Daily Iowan, February 16, 1919
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PAGE TWO THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA SUNDAY FEBRUARY 16, 1919 THE DAILY IOWAN A morning paper published for the period of the war three times a week - Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday - by The Daily Iowan Publishing company at 103 Iowa avenue, Iowa City ------------------------------------- Member Iowa College Press ------------------------------------ Entered as second class matter at the post office of Iowa City, Iowa ----------------------------------- Subscription Rate $2.00 per year ------------------------------------ BOARD OF TRUSTEES C.H. Well,er chairman, Gretchen Kane, secretary , E. M. McEwen, E. S. Smith, Alice E. Hinkley, M. Elizabeth Hendee, Mary Anderson. _____________________ EDITORIAL STAFF MILDRED E. WHITCOMB, Editor-in-chief Telphone, Black 1757; Office Hours - 8-12; 1-6 daily, room 14, L. A. Building _________________________ Rowena Wellman - Managing Editor ------------------------------------ Ruth Rogers News Editor Helen Hays Pink Sheet Editor Elizabeth Hendee Humorous Editor Nacy Lamb Exchange Editor Leon H. Bringham Sporting Editor ________________________ BUSINESS STAFF ROMOLA LATCHEM - Business Manager _______________________ edward Chamberlain - Advertising Mgr. Telephone 935; Office Hours - 3-5 daily, 103 Iowa Ave. ----------------------------------- "I have never had a policy. I have simply tried to do what seemed best each day as each day came." - Lincoln ________________________ Night Editors Ethyn Williams Ruth Stewart ________________________ SING, BROTHER, SING! Forty years ago the young folks used to hitch Old Kate and Dobbin to the lumber wagon, and off they would rumble to the country or village school house to "singing school." The master would lead, and thirty or forty strong, untrained voices would fill the little room with music of patriotism, of love, and of gaiety. Thus sweethearts were wooed and won, and thus good fellowship and a democratic spirit were kept alive. Had the war not brought us back to the comradeship and the inspiration frich group singing creates, in a few years most of our voice boxes would have become vestigal organs or parts of our digestive apparatus. In these superior days we listen only to highly trained voices which are marvels of breathing, tremulous r's, and properly held vowels. The person with the ordinary voice nature gave him can only let it forth when alone at home and if the neighbors' windows are closed. Much real joy comes from signing. For a person to be suppressing constantly his desire to sign means that his exuberance must be expressed in some less wholesome way, or that a part of him is deadened by continued restraint. Almost every one likes to sing even if he be an unvarying monotone or a misplacer of high notes. America brought music back into the war and strengthened and inspired by it brought victory. Our boys went singing into battle, and they found their nervousness lost, their courage heightened, their determination more intense. Some of them died with songs on their lips. The idea that singing is only for professionals, for glee club members, and for elementary school sturdy is a ridiculous one. Psychologists and musicians tell us that with practice anyone can learn to carry a tune. Civilization has reached a strange point when it suppresses this great outlet to the creator of happiness. This afternoon there is a community singing at vespers. Posters say distinctly "community" singing. The glee clubs will only fill up the stage and keep everyone in time and in tune. With their assistance every student in the University may sing according to his own natural musical equipment; if he has any suppressed vocal longings they may come forth. No one will be asked to leave if he flats, or "sings through his nose," or drowns out his neighbor. Community singing is for all; it is for you. ------ MEMORIAL, AGAIN! It is time that University students begin to consider ways and means for building a suitable memorial to her men in the war. Persons are talking memorials throughout the nation and planning how they can be properly constructed in the shortest possible time. Other schools are agitating the question and urging the construction of memorials now, this year! Eventually, the idea will win of its own weight, but there is no need or excuse for delay. While we are still in the flush of victory, let us do this thing for our men of the University. Many are returned, and more will come later. They should be greeted by some tangible evidence of our pride in their achievement. They deserve it! ------ A CAMPUS DIRECTORY From the number of interrogations cast upon the average student as to the location of the University buildings and the various exhibits of the University, it is apparent that a campus directory would be a valuable asset. Students are called upon each day to direct visitors about the campus and in many cases, lamentable as it may be, students of their own institution are unable to give the desired service to Iowa visitors. A campus directory