Daily Iowan, February 27, 1919
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The Daily Iowan The Student Newspaper of the State University of Iowa VOL XVIII--NEW SERIES VOL. III IOWA CITY, IOWA, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1919 NUMBER 62 IOWA CELEBRATES JOINT CONVOCATION AND FOUNDERS' DAY W. O. Finkbine and President Walter A. Jessup Talk at Tuesday Exercises C. E. PICKETT IS SPEAKER Program Concludes With Conferring of Degrees By the President Iowa University of the past, the present, and the future was lauded in terms of highest praise by two distinguished alumni and President Walter A. Jessup at the third annual celebration of Founders' day held in the natural science auditorium Tuesday morning. William O. Finkbine of Des Moines who gave the first address of the morning was introduced by President Jessup as "the" alumnus of the University, and as one who represented all its ideals. Reminiscences of the work of former presidents of the University and of the pioneers of Iowa was the subject of his informal little talk. Suggests Memorial "Know your University" was the keynote of President Jessup's speech. The present institution, he declared, is the expression of the vision of the fathers of the University. President Jessup closed his address with a plea that the men and women on the campus build for tomorrow, and that they express their ideals by the erection of a memorial to the University in some such way as the University of Michigan has done. The Honorable Charles E. Pickett of Waterloo, a former member of the University board of regents, and a former United States congressman from Iowa, gave the final address of the morning. He asked that every student begin now to study new problems before the world. "Equip youselves now," he urged, "so that as a citizen you can help your country to solve the internal problems constantly." Problems for Students Pickett suggested a contrast between the old and the new Iowa. "The rugged characted of the pioneers laid the foundation of our commonwealth," he declared. Now, he pointed out, there are new problems, and students leaving the University must have adequate training to cope with these. Awarding of degrees by the President concluded the exercises. Music was furnished by the University band and quartette composed of Harold Rigler, Harold Thomas, Roy Mayne, and Earl Hall. The benediction was pronounced by the Rev. Paul Boynton James, pastor of the Episcopal church. KUEHNLE TALKS TO CLUB Carl F. Kuehnle addressed the Commerce club at its meeting at the Commercial club rooms Tuesday evening. His talk dealt with the place of the college man in the business world. There was also a demonstration of the Burrough's calculating machines and it was shown that they could be used in bookkeeping. Lillian Tow, graduate student in psychology, is in the University hospital for the removal of her tonsils. [2nd column] DRAGSTEDT RETURNS FROM CAMP MERRITT Lieut. L. R. Dragstedt of the department of physiology in the college of medicine has just returned from extended service at Camp Meritt, N. J., where he served on the staff as a bacteriologist for several months. Prior to his being called there he was stationed at New Haven, Conn., Leavenworth, Kan., and Washington, D. C., where he served in the same capacity. He enlisted in service from Iowa City, one year ago, and was sent directly to Washington, D. C. His work in the college of medicine will be as assistant to Prof. J. T. McClintock, head of the department of physiology. His brother, Lieut. Carl A. Dragstedt, who has been with him in the various camps, is expected to soon receive his discharge and to return to his former work as assistant in pharmacology in the college of medicine. SPORT SPARKS Wisconsin won from Indiana Tuesday night by a score of 29 to 16. The victory placed the two teams in a tie for ninth place in the conference. It is more than likely that the Hawkeyes will depart from the Ames game minus the services of Jack Watson, as the veteran trainer has his track duties to attend to. This will be no small handicap as Jack works wonders in between halves. Baseball prospects are bright, according to reports from the Michigan school. Two outfielders and the entire infield will form the nucleus for this spring's team. Ruzicka and Morrisen, star battery of last year, will not be on the team. Chances are excellent for Iowa to secure Rhinehart, freshman ptihcer of last year, for this season's team. He has signified intentions of returning next quarter. St. Louis Nationals are after the big fellow. Prospects for a winning track team jumped at Ann Arbor last week when it became known that Johnson, star athlete, who inured his back