Daily Iowan, March 4, 1919
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Tuesday, March 4, 1919 THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA PAGE THREE SOCIETY AND PERSONAL The Des Moines Alumni association of Alpha Tau Omega will meet March 8 in the Harris-Emery tea room, complimenting Dean Thomas C. Clark of the University of Illinois, worthy grand chief of the fraternity. Delegates from the University will attend. Dr. Elmer Dershem, alumnus, of the University of Illinois, lectured here recently to advance physics students on "Physical Astronomical Research." Dr. Dershem discussed the formation and alteration of some of the stars. Members of the cast of "Katcha Koo" are rehearsing under the direction of Florence LaTier, who undertook the coaching for the production of the week. Capt. Carl Judson, B.A '17, visited friends at the University last week. Eileen Concannon and Claire Paley went to Ames Friday to attend the Delta Upsilon formal. Whitby literary society has postponed its meeting from tonight until one week from tonight, March 11. The oratorical contest was the reason for the postpoment. Marcia DeBey, Kappa Kappa Gamma, visited in Cedar Rapids Sunday. Margaret Hughes from Cornell visited Gladys James at the Alpha Chi Omega house over the week end. Helen Peterson entertained her mother for several days with week at the Alpha Delta Phi house. Edith Rosche of Davenport visited Edith Myers at the Alpha Xi Delta house over the weekend. Louis and Charlotte Wickham entertained their mother of Des Moines at the Alpha Delta Pi house for a few days this week. Alice McMahon, Alpha Xi Delta, returned Mondya after a visit at her home in West Liberty. Alice Hinkley, Kappa Kappa Gamma, visited friends in Cedar Rapids this week end. Bertha E. Sparks, secretary to the University editor, has returned from Waverly, where she has been visiting her brother for the past week. Jesse L. Beer, '17, recently discharged from the army, left yesterday to take up a position as accountant in a department store at Osceola. Essie Atwood, junior, has been called to her home at LeMars by the illness of her mother. President Emeritus Thomas H. Macbride is to speak at a meeting of the Iowa Conservation association at Ames next Friday afternoon. "The Aesthetic Value of State or Rural Parks" is the subject of his address, which will be illustrated. Freshman and sophomore debate tryouts will be held Friday evening at the meeting of Irving Institute in room 204, law building. NOTICE Irving Institute will not meet with Erodelphian tonight as planned. Owning to the N.O.L contest this evening this joint meeting will be postponed for a fw weeks. Send the Iowan home. LECTURES OF MUSIC Mrs. Anna Starbuck of the University music department spoke on "Music" at the freshman lecture Thursday. She explained that music supplements the sciences by emphasizing values rather than facts. Music expresses beauty, is the language of feeling, and belongs to the play side of life, according to Mrs. Starbuck. Send the Iowan home. People's Steam Laundry 225 IOWA AVE WHEN IN NEED OF LAUNDRY WORK Telephone 58 C.J Toms Come On! If you don't want to miss T H E formal of the year, you don't want to miss the Juinor Prom MARCH 28 Get your date now before someone else asks her. A Sternuous Life the sparkling three-act farce comedy by RICHARD WALTON-TULLY at the ENGLERT THEATRE WEDNESDAY NIGHT, MARCH 5th Brimful of fun. Clever Specialties ADMISSION 50c-75 c JUNIOR CLASS PLAY I.C.H.S. Getting Back to Normal This week we will be arranging stocks and placing new goods on the racks. Many lines, including Suits, Overcoats and Shirts will be left marked as they are for a few ays. $25.75-65 OVERCOATS THIS WEEK-$25.75 $15.95-40 SUITS THIS WEEK -$15.95 $ .97-60 SHIRTS THIS WEEK -$.97 New Spring Borsalion Hats Ready The most popular hat today is withotu doubt the famous Italian "Borsalino", their popularity being due to their lightness, flexibility, and durability. There is a distinct shortage of these hats this season, our allotment being only about 1-2 our usual allowance. Remember there is but one Borsalino, but many imitations. Be sure it's genuine when you buy. New Spring Suits and Top Coats Mae for us by Jart Schaffner and Marx arriving daily COASTS New Shirts, dozens and dozens of them placed in stock today. Silk Shirts for Spring, the first lot was placed in Stock today. The Townsend Studio (WE WANT YOUR PHOTO BUSINESS) March
