Daily Iowan, February 11, 1919
Page 6
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PAGE SIX THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Tuesday, February 11, 1919 FORCING OUT Hundreds and Hundreds of Hart-Schaffner & Marx Suits and Overcoats for Men and Young men. We have employed the services of Mr. M. F. Felix, a high class sales specialist of Chicago. Mr. Felix is now personally in charge, with many extra people getting our store ready for this MIGHTY BARGAIN FEAST. Every Suit, every Overcoat, every item in the store to be placed on sale. Mr. Felix will give bargains that will cause excitement thru-out the county. Selling Starts Thursday, Feb. 13th Men's Suits We think these Men's and Young Men's Suits from HART SCHAFFNER & MARX the best values we've offered, at the prices below quoted. In order to effect rapid selling we have placed our stock of suits in 5 different lots. Lot. No. 1 suits, values to $35.00, Forcing out price. . . $19.75 Lot. No. 2 suits, values to $40.00 Forcing Out price. . . $27.45 Lot. No. 3 suits, values to $45.00 Forcing Out price. . . $32.45 Lot No. 4 suits, values to $48.50, Forcing Out prices. . . $37.95 Lot No. 5 suits, values to $52.50, Forcing Out price. . . $42.25 The above assortment is very large; the fabrics and patterns are the finest the styles are late and up-to-date models. Nothing we can say is half the argument as a comparison of values will be. Featuring the new welt waist lines, the snug fitting military styles as well as the most conservative models. MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS Soft and laundered cuffs. Many different weaves of woven Madrasses, of Mercerized and other fine shirtings, distinctive in patterns, various in colorings-and the prices so low you will want several. $2.00 Values, now on salt at...$1.57 $2.50 Values, now on salt at...$1.97 $3.00 Values, now on salt at...$2.37 $3.50 Values, now on salt at...$2.67 $4.00 Values, now on salt at...$2.97 $4.50 Values, now on salt at...$3.57 $5.00 Values, now on salt at...$3.97 SILK SHIRTS Tub Silks of the new striking patterns. $6.00 Values, now on salt at...$4.67 $6.50 Values, now on sale at...$4.87 $7.00 Values, now on salt at...$5.57 $7.50 Values, now on salt at...$5.87 $9.00 Values, now on salt at... $6.97 Furnishings $2.00 Value Pajamas, now...$1.27 $2.50 Value Pajamas, now...$1.87 $3.00 Value Pajamas, now...$2.37 $3.50 Value Pajamas, now...$2.69 Men's Khaki Handkerchiefs, Regular 20c values. . .9c Men's Khaki Shirts, $2.50 and $2.75, now offered for. . .$1.87 Heavy Fleeced Union Suits, $2.50 values, now offered for. . .$1.71 Sweater Coats, 1 big lot, values to $3.00, now. . . $2.19 Sweater Coats, honest $5.00 values, now going at. . . $2.27 Men's Caps. Nifty patterns good styles and extra values. $1.00 numbers, now...65c $1.50 numbers now...85c $2.00numbers, now...$1.27 Men's Felt Dress Hats, values to $3.50, offered at...$1.97 Men's Ties, pretty patterns, good Silks, $1.00 grade, now...87c MEN'S OVERCOATS These magnificent hand-tailored overcoats, most of then enriched with silk linings, and fancy sleeves, and all priced to show you a saving of from $5.00 to $17.00. Lot No. 1, values to $35.00, Forcing Out price...$19.75 Lot No. 2, values to $40.00, Forcing Out price...$33.45 Lot No. 3, values to $45.00 Forcing Out price...$38.45 Lot No. 4, values to $55.00, Forcing Out price...$45.45 Lot No. 5, values to $70.00, Forcing Out price...$52.45 In this assortment you will be offered many imported weaves. Some extra Scotch and English cloth of the wanted materials. We offer some Carr meltons at truly BARGAIN prices. REMEMBER every coat carries the guarantee of the store. M.F. FELIX, Special Sales Manager COASTS' Iowa City, Iowa