in a fall, had so far recovered as to insure his entry in the early meets. The result of the Iowa-Ames game Saturday will tell whether or not the Hawkeyes will have a clear claim for the state title. Even if the Hawks are downed they have an equally good claim, for Coe lost to Iowa. Dope predicts a victory for Bannick's five. Football prospects at Northwestern took another jump when it was made known that Erickson, crack halfback on the Great Lakes eleven, had registered at Evanston. With ERicksen and Eilsen at the halves and Kohler at fullback the Purple has the nucleus for the bast backfield in the conference. DRAKE MAN TO SPEAK Prof. D. W. Morehouse of Drak university will speak at the meeting of the Baconian club tomorrow evening at 7:30 in the physics lecture room. The subject of his talk is "Eclipses and Experiences in Observing a Total Solar Eclipse, June 8, 1918. His lecture will be illustrated. Professor Morehouse discovered a comet in the winter of 1910-11 which was named for him. [3rd column] VARSITY IN TRIM FOR RETURN GAME WITH AMES QUINTET Short, Snappy Passes and Team Play Win Scrimmage With Freshmen IOWA EXPECTS TO WIN Changes in Lineup Have Decidedly Improved the Hawkeye Team Iowa's basketball squad is being groomed for the game with Ames at Ames Saturday night. Coach Bannick sent his varsity crew against the freshmen last night in what proved to be a satisfactory scrimmage. The varsity scored five field goals before the yearlings could find the hoop. Short snappy passes, and machine-like team play enabled the regulars to pierce the freshie defense with ease. Bannick started Captain Berrien and Cotton at forwards for the varsity with Olson at center and Brown and Nicolaus at guards. For the freshmen, Lohman and A. Devine appeared at forwards. McConnel at the center, and G. Devine and Shimek as defense men. Ames will have to play fast basketball to defeat the Hawkeyes Saturday. The Aggies were clearly outclassed in the first game between the two teams at Iowa City and the visitors were forced to take the short end of a 27 to 17 count. In the return game the Cyclones will have the advantage of playing on their own floor, but they will meet a much stronger Iowa team. Changes in the Old Gold lineup have worked a marvelous improvement in the quintet. Since the Chicago game, the Hawkeyes have been playing fast clever basketball consistently. A win over Ames will give Iowa the best claim to the state championship, as Bannick's men have trounced both Coe and Cornell, two of the strongest fives in the state. Eight men will accompany Coach Bannick and Trainer Watson to Ames Friday, Capt. Berrien, Finlayson, Olson, Cotton, Nicolaus, Brown, Kaufman and Worth. MRS. MILTON REMLEY, CLASS OF '67 DIES Few of Her Class Were Living to Attend Reunion Last Year Mrs. Milton Remley, pioneer of Johnson county and alumna of the University, died suddenly from a paralytic stroke at her home at Bella Vista early yesterday morning. Mrs. Remley received her degree of B. Di. at the University in 1867, and her husband, an attorney, received his B. A. degree the same year. She was one of the few Normal graduates of her class who were living to attend the commencement homecoming in 1918. All of the children, Hubert P. of Dryden, Wash., Jessie A. Lovell of St. Paul, Minn., George E., of Cimmarron, New Mexico, and Alice Ruthrauff of Xenia, Ohio, attended the University, and other members of the family throughout Iowa have been connected with the University for two generations. The Eels club will meet tonight at 7:30 at the men's gymnasium. [4th column] PROFESSOR STARBUCK STUDIES DEMOCRACY "While the triumph the world has achieved is for political democracy, the victory is only one-fourth won," is the statement of Prof. E. D. Starbuck in commenting on his "Thesis on Democracy," now being prepared. "There still remain the autocracies of the other three great historic institutions, the church, the home, and the school." Professor Starbuck believes that the formation of these is even more important than that of the state, for the one influences our ideals, the other two shape and fix the conduct of the children who will determine the institutional life of tomorrow. A constitution would, in the opinion of Professor Starbuck, solved the problem of democracy for the University just as it did for the state. This constitution, he believes, should insure and limit the freedom, and fix the duties and responsibilities of every person and natural group of persons in the institution. JONES IS SELECTED FOR BASEBALL COACH Will Issue Call for Candidates After Close of Basketball Season Howard H. Jones, football coach and athletic director, has been selected by the board in charge