Daily Iowan, February 13, 1919
Page 6
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PAGE SIX THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Thursday, February 13, 1919 Sophomore Cotillion Friday, 28 First Big Peace Formal NO FLOWERS Limited to 125 Couples CO. A. HALL $3.50 Including WarTax BIG ORCHESTRA Dancing Until One Tickets on Sale at Whetsone's Now WANT ADS RATE 10c a line or fraction: 20% discount on three or more insertions. Want ads cash in advance. Make your college expenses during your spare time selling our pennants and pillows. For agency write THE COLELGE FLAG CO. Columbus, O. If you want a good man with some executive ability for part time emplyoment address F.S.K. care of Daily Iowan. FOR RENT-Furnished room, 419 Iowa ave. Men preferred. WANTED TO BUY- A used Encyclopedia Brittanica, last edition. Phone B-1149. HAWKEYES HAVE STRONG TEAM FOR BASEBALL SEASON Without a Coach at Present-Board Will Probably Decide Question BROWN WILL CAPTAIN TEAM Pitching Material Plentiful With Belding and Hamilton- Infield is Intact The Hawkeyes are to be represented by one of the strongest teams in baseball history, for nine of last season's veterans will be on hand when the first practice is called. Added to this number there will be several freshmen who will make it lively for varsity material to retain their positions. At the present time the baseball team is without a coach. Who will be elected to fill this position is not known, but it is more than probable that the question will be decided up on at the next meeting of the board in control of athletics. Brown, left fielder for the last two years, will captain this year's team. He is a sure fielder and a heavy man with the willow. Brown to Captain Team Pitching material is plentiful with Hamilton and Belding, varsity boxmen of last year, to act in that capacity again. Hamilton is working out in the gymnasium and the big fellow is fast rounding into form. This pair of slab artists look to be about the best bet of pitchers in the conference. It is also possible that Rhinehart of last year's freshman team will be back in school for baseball season. Finding a catcher will eb the hardest problem. Muckler looks to be a promising candidate for the position. With the expection of one position the infield will line up as it did last season. Olson at first cannot be displaced for Olie is the best fielding sacker in the league and he also ranked near the top in team hitting last season. McLaughlin, a subsittue on Kent's team, rpomises to be the best of the second baseman. Infield is Intact In Ehred at shortstop the Hawkeyes have one of the classiest shortfield performers in the Big Ten. He is also a good sticker who averaged close to the 300 mark last year. Goodwin at the far corner should develop into a fast fielder. He covered the position well in the game he worked in under Kent. Brown in left field, Holsworth and Parrott in the other two positions the outfield gives pprmise of being a strong outer defense. Belding and Hamilton will also play the outfield when not on pitching duty. Iowa's schedule is a hard one, wth Michigan, Illinois and Notre Dame on the Hawkeye list. DRAKE CHALLENGES IOWA Drake university has challenged Iowa to a debate, but the invitation has not been accepted. According to the ruling of the Men's Forensic council, the dates of the inter-literary championship debate cannot be changed. This ruling makes the Drake-Iowa debate impossible. The Philosphical club met at the home of C.C. Bunch on South Dubuque street Tuesday evening. The Rev. Paul Helsey, of North Liberty, read a paper on "The Philosophy of Eucken." which was followed by general discussion. [advertisment] PASTIME THEATRE TODAY & TOMORROW THEDA BARA in "UNDER THE YOKE" [advertisement] We Will give 10 per cent discount on all sales Febuary 13-14-15. All new and up-to-date goods. LOOK FOR OUR WINDOW DISPLAY A.M. EWERS 101 S. CLINTON AT THE CORNER SHOE STORE [advertisement] ANITA STEWARD IN "Virtuous WIves" From the Famous Cosmopolitan Magazine Story of Married Life in New York Society, byOwen Johnson COMING- STRAND [advertisement] .GARDEN. THURSDAY & FRIDAY HENRI KRAUSS in "A VAGABOUND OF FRANCE" also TOTO in "THE JUNK MAN" Pupils of the school of music gave a recital at Prof. W.E. Hays studio Tuesday evening. [advertisement] The Big Parties Are Coming Ladies-Let us make your party dress look like new. We have a reputation for fine work in cleaninr party, dresses, laces and silks. Gentlemen-Your dress suit will have to be gone over soon. Let us clean and repair it for you. T. Dell Kelley The Reliable CLeaner 211 E. COLLEGE PHONE 17 [advertisement] YOUR LAUNDRY WORK... Should be done by an expert. Our sanitary methods insure that your linen will always be in tiptop shape. Phone 294, and let us do your next bunch of laundry, New Process Laundry "The Pride of Iowa City" PHONE 294
