Daily Iowan, February 6, 1919
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PAGE FOUR THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Thursday, February 69, 1919 WANT ADS RATE 10c a line or fraction: 20% discount on three or more insertions. Want ads cash in advance. LOST-- New Schaeffer pen. Return to Y. W. C. A. Reward. 54 FOR SALE CHEAP— Three new uniforms, made to order. Jos. Slavata, Tailor, 107 S. Clinton. 54 LOST— Bunch of keys. Return to this office. Reward. 53 LOST— Scarf pin with pearl setting. Finder please call 1361. Reward. 54 FOR RENT— Room in Currier annex. 53 Will the party who got the martin fur neck piece by mistake at Varsity last Saturday night return it to Miss Clara Hamilton, Currier hall. 54 Make your college expenses during your spare time selling our pennants and pillows. For agency write, THE COLLEGE FLAG CO. Columbus, O. UNIVERSITY MEN ADDRESS COUNTY MEDICAL SOCIETY The Johnson County Medical society held its first scientific meeting of the year last night at the Commercial club rooms. Dr. H.V. Scarborough, president of the society, opened the program with an address. Members of the medical faculty of the University took part in the program. “Death from Lumbar Puncture” was discussed by Dr. Henrietty Calhoun of the department of pathology. Dr. F.J. Rohner spoke on “Blood Transfusion,” and case reports were given by Dr. J.C. Kessler of the department of dermatology and Dr. George C. Albright. COMMUNITY SINGS FOR GIRLS A community thing for all women will be held this evening at 7:15 at the natural science auditorium under the auspices of the war camp community service. Prof. W.E. Hays will lead in the singing of popular songs. Community sings will be held during the year to prepare for the great peace choruses to be held all over the country Nov. 11. THETA SIGMA PHI BANQUETS Theta Sigma Phi will hold it initiation banquet at the Jefferson hotel Friday evening. Mary Rice, Marion Smith, Nancy Lamb, Kathryne Fritson, Ophelia Miller, Romola Latchem, Ruth Stewart and Mrs. Grace Partridge Smith are the pledges. ATHENA HAS LECTURE Under the auspices of the Athena literary society, Prof. Homer R. Dill [gill?] give a lecture this evening in the liberal arts assembly. Pictures taken from Prof. Dill’s trip to the Louisiana coast will be a feature of the lecture. Among the pictures to be shown is the dangerous alligator hunt, and the night trip in the cypress jungle, catching snakes. ZETS INITIATE Zetagathian literary society will hold initiation for all freshmen pledges Friday evening, at K.P. Hall. IRVING INSTITUTE PROGRAM Irving Institute will hold the [following] program in room 204 of the law building at 8 o’clock Friday evening: Debate: Gilbeaut, Hayes, Saunderson, and Kruze. Speech: British Air Service, Anderson. Open forum: Future Military Policy of the U.S. Leaders Magowan. [advertisement] .GARDEN. THURSDAY & FRIDAY FANNIE WARD –IN-- ‘THE NARROW PATH’ –SATURDAY ONLY—BABY MARIE OSBORNE IN “TEARS AND SMILES” [advertisement] STRAND THEATRE FRIDAY & SATURDAY MADGE KENNEDY –IN—“A PERFECT LADY” Also Smiling Bill Parsons in a 2-reel comedy [advertisement] YOUR LAUNDRY WORK… Should be done by an expert. Our sanitary methods insure that your linen will always be in tiptop shape. Phone 294, and let us do your next bunch of laundry. PHONE 294 New Process Laundry “The Pride of Iowa City” [advertisement] NEW BUSINESS YOU WILL FIND THAT AN ACCOUNT CARRIED IN OUR BANK WILL PLACE AT YOUR DISPOSAL THE SERVICES OF A GOOD BANK. EACH CUSTOMER MAY HAVE PERSONAL SERVICE, ADVICE, AND ASSISTANCE FROM OUR OFFICERS. WE APPRECIATE ACCOUNTS LARGE OR SMALL--. Iowa City State Bank [advertisement] Our Semi-Annual Clearance Sale Is Still On These shoes are of our regular stock, and they carry our guarantee. Come and see and save money. GEO. H. DUKER 127 E. COLLEGE ST. [advertisement Petticoats for Particular Women Many women are as proud of their petticoats as they are of their other apparel. These are the women that will appreciate the smart styles of the new Jersey and Taffeta Silk [Peticoats]. BOUGHT THROUGH OUR NEW YORK OFFICE and very specially priced at-- $3.98 We are also ready with an advanced display of newest Spring [emblem Fitrite PETTICOATS] [hand drawing of woman with petticoats] Models that are assured of their popularity this Spring --design by skilled petticoat makers--copies and adaptations, too, of costly styles from the most exclusive centers. Choose now before buying Spring outer apparel— get the correct dash and swing to your skirt. These new SILK TAFFETA numbers are irresistible— so many [ney] billowy flouncing ideas, cluster-tucks, scalloped pleats and frills that only the most painstaking care could produce. SEE TWO VERY UNUSUAL VALUES TODAY AT $4.98 and $5.98 Yetter’s THE BIG STORE [advertisement] Book and Craft …Shop… Art Metal Jewelry New Designs New Finish Valentine Decorations Cards and Favors 124 E. Washington Street