of athletics here to be coach of the baseball team this spring. The position was left vacant last fall by the departure of former coach Maury Kent for a similar job at Wisconsin University. For a long time after the resignation of Kent, the Hawkeye athletic board was puzzled to find a capable mentor to take charge of the Old Gold nine, but just recently it was discovered quite by accident that Director Jones was admirably qualified for the place. Jones pitched on the Yale nine for three years, while a student at that institution, winning his honor “Y” each year he played. He was also a star twirler for two years on baseballs teams representing Exeter, the famous Eastern prep school. Coach Jones will issue a call for baseball candidates after the close of the present basketball season and will spend the few remaining weeks of winter drilling his squad in the indoor cage. Seven veterans of the 1918 nine will be on hand to form a valuable nucleus for the team this spring. These will include two capable pitchers, Hamilton and Belding, who are already taking daily workouts in the gymnasium. Other members of last year’s team are: Captain Homer Brown, outfielder and star slugger, who is at present playing on the basketball team; Olson, first baseman, Parrott, second baseman; Goodwin, third baseman; and Ered, short stop. This list will furnish the Old Gold with a veteran infield and pitching staff. ADDRESSES WOMAN’S CLUB Mrs. H.L. Dodge, wife of Professor Dodge, has just returned from Audubon, where she addressed the Woman’s club on the subject of “The Planning of a Household Budget.” While there she was entertained by Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bagley, alumni of the University. New University directories are now on sale at the secretary’s office. COLFAX CHOSEN AS PLACE FOR ANNUAL PRESS CONVENTION College Journalists of State to Meet at Mineral Resort on April 4 and 5 EXPECT BIG ATTENDANCE Directors Unanimously in Favor of Returning to Seat of the First Annual Convention The third annual conference of the Iowa College Press association will be held at Colfax, April 4 and 5, according to an announcement made yesterday by W. Earl Hall, president of the organization. The seven persons on the board of directors, representing that number of colleges, were unanimous in their vote to return to Colfax, the seat of the first convention two years ago. A central location and splendid hotel accommodations make it the logical place, Mr. Hall points out. Last year the meeting was held in Cedar Rapids. Program Being Formed The program is now in process of making. Besides the representatives from the college papers and college faculties, two or three able newspaper men of the state will have places on the program. J.N. Darling (Ding) of the Des Moines Register is one who will probably speak. One or two University journalists will read papers or speak before the convention. Informal conferences of persons interested in the different phases of the newspaper will be emphasized, as they have been emphasized in the past. The banquet and dance at the close of the meeting will be features again too. The association is made up of representatives from every college in the state which has a newspaper, with the exception of Morningside and another one or two in remote corners of the state and it is likely that they will be represented this year. The officers and directors for the present year are as follows: W. Earl Hall, Iowa, president; Marian Colegrove, Upper Iowa, vice president; Paul L. Wood, Coe, secretary and treasurer; board members— Prof. H.R. O’Brien, Ames; Donald C. White, Buena Vista; Rollin Baird, Cornell; Willard Osincup, Grinnell. John Battin of Coe was last year’s president. Many Going from Iowa In the two meetings held thus far, Ames has held the supremacy in the matter of attendance, with Iowa and Grinnell about even for second honors. The directors from the different colleges have assured the president of the organization that their representation is going to be greater this year than in the two previous conventions and prospects are rosy, he declares, for the greatest attendance up to this time. Prof. H.R. O’Brien, acting head of the department of journalism at Ames, writes that 50 delegates is the goal toward which they are working. Iowa is also determined to make a good showing. Practically all of the persons on the staff of The Daily Iowan and taking courses in journalism will attend, it is believed, and several others interested in newspapering less directly will avail themselves of the splendid benefits which the meeting of the press association affords. Announcement relative to the program and other details of the convention will be made soon, Mr. Hall states.
