Daily Iowan, February 25, 1919
Page 6
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Page Six The Daily Iowan State University of Iowa Tuesday, February 25, 1919 [advertisement] THE FRESHMAN PARTY... Informal----No Flowers The Armory FRIDAY, MARCH 14, 1919 9 Piece Orchestra Tickets $2.00 Plus War Tax Tickets on Sale at Whetstone's Now Tickets Limited WANT ADS Rate 10c a line or fraction: 20% discount on three or more insertions. Want ads cash in advance. Make your college expenses during your spare time selling our pennants and pillows. For agency write, THE COLLEGE FLAG CO. Columbus, O. WANTED TO BUY--- A used Encyclopedia Brittanica, last edition. Phone B-1149. FOUND----In room 105 liberal arts, fountain pen. Owner may have same by paying for this ad. Daily Iowan office. LOST----Fraternity pin, Phi Kappa Psi. Return to this office. Reward. WANTED----To rent or buy, a good microscope. Phone 2111. FOR RENT----Modern furnished room. 511 Washington If you want a man with some executive ability for part time employment, phone Red 955. LOST----Waterman fountain pen with clip broken off. Lost in men's gym. Reward. Iowan office. S. U. I. MEN ATTEND ANNUAL BANQUET (continued from page 1) Frederick H. Lohman, captain football. Dr. Thomas K. Macbride, president emeritus University of Iowa. Prof. Dudley O. McGovney, dean of college of law. Leonard W. March, president senior pharmacy. Marcus H. Mullany, president Iowa Law School association, also representing Newman society. Col. Morton C. Mumma, University commandant. Leo A. Murphy, president sophomore applied science. Leo D. Nicolaus, president Sigma Pi. Edwin A. Nixon, representing junior pharmacy. William E. Nye, president junior dentistry. J. Earl O'Donnell, president Xi Psi Phi. Ralph E. Overholser, representing The Daily Iowan. Willard H. Parry, president Psi Omega. Donald W. Price, captain rifle team, also president freshman law. Edward F. Rate, president Irving society. Everett M. Raymond, president Sigma Alpha Epsilon. William G. Raymond, dean of college of applied science. Ronald G. Reed, president Phi Kappa Psi, also Y.M.C.A. Claude P. Richard, president Alpha Tau Omega. George Harold Rigler, president inter-fraternity council. Prof. Robert E. Rienow, dean of men. Ben C. Rogers, president Phi Delta Chi. Dr. George Royal, dean of college of homeopathic medicine. Dr. William F. Russell, dean of the college of education. Euclid Sanders, executive committee, University of Iowa association. Homer W. Scott, president Nu Sigma Nu. Dr. Carl E. Seashore, dean of graduate college. I. Leo Sharp, president senior applied science. Ernest E. Shaw, president junior medicine. Everett E. Smith, president sophomore liberal arts. Harmon L. Stanton, president Phi Rho Sigma. Henry B. Steinbach, president Acacia. Glen O. Taylor, president Students' Pharmaceutical association. Dr. E. T. Tinker. Prof. Wilbur J. Teeters, dean of college of pharmacy. Harold D. Thomas, president Glee club. Louis P. Tobin, president Delta Chi. Juan J. Valdez, president Cosmopolitan club. Judge Martin J. Wade. Charles C. Wagner, captain wrestling. Earl W. Wells, representing overseas men. Ross E. White, president Marshall Law. Jesse C. Wiese, president Phi Zeta Epsilon. Albert C. Wilcox, representing senior liberal arts. Harold M. Williams, president Kappa Sigma. John W. Wormley, Jr., president freshman liberal arts. Charles F. Young, president Phi Delta Theta. D. Richard Young, president Sigma Phi Epsilon. A letter similar to the regulation "T" has been offered to all women of the University of Texas co-operating with flu regulations. The "T" is worn on the sleeve to distinguish it from the regulation letter. The requirements include absence from all movies, dances, and soda fountains, and eight hours sleep. THE COLLEGE WORLD Sigma Nu leads in the inter-fraternity bowling contest at Purdue university. There will be ten meets in all. Interclass bouts will make up the wrestling program at Purdue this year. Because the depleted treasury does not warrant procuring a coach, wrestling will be considered a minor sport and letters will not be given. The athletic department of the University of Illinois has issued a challenge to Indiana to hold a telegraphic swimming meet. Swimmers of each school will have their events in their respective pools and, as the courses are run off, the results will be telegraphed to the other school. Illinois