Daily Iowan, February 20, 1919
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PAGE FOUR THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Thursday, February 20, 1919 WANT ADS RATE 10c a line or fraction: 20% discount on three or more insertions. Want ads cash in advance. Make your college expenses during your spare time selling our pennants and pillows. For agency write, THE COLLEGE FLAG CO. Columbus, O. WANTED TO BUY--A used Encyclopedia Brittanica, last edition. Phone B-1149. FOUND--In room 105 liberal arts, fountain pen. Owner may have same by paying for this ad. Daily Iowan office. 59 BARONESS HUARD PICTURES STRUGGLE (continued from page 1) flight with her little group of helples ones about her was dramatic in its wealth of realistic detail, relieved by a comic human touch now and then which revealed the spirit which made possible the part of the baroness in the war. Madame Huard is accompanied in her tour through the states by her husband. Baron Favors League "The league of nations is an extremely good thing if the allies have ready an army with which to crush the Germans when they attempt to arise again," said Baron Huard in an interview with a reporter early in the evening. In saying that the French believe the war lasted long enough, the Baron did not intimate that all need for anxiety is over. His opinion is that the Germans will invest their surplus capital in Swedish, Dutch, Swiss, and Spanish industries, the products from which will be camouflaged with the trade-marks of those countries. Referring to the devastation of allied European countries, the baron contrasted their loss of capital and man power with the comparatively whole condition of Germany. He seemed confident that he was voicing the general belief of the French people in prophesying the near outnumbering of the French by the Germans. In the words of the French "Ce quivien de la flute retourne au tambour." PROF. G. G. BENJAMIN LEADS IN DISCUSSION "The British Labor Party Platform" will be the subject of the discussion, to be lead by Prof. G. G. Benjamin, in a meeting of the world problem forum department of the Y.M.C.A. tonight at 7 o'clock in the Y.M.C.A. building. A series of four meetings have been arranged for discussion of the impending social revolution, and that of tonight is the second of the series. Last Thursday evening the meaning of bolshevism was the subject of discussion, lead by Prof. C. M. Case. Both men and women of the University are invited to attend these meetings. .GARDEN. THURSDAY & FRIDAY E. K. LINCOLN IN "FIGHTING THROUGH" We Have Received Another Shipment of DOVE UNDER-MUSLINS Dainty, well-made Lingerie The very latest styles creations of DOVE Under-muslins are now being shown by us. To appreciate the beauty and variety of our display it is necessary for you to call and see our big assortment. Wonderful novelties, dainty designs, correct fit, best of materials, Nainsooks, Witchery Crepe and Dove Silks. The prices are reasonable. Every open arm-hole re-inforced. It is true economy to buy them. There are DOVE NIGHT GOWNS, UNDER COVERS, DRAWERS, COMINATIONS, CHEM-COVERS, DRAWERS, COMBINATIONS CHEMISES; also Kayser Italian Silk Underwear, Knickers, Vests and Chemises. Yetter's THE BIG STORE The Big Parties Are Coming... Ladies--Let us make your party dress look like new. We have a reputaation for fine work in cleaning party dresses, laces and silks. Gentlemen--Your dress suit will have to be gone over soon. Let us clean and repair it for you. T. Dell Kelley The Reliable Cleaner 211 E. COLLEGE PHONE 17 UNDER GOVERNMENT SUPERVISION GOOD TIMES AHEAD! The battered old world freed at last from the scourge of war is swinging slowly back to normal. A year of wonderful possibilities lies before us. Signs innumerable point to good times ahead. And we shall have them if, individually, we keep this simple formula in mind: Stay on the job and continue to practice those economies which grim was has taught us; work, earn, save, avoid extravagance in every form. First National Bank MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM SABINS' EDCATIONAL EXCHANGE Founded 1893 A. M. M. DORNON, Manager The most widely patronized, because the most reliable Teachers Agency in the Middle West. Territory from Mississippi River to Pacific Coast. FLYNN BUILDING DES MOINES, IOWA STYLEHEADQUARTERS WHERE Society Brand Clothes ARE SOLD [large illustration of man in formal wear] Paris Announces Return to Its Evening Clothes Chicago Tribune - New York Times Cable. (Copyright: 1918.) PARIS. Nov 29.--One by one the somber habits of war are being abandoned. Following the armistice the blue shades were removed from the street lamps and more light is given everywhere. Now it is announced that, beginning tonight, it will be good form for men to appear at formal dinners and theaters in evening clothes and women decollete. But till the signing of peace officers should wear undress uniform. (c) A. D. & C. En grande tenue! IN full dress! For "our boys" are coming home again and many a social function will be given to honor and celebrate their return. Appear at your best and wear a Society Brand Dress or Dinner Suit. They are scrupulously correct in style and the tailoring faultless. These garments carry our unqualified guarantee. Order your suit now for Feb. 28th. Please do not delay until the last day. BREMERS' GOLDEN EAGLE IOWA CITY, IOWA