The Daily Iowan The Student Newspaper of the State University of Iowa VOL XVIII--NEW SERIES VOL. III IOWA CITY, IOWA, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1919 NUMBER 62 IOWA CELEBRATES JOINT CONVOCATION AND FOUNDERS' DAY W. O. Finkbine and President Walter A. Jessup Talk at Tuesday Exercises C. E. PICKETT IS SPEAKER Program Concludes With Conferring of Degrees By the President Iowa University of the past, the present, and the future was lauded in terms of highest praise by two distinguished alumni and President Walter A. Jessup at the third annual celebration of Founders' day held in the natural science auditorium Tuesday morning. William O. Finkbine of Des Moines who gave the first address of the morning was introduced by President Jessup as "the" alumnus of the University, and as one who represented all its ideals. Reminiscences of the work of former presidents of the University and of the pioneers of Iowa was the subject of his informal little talk. Suggests Memorial "Know your University" was the keynote of President Jessup's speech. The present institution, he declared, is the expression of the vision of the fathers of the University. President Jessup closed his address with a plea that the men and women on the campus build for tomorrow, and that they express their ideals by the erection of a memorial to the University in some such way as the University of Michigan has done. The Honorable Charles E. Pickett of Waterloo, a former member of the University board of regents, and a former United States congressman from Iowa, gave the final address of the morning. He asked that every student begin now to study new problems before the world. "Equip youselves now," he urged, "so that as a citizen you can help your country to solve the internal problems constantly." Problems for Students Pickett suggested a contrast between the old and the new Iowa. "The rugged characted of the pioneers laid the foundation of our commonwealth," he declared. Now, he pointed out, there are new problems, and students leaving the University must have adequate training to cope with these. Awarding of degrees by the President concluded the exercises. Music was furnished by the University band and quartette composed of Harold Rigler, Harold Thomas, Roy Mayne, and Earl Hall. The benediction was pronounced by the Rev. Paul Boynton James, pastor of the Episcopal church. KUEHNLE TALKS TO CLUB Carl F. Kuehnle addressed the Commerce club at its meeting at the Commercial club rooms Tuesday evening. His talk dealt with the place of the college man in the business world. There was also a demonstration of the Burrough's calculating machines and it was shown that they could be used in bookkeeping. Lillian Tow, graduate student in psychology, is in the University hospital for the removal of her tonsils. [2nd column] DRAGSTEDT RETURNS FROM CAMP MERRITT Lieut. L. R. Dragstedt of the department of physiology in the college of medicine has just returned from extended service at Camp Meritt, N. J., where he served on the staff as a bacteriologist for several months. Prior to his being called there he was stationed at New Haven, Conn., Leavenworth, Kan., and Washington, D. C., where he served in the same capacity. He enlisted in service from Iowa City, one year ago, and was sent directly to Washington, D. C. His work in the college of medicine will be as assistant to Prof. J. T. McClintock, head of the department of physiology. His brother, Lieut. Carl A. Dragstedt, who has been with him in the various camps, is expected to soon receive his discharge and to return to his former work as assistant in pharmacology in the college of medicine. SPORT SPARKS Wisconsin won from Indiana Tuesday night by a score of 29 to 16. The victory placed the two teams in a tie for ninth place in the conference. It is more than likely that the Hawkeyes will depart from the Ames game minus the services of Jack Watson, as the veteran trainer has his track duties to attend to. This will be no small handicap as Jack works wonders in between halves. Baseball prospects are bright, according to reports from the Michigan school. Two outfielders and the entire infield will form the nucleus for this spring's team. Ruzicka and Morrisen, star battery of last year, will not be on the team. Chances are excellent for Iowa to secure Rhinehart, freshman ptihcer of last year, for this season's team. He has signified intentions of returning next quarter. St. Louis Nationals are after the big fellow. Prospects for a winning track team jumped at Ann Arbor last week when it became known that Johnson, star athlete, who inured his back in a fall, had so far recovered as to insure his entry