PAGE SIX THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Thursday, February 13, 1919 Sophomore Cotillion Friday, 28 First Big Peace Formal NO FLOWERS Limited to 125 Couples CO. A. HALL $3.50 Including WarTax BIG ORCHESTRA Dancing Until One Tickets on Sale at Whetsone's Now WANT ADS RATE 10c a line or fraction: 20% discount on three or more insertions. Want ads cash in advance. Make your college expenses during your spare time selling our pennants and pillows. For agency write THE COLELGE FLAG CO. Columbus, O. If you want a good man with some executive ability for part time emplyoment address F.S.K. care of Daily Iowan. FOR RENT-Furnished room, 419 Iowa ave. Men preferred. WANTED TO BUY- A used Encyclopedia Brittanica, last edition. Phone B-1149. HAWKEYES HAVE STRONG TEAM FOR BASEBALL SEASON Without a Coach at Present-Board Will Probably Decide Question BROWN WILL CAPTAIN TEAM Pitching Material Plentiful With Belding and Hamilton- Infield is Intact The Hawkeyes are to be represented by one of the strongest teams in baseball history, for nine of last season's veterans will be on hand when the first practice is called. Added to this number there will be several freshmen who will make it lively for varsity material to retain their positions. At the present time the baseball team is without a coach. Who will be elected to fill this position is not known, but it is more than probable that the question will be decided up on at the next meeting of the board in control of athletics. Brown, left fielder for the last two years, will captain this year's team. He is a sure fielder and a heavy man with the willow. Brown to Captain Team Pitching material is plentiful with Hamilton and Belding, varsity boxmen of last year, to act in that capacity again. Hamilton is working out in the gymnasium and the big fellow is fast rounding into form. This pair of slab artists look to be about the best bet of pitchers in the conference. It is also possible that Rhinehart of last year's freshman team will be back in school for baseball season. Finding a catcher will eb the hardest problem. Muckler looks to be a promising candidate for the position. With the expection of one position the infield will line up as it did last season. Olson at first cannot be displaced for Olie is the best fielding sacker in the league and he also ranked near the top in team hitting last season. McLaughlin, a subsittue on Kent's team, rpomises to be the best of the second baseman. Infield is Intact In Ehred at shortstop the Hawkeyes have one of the classiest shortfield performers in the Big Ten. He is also a good sticker who averaged close to the 300 mark last year. Goodwin at the far corner should develop into a fast fielder. He covered the position well in the game he worked in under Kent. Brown in left field, Holsworth and Parrott in the other two positions the outfield gives pprmise of being a strong outer defense. Belding and Hamilton will also play the outfield when not on pitching duty. Iowa's schedule is a hard one, wth Michigan, Illinois and Notre Dame on the Hawkeye list. DRAKE CHALLENGES IOWA Drake university has challenged Iowa to a debate, but the invitation has not been accepted. According to the ruling of the Men's Forensic council, the dates of the inter-literary championship debate cannot be changed. This ruling makes the Drake-Iowa debate impossible. The Philosphical club met at the home of C.C. Bunch on South Dubuque street Tuesday evening. The Rev. Paul Helsey, of North Liberty, read a paper on "The Philosophy of Eucken." which was followed by general discussion. [advertisment] PASTIME THEATRE TODAY & TOMORROW THEDA BARA in "UNDER THE YOKE" [advertisement] We Will give 10 per cent discount on all sales Febuary 13-14-15. All new and up-to-date goods. LOOK FOR OUR WINDOW DISPLAY A.M. EWERS 101 S. CLINTON AT THE CORNER SHOE STORE [advertisement] ANITA STEWARD IN "Virtuous WIves" From the Famous Cosmopolitan Magazine Story of Married Life in New York Society, byOwen Johnson COMING- STRAND [advertisement] .GARDEN. THURSDAY & FRIDAY HENRI KRAUSS in "A VAGABOUND OF FRANCE" also TOTO in "THE JUNK MAN" Pupils of the school of music gave a recital at Prof. W.E. Hays studio Tuesday evening. [advertisement] The Big Parties Are Coming Ladies-Let us make your party dress look like new. We have a reputation for fine work in cleaninr party, dresses, laces and silks. Gentlemen-Your dress suit will have to be gone over soon. Let us clean and repair it for you. T. Dell Kelley The Reliable CLeaner 211 E. COLLEGE PHONE 17 [advertisement] YOUR LAUNDRY WORK... Should be done by an expert. Our sanitary methods insure that your linen will always be in tiptop shape. Phone 294, and let us do your next bunch of laundry, New Process Laundry "The Pride of Iowa City" PHONE 294
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