Daily Iowan, March 2, 1919
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PAGE SIX THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Sunday, March 2, 1919 WANT ADS RATE 10c a line or fraction: 20% discount on three or more insertions. Want ads cash in advance. Make your college expenses during your spare time selling our pennants and pillows. For agency write, THE COLLEGE FLAG CO. Columbus, O. WANTED TO BUY--A used Encyclopedia Brittanica, last edition. Phone B-1149. WANTED--To rent or buy, a good microscope. Phone 2111. 63 FOR RENT--Modern furnished room. 511 Washington 64 If you want a man with some executive ability for part time employment, phone Red 955. LOST--Waterman fountain pen with clip broken off. Lost in men's gym. Reward. Iowan office. 63 Students desiring to work an hour or more a day can make wages of more than $1.00 per hour selling America's War for Humanity and Life of Roosevelt. Send at once for free outfit, F. B. Dickerson Co. Detroit, Mich., enclosing 20c in stamps for mailing outfits. FOUND--On campus, fountain pen without cap. Owner may have by paying for this ad. tf FOR RENT--Desirable room for one man, at 604 S. Clinton St. COMPOSER'S WIDOW WILL GIVE CONCERT Marion Nevins MacDowell, widow of Edward A. MacDowell the American composer, will give a concert under the auspices of the University music council in the natural science auditorium Wednesday evening, March 26. Having studied under Mr. MacDowell in Europe before their marriage, Mrs. MacDowell has become the best interpreter of her husband's compositions, and for several years has been touring throughout the United States giving lecture-recitals. Besides giving these concerts, Mrs. MacDowell takes care of a colony at Peterborough, N. H., which is supported by the MacDowell Memorial association to encourage constructive artists, musicians, painters, and sculptors in materializing their ideals. The National Federation of Music clubs will hold its next convention at Peterborough this summer, to which Esther MacDowell Swisher of the school of music faculty expects to go. During the past several years the music council has brought a number of artists to Iowa City for a free concert open to all students, faculty members, and townspeople, and the MacDowell concert is the first of this sort this year. POLITICAL SCIENTISTS MEET Prof. P. S. Peirce will read a paper on "The Problem of the Disabled Soldier" at the Political Science club meeting in the liberal arts drawing room Monday night. Jeanne Terraz is spending the week end at Bowman hall, Mount Vernon. Josephine Thielen, Eathel Graham, and L. Ruth Jones are spending Saturday and Sunday at Cedar Rapids. Anna Samuelson is spending the week end at her home in Odebolt. Weds Olson, Tri Delt, is visiting at Grinnell this week. Althea McGrath, Cledah Wright, and Lue Prentiss attended a Tau-Delt formal at Ames this week end. Isabel Guthrie and Dorothy Adams entertained their mothers this last week at the Achoth house. Ruth Redman is visiting at Grinnell. WHAT IS YOUR HOBBY? Days of collecting stamps, samples, gum wrappers, and tobacco tags are for most University students but vague memories of the "days of real sport." Those were childhood hobbies, and, although we no longer indulge in the stamp and tag collections, we all have our hobbies. Collecting dance programs, menus, and snapshots are popular hobbies to be found among University students. One young man insisted that his hobby was cigarettes. Another said that his was malted milks, and still others declared theirs were coca cola's. One young lady, when asked her favorite hobby, exclaimed, "It must be clothes, just pretty clothes, for I adore them." Hobbies are as numerous as are types of people and they depend entirely upon the individual. As the old lady once said when she kissed the cow, "everyone to his own taste". So it is with hobbies whether they are cigarettes, malted milks, or athletics. WELFARE WORKERS CONFER HERE MARCH 4 A conference on social welfare work will be held at the University under the auspices of the extension division March 4 and 5. The regular state conference was abandoned last fall because of the influenza epidemic. J. L. Gillen, director of civilian relief of the central division of the Red Cross, and William T. Cross, general secretary of the national conference of social work will speak. Miss Amelia Sears of Chicago, and Prof. Ruth Wardall of the home economics department of the University will also address the conference. Meetings will be held in liberal arts auditorium, and everyone interested in social work may attend, according to Miss Sara Howell of the extension division. DAINTY LUNCHES between or after classes. Drop into WHITING'S PHARMACY On Dubuque St. ENSIGN TO CONDUCT CLASS Prof. Forest C. Ensign will conduct the student's Sunday school class at the Presbyterian church at 9:45 this morning. The subject is to be Religion and Social Reconstruction-Viewpoint of Education. Lucy Pierce, sophomore, is spending Sunday