would not only obviate embarrassing situations but would tend to welcome all Iowans who come to visit their state institution. At the same time it would give the information which they sought. The University does not alone belong to the students but to all citizens of our state. It is a state institution. To advertise the University is to advertise the state. In order to promote the University's accomplishments in the minds of the visitors, there must be some means of bringing the University's "drawing cards" before them. Possibly there are many who have never heard of the Laysan exhibit, the Ramney library, or the department of art. In the absence of student cognizance of these utilities, the campus directory would be the most efficient way to impress the visitor of the major attractions of the University. ________________________ WHAT OTHERS THINK the last two issues of the Iowan have been of especial interest to a newcomer at the University who has been looking eagerly for sign of real University spirit. The Tuesday issue of The Iowan contained two challenges, one from a faculty committee to the students, the other from the students to the faculty, and in the Thursday issue The Iowan took up the former challenge. Certain facts in the situation stand out. Such representation from the student body as the social committee proposes is certainly desirable and should be early sought by the students themselves. As the committee realizes such a method of selection as existed last year was far from being representative of the student body. It was not even democratic in its representation of certain interests of the students. Moreover there should be no serious obstacle in carrying out some democratic scheme for representation. Since the Iowan asks for a concrete suggestion, the following submitted: The social committee of the faculty to apportion representation to the various colleges of the Universiay in accordance with the number registered. The committee to designate a group of possibly three students in each college to act as official election officers and arrange for formal balloting for representatives on some specified day, looking after the necessary publicity, appointing deputies, and attending to any other details. As for this being a step towards student government, that need not be considered just now. The results of the proposed election would show whether or not the students care to betake a responsible share in the matters which so closely concern them. It is here that the second challenge indicated about should be met. No effective desire for student government can possibly be developed until the student body becomes conscious of itself as a whole. Fraternity, forensic, and athletic councils; Y. M. C. A., Y. W. C. A., and departmental clubs all have their price; but they cannot take the place of the student body in developing Iowa spirit and loyalty to the University. The Iowan has several times put forward the appeal for more frequent gatherings of the students. If the faculty could find it possible to arrange for an assembly bi-weekly or even monthly during University hours much could be gained in a unified spirit. This need be in no way the formal solemn occasion that a University convocation is, but simply an occasion for students, the faculty, our president, and guests from outside to present matters that are of interest in our common life here. Any degree of student government must be backed by a spontaneous and conscious effort by the students, but the faculty can certainly help to bring the student body to a consciousness of itself. Why cannot both of these challenges be accepted? C. C. D. ------ An inter-sorority basketball tournament will be held at the University of Nebraska this week. The match is in charge of the women's athletic association and a silver loving cup will be awarded the winning team. The cup will pass to the winning team each year and will have the winning sorority's name and the date engraved upon it. ----- Inter-fraternity basketball is being played at Illinois, Texas, and Oregon Universities. ________________________ [Advertisement] At the Big Little Store Where you get service We fit glasses to suit the eyes. Any lense duplicated. Examination free A full line of blue white perfect diamonds Headquarters for Shaefer self-filling pens. I repair any make of pens. Expert repairing of all kinds at Fuiks Garden Theater Building. [Advertisement] Racine's Cigar Stores Are you aware that cigars and tobaccos will advance with the New War Tax? Better start now to laying in a supply. The finest and Best Equipped Billiard Parlor in the City - Second Floor. Where You Always Get Service [Advertisement] MENU JEFFERSON HOTEL Special Table D'Hote Dinner Green Sea Turtle, Clear or Beef Bouillon, en Tasse Salted Almonds Radishes Queen Olives Choice of: Roast Capon, Stuffed, Currant Jelly Roast Prime Ribs of Beef, au jus Baked Fillet of Sole, Au Vin Blanc -0- Mashed Potatoes or Browned Sweet Potatoes New Buttered Beets or Green Peas -0- Banana Nut Salad, a la Jefferson Nabisco Wafers -0- Choice of: Chocolate or Vanilla Ice Cream Assorted Cake Blueberry Pie -0- Tea Coffee Milk
