Daily Iowan, February 27, 1919
Page 4
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PAGE FOUR THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Thursday, February 27, 1919 Three More Days of Forcing Out COASTS' Big Clearance Sale Ends Saturday Night March 1st THURSDAY PROFITS ARE FORGOTTEN MUST HAVE ROOM FOR SPRING GOODS Any Winter Overcoat in the house - - - $27.75 These include many coats sold up to $55.00 One Special Lot of Suits that sold to $35.00--Choice - $15.95 EIGHT BIG SPECIALS SUITS AT $15.95 Strickly all Wool a Special lot that sold to $35.00 THURSDAY $15.95 Choice of any Suit in the House $39.75 $4.00 UNION SUITS $2.27 We have 47 Union Suits, lot includes both wool and cotton garment made to sell at $4.00 THURSDAY $2.27 OUTING PAJAMAS THAT SOLD UP TO $4.00 THURSDAY $2.27 ANY WINTER OVERCOAT $27.75 That sold to $55.00 THURSDAY $27.75 $2.75 SWEATER JACKETS $1.37 Our regular $2.75 value, only a few left THURSDAY $1.37 COASTS' $2.50 SHIRTS AT $1.17 Did you get yours? Late patterns Color Guaranteed made to sell to $2.50; sizes 13 1-2 to 16 1-2. THURSDAY $1.17 $6.75 WOOL UNION SUITS $4.17 All wool Union Suits, fine quality, regular $6.77 value, per suit while they last--$4.17 ONE LOT OF CAPS REGULAR $1.50 SELLING THURSDAY 39c WANT ADS RATE 10c a line or fraction: 20% discount on three or more insertions. Want ads cash in advance. Make your college expenses during your spare time selling our pennants and pillows. For agency write, THE COLLEGE FLAG CO. Columbus, O. WANTED TO BUY--A used Encyclopedia Brittanica, last edition. Phone B-1149. LOST--Fraternity pin, Phi Kappa Psi. Return to this office. Reward. 62 WANTED--To rent or buy, a good microscope. Phone 2111. 63 FOR RENT--Modern furnished room. 511 Washington 64 If you want a man with some executive ability for part time employment, phone Red 955. LOST--Waterman fountain pen with clip broken off. Lost in men's gym. Reward. Iowan office. 63 WHITNEY TO TALK Prof. N. R. Whitney of the economics department will speak on the present situation in America at the Y. M. C. A. world problems forum tonight. His subject is, "Social Revolution: Can We Avoid It?" Come to see the Special Exhibit of Pictures.... Prints of Modern Paintings Fine Etchings Monday the Third at the Book and Craft Shop 124 E. Washington Street [banner] UNDER GOVERNMENT SUPERVISION KEEP YOUR CREDIT GOOD Modern business is founded on credit--promises to pay. Through credit you can get goods of practically any kind by simply promising the seller that you will pay for them at a certain time. The manner in which you keep these promises establishes your credit rating. It pays to keep your credit rating good by meeting your obligations promptly--fulfilling your promises exactly as made. You may be able to pay as you go, but you never can tell when your funds may be temporarily tied up--then credit becomes an invaluable asset. Keep it good. First National Bank MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM Dancing from 8:45 to 11:45 VARSITY DANCE Company A Armory Varsity 8 Piece Orchestra SATURDAY, MARCH 1
PAGE FOUR THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Thursday, February 27, 1919 Three More Days of Forcing Out COASTS' Big Clearance Sale Ends Saturday Night March 1st THURSDAY PROFITS ARE FORGOTTEN MUST HAVE ROOM FOR SPRING GOODS Any Winter Overcoat in the house - - - $27.75 These include many coats sold up to $55.00 One Special Lot of Suits that sold to $35.00--Choice - $15.95 EIGHT BIG SPECIALS SUITS AT $15.95 Strickly all Wool a Special lot that sold to $35.00 THURSDAY $15.95 Choice of any Suit in the House $39.75 $4.00 UNION SUITS $2.27 We have 47 Union Suits, lot includes both wool and cotton garment made to sell at $4.00 THURSDAY $2.27 OUTING PAJAMAS THAT SOLD UP TO $4.00 THURSDAY $2.27 ANY WINTER OVERCOAT $27.75 That sold to $55.00 THURSDAY $27.75 $2.75 SWEATER JACKETS $1.37 Our regular $2.75 value, only a few left THURSDAY $1.37 COASTS' $2.50 SHIRTS AT $1.17 Did you get yours? Late patterns Color Guaranteed made to sell to $2.50; sizes 13 1-2 to 16 1-2. THURSDAY $1.17 $6.75 WOOL UNION SUITS $4.17 All wool Union Suits, fine quality, regular $6.77 value, per suit while they last--$4.17 ONE LOT OF CAPS REGULAR $1.50 SELLING THURSDAY 39c WANT ADS RATE 10c a line or fraction: 20% discount on three or more insertions. Want ads cash in advance. Make your college expenses during your spare time selling our pennants and pillows. For agency write, THE COLLEGE FLAG CO. Columbus, O. WANTED TO BUY--A used Encyclopedia Brittanica, last edition. Phone B-1149. LOST--Fraternity pin, Phi Kappa Psi. Return to this office. Reward. 62 WANTED--To rent or buy, a good microscope. Phone 2111. 63 FOR RENT--Modern furnished room. 511 Washington 64 If you want a man with some executive ability for part time employment, phone Red 955. LOST--Waterman fountain pen with clip broken off. Lost in men's gym. Reward. Iowan office. 63 WHITNEY TO TALK Prof. N. R. Whitney of the economics department will speak on the present situation in America at the Y. M. C. A. world problems forum tonight. His subject is, "Social Revolution: Can We Avoid It?" Come to see the Special Exhibit of Pictures.... Prints of Modern Paintings Fine Etchings Monday the Third at the Book and Craft Shop 124 E. Washington Street [banner] UNDER GOVERNMENT SUPERVISION KEEP YOUR CREDIT GOOD Modern business is founded on credit--promises to pay. Through credit you can get goods of practically any kind by simply promising the seller that you will pay for them at a certain time. The manner in which you keep these promises establishes your credit rating. It pays to keep your credit rating good by meeting your obligations promptly--fulfilling your promises exactly as made. You may be able to pay as you go, but you never can tell when your funds may be temporarily tied up--then credit becomes an invaluable asset. Keep it good. First National Bank MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM Dancing from 8:45 to 11:45 VARSITY DANCE Company A Armory Varsity 8 Piece Orchestra SATURDAY, MARCH 1
Daily Iowan Newspapers