Daily Iowan, February 16, 1919
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PAGE EIGHT THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Sunday, February 16, 1919 WANT ADS RATE 10c a line or fraction: 20% discount on three or more insertions. Want ads cash in advance. Make your college expenses during your spare time selling our pennants and pillows. For agency write, THE COLLEGE FLAG CO. Columbus, O. WANTED TO BUY--A used Encyclopedia Brittanica, last edition. Phone B-1149. COTILLION FRIDAY NIGHT Sophomore Formal Will Be Held at Company A Hall An after-the-war season of formals will be opened Friday evening, when the sophomore cotillion is scheduled to take place at Company A hall. Dancing will begin at 8:30 and continue until 1 o'clock. Refreshments will be served at the College Inn. Arthur Thorwick has charge of the decorations, which will be carried out in ca color scheme of green and gold. Music will be furnished by the Varsity orchestra under the direction of O. E. Van Doren. Clyde Charlton is chairman of the committee for the cotillion, which includes Everett E. Smith, Clinton Meadows, Bedford Miles, Roy Taylor, William Kelly, Robert Hayes, Richard Breene, Carl Matthey, Mark Smith, Paul Dahlen, Harry Shuman, Rollin W. Humphrey and Otto Sorenson. Tickets went on sale Thursday morning at Whetstone's and are procurable from members of the committee. The number is limited to 125. JUNIOR PROM DATE CERTAIN The Junior Prom will be held March 28. All difficulties over the date have been overcome, and the military ball will be held on another night. The Prom will be given at the armory. Ogle's twelve piece orchestra will furnish the music. TRACK BEING MADE READY First Year Men Sign Up at Mixer--Others Intend to Come Out Work has been begun on the indoor track in the basement of the armory. The floor has been torn up, and the track is expected to be in condition by the first part of the week. The athletic board has entirely remodeled the quarter-mile track on the athletic field. Wagon-load after wagon-load of cinders have been used in geting the course ready for the men in the spring. A base of large clinkers to insure good drainage was used below the finer cinders of the surface. At the north end of the coure where a low spot used to allow a pool of water to gather after a rain the level of the track has been raised by the use of an extra amount of material. Among the men who signed up at the mixer Wednesday night are a number of first year men, products of high school teams of the state. Many men who did not attend the mixer have signified their intention to come out for track this year. Some of these men have been in the University for some time and have a good chance to make the team this spring. Jack Watson's call for track men is expected to come early this week, when either the indoor or outdoor track will be in condition. YETTERS HAVE NEW FIGURES Spring, 1919, is being ushered in via Yetter's north window. No small credit for the beauty of the window display is due to the handsome new figures which have just been received. Mr. Yetter bought these marvelous creations in real French figures especially for showing the fine gowns, dresses and lingerie on stock. The figures were designed by the world's most expert workers in wax and manufactured by the largest and oldest producers of wax figures in America. They are distinctive and voguish in appearance, exquisite in modelling and coloring and cannot be compared to the old-time wax figures. See them in Yetter's north window. --Adv Lovely Youthfulness Characterize the New Afternoon and Evening Dresses [illustration of woman in dress] We present the new spring styles for your approval. You will find that the new dresses possess that touch of individuality which is indeed typical of lovely youthfulness. Cleverly designed FROCKS in Satin, Silk and combination effects. Too much cannot be said. Pretty styles and trimmings, but for your satisfaction, seeing these FROCKS is best. Come tomorrow, you'll be delighted with the showing and the values from $18.50 to $35.00 pillustration of women with hat] NEW SPRING MODELS-- New georgettes, new voiles, new crepe-de-chines in a wonder exhibit of the new creations that fashion has decreed for Spring. Every new color and trimming are included and the values typical of YETTER'S, Your "Favorite Blouse Store." Prepare for the Sophomore Cotillion Yetter's THE BIG STORE BASKETBALL CHICAGO VS. IOWA WEDNESDAY, FEB. 19th 7:30 P.M. UNIVERSITY ARMORY Gen. Admission 50c Year Ticket No. 11