Tuesday, March 4, 1919 THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA PAGE THREE SOCIETY AND PERSONAL The Des Moines Alumni association of Alpha Tau Omega will meet March 8 in the Harris-Emery tea room, complimenting Dean Thomas C. Clark of the University of Illinois, worthy grand chief of the fraternity. Delegates from the University will attend. Dr. Elmer Dershem, alumnus, of the University of Illinois, lectured here recently to advance physics students on "Physical Astronomical Research." Dr. Dershem discussed the formation and alteration of some of the stars. Members of the cast of "Katcha Koo" are rehearsing under the direction of Florence LaTier, who undertook the coaching for the production of the week. Capt. Carl Judson, B.A '17, visited friends at the University last week. Eileen Concannon and Claire Paley went to Ames Friday to attend the Delta Upsilon formal. Whitby literary society has postponed its meeting from tonight until one week from tonight, March 11. The oratorical contest was the reason for the postpoment. Marcia DeBey, Kappa Kappa Gamma, visited in Cedar Rapids Sunday. Margaret Hughes from Cornell visited Gladys James at the Alpha Chi Omega house over the week end. Helen Peterson entertained her mother for several days with week at the Alpha Delta Phi house. Edith Rosche of Davenport visited Edith Myers at the Alpha Xi Delta house over the weekend. Louis and Charlotte Wickham entertained their mother of Des Moines at the Alpha Delta Pi house for a few days this week. Alice McMahon, Alpha Xi Delta, returned Mondya after a visit at her home in West Liberty. Alice Hinkley, Kappa Kappa Gamma, visited friends in Cedar Rapids this week end. Bertha E. Sparks, secretary to the University editor, has returned from Waverly, where she has been visiting her brother for the past week. Jesse L. Beer, '17, recently discharged from the army, left yesterday to take up a position as accountant in a department store at Osceola. Essie Atwood, junior, has been called to her home at LeMars by the illness of her mother. President Emeritus Thomas H. Macbride is to speak at a meeting of the Iowa Conservation association at Ames next Friday afternoon. "The Aesthetic Value of State or Rural Parks" is the subject of his address, which will be illustrated. Freshman and sophomore debate tryouts will be held Friday evening at the meeting of Irving Institute in room 204, law building. NOTICE Irving Institute will not meet with Erodelphian tonight as planned. Owning to the N.O.L contest this evening this joint meeting will be postponed for a fw weeks. Send the Iowan home. LECTURES OF MUSIC Mrs. Anna Starbuck of the University music department spoke on "Music" at the freshman lecture Thursday. She explained that music supplements the sciences by emphasizing values rather than facts. Music expresses beauty, is the language of feeling, and belongs to the play side of life, according to Mrs. Starbuck. Send the Iowan home. People's Steam Laundry 225 IOWA AVE WHEN IN NEED OF LAUNDRY WORK Telephone 58 C.J Toms Come On! If you don't want to miss T H E formal of the year, you don't want to miss the Juinor Prom MARCH 28 Get your date now before someone else asks her. A Sternuous Life the sparkling three-act farce comedy by RICHARD WALTON-TULLY at the ENGLERT THEATRE WEDNESDAY NIGHT, MARCH 5th Brimful of fun. Clever Specialties ADMISSION 50c-75 c JUNIOR CLASS PLAY I.C.H.S. Getting Back to Normal This week we will be arranging stocks and placing new goods on the racks. Many lines, including Suits, Overcoats and Shirts will be left marked as they are for a few ays. $25.75-65 OVERCOATS THIS WEEK-$25.75 $15.95-40 SUITS THIS WEEK -$15.95 $ .97-60 SHIRTS THIS WEEK -$.97 New Spring Borsalion Hats Ready The most popular hat today is withotu doubt the famous Italian "Borsalino", their popularity being due to their lightness, flexibility, and durability. There is a distinct shortage of these hats this season, our allotment being only about 1-2 our usual allowance. Remember there is but one Borsalino, but many imitations. Be sure it's genuine when you buy. New Spring Suits and Top Coats Mae for us by Jart Schaffner and Marx arriving daily COASTS New Shirts, dozens and dozens of them placed in stock today. Silk Shirts for Spring, the first lot was placed in Stock today. The Townsend Studio (WE WANT YOUR PHOTO BUSINESS) March
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