PAGE FOUR THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Thursday, February 69, 1919 WANT ADS RATE 10c a line or fraction: 20% discount on three or more insertions. Want ads cash in advance. LOST-- New Schaeffer pen. Return to Y. W. C. A. Reward. 54 FOR SALE CHEAP— Three new uniforms, made to order. Jos. Slavata, Tailor, 107 S. Clinton. 54 LOST— Bunch of keys. Return to this office. Reward. 53 LOST— Scarf pin with pearl setting. Finder please call 1361. Reward. 54 FOR RENT— Room in Currier annex. 53 Will the party who got the martin fur neck piece by mistake at Varsity last Saturday night return it to Miss Clara Hamilton, Currier hall. 54 Make your college expenses during your spare time selling our pennants and pillows. For agency write, THE COLLEGE FLAG CO. Columbus, O. UNIVERSITY MEN ADDRESS COUNTY MEDICAL SOCIETY The Johnson County Medical society held its first scientific meeting of the year last night at the Commercial club rooms. Dr. H.V. Scarborough, president of the society, opened the program with an address. Members of the medical faculty of the University took part in the program. “Death from Lumbar Puncture” was discussed by Dr. Henrietty Calhoun of the department of pathology. Dr. F.J. Rohner spoke on “Blood Transfusion,” and case reports were given by Dr. J.C. Kessler of the department of dermatology and Dr. George C. Albright. COMMUNITY SINGS FOR GIRLS A community thing for all women will be held this evening at 7:15 at the natural science auditorium under the auspices of the war camp community service. Prof. W.E. Hays will lead in the singing of popular songs. Community sings will be held during the year to prepare for the great peace choruses to be held all over the country Nov. 11. THETA SIGMA PHI BANQUETS Theta Sigma Phi will hold it initiation banquet at the Jefferson hotel Friday evening. Mary Rice, Marion Smith, Nancy Lamb, Kathryne Fritson, Ophelia Miller, Romola Latchem, Ruth Stewart and Mrs. Grace Partridge Smith are the pledges. ATHENA HAS LECTURE Under the auspices of the Athena literary society, Prof. Homer R. Dill [gill?] give a lecture this evening in the liberal arts assembly. Pictures taken from Prof. Dill’s trip to the Louisiana coast will be a feature of the lecture. Among the pictures to be shown is the dangerous alligator hunt, and the night trip in the cypress jungle, catching snakes. ZETS INITIATE Zetagathian literary society will hold initiation for all freshmen pledges Friday evening, at K.P. Hall. IRVING INSTITUTE PROGRAM Irving Institute will hold the [following] program in room 204 of the law building at 8 o’clock Friday evening: Debate: Gilbeaut, Hayes, Saunderson, and Kruze. Speech: British Air Service, Anderson. Open forum: Future Military Policy of the U.S. Leaders Magowan. [advertisement] .GARDEN. THURSDAY & FRIDAY FANNIE WARD –IN-- ‘THE NARROW PATH’ –SATURDAY ONLY—BABY MARIE OSBORNE IN “TEARS AND SMILES” [advertisement] STRAND THEATRE FRIDAY & SATURDAY MADGE KENNEDY –IN—“A PERFECT LADY” Also Smiling Bill Parsons in a 2-reel comedy [advertisement] YOUR LAUNDRY WORK… Should be done by an expert. Our sanitary methods insure that your linen will always be in tiptop shape. Phone 294, and let us do your next bunch of laundry. PHONE 294 New Process Laundry “The Pride of Iowa City” [advertisement] NEW BUSINESS YOU WILL FIND THAT AN ACCOUNT CARRIED IN OUR BANK WILL PLACE AT YOUR DISPOSAL THE SERVICES OF A GOOD BANK. EACH CUSTOMER MAY HAVE PERSONAL SERVICE, ADVICE, AND ASSISTANCE FROM OUR OFFICERS. WE APPRECIATE ACCOUNTS LARGE OR SMALL--. Iowa City State Bank [advertisement] Our Semi-Annual Clearance Sale Is Still On These shoes are of our regular stock, and they carry our guarantee. Come and see and save money. GEO. H. DUKER 127 E. COLLEGE ST. [advertisement Petticoats for Particular Women Many women are as proud of their petticoats as they are of their other apparel. These are the women that will appreciate the smart styles of the new Jersey and Taffeta Silk [Peticoats]. BOUGHT THROUGH OUR NEW YORK OFFICE and very specially priced at-- $3.98 We are also ready with an advanced display of newest Spring [emblem Fitrite PETTICOATS] [hand drawing of woman with petticoats] Models that are assured of their popularity this Spring --design by skilled petticoat makers--copies and adaptations, too, of costly styles from the most exclusive centers. Choose now before buying Spring outer apparel— get the correct dash and swing to your skirt. These new SILK TAFFETA numbers are irresistible— so many [ney] billowy flouncing ideas, cluster-tucks, scalloped pleats and frills that only the most painstaking care could produce. SEE TWO VERY UNUSUAL VALUES TODAY AT $4.98 and $5.98 Yetter’s THE BIG STORE [advertisement] Book and Craft …Shop… Art Metal Jewelry New Designs New Finish Valentine Decorations Cards and Favors 124 E. Washington Street
Daily Iowan Newspapers