is the originator of the plan. The university cadet corps at Wisconsin will replace the usual inter-fraternity swimming meet with an inter-company meet. A special George Washington edition of the Daily Cardinal will be issued at Madison by Theta Sigma Phi, the honorary journalistic sorority. Proceeds will go to the fund for Free Milk for France. An inter-sorority bowling tournament is scheduled at the University of Illinois. Yo Ma, the sophomore inter-sorority organization is in charge of the tournament and will give a cup to the winner. In response to an invitation sent out by Theta Sigma Phi, Ring W. Lardner has submitted a poem for publication in the humorous column of the Daily Illini. Dr. E. A. Rogers, professor of dentistry, examined thirty-four children in the primary grades of Cedar Rapids Wednesday. [advertisement] Let a Daily Iowan WANT AD Do it for you Find you employment----hire your help for you----find that lost article----rent your room----sell that typewriter, etc. 10c a line Reduction after 1st insertion [advertisement] SABINS' EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE Founded 1893 A. M. M. DORNON, Manager The most widely patronized, because the most reliable Teachers Agency in the Middle West. Territory from Mississippi River to Pacific Coast. FLYNN BUILDING DES MOINES, IOWA [advertisement] PASTIME THEATRE Today and Tomorrow See the Western cyclone TOM MIX (The man who never fakes) in his greatest Western picture "TREAT 'EM ROUGH" full of thrill and pep A Good Show-- --See It Admission 15c Come Early-- Coming Thursday and Friday See That Million Dollar Picture 'THE DAUGHTER OF THE GODS' A wonderful production with the world's greatest swimmer ANNETTE KELLEMAN 8 big reels----Come to Matinee if possible----Avoid standing Admission 20c Some Show-- --Don't Miss It Preparations for the seventh annual post exam jubilee are already being made at the University of Illinois. College organizations will cooperate in producing clever stunts for the celebration, which will take place on April Fool's day. The University of Texas is selected as one of the United States schools to educate disabled soldiers and sailors, according to the plans of the government. Send the Iowan home.
Page Six The Daily Iowan State University of Iowa Tuesday, February 25, 1919 [advertisement] THE FRESHMAN PARTY... Informal----No Flowers The Armory FRIDAY, MARCH 14, 1919 9 Piece Orchestra Tickets $2.00 Plus War Tax Tickets on Sale at Whetstone's Now Tickets Limited WANT ADS Rate 10c a line or fraction: 20% discount on three or more insertions. Want ads cash in advance. Make your college expenses during your spare time selling our pennants and pillows. For agency write, THE COLLEGE FLAG CO. Columbus, O. WANTED TO BUY--- A used Encyclopedia Brittanica, last edition. Phone B-1149. FOUND----In room 105 liberal arts, fountain pen. Owner may have same by paying for this ad. Daily Iowan office. LOST----Fraternity pin, Phi Kappa Psi. Return to this office. Reward. WANTED----To rent or buy, a good microscope. Phone 2111. FOR RENT----Modern furnished room. 511 Washington If you want a man with some executive ability for part time employment, phone Red 955. LOST----Waterman fountain pen with clip broken off. Lost in men's gym. Reward. Iowan office. S. U. I. MEN ATTEND ANNUAL BANQUET (continued from page 1) Frederick H. Lohman, captain football. Dr. Thomas K. Macbride, president emeritus University of Iowa. Prof. Dudley O. McGovney, dean of college of law. Leonard W. March, president senior pharmacy. Marcus H. Mullany, president Iowa Law School association, also representing Newman society. Col. Morton C. Mumma, University commandant. Leo A. Murphy, president sophomore applied science. Leo D. Nicolaus, president Sigma Pi. Edwin A. Nixon, representing junior pharmacy. William E. Nye, president junior dentistry. J. Earl O'Donnell, president Xi Psi Phi. Ralph E. Overholser, representing The Daily Iowan. Willard H. Parry, president Psi Omega. Donald W. Price, captain rifle team, also president freshman law. Edward F. Rate, president Irving society. Everett M. Raymond, president Sigma Alpha Epsilon. William G. Raymond, dean of college of applied science. Ronald G. Reed, president Phi Kappa Psi, also Y.M.C.A. Claude P. Richard, president Alpha Tau Omega. George Harold Rigler, president inter-fraternity council. Prof. Robert E. Rienow, dean of men. Ben