Daily Iowan, February 25, 1919
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PAGE FOUR THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Tuesday, February 25, 1919 [advertisement] TUESDAY Choice of any Overcoat in the House on Tuesday $28.75 We are going to sacrifice 49 Suits made to sell to $35.00 for $17.85 and 65 Shirts made to sell to $2.50 for $1.17 GET IN ON THIS Any Overcoat $28.75 These are all-wool overcoats made to sell up to $55.00, all sizes Tuesday $28.75 Suits at $17.95 These are all-wool suits made to sell to $35.00. Wednesday $17.95 65 Shirts $1.17 Made to sell to $2.50. Colors, good assorted patterns the newest sizes 3 1/2 to 16 1/2 Handkerchiefs 10 Dozen each 7c Hose Special Values 29c COASTS' TWO STUDENTS ATTEND FACULTY MASQUERADE Two University students carried off a double masquerade Thursday night when they went disguised as clowns to the faculty masked ball at the Triangle club rooms. So cleverly did the young man and woman play their parts that they remained at the party all evening without being detected, and succeeded in slipping away just before the unmasking. Afterwards, the two miscreants confessed their deed to an Iowan reporter. "It made me think of a riddle," giggles the girl. "When is a faculty not a faculty. When it's a masquerade ball." Honestly, the costumes were wonderful, and our professors had a good time, just like anybody else. I don't believe they once thought of mathematics or geology. "Nobody even suspected us. In fact, we were quite the life of the party. The two of us were dressed exactly alike, with Mutt and Jeff masks. A man exclaimed that it was a pity one of us couldn't have half of the other's nose. I told him that one rarely ever did find the right combination of things in this world." During the circle two-step, the young lady was accosted by one of the women, who looked dubiously at her clown suit. "Are you a lady?" asked the faculty member. And as the girl nodded, she pursued, "A perfect lady?" Among the characters there were General Foch, a scarecrow, the summer man in white linen, Red Cross nurses, a little girl, and a splendid Turk, who squatted upon a table and refused to smile even when asked if he were a shriner. When, just a little before 10 o'clock, some gay members of the party began to pull off slapstick stunts, the two clowns thought it time to slip away. Each forgot a handkerchief in the cloak room, and then, in their haste, almost fell down two flights of stairs. And then they fled out into the night. Who were the mysterious couple? That will always be one of the unsolved mysteries of the University. STIPEND TO BE ALLOWED The University awards annually a number of stipends to assistants, fellows, and scholars doing research work. The appointments for next year will be made next month. Any senior or graduate student interested in such appointments here or elsewhere should consult Dean C. E. Seashore of the graduate college soon. UNIVERSITY CALENDAR TUESDAY, FEB. 25 Foundation Day. Convocation at 10 a. m. Principal speaker, Honorable Charles Pickett of Waterloo, Iowa. Triangle club. Afternoon tea at rooms. Regular meeting of Women's Glee club at Professor Hays' studio. 4:10 p. m. Orchestra practice at band room. 7:00 p. m. Band practice at band room, 4:30 p. m. University Players tryouts. Natural Science auditorium 7:15 p. m. Regular meeting of Erodelphian. Liberal arts drawing room. 7:30 p. m. Octave Thanet meeting and program at Congregational student house. 7:00 p. m. WEDNESDAY, FEB. 26 Y.W.C.A. tea at Y. W. room, 4 p. m. Sigma Xi lecture, "The Chief Results of Experimental Embryology," by Dr. G. L. Houser, retiring president of Sigma Xi. Liberal arts assembly at 8:15 p. m. Y.W.C.A. lecture "The Business of Being a Christian" by Clara M. Daley. Music by girls' quartette Liberal arts drawing room at 4:30 p. m. Newman club box social at the K. C. hall. 6:00 p. m. Regular meeting of Kappa Phi at Rev. Rohrbaugh's home. 7:30 p. m. Economics seminar at Mr. Cowan's home. 7:30 p. m. Y.M.C.A. cabinet meeting. 4:00 p. m. THURSDAY, FEB. 27. Lecture, "Music" by Mrs. Starbuck. Music by Freshman orchestra. Liberal arts assembly. 4 p. m. Band practice at band room. 4:30 p. m. World Problems forum. Open to all students. Singing and open discussion of the problem. Y.M.C.A. 7 p. m. Professor Whitney, "The American Social Situation." Movie, "How Could You, Caroline?" with Bessie Love at 8 p. m. Orchestra practice. Band room. 7 p. m. Preliminaries of oratorical contest. 