in the early meets. The result of the Iowa-Ames game Saturday will tell whether or not the Hawkeyes will have a clear claim for the state title. Even if the Hawks are downed they have an equally good claim, for Coe lost to Iowa. Dope predicts a victory for Bannick's five. Football prospects at Northwestern took another jump when it was made known that Erickson, crack halfback on the Great Lakes eleven, had registered at Evanston. With ERicksen and Eilsen at the halves and Kohler at fullback the Purple has the nucleus for the bast backfield in the conference. DRAKE MAN TO SPEAK Prof. D. W. Morehouse of Drak university will speak at the meeting of the Baconian club tomorrow evening at 7:30 in the physics lecture room. The subject of his talk is "Eclipses and Experiences in Observing a Total Solar Eclipse, June 8, 1918. His lecture will be illustrated. Professor Morehouse discovered a comet in the winter of 1910-11 which was named for him. [3rd column] VARSITY IN TRIM FOR RETURN GAME WITH AMES QUINTET Short, Snappy Passes and Team Play Win Scrimmage With Freshmen IOWA EXPECTS TO WIN Changes in Lineup Have Decidedly Improved the Hawkeye Team Iowa's basketball squad is being groomed for the game with Ames at Ames Saturday night. Coach Bannick sent his varsity crew against the freshmen last night in what proved to be a satisfactory scrimmage. The varsity scored five field goals before the yearlings could find the hoop. Short snappy passes, and machine-like team play enabled the regulars to pierce the freshie defense with ease. Bannick started Captain Berrien and Cotton at forwards for the varsity with Olson at center and Brown and Nicolaus at guards. For the freshmen, Lohman and A. Devine appeared at forwards. McConnel at the center, and G. Devine and Shimek as defense men. Ames will have to play fast basketball to defeat the Hawkeyes Saturday. The Aggies were clearly outclassed in the first game between the two teams at Iowa City and the visitors were forced to take the short end of a 27 to 17 count. In the return game the Cyclones will have the advantage of playing on their own floor, but they will meet a much stronger Iowa team. Changes in the Old Gold lineup have worked a marvelous improvement in the quintet. Since the Chicago game, the Hawkeyes have been playing fast clever basketball consistently. A win over Ames will give Iowa the best claim to the state championship, as Bannick's men have trounced both Coe and Cornell, two of the strongest fives in the state. Eight men will accompany Coach Bannick and Trainer Watson to Ames Friday, Capt. Berrien, Finlayson, Olson, Cotton, Nicolaus, Brown, Kaufman and Worth. MRS. MILTON REMLEY, CLASS OF '67 DIES Few of Her Class Were Living to Attend Reunion Last Year Mrs. Milton Remley, pioneer of Johnson county and alumna of the University, died suddenly from a paralytic stroke at her home at Bella Vista early yesterday morning. Mrs. Remley received her degree of B. Di. at the University in 1867, and her husband, an attorney, received his B. A. degree the same year. She was one of the few Normal graduates of her class who were living to attend the commencement homecoming in 1918. All of the children, Hubert P. of Dryden, Wash., Jessie A. Lovell of St. Paul, Minn., George E., of Cimmarron, New Mexico, and Alice Ruthrauff of Xenia, Ohio, attended the University, and other members of the family throughout Iowa have been connected with the University for two generations. The Eels club will meet tonight at 7:30 at the men's gymnasium. [4th column] PROFESSOR STARBUCK STUDIES DEMOCRACY "While the triumph the world has achieved is for political democracy, the victory is only one-fourth won," is the statement of Prof. E. D. Starbuck in commenting on his "Thesis on Democracy," now being prepared. "There still remain the autocracies of the other three great historic institutions, the church, the home, and the school." Professor Starbuck believes that the formation of these is even more important than that of the state, for the one influences our ideals, the other two shape and fix the conduct of the children who will determine the institutional life of tomorrow. A constitution would, in the opinion of Professor Starbuck, solved the problem of democracy for the University just as it did for the state. This constitution, he believes, should insure and limit the freedom, and fix the duties and responsibilities of every person and natural group of persons in the institution. JONES IS SELECTED FOR BASEBALL COACH Will Issue Call for Candidates After Close of Basketball Season Howard H. Jones, football coach and athletic director, has been selected by the board in charge of athletics here to be coach of the baseball team this