C. Rogers, president Phi Delta Chi. Dr. George Royal, dean of college of homeopathic medicine. Dr. William F. Russell, dean of the college of education. Euclid Sanders, executive committee, University of Iowa association. Homer W. Scott, president Nu Sigma Nu. Dr. Carl E. Seashore, dean of graduate college. I. Leo Sharp, president senior applied science. Ernest E. Shaw, president junior medicine. Everett E. Smith, president sophomore liberal arts. Harmon L. Stanton, president Phi Rho Sigma. Henry B. Steinbach, president Acacia. Glen O. Taylor, president Students' Pharmaceutical association. Dr. E. T. Tinker. Prof. Wilbur J. Teeters, dean of college of pharmacy. Harold D. Thomas, president Glee club. Louis P. Tobin, president Delta Chi. Juan J. Valdez, president Cosmopolitan club. Judge Martin J. Wade. Charles C. Wagner, captain wrestling. Earl W. Wells, representing overseas men. Ross E. White, president Marshall Law. Jesse C. Wiese, president Phi Zeta Epsilon. Albert C. Wilcox, representing senior liberal arts. Harold M. Williams, president Kappa Sigma. John W. Wormley, Jr., president freshman liberal arts. Charles F. Young, president Phi Delta Theta. D. Richard Young, president Sigma Phi Epsilon. A letter similar to the regulation "T" has been offered to all women of the University of Texas co-operating with flu regulations. The "T" is worn on the sleeve to distinguish it from the regulation letter. The requirements include absence from all movies, dances, and soda fountains, and eight hours sleep. THE COLLEGE WORLD Sigma Nu leads in the inter-fraternity bowling contest at Purdue university. There will be ten meets in all. Interclass bouts will make up the wrestling program at Purdue this year. Because the depleted treasury does not warrant procuring a coach, wrestling will be considered a minor sport and letters will not be given. The athletic department of the University of Illinois has issued a challenge to Indiana to hold a telegraphic swimming meet. Swimmers of each school will have their events in their respective pools and, as the courses are run off, the results will be telegraphed to the other school. Illinois is the originator of the plan. The university cadet corps at Wisconsin will replace the usual inter-fraternity swimming meet with an inter-company meet. A special George Washington edition of the Daily Cardinal will be issued at Madison by Theta Sigma Phi, the honorary journalistic sorority. Proceeds will go to the fund for Free Milk for France. An inter-sorority bowling tournament is scheduled at the University of Illinois. Yo Ma, the sophomore inter-sorority organization is in charge of the tournament and will give a cup to the winner. In response to an invitation sent out by Theta Sigma Phi, Ring W. Lardner has submitted a poem for publication in the humorous column of the Daily Illini. Dr. E. A. Rogers, professor of dentistry, examined thirty-four children in the primary grades of Cedar Rapids Wednesday. [advertisement] Let a Daily Iowan WANT AD Do it for you Find you employment----hire your help for you----find that lost article----rent your room----sell that typewriter, etc. 10c a line Reduction after 1st insertion [advertisement] SABINS' EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE Founded 1893 A. M. M. DORNON, Manager The most widely patronized, because the most reliable Teachers Agency in the Middle West. Territory from Mississippi River to Pacific Coast. FLYNN BUILDING DES MOINES, IOWA [advertisement] PASTIME THEATRE Today and Tomorrow See the Western cyclone TOM MIX (The man who never fakes) in his greatest Western picture "TREAT 'EM ROUGH" full of thrill and pep A Good Show-- --See It Admission 15c Come Early-- Coming Thursday and Friday See That Million Dollar Picture 'THE DAUGHTER OF THE GODS' A wonderful production with the world's greatest swimmer ANNETTE KELLEMAN 8 big reels----Come to Matinee if possible----Avoid standing Admission 20c Some Show-- --Don't Miss It Preparations for the seventh annual post exam jubilee are already being made at the University of Illinois. College organizations will cooperate in producing clever stunts for the celebration, which will take place on April Fool's day. The University of Texas is selected as one of the United States schools to educate disabled soldiers and sailors, according to the plans of the government. Send the Iowan home.
Daily Iowan Newspapers