4 p. m. Natural Science auditorium. Wesley club. Lecture, "Judaism," by Mrs. Nellie Aurner. University pastor's home. FRIDAY, FEB. 28 Sophomore cotillion. Company A hall. First formal of the year. Irving Literary society. Law building, 7:30 p. m. Band practice at band room. 4:30 p. m. Zetagathian meeting, Liberal arts assembly, 7:30 p. m. Philomathean society, liberal arts drawing room, 7:30 p. m. Y.W.C.A. cozy at Freyder's home. 7:30 p. m. SATURDAY, FEB. 29 Phi Delta Kappa meeting. Liberal arts drawing room. 7:30 p. m. SOCIAL WORKERS WILL HAVE CONFERENCE HERE A conference on social work will be held under the auspices of the extension division of the University, March 4 and 5, for the benefit of those interested in social work. The regular state conference to have taken place last October was abandoned because of the influenza epidemic. J. L. Gillen, director of civilian relief, of the central division of the Red Cross will speak, also William T. Cross, general secretary of the national conference of social work, and Miss Amelia Sears of Chicago. Prof. Ruth Wardall of the home economics department of the University, will also address the conference. Meetings will be held in liberal arts auditorium. Those interested in social welfare and community work are requested to be present according to Miss Sarah Howell of the extension division. [advertisement] PEOPLE'S STEAM LAUNDRY 225 Iowa Ave. When In Need Of Laundry Work TELEPHONE 58 C. J. TOMS [advertisement] JEFFERSON BILLIARD HALL and BARBER SHOP C. A. SCHMIDT, Prop. Under Jefferson Hotel [advertisement] LADIES NOTICE! We wish to announce the addition of Jeanette Van Hatteren to our staff of experts. Miss Van Hatteren has been secured at great expense and against a great deal of competition from other establishments for her services. We believe that she has no equal in spotting, finishing, and pressing ladies' garments. We shall make a specialty from now on of ladies' work and assure you that you will be surprised and delighted with our service. T. DELL KELLEY The Reliable Cleaner Phone 17
PAGE FOUR THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Tuesday, February 25, 1919 [advertisement] TUESDAY Choice of any Overcoat in the House on Tuesday $28.75 We are going to sacrifice 49 Suits made to sell to $35.00 for $17.85 and 65 Shirts made to sell to $2.50 for $1.17 GET IN ON THIS Any Overcoat $28.75 These are all-wool overcoats made to sell up to $55.00, all sizes Tuesday $28.75 Suits at $17.95 These are all-wool suits made to sell to $35.00. Wednesday $17.95 65 Shirts $1.17 Made to sell to $2.50. Colors, good assorted patterns the newest sizes 3 1/2 to 16 1/2 Handkerchiefs 10 Dozen each 7c Hose Special Values 29c COASTS' TWO STUDENTS ATTEND FACULTY MASQUERADE Two University students carried off a double masquerade Thursday night when they went disguised as clowns to the faculty masked ball at the Triangle club rooms. So cleverly did the young man and woman play their parts that they remained at the party all evening without being detected, and succeeded in slipping away just before the unmasking. Afterwards, the two miscreants confessed their deed to an Iowan reporter. "It made me think of a riddle," giggles the girl. "When is a faculty not a faculty. When it's a masquerade ball." Honestly, the costumes were wonderful, and our professors had a good time, just like anybody else. I don't believe they once thought of mathematics or geology. "Nobody even suspected us. In fact, we were quite the life of the party. The two of us were dressed exactly alike, with Mutt and Jeff masks. A man exclaimed that it was a pity one of us couldn't have half of the other's nose. I told him that one rarely ever did find the right combination of things in this world." During the circle two-step, the young lady was accosted by one of the women, who looked dubiously at her clown suit. "Are you a lady?" asked the faculty member. And as the girl nodded, she pursued, "A perfect lady?" Among the characters there were General Foch, a scarecrow, the summer man in white linen, Red Cross nurses, a little girl, and a splendid Turk, who squatted upon a table and refused to smile even when asked if he were a shriner. When, just a