PAGE TWO THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA SUNDAY FEBRUARY 16, 1919 THE DAILY IOWAN A morning paper published for the period of the war three times a week - Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday - by The Daily Iowan Publishing company at 103 Iowa avenue, Iowa City ------------------------------------- Member Iowa College Press ------------------------------------ Entered as second class matter at the post office of Iowa City, Iowa ----------------------------------- Subscription Rate $2.00 per year ------------------------------------ BOARD OF TRUSTEES C.H. Well,er chairman, Gretchen Kane, secretary , E. M. McEwen, E. S. Smith, Alice E. Hinkley, M. Elizabeth Hendee, Mary Anderson. _____________________ EDITORIAL STAFF MILDRED E. WHITCOMB, Editor-in-chief Telphone, Black 1757; Office Hours - 8-12; 1-6 daily, room 14, L. A. Building _________________________ Rowena Wellman - Managing Editor ------------------------------------ Ruth Rogers News Editor Helen Hays Pink Sheet Editor Elizabeth Hendee Humorous Editor Nacy Lamb Exchange Editor Leon H. Bringham Sporting Editor ________________________ BUSINESS STAFF ROMOLA LATCHEM - Business Manager _______________________ edward Chamberlain - Advertising Mgr. Telephone 935; Office Hours - 3-5 daily, 103 Iowa Ave. ----------------------------------- "I have never had a policy. I have simply tried to do what seemed best each day as each day came." - Lincoln ________________________ Night Editors Ethyn Williams Ruth Stewart ________________________ SING, BROTHER, SING! Forty years ago the young folks used to hitch Old Kate and Dobbin to the lumber wagon, and off they would rumble to the country or village school house to "singing school." The master would lead, and thirty or forty strong, untrained voices would fill the little room with music of patriotism, of love, and of gaiety. Thus sweethearts were wooed and won, and thus good fellowship and a democratic spirit were kept alive. Had the war not brought us back to the comradeship and the inspiration frich group singing creates, in a few years most of our voice boxes would have become vestigal organs or parts of our digestive apparatus. In these superior days we listen only to highly trained voices which are marvels of breathing, tremulous r's, and properly held vowels. The person with the ordinary voice nature gave him can only let it forth when alone at home and if the neighbors' windows are closed. Much real joy comes from signing. For a person to be suppressing constantly his desire to sign means that his exuberance must be expressed in some less wholesome way, or that a part of him is deadened by continued restraint. Almost every one likes to sing even if he be an unvarying monotone or a misplacer of high notes. America brought music back into the war and strengthened and inspired by it brought victory. Our boys went singing into battle, and they found their nervousness lost, their courage heightened, their determination more intense. Some of them died with songs on their lips. The idea that singing is only for professionals, for glee club members, and for elementary school sturdy is a ridiculous one. Psychologists and musicians tell us that with practice anyone can learn to carry a tune. Civilization has reached a strange point when it suppresses this great outlet to the creator of happiness. This afternoon there is a community singing at vespers. Posters say distinctly "community" singing. The glee clubs will only fill up the stage and keep everyone in time and in tune. With their assistance every student in the University may sing according to his own natural musical equipment; if he has any suppressed vocal longings they may come forth. No one will be asked to leave if he flats, or "sings through his nose," or drowns out his neighbor. Community singing is for all; it is for you. ------ MEMORIAL, AGAIN! It is time that University students begin to consider ways and means for building a suitable memorial to her men in the war. Persons are talking memorials throughout the nation and planning how they can be properly constructed in the shortest possible time. Other schools are agitating the question and urging the construction of memorials now, this year! Eventually, the idea will win of its own weight, but there is no need or excuse for delay. While we are still in the flush of victory, let us do this thing for our men of the University. Many are returned, and more will come later. They should be greeted by some tangible evidence of our pride in their achievement. They deserve it! ------ A CAMPUS DIRECTORY From the number of interrogations cast upon the average student as to the location of the University buildings and the various exhibits of the University, it is apparent that a campus directory would be a valuable asset. Students are called upon each day to direct visitors about the campus and in many cases, lamentable as it may be, students of their own institution are unable to give the desired service to Iowa visitors. A campus directory would not only obviate embarrassing situations but would