Daily Iowan, February 25, 1919
Page 5
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Tuesday, February 25, 1919 The Daily Iowan State University of Iowa Page Five [advertisement] SOPHOMORE COTILLION Friday, Feb. 28 First Big Peace Formal No Flowers Limited to 125 Couples Co. A. Hall $3.50 Including War Tax Big Orchestra Dancing 8:30-1:00 Tickets and Programs at Whetstone's Wednesday P. M. NEW RULINGS REGULATE SORORITY SCHOLARSHIP Women's Pan-Hellenic council has voted to adopt the plan now in use by fraternities, of regulating sorority scholarship. Under the new system, sororities may initiate at any time provided their scholarship permits. Any sorority falling below average will be granted three years to bring its grades to the University standard. At the end of the third year right of sororities will be reported to their national organization by the University authorities. If the average is not satisfactory at the end of the third year right of initiation will be permanently taken away. No fraternity has failed to make the requirements and they have brought their grade to the University standard as a result of this system. Other action was taken to the effect that each sorority shall turn in a list of expenses to the office of the dean of women each month, together with a copy of its house rules. LIEUT. CHURCH HONORED Lieut. Basil Church, an officer in Iowa's S.A.T.C. unit last autumn, has been elected news editor of the University Daily Kansan at the University of Kansas. Lieut. Church was a student at Lawrence before entering the army and on being discharged from the service returned to college. Eugene Beyatt of Charles City, recently discharged from the army, has accepted a position in the Wellman high school. Ethel Blythe, '18, of Williamsburg has accepted a position in the high school at Winfield, Ia. Bernice Cole returned Monday night from the students' convention of the Y.W.C.A. in Chicago. Mary Anderson has also returned from the conference. [advertisement] Have you tried BANNER DAIRY LUNCH for a meal? BANNER DAIRY LUNCH 11 South Dubuque St. DERSHEM ADDRESSES SEMINAR Dr. Elmer Dershem, instructor in astronomy in the University of Illinois, was in the city recently accompanied by Mrs. Dershem. He addressed the seminar of the department of physics, discussing his work with Prof. Joel Stebbins, of the measurement of the intensity of the light of the stars. This work involves the use of recently developed physical apparatus of great sensitivity and it is the physical aspects of the problem which have received the greater part of Dr. Dershem's attentions. Dr.. Dershem received his doctor's degree from Iowa in 1917. EPISCOPALIANS TO MEET A mixer for Episcopal students will be held in the liberal arts drawing room Thursday evening, Feb. 27, at 7:45. There will also be a business meeting at this time to find out what the students wish to do in the way or organization, and to make plans for the rest of the year. Refreshments will be served. All Episcopal students and any others interested are cordially invited and urged to attend. Let The Iowan be your letter. [advertisement] COMBINATION TYPEWRITER 1919 Model [illustration of portable "National" typewriter in typewriter carrying case] Weight 9 3/4 lbs. Fitted in neat carrying case. Full width carriage, ball bearings. Standard key-board, 84 characters. Tabulator, back spacer, full size ribbon. Fully guaranteed. A little typewriter with a big capacity at a low price. CALL BLACK 599 [advertisement] CLOSING OUT SALE AT BENNISON'S We are forced to turn over at a specified time One-Half the present selling space to the Contractors We are sacrificing this entire stock. Offering present stocks and incoming spring and summer merchandise to make possible----The vacancy of our west store room. NEW SPRING SUITS, COATS AND MILLINERY are included in this slashing of the prices. It's decisive----The Stocks must go---- It means savings of 1/2, 1/3 and 1/4 in any department of this store NOTE THE SPECIAL ITEMS "TOMORROW" Pretty New Neckwear, the very latest, 65c to 75c values for....48c $1.25 values for.....95c Pretty Cantirn Boxes of Sachet for.....$5.00 $1.00 White Silk Gloves.....79c $2.00 Envelope Chemise for.....$1.19 $2.50 Envelope Chemise for.....$1.95 $2.00 Finest Pure Silk Hosiery----in new shades.....$1.37 $1.50 Finest Pure Silk Hosiery in new shades....95c SPECIAL AT THE DRUGGIST SUNDRY COUNTER Pebeco Tooth Paste.....39c Pepsodent Tooth Paste.....39c Woodbury Facial Soap.....19c Resinol Toilet Soap.....19c Love Me Face Powder.....59c Djer Kiss Face Powder.....59c Colgate Dental Cream.....19c Kolynos Tooth Paste.....19c 75c Lisle Summer Union Suits for.....59c $1.00 Lisle Summer Union Suits for.....67c You'll find cut prices in evidence at every turn.----VISIT OUR STORE DAILY.----IT WILL PAY YOU