little before 10 o'clock, some gay members of the party began to pull off slapstick stunts, the two clowns thought it time to slip away. Each forgot a handkerchief in the cloak room, and then, in their haste, almost fell down two flights of stairs. And then they fled out into the night. Who were the mysterious couple? That will always be one of the unsolved mysteries of the University. STIPEND TO BE ALLOWED The University awards annually a number of stipends to assistants, fellows, and scholars doing research work. The appointments for next year will be made next month. Any senior or graduate student interested in such appointments here or elsewhere should consult Dean C. E. Seashore of the graduate college soon. UNIVERSITY CALENDAR TUESDAY, FEB. 25 Foundation Day. Convocation at 10 a. m. Principal speaker, Honorable Charles Pickett of Waterloo, Iowa. Triangle club. Afternoon tea at rooms. Regular meeting of Women's Glee club at Professor Hays' studio. 4:10 p. m. Orchestra practice at band room. 7:00 p. m. Band practice at band room, 4:30 p. m. University Players tryouts. Natural Science auditorium 7:15 p. m. Regular meeting of Erodelphian. Liberal arts drawing room. 7:30 p. m. Octave Thanet meeting and program at Congregational student house. 7:00 p. m. WEDNESDAY, FEB. 26 Y.W.C.A. tea at Y. W. room, 4 p. m. Sigma Xi lecture, "The Chief Results of Experimental Embryology," by Dr. G. L. Houser, retiring president of Sigma Xi. Liberal arts assembly at 8:15 p. m. Y.W.C.A. lecture "The Business of Being a Christian" by Clara M. Daley. Music by girls' quartette Liberal arts drawing room at 4:30 p. m. Newman club box social at the K. C. hall. 6:00 p. m. Regular meeting of Kappa Phi at Rev. Rohrbaugh's home. 7:30 p. m. Economics seminar at Mr. Cowan's home. 7:30 p. m. Y.M.C.A. cabinet meeting. 4:00 p. m. THURSDAY, FEB. 27. Lecture, "Music" by Mrs. Starbuck. Music by Freshman orchestra. Liberal arts assembly. 4 p. m. Band practice at band room. 4:30 p. m. World Problems forum. Open to all students. Singing and open discussion of the problem. Y.M.C.A. 7 p. m. Professor Whitney, "The American Social Situation." Movie, "How Could You, Caroline?" with Bessie Love at 8 p. m. Orchestra practice. Band room. 7 p. m. Preliminaries of oratorical contest. 4 p. m. Natural Science auditorium. Wesley club. Lecture, "Judaism," by Mrs. Nellie Aurner. University pastor's home. FRIDAY, FEB. 28 Sophomore cotillion. Company A hall. First formal of the year. Irving Literary society. Law building, 7:30 p. m. Band practice at band room. 4:30 p. m. Zetagathian meeting, Liberal arts assembly, 7:30 p. m. Philomathean society, liberal arts drawing room, 7:30 p. m. Y.W.C.A. cozy at Freyder's home. 7:30 p. m. SATURDAY, FEB. 29 Phi Delta Kappa meeting. Liberal arts drawing room. 7:30 p. m. SOCIAL WORKERS WILL HAVE CONFERENCE HERE A conference on social work will be held under the auspices of the extension division of the University, March 4 and 5, for the benefit of those interested in social work. The regular state conference to have taken place last October was abandoned because of the influenza epidemic. J. L. Gillen, director of civilian relief, of the central division of the Red Cross will speak, also William T. Cross, general secretary of the national conference of social work, and Miss Amelia Sears of Chicago. Prof. Ruth Wardall of the home economics department of the University, will also address the conference. Meetings will be held in liberal arts auditorium. Those interested in social welfare and community work are requested to be present according to Miss Sarah Howell of the extension division. [advertisement] PEOPLE'S STEAM LAUNDRY 225 Iowa Ave. When In Need Of Laundry Work TELEPHONE 58 C. J. TOMS [advertisement] JEFFERSON BILLIARD HALL and BARBER SHOP C. A. SCHMIDT, Prop. Under Jefferson Hotel [advertisement] LADIES NOTICE! We wish to announce the addition of Jeanette Van Hatteren to our staff of experts. Miss Van Hatteren has been secured at great expense and against a great deal of competition from other establishments for her services. We believe that she has no equal in spotting, finishing, and pressing ladies' garments. We shall make a specialty from now on of ladies' work and assure you that you will be surprised and delighted with our service. T. DELL KELLEY The Reliable Cleaner Phone 17
Daily Iowan Newspapers