PAGE SIX THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Tuesday, February 11, 1919 FORCING OUT Hundreds and Hundreds of Hart-Schaffner & Marx Suits and Overcoats for Men and Young men. We have employed the services of Mr. M. F. Felix, a high class sales specialist of Chicago. Mr. Felix is now personally in charge, with many extra people getting our store ready for this MIGHTY BARGAIN FEAST. Every Suit, every Overcoat, every item in the store to be placed on sale. Mr. Felix will give bargains that will cause excitement thru-out the county. Selling Starts Thursday, Feb. 13th Men's Suits We think these Men's and Young Men's Suits from HART SCHAFFNER & MARX the best values we've offered, at the prices below quoted. In order to effect rapid selling we have placed our stock of suits in 5 different lots. Lot. No. 1 suits, values to $35.00, Forcing out price. . . $19.75 Lot. No. 2 suits, values to $40.00 Forcing Out price. . . $27.45 Lot. No. 3 suits, values to $45.00 Forcing Out price. . . $32.45 Lot No. 4 suits, values to $48.50, Forcing Out prices. . . $37.95 Lot No. 5 suits, values to $52.50, Forcing Out price. . . $42.25 The above assortment is very large; the fabrics and patterns are the finest the styles are late and up-to-date models. Nothing we can say is half the argument as a comparison of values will be. Featuring the new welt waist lines, the snug fitting military styles as well as the most conservative models. MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS Soft and laundered cuffs. Many different weaves of woven Madrasses, of Mercerized and other fine shirtings, distinctive in patterns, various in colorings-and the prices so low you will want several. $2.00 Values, now on salt at...$1.57 $2.50 Values, now on salt at...$1.97 $3.00 Values, now on salt at...$2.37 $3.50 Values, now on salt at...$2.67 $4.00 Values, now on salt at...$2.97 $4.50 Values, now on salt at...$3.57 $5.00 Values, now on salt at...$3.97 SILK SHIRTS Tub Silks of the new striking patterns. $6.00 Values, now on salt at...$4.67 $6.50 Values, now on sale at...$4.87 $7.00 Values, now on salt at...$5.57 $7.50 Values, now on salt at...$5.87 $9.00 Values, now on salt at... $6.97 Furnishings $2.00 Value Pajamas, now...$1.27 $2.50 Value Pajamas, now...$1.87 $3.00 Value Pajamas, now...$2.37 $3.50 Value Pajamas, now...$2.69 Men's Khaki Handkerchiefs, Regular 20c values. . .9c Men's Khaki Shirts, $2.50 and $2.75, now offered for. . .$1.87 Heavy Fleeced Union Suits, $2.50 values, now offered for. . .$1.71 Sweater Coats, 1 big lot, values to $3.00, now. . . $2.19 Sweater Coats, honest $5.00 values, now going at. . . $2.27 Men's Caps. Nifty patterns good styles and extra values. $1.00 numbers, now...65c $1.50 numbers now...85c $2.00numbers, now...$1.27 Men's Felt Dress Hats, values to $3.50, offered at...$1.97 Men's Ties, pretty patterns, good Silks, $1.00 grade, now...87c MEN'S OVERCOATS These magnificent hand-tailored overcoats, most of then enriched with silk linings, and fancy sleeves, and all priced to show you a saving of from $5.00 to $17.00. Lot No. 1, values to $35.00, Forcing Out price...$19.75 Lot No. 2, values to $40.00, Forcing Out price...$33.45 Lot No. 3, values to $45.00 Forcing Out price...$38.45 Lot No. 4, values to $55.00, Forcing Out price...$45.45 Lot No. 5, values to $70.00, Forcing Out price...$52.45 In this assortment you will be offered many imported weaves. Some extra Scotch and English cloth of the wanted materials. We offer some Carr meltons at truly BARGAIN prices. REMEMBER every coat carries the guarantee of the store. M.F. FELIX, Special Sales Manager COASTS' Iowa City, Iowa
Daily Iowan Newspapers