Daily Iowan, February 25, 1919
Page 3
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Tuesday, February 25, 1919 The Daily Iowan State University of Iowa Page Three THE UNIVERSITY AS OUR FATHERS KNEW IT Mechanics building [photograph of Mechanics building of The State University of Iowa in the 19th century, date unknown] From left to right: Medical building, Old South Hall, Old Capitol, Old Physics building [illustration of Medical building, Old South Hall, Old Capitol, Old Physics building of The State University of Iowa in the 19th century, date unknown] A view of Old Capitol from Whetstone's corner in 1853 Johnson County Fair 1853 [photograph of a view of Old Capitol of The State University of Iowa from Whetstone's corner in 1853] MEN START PRACTICE ON NEW CINDER TRACK Candidates for the track team took their first workout on the cinder track in the basement of the armory last Thursday afternoon. Under the supervision of Jack Watson the indoor course has been entirely remodeled. With addition of several wagon loads of cinders the corners have been built up, and the whole track widened and improved. The track is a little heavy yet since the new bed of material is not hardened but within a week the course will be in good shape. Between forty and fifty men have turned out for practice. This does not include the freshmen who will be called later. Interest in track at Iowa runs high this year. The best schedule of meets that the University has had for many seasons has been arranged. At the athletic meeting in the Jefferson hotel last Wednesday a meet was scheduled with Cornell to be held here May 2. This makes three track meets that will be held on Iowa field this spring besides the home meet. COMMERCE CLUB ELECTS Officers in the University Commerce club for the new year are: president, Wm. Luther Erickson; vice-president, D. Richard Young; recording secretary, Dale A. Kilpatrick; corresponding secretary, Edward Chamberlain; treasurer, Floyd Walsh. Member of the executive committee chosen this year are: Homer S. Brown, Albert C. Wilcox, and Clarence W. Fackler. The next meeting of the club is scheduled for Feb. 25. Ila Jones has gone to her home in Williamsburg on account of illness. [advertisement] TAXI Phone 1700 MURPHY'S SERVICE Office Hotel Jefferson PHILOSOPHICAL CLUB MEETS The Philosophical club will meet Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock in room 213 of the liberal arts building. Prof. H. L. Reitz of the department will read a paper on "The Correlation Coefficient and Some of its Pitfalls." A cordial invitation is extended to all. [advertisement] VENUS PENCILS [illustration of Venus de Milo] These famous pencils are the standard by which all other pencils are judged. 17 black degrees 6B softest to 9H hardest and hard and medium copying Look for the VENUS finish [illustration of Venus pencils in container] FREE! Trial Samples of VENUS Pencils and Eraser sent free. Please enclose 6c in stamps for packing and postage. AMERICAN LEAD PENCIL CO. 215 Fifth Avenue, N.Y. Dept. D [advertisement] HAS IT EVER HAPPENED TO YOU that at some swell affair your dress shirt rumpled up like a collapsed balloon? It would not have happened if it had been LAUNDERED HERE Send us your shirts, collars, etc., and you can be sure they'll be all right every time. NEW PROCESS LAUNDRY "The Pride of Iowa City" Phone 294 [advertisement] [illustration of Capitol dome with clouds] Under Government Supervision KEEP YOUR CREDIT GOOD Modern business is founded on credit----promises to pay. Through credit you can get goods of practically any kind by simply promising the seller that you will pay for them at a certain time. The manner in which you keep these promises establishes your credit rating. It pays to keep your credit rating good by meeting your obligations promptly----fulfilling your promises exactly as made. You may be able to pay as you go, but you never can tell when your funds may be temporarily tied up----then credit becomes an invaluable asset. Keep it good. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Member Federal Reserve System [advertisement] RACINE'S CIGAR STORES Are you aware that cigars and tobaccos will advance with the New War Tax? Better start now to laying in a supply. The finest and Best Equipped Billiard Parlor in the City----Second Floor WHERE YOU ALWAYS GET SERVICE [advertisement] THE TOWNSEND STUDIO Satisfaction Guaranteed