at her home in Washington. TEACHERS WANTED For all departments of school work. School officials will soon elect teachers for next year. A MAXIMUM OF SERVICE AT A MINIMUM COMMISSION RATE. Commission 4 per cent. Territory, central and western states. Write today for blanks. HEUER TEACHERS' AGENCY Cedar Rapids, Iowa [illustration of women in outfits] Victory Garments FOR WOMEN Never in the history of our country has there been a greater incentive for women to lay aside the Gloomy Thoughts of conservation to enjoy the delights of the new clothes. Never before have the young women of Iowa City and community been so justified in turning to the beautiful things in wearing apparel after a period of patriotic conservation. This an Oppropriate Time to Dress-Up Our joyous spirit which results from VICTORY can find no more appropriate or fitting expression than indulgence in the natural tendencies to wear stylish up-to-the minute apparel. Spring Will Soon Be Here If you wish to see the newest spring models, the smartest styles and the most beautiful creations, visit this store tomorrow; see a display that will make you marvel. Watch the frequently changing window displays. It will pay you. Yetter's: THE BIG STORE Don't Send Your Laundry Home..... When you have it done here you get the highest quality of work and you save postage, time and trouble. Phone 294. We call for and deliver. New Process Laundry "The Pride of Iowa City" PHONE 294 OH BOY! Did you ever taste those Sweet Rolls served for breakfast in the JEFFERSON COFFEE ROOM and JEFFERSON QUICK LUNCH SERVICE CAFE They are simply wonderful. Delicious coffee also--n'everything. New March Victor Records THE FOLKS AT HOME WOULD APPRECIATE FOR THEIR VICTROLA 18520 Oui, Qui, Marie--One Step--Accordion 85c Sweet 'n Pretty--Fox Trot--Sacaphone-Piano. 18523 In the Land of Beginning Again--Chas. Harrison. 85c I Found the End of the Rainbow--Chas. Harrison. 18525 Mummy Mine 85c I'm Waiting for You; Liza Jane--Sterling Tri 18526 Till We Meet Again--Waltz. 85c Beautiful Ohio--Waltz. 45161 Dear Little Boy of Mine--Song--Elsie Baker. $1.00 Beautiful Ohio--Song--Olive Kline. 35682 Head Over Heels--Fox Trot--Smith Orchestra. $1.35 I'm Always Chasing Rainbows--Fox Trot--Smith Orch. 64796 My Irish Song of Songs--John McCormack $1.00 64795 Kiss Me Again--Mabel Garrison. $1.00 TO THOSE WHO WANT TO SEND RECORDS HOME, WE WILL GLADLY PACK THEM FOR MAILING COME IN AND HEAR SOME OF THE NEW VICTOR RECORDS Harmony Hall PIANOS--VICTROLAS--RECORDS 105 S. CLINTON ST. IOWA CITY, IA.
PAGE SIX THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Sunday, March 2, 1919 WANT ADS RATE 10c a line or fraction: 20% discount on three or more insertions. Want ads cash in advance. Make your college expenses during your spare time selling our pennants and pillows. For agency write, THE COLLEGE FLAG CO. Columbus, O. WANTED TO BUY--A used Encyclopedia Brittanica, last edition. Phone B-1149. WANTED--To rent or buy, a good microscope. Phone 2111. 63 FOR RENT--Modern furnished room. 511 Washington 64 If you want a man with some executive ability for part time employment, phone Red 955. LOST--Waterman fountain pen with clip broken off. Lost in men's gym. Reward. Iowan office. 63 Students desiring to work an hour or more a day can make wages of more than $1.00 per hour selling America's War for Humanity and Life of Roosevelt. Send at once for free outfit, F. B. Dickerson Co. Detroit, Mich., enclosing 20c in stamps for mailing outfits. FOUND--On campus, fountain pen without cap. Owner may have by paying for this ad. tf FOR RENT--Desirable room for one man, at 604 S. Clinton St. COMPOSER'S WIDOW WILL GIVE CONCERT Marion Nevins MacDowell, widow of Edward A. MacDowell the American composer, will give a concert under the auspices of the University music council in the natural science auditorium Wednesday evening, March 26. Having studied under Mr. MacDowell in Europe before their marriage, Mrs. MacDowell has become the best interpreter of her husband's compositions, and for several years has been touring throughout the United States giving lecture-recitals. Besides giving these concerts, Mrs. MacDowell takes care of a colony at Peterborough, N. H., which is supported by the MacDowell Memorial association to encourage constructive artists, musicians, painters, and sculptors in materializing their ideals. The National Federation of Music clubs will hold its next convention at Peterborough this summer, to which Esther MacDowell Swisher of the school of music faculty expects to go. During the past several years the music council has brought a number of artists to Iowa City for a free concert open to all students, faculty members, and townspeople, and the MacDowell concert is the first of this sort this year. POLITICAL SCIENTISTS MEET Prof. P. S. Peirce will read a paper on "The Problem of the Disabled Soldier" at the Political Science club meeting in the liberal arts drawing room Monday night. Jeanne Terraz is spending the week end at Bowman