PAGE EIGHT THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Sunday, February 16, 1919 WANT ADS RATE 10c a line or fraction: 20% discount on three or more insertions. Want ads cash in advance. Make your college expenses during your spare time selling our pennants and pillows. For agency write, THE COLLEGE FLAG CO. Columbus, O. WANTED TO BUY--A used Encyclopedia Brittanica, last edition. Phone B-1149. COTILLION FRIDAY NIGHT Sophomore Formal Will Be Held at Company A Hall An after-the-war season of formals will be opened Friday evening, when the sophomore cotillion is scheduled to take place at Company A hall. Dancing will begin at 8:30 and continue until 1 o'clock. Refreshments will be served at the College Inn. Arthur Thorwick has charge of the decorations, which will be carried out in ca color scheme of green and gold. Music will be furnished by the Varsity orchestra under the direction of O. E. Van Doren. Clyde Charlton is chairman of the committee for the cotillion, which includes Everett E. Smith, Clinton Meadows, Bedford Miles, Roy Taylor, William Kelly, Robert Hayes, Richard Breene, Carl Matthey, Mark Smith, Paul Dahlen, Harry Shuman, Rollin W. Humphrey and Otto Sorenson. Tickets went on sale Thursday morning at Whetstone's and are procurable from members of the committee. The number is limited to 125. JUNIOR PROM DATE CERTAIN The Junior Prom will be held March 28. All difficulties over the date have been overcome, and the military ball will be held on another night. The Prom will be given at the armory. Ogle's twelve piece orchestra will furnish the music. TRACK BEING MADE READY First Year Men Sign Up at Mixer--Others Intend to Come Out Work has been begun on the indoor track in the basement of the armory. The floor has been torn up, and the track is expected to be in condition by the first part of the week. The athletic board has entirely remodeled the quarter-mile track on the athletic field. Wagon-load after wagon-load of cinders have been used in geting the course ready for the men in the spring. A base of large clinkers to insure good drainage was used below the finer cinders of the surface. At the north end of the coure where a low spot used to allow a pool of water to gather after a rain the level of the track has been raised by the use of an extra amount of material. Among the men who signed up at the mixer Wednesday night are a number of first year men, products of high school teams of the state. Many men who did not attend the mixer have signified their intention to come out for track this year. Some of these men have been in the University for some time and have a good chance to make the team this spring. Jack Watson's call for track men is expected to come early this week, when either the indoor or outdoor track will be in condition. YETTERS HAVE NEW FIGURES Spring, 1919, is being ushered in via Yetter's north window. No small credit for the beauty of the window display is due to the handsome new figures which have just been received. Mr. Yetter bought these marvelous creations in real French figures especially for showing the fine gowns, dresses and lingerie on stock. The figures were designed by the world's most expert workers in wax and manufactured by the largest and oldest producers of wax figures in America. They are distinctive and voguish in appearance, exquisite in modelling and coloring and cannot be compared to the old-time wax figures. See them in Yetter's north window. --Adv Lovely Youthfulness Characterize the New Afternoon and Evening Dresses [illustration of woman in dress] We present the new spring styles for your approval. You will find that the new dresses possess that touch of individuality which is indeed typical of lovely youthfulness. Cleverly designed FROCKS in Satin, Silk and combination effects. Too much cannot be said. Pretty styles and trimmings, but for your satisfaction, seeing these FROCKS is best. Come tomorrow, you'll be delighted with the showing and the values from $18.50 to $35.00 pillustration of women with hat] NEW SPRING MODELS-- New georgettes, new voiles, new crepe-de-chines in a wonder exhibit of the new creations that fashion has decreed for Spring. Every new color and trimming are included and the values typical of YETTER'S, Your "Favorite Blouse Store." Prepare for the Sophomore Cotillion Yetter's THE BIG STORE BASKETBALL CHICAGO VS. IOWA WEDNESDAY, FEB. 19th 7:30 P.M. UNIVERSITY ARMORY Gen. Admission 50c Year Ticket No. 11
Daily Iowan Newspapers