spring. The position was left vacant last fall by the departure of former coach Maury Kent for a similar job at Wisconsin University. For a long time after the resignation of Kent, the Hawkeye athletic board was puzzled to find a capable mentor to take charge of the Old Gold nine, but just recently it was discovered quite by accident that Director Jones was admirably qualified for the place. Jones pitched on the Yale nine for three years, while a student at that institution, winning his honor “Y” each year he played. He was also a star twirler for two years on baseballs teams representing Exeter, the famous Eastern prep school. Coach Jones will issue a call for baseball candidates after the close of the present basketball season and will spend the few remaining weeks of winter drilling his squad in the indoor cage. Seven veterans of the 1918 nine will be on hand to form a valuable nucleus for the team this spring. These will include two capable pitchers, Hamilton and Belding, who are already taking daily workouts in the gymnasium. Other members of last year’s team are: Captain Homer Brown, outfielder and star slugger, who is at present playing on the basketball team; Olson, first baseman, Parrott, second baseman; Goodwin, third baseman; and Ered, short stop. This list will furnish the Old Gold with a veteran infield and pitching staff. ADDRESSES WOMAN’S CLUB Mrs. H.L. Dodge, wife of Professor Dodge, has just returned from Audubon, where she addressed the Woman’s club on the subject of “The Planning of a Household Budget.” While there she was entertained by Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bagley, alumni of the University. New University directories are now on sale at the secretary’s office. COLFAX CHOSEN AS PLACE FOR ANNUAL PRESS CONVENTION College Journalists of State to Meet at Mineral Resort on April 4 and 5 EXPECT BIG ATTENDANCE Directors Unanimously in Favor of Returning to Seat of the First Annual Convention The third annual conference of the Iowa College Press association will be held at Colfax, April 4 and 5, according to an announcement made yesterday by W. Earl Hall, president of the organization. The seven persons on the board of directors, representing that number of colleges, were unanimous in their vote to return to Colfax, the seat of the first convention two years ago. A central location and splendid hotel accommodations make it the logical place, Mr. Hall points out. Last year the meeting was held in Cedar Rapids. Program Being Formed The program is now in process of making. Besides the representatives from the college papers and college faculties, two or three able newspaper men of the state will have places on the program. J.N. Darling (Ding) of the Des Moines Register is one who will probably speak. One or two University journalists will read papers or speak before the convention. Informal conferences of persons interested in the different phases of the newspaper will be emphasized, as they have been emphasized in the past. The banquet and dance at the close of the meeting will be features again too. The association is made up of representatives from every college in the state which has a newspaper, with the exception of Morningside and another one or two in remote corners of the state and it is likely that they will be represented this year. The officers and directors for the present year are as follows: W. Earl Hall, Iowa, president; Marian Colegrove, Upper Iowa, vice president; Paul L. Wood, Coe, secretary and treasurer; board members— Prof. H.R. O’Brien, Ames; Donald C. White, Buena Vista; Rollin Baird, Cornell; Willard Osincup, Grinnell. John Battin of Coe was last year’s president. Many Going from Iowa In the two meetings held thus far, Ames has held the supremacy in the matter of attendance, with Iowa and Grinnell about even for second honors. The directors from the different colleges have assured the president of the organization that their representation is going to be greater this year than in the two previous conventions and prospects are rosy, he declares, for the greatest attendance up to this time. Prof. H.R. O’Brien, acting head of the department of journalism at Ames, writes that 50 delegates is the goal toward which they are working. Iowa is also determined to make a good showing. Practically all of the persons on the staff of The Daily Iowan and taking courses in journalism will attend, it is believed, and several others interested in newspapering less directly will avail themselves of the splendid benefits which the meeting of the press association affords. Announcement relative to the program and other details of the convention will be made soon, Mr. Hall states.
Daily Iowan Newspapers