PAGE FOUR THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Thursday, February 20, 1919 WANT ADS RATE 10c a line or fraction: 20% discount on three or more insertions. Want ads cash in advance. Make your college expenses during your spare time selling our pennants and pillows. For agency write, THE COLLEGE FLAG CO. Columbus, O. WANTED TO BUY--A used Encyclopedia Brittanica, last edition. Phone B-1149. FOUND--In room 105 liberal arts, fountain pen. Owner may have same by paying for this ad. Daily Iowan office. 59 BARONESS HUARD PICTURES STRUGGLE (continued from page 1) flight with her little group of helples ones about her was dramatic in its wealth of realistic detail, relieved by a comic human touch now and then which revealed the spirit which made possible the part of the baroness in the war. Madame Huard is accompanied in her tour through the states by her husband. Baron Favors League "The league of nations is an extremely good thing if the allies have ready an army with which to crush the Germans when they attempt to arise again," said Baron Huard in an interview with a reporter early in the evening. In saying that the French believe the war lasted long enough, the Baron did not intimate that all need for anxiety is over. His opinion is that the Germans will invest their surplus capital in Swedish, Dutch, Swiss, and Spanish industries, the products from which will be camouflaged with the trade-marks of those countries. Referring to the devastation of allied European countries, the baron contrasted their loss of capital and man power with the comparatively whole condition of Germany. He seemed confident that he was voicing the general belief of the French people in prophesying the near outnumbering of the French by the Germans. In the words of the French "Ce quivien de la flute retourne au tambour." PROF. G. G. BENJAMIN LEADS IN DISCUSSION "The British Labor Party Platform" will be the subject of the discussion, to be lead by Prof. G. G. Benjamin, in a meeting of the world problem forum department of the Y.M.C.A. tonight at 7 o'clock in the Y.M.C.A. building. A series of four meetings have been arranged for discussion of the impending social revolution, and that of tonight is the second of the series. Last Thursday evening the meaning of bolshevism was the subject of discussion, lead by Prof. C. M. Case. Both men and women of the University are invited to attend these meetings. .GARDEN. THURSDAY & FRIDAY E. K. LINCOLN IN "FIGHTING THROUGH" We Have Received Another Shipment of DOVE UNDER-MUSLINS Dainty, well-made Lingerie The very latest styles creations of DOVE Under-muslins are now being shown by us. To appreciate the beauty and variety of our display it is necessary for you to call and see our big assortment. Wonderful novelties, dainty designs, correct fit, best of materials, Nainsooks, Witchery Crepe and Dove Silks. The prices are reasonable. Every open arm-hole re-inforced. It is true economy to buy them. There are DOVE NIGHT GOWNS, UNDER COVERS, DRAWERS, COMINATIONS, CHEM-COVERS, DRAWERS, COMBINATIONS CHEMISES; also Kayser Italian Silk Underwear, Knickers, Vests and Chemises. Yetter's THE BIG STORE The Big Parties Are Coming... Ladies--Let us make your party dress look like new. We have a reputaation for fine work in cleaning party dresses, laces and silks. Gentlemen--Your dress suit will have to be gone over soon. Let us clean and repair it for you. T. Dell Kelley The Reliable Cleaner 211 E. COLLEGE PHONE 17 UNDER GOVERNMENT SUPERVISION GOOD TIMES AHEAD! The battered old world freed at last from the scourge of war is swinging slowly back to normal. A year of wonderful possibilities lies before us. Signs innumerable point to good times ahead. And we shall have them if, individually, we keep this simple formula in mind: Stay on the job and continue to practice those economies which grim was has taught us; work, earn, save, avoid extravagance in every form. First National Bank MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM SABINS' EDCATIONAL EXCHANGE Founded 1893 A. M. M. DORNON, Manager The most widely patronized, because the most reliable Teachers Agency in the Middle West. Territory from Mississippi River to Pacific Coast. FLYNN BUILDING DES MOINES, IOWA STYLEHEADQUARTERS WHERE Society Brand Clothes ARE SOLD [large illustration of man in formal wear] Paris Announces Return to Its Evening Clothes Chicago Tribune - New York Times Cable. (Copyright: 1918.) PARIS. Nov 29.--One by one the somber habits of war are being abandoned. Following the armistice the blue shades were removed from the street lamps and more light is given everywhere. Now it is announced that, beginning tonight, it will be good form for men to appear at formal dinners and theaters in evening clothes and women decollete. But till the signing of peace officers should wear undress uniform. (c) A. D. & C. En grande tenue! IN full dress! For "our boys" are coming home again and many a social function will be given to honor and celebrate their return. Appear at your best and wear a Society Brand Dress or Dinner Suit. They are scrupulously correct in style and the tailoring faultless. These garments carry our unqualified guarantee. Order your suit now for Feb. 28th. Please do not delay until the last day. BREMERS' GOLDEN EAGLE IOWA CITY, IOWA
Daily Iowan Newspapers