Tuesday, February 25, 1919 The Daily Iowan State University of Iowa Page Three THE UNIVERSITY AS OUR FATHERS KNEW IT Mechanics building [photograph of Mechanics building of The State University of Iowa in the 19th century, date unknown] From left to right: Medical building, Old South Hall, Old Capitol, Old Physics building [illustration of Medical building, Old South Hall, Old Capitol, Old Physics building of The State University of Iowa in the 19th century, date unknown] A view of Old Capitol from Whetstone's corner in 1853 Johnson County Fair 1853 [photograph of a view of Old Capitol of The State University of Iowa from Whetstone's corner in 1853] MEN START PRACTICE ON NEW CINDER TRACK Candidates for the track team took their first workout on the cinder track in the basement of the armory last Thursday afternoon. Under the supervision of Jack Watson the indoor course has been entirely remodeled. With addition of several wagon loads of cinders the corners have been built up, and the whole track widened and improved. The track is a little heavy yet since the new bed of material is not hardened but within a week the course will be in good shape. Between forty and fifty men have turned out for practice. This does not include the freshmen who will be called later. Interest in track at Iowa runs high this year. The best schedule of meets that the University has had for many seasons has been arranged. At the athletic meeting in the Jefferson hotel last Wednesday a meet was scheduled with Cornell to be held here May 2. This makes three track meets that will be held on Iowa field this spring besides the home meet. COMMERCE CLUB ELECTS Officers in the University Commerce club for the new year are: president, Wm. Luther Erickson; vice-president, D. Richard Young; recording secretary, Dale A. Kilpatrick; corresponding secretary, Edward Chamberlain; treasurer, Floyd Walsh. Member of the executive committee chosen this year are: Homer S. Brown, Albert C. Wilcox, and Clarence W. Fackler. The next meeting of the club is scheduled for Feb. 25. Ila Jones has gone to her home in Williamsburg on account of illness. [advertisement] TAXI Phone 1700 MURPHY'S SERVICE Office Hotel Jefferson PHILOSOPHICAL CLUB MEETS The Philosophical club will meet Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock in room 213 of the liberal arts building. Prof. H. L. Reitz of the department will read a paper on "The Correlation Coefficient and Some of its Pitfalls." A cordial invitation is extended to all. [advertisement] VENUS PENCILS [illustration of Venus de Milo] These famous pencils are the standard by which all other pencils are judged. 17 black degrees 6B softest to 9H hardest and hard and medium copying Look for the VENUS finish [illustration of Venus pencils in container] FREE! Trial Samples of VENUS Pencils and Eraser sent free. Please enclose 6c in stamps for packing and postage. AMERICAN LEAD PENCIL CO. 215 Fifth Avenue, N.Y. Dept. D [advertisement] HAS IT EVER HAPPENED TO YOU that at some swell affair your dress shirt rumpled up like a collapsed balloon? It would not have happened if it had been LAUNDERED HERE Send us your shirts, collars, etc., and you can be sure they'll be all right every time. NEW PROCESS LAUNDRY "The Pride of Iowa City" Phone 294 [advertisement] [illustration of Capitol dome with clouds] Under Government Supervision KEEP YOUR CREDIT GOOD Modern business is founded on credit----promises to pay. Through credit you can get goods of practically any kind by simply promising the seller that you will pay for them at a certain time. The manner in which you keep these promises establishes your credit rating. It pays to keep your credit rating good by meeting your obligations promptly----fulfilling your promises exactly as made. You may be able to pay as you go, but you never can tell when your funds may be temporarily tied up----then credit becomes an invaluable asset. Keep it good. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Member Federal Reserve System [advertisement] RACINE'S CIGAR STORES Are you aware that cigars and tobaccos will advance with the New War Tax? Better start now to laying in a supply. The finest and Best Equipped Billiard Parlor in the City----Second Floor WHERE YOU ALWAYS GET SERVICE [advertisement] THE TOWNSEND STUDIO Satisfaction Guaranteed
Daily Iowan Newspapers