Tuesday, February 25, 1919 The Daily Iowan State University of Iowa Page Five [advertisement] SOPHOMORE COTILLION Friday, Feb. 28 First Big Peace Formal No Flowers Limited to 125 Couples Co. A. Hall $3.50 Including War Tax Big Orchestra Dancing 8:30-1:00 Tickets and Programs at Whetstone's Wednesday P. M. NEW RULINGS REGULATE SORORITY SCHOLARSHIP Women's Pan-Hellenic council has voted to adopt the plan now in use by fraternities, of regulating sorority scholarship. Under the new system, sororities may initiate at any time provided their scholarship permits. Any sorority falling below average will be granted three years to bring its grades to the University standard. At the end of the third year right of sororities will be reported to their national organization by the University authorities. If the average is not satisfactory at the end of the third year right of initiation will be permanently taken away. No fraternity has failed to make the requirements and they have brought their grade to the University standard as a result of this system. Other action was taken to the effect that each sorority shall turn in a list of expenses to the office of the dean of women each month, together with a copy of its house rules. LIEUT. CHURCH HONORED Lieut. Basil Church, an officer in Iowa's S.A.T.C. unit last autumn, has been elected news editor of the University Daily Kansan at the University of Kansas. Lieut. Church was a student at Lawrence before entering the army and on being discharged from the service returned to college. Eugene Beyatt of Charles City, recently discharged from the army, has accepted a position in the Wellman high school. Ethel Blythe, '18, of Williamsburg has accepted a position in the high school at Winfield, Ia. Bernice Cole returned Monday night from the students' convention of the Y.W.C.A. in Chicago. Mary Anderson has also returned from the conference. [advertisement] Have you tried BANNER DAIRY LUNCH for a meal? BANNER DAIRY LUNCH 11 South Dubuque St. DERSHEM ADDRESSES SEMINAR Dr. Elmer Dershem, instructor in astronomy in the University of Illinois, was in the city recently accompanied by Mrs. Dershem. He addressed the seminar of the department of physics, discussing his work with Prof. Joel Stebbins, of the measurement of the intensity of the light of the stars. This work involves the use of recently developed physical apparatus of great sensitivity and it is the physical aspects of the problem which have received the greater part of Dr. Dershem's attentions. Dr.. Dershem received his doctor's degree from Iowa in 1917. EPISCOPALIANS TO MEET A mixer for Episcopal students will be held in the liberal arts drawing room Thursday evening, Feb. 27, at 7:45. There will also be a business meeting at this time to find out what the students wish to do in the way or organization, and to make plans for the rest of the year. Refreshments will be served. All Episcopal students and any others interested are cordially invited and urged to attend. Let The Iowan be your letter. [advertisement] COMBINATION TYPEWRITER 1919 Model [illustration of portable "National" typewriter in typewriter carrying case] Weight 9 3/4 lbs. Fitted in neat carrying case. Full width carriage, ball bearings. Standard key-board, 84 characters. Tabulator, back spacer, full size ribbon. Fully guaranteed. A little typewriter with a big capacity at a low price. CALL BLACK 599 [advertisement] CLOSING OUT SALE AT BENNISON'S We are forced to turn over at a specified time One-Half the present selling space to the Contractors We are sacrificing this entire stock. Offering present stocks and incoming spring and summer merchandise to make possible----The vacancy of our west store room. NEW SPRING SUITS, COATS AND MILLINERY are included in this slashing of the prices. It's decisive----The Stocks must go---- It means savings of 1/2, 1/3 and 1/4 in any department of this store NOTE THE SPECIAL ITEMS "TOMORROW" Pretty New Neckwear, the very latest, 65c to 75c values for....48c $1.25 values for.....95c Pretty Cantirn Boxes of Sachet for.....$5.00 $1.00 White Silk Gloves.....79c $2.00 Envelope Chemise for.....$1.19 $2.50 Envelope Chemise for.....$1.95 $2.00 Finest Pure Silk Hosiery----in new shades.....$1.37 $1.50 Finest Pure Silk Hosiery in new shades....95c SPECIAL AT THE DRUGGIST SUNDRY COUNTER Pebeco Tooth Paste.....39c Pepsodent Tooth Paste.....39c Woodbury Facial Soap.....19c Resinol Toilet Soap.....19c Love Me Face Powder.....59c Djer Kiss Face Powder.....59c Colgate Dental Cream.....19c Kolynos Tooth Paste.....19c 75c Lisle Summer Union Suits for.....59c $1.00 Lisle Summer Union Suits for.....67c You'll find cut prices in evidence at every turn.----VISIT OUR STORE DAILY.----IT WILL PAY YOU
Daily Iowan Newspapers