 8.
Daily Iowan Newspapers