tend to welcome all Iowans who come to visit their state institution. At the same time it would give the information which they sought. The University does not alone belong to the students but to all citizens of our state. It is a state institution. To advertise the University is to advertise the state. In order to promote the University's accomplishments in the minds of the visitors, there must be some means of bringing the University's "drawing cards" before them. Possibly there are many who have never heard of the Laysan exhibit, the Ramney library, or the department of art. In the absence of student cognizance of these utilities, the campus directory would be the most efficient way to impress the visitor of the major attractions of the University. ________________________ WHAT OTHERS THINK the last two issues of the Iowan have been of especial interest to a newcomer at the University who has been looking eagerly for sign of real University spirit. The Tuesday issue of The Iowan contained two challenges, one from a faculty committee to the students, the other from the students to the faculty, and in the Thursday issue The Iowan took up the former challenge. Certain facts in the situation stand out. Such representation from the student body as the social committee proposes is certainly desirable and should be early sought by the students themselves. As the committee realizes such a method of selection as existed last year was far from being representative of the student body. It was not even democratic in its representation of certain interests of the students. Moreover there should be no serious obstacle in carrying out some democratic scheme for representation. Since the Iowan asks for a concrete suggestion, the following submitted: The social committee of the faculty to apportion representation to the various colleges of the Universiay in accordance with the number registered. The committee to designate a group of possibly three students in each college to act as official election officers and arrange for formal balloting for representatives on some specified day, looking after the necessary publicity, appointing deputies, and attending to any other details. As for this being a step towards student government, that need not be considered just now. The results of the proposed election would show whether or not the students care to betake a responsible share in the matters which so closely concern them. It is here that the second challenge indicated about should be met. No effective desire for student government can possibly be developed until the student body becomes conscious of itself as a whole. Fraternity, forensic, and athletic councils; Y. M. C. A., Y. W. C. A., and departmental clubs all have their price; but they cannot take the place of the student body in developing Iowa spirit and loyalty to the University. The Iowan has several times put forward the appeal for more frequent gatherings of the students. If the faculty could find it possible to arrange for an assembly bi-weekly or even monthly during University hours much could be gained in a unified spirit. This need be in no way the formal solemn occasion that a University convocation is, but simply an occasion for students, the faculty, our president, and guests from outside to present matters that are of interest in our common life here. Any degree of student government must be backed by a spontaneous and conscious effort by the students, but the faculty can certainly help to bring the student body to a consciousness of itself. Why cannot both of these challenges be accepted? C. C. D. ------ An inter-sorority basketball tournament will be held at the University of Nebraska this week. The match is in charge of the women's athletic association and a silver loving cup will be awarded the winning team. The cup will pass to the winning team each year and will have the winning sorority's name and the date engraved upon it. ----- Inter-fraternity basketball is being played at Illinois, Texas, and Oregon Universities. ________________________ [Advertisement] At the Big Little Store Where you get service We fit glasses to suit the eyes. Any lense duplicated. Examination free A full line of blue white perfect diamonds Headquarters for Shaefer self-filling pens. I repair any make of pens. Expert repairing of all kinds at Fuiks Garden Theater Building. [Advertisement] Racine's Cigar Stores Are you aware that cigars and tobaccos will advance with the New War Tax? Better start now to laying in a supply. The finest and Best Equipped Billiard Parlor in the City - Second Floor. Where You Always Get Service [Advertisement] MENU JEFFERSON HOTEL Special Table D'Hote Dinner Green Sea Turtle, Clear or Beef Bouillon, en Tasse Salted Almonds Radishes Queen Olives Choice of: Roast Capon, Stuffed, Currant Jelly Roast Prime Ribs of Beef, au jus Baked Fillet of Sole, Au Vin Blanc -0- Mashed Potatoes or Browned Sweet Potatoes New Buttered Beets or Green Peas -0- Banana Nut Salad, a la Jefferson Nabisco Wafers -0- Choice of: Chocolate or Vanilla Ice Cream Assorted Cake Blueberry Pie -0- Tea Coffee Milk
Daily Iowan Newspapers