hall, Mount Vernon. Josephine Thielen, Eathel Graham, and L. Ruth Jones are spending Saturday and Sunday at Cedar Rapids. Anna Samuelson is spending the week end at her home in Odebolt. Weds Olson, Tri Delt, is visiting at Grinnell this week. Althea McGrath, Cledah Wright, and Lue Prentiss attended a Tau-Delt formal at Ames this week end. Isabel Guthrie and Dorothy Adams entertained their mothers this last week at the Achoth house. Ruth Redman is visiting at Grinnell. WHAT IS YOUR HOBBY? Days of collecting stamps, samples, gum wrappers, and tobacco tags are for most University students but vague memories of the "days of real sport." Those were childhood hobbies, and, although we no longer indulge in the stamp and tag collections, we all have our hobbies. Collecting dance programs, menus, and snapshots are popular hobbies to be found among University students. One young man insisted that his hobby was cigarettes. Another said that his was malted milks, and still others declared theirs were coca cola's. One young lady, when asked her favorite hobby, exclaimed, "It must be clothes, just pretty clothes, for I adore them." Hobbies are as numerous as are types of people and they depend entirely upon the individual. As the old lady once said when she kissed the cow, "everyone to his own taste". So it is with hobbies whether they are cigarettes, malted milks, or athletics. WELFARE WORKERS CONFER HERE MARCH 4 A conference on social welfare work will be held at the University under the auspices of the extension division March 4 and 5. The regular state conference was abandoned last fall because of the influenza epidemic. J. L. Gillen, director of civilian relief of the central division of the Red Cross, and William T. Cross, general secretary of the national conference of social work will speak. Miss Amelia Sears of Chicago, and Prof. Ruth Wardall of the home economics department of the University will also address the conference. Meetings will be held in liberal arts auditorium, and everyone interested in social work may attend, according to Miss Sara Howell of the extension division. DAINTY LUNCHES between or after classes. Drop into WHITING'S PHARMACY On Dubuque St. ENSIGN TO CONDUCT CLASS Prof. Forest C. Ensign will conduct the student's Sunday school class at the Presbyterian church at 9:45 this morning. The subject is to be Religion and Social Reconstruction-Viewpoint of Education. Lucy Pierce, sophomore, is spending Sunday at her home in Washington. TEACHERS WANTED For all departments of school work. School officials will soon elect teachers for next year. A MAXIMUM OF SERVICE AT A MINIMUM COMMISSION RATE. Commission 4 per cent. Territory, central and western states. Write today for blanks. HEUER TEACHERS' AGENCY Cedar Rapids, Iowa [illustration of women in outfits] Victory Garments FOR WOMEN Never in the history of our country has there been a greater incentive for women to lay aside the Gloomy Thoughts of conservation to enjoy the delights of the new clothes. Never before have the young women of Iowa City and community been so justified in turning to the beautiful things in wearing apparel after a period of patriotic conservation. This an Oppropriate Time to Dress-Up Our joyous spirit which results from VICTORY can find no more appropriate or fitting expression than indulgence in the natural tendencies to wear stylish up-to-the minute apparel. Spring Will Soon Be Here If you wish to see the newest spring models, the smartest styles and the most beautiful creations, visit this store tomorrow; see a display that will make you marvel. Watch the frequently changing window displays. It will pay you. Yetter's: THE BIG STORE Don't Send Your Laundry Home..... When you have it done here you get the highest quality of work and you save postage, time and trouble. Phone 294. We call for and deliver. New Process Laundry "The Pride of Iowa City" PHONE 294 OH BOY! Did you ever taste those Sweet Rolls served for breakfast in the JEFFERSON COFFEE ROOM and JEFFERSON QUICK LUNCH SERVICE CAFE They are simply wonderful. Delicious coffee also--n'everything. New March Victor Records THE FOLKS AT HOME WOULD APPRECIATE FOR THEIR VICTROLA 18520 Oui, Qui, Marie--One Step--Accordion 85c Sweet 'n Pretty--Fox Trot--Sacaphone-Piano. 18523 In the Land of Beginning Again--Chas. Harrison. 85c I Found the End of the Rainbow--Chas. Harrison. 18525 Mummy Mine 85c I'm Waiting for You; Liza Jane--Sterling Tri 18526 Till We Meet Again--Waltz. 85c Beautiful Ohio--Waltz. 45161 Dear Little Boy of Mine--Song--Elsie Baker. $1.00 Beautiful Ohio--Song--Olive Kline. 35682 Head Over Heels--Fox Trot--Smith Orchestra. $1.35 I'm Always Chasing Rainbows--Fox Trot--Smith Orch. 64796 My Irish Song of Songs--John McCormack $1.00 64795 Kiss Me Again--Mabel Garrison. $1.00 TO THOSE WHO WANT TO SEND RECORDS HOME, WE WILL GLADLY PACK THEM FOR MAILING COME IN AND HEAR SOME OF THE NEW VICTOR RECORDS Harmony Hall PIANOS--VICTROLAS--RECORDS 105 S. CLINTON ST. IOWA CITY, IA.
Daily Iowan Newspapers