Daily Iowan, March 4, 1919
Page 4
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PAGE FOUR THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Tuesday, March 4, 1919 WANT ADS RATE 10c a line or fraction: 20 % discount on three or more insertions. Want ads cash in advance. Make your college expenses during your spare time selling our pennants and pillows. For agency write THE COLLEGE FLAG CO. Columbus, O. FOR RENT-Modern furnished rooms. 511 Washington 64 If you want a man with some executive ability for part time employment, phone Red 955. Students desiring to work an hour or more a day can make wages of more than $1.00 per hour selling America's War for Humanity and Life of Roosevelt. Send at once for free outfit, F.B Dickerson Co. Detroit, Mich., enclosing 20c in stamps for mailing outfits. FOR RENT-Desirable room for one man, at 604 Clinton St. WANTED TO BUY- An underwood typewriter in good conditon. Phone Black 1550. 64 WANTED-Typewriter, satisfaction guranteed. Phone Black 1921. LOST-Pear bar pin. Return Iowan office. 64 FOUND-Pocketbook containing six interesting pictures. Owner may have same by paying for ad. Call Iowan office. 65 INVITATIONS HAVE ARRIVED Seniors of All Colleges Urged to Hand in Orders Soon Samples of the senior invitations have arrived and are on exhibition at the University book store for inspection by seniors of all colleges. The committee in charge is sending in the copy this week. The copy and the number of invitations desired must be sent to the company by March 20. This neccessitates that seniors call at once and give their orders. Choice is given of two types of invitation, leather at 40 cents each and cardboard at 22 cents. Cash payment must accompany all orders. Romola Latchem, chairman of the committee, urges that seniors of all colleges hand in their orders as soon as possible. Prof. and Mrs H.C. Horack entertained the junior law class at dinner at their home Sunday evening. Week End Shoe Sale The CROSSET Shoe "MAKES LIFE'S WALK EASY" TRADE-MARK Great Values In Fine Footwear For Men In Golden Brown', Cordovan, Vici-Kid and Box Calf. Every shoe an extra good value and high grade made. A great opportunity for students who want to economize without sacrificing quality. For the remainder of this week we will offer the following lots of high grade shoes at prices which can only be appreciated when you see the shoes. A great many of these shoes are the "Crossett" make, which is known all over the world as a high-grade shoe. Special lot of 35 pair of Plain Toe Officers Dress Shoes $11 to $12 values at $9.95 Special lot of Genuine Cordovan Double Sole, Bench Made Shoes, $14 values $11.45 Special lot of Broken sizes $6.50 value. Extra quality- $4.95 Special lot of 40 pairs two-tone high grade Crossett Shoes, $12.00 values- $8.50 Bremers' Golden Eagle Iowa City Iowa DAINTY LUNCHES between or after classes. Drop into WHITING'S PHARMACY On Dubuque St. TAXI PHONE 1700 MURPHY'S SERVICE Office Hotel Jefferson STRAND THEATRE TOMORROW and SATURDAY JOHN BARRYMORE in "HERE COMES THE BRIDE" LAST TIME TODAY "THE SQUAW MAN" Come On Come All to the Christian Science Hall, 211 1-2 E. Iowa Ave., on Friday evening, March 7th, at 8 o'clock an hear a lecture on CHRISTIAN SCIENCE By Dr. John M. Tutt, C.S.B. (Formerly a practicing physician) It is Free. You will be welcomed LADIES NOTICE! We wish to announce the addition of Jeanette Van Halteren to our staff of experts. Miss Van Halteren has been secured at great expanse and against a great deal of competition from other establishments for her services. We believe that she has no equal in spotting, finishing, and pressing ladies' garments. We shall make a speciality from now on of ladies' work and assure you that you will be surprised and delighted with our services. T. DELL KELLY THE RELIABLE CLEANER PHONE 17 BENNISON'S Closing Out Sale OUR TIME IS SHORT Rebuilding operations will commence at once if weather permits-One-half the present selling space must be turned over to the contracts- YOU'LL SAVE MANY DOLLARS NEW SPRING COATS-NEW DRESSES NEWEST MILLINERY Merchandise we contracted for-goes at a SAVING OF 1-4-1-3-1-2 A Wonder Regulation Uniform Serge Dress for School, Work, or Dress-Unmatchable $20.00 values ..............$16.85 Wonderful Surdtex Gloves-in all shades a $1.25 value for ........ 69 cent pair Extra values at ....... 75 cents BELDING Long Satin Bloomers, $6.50 values .... $5.50 In all the shades-does away with petticoats. Silk Fibre Silk Hosiery...... $1.25 $1.50, $1.65, $1.75 Nainsook Teddys for...... $1.29 We offer a complete stock of new Easter neckwear and the latest in Georgette Rufflings at 1-4 to 1-3 less. NEW CANTEEN BOXES ....... $5.00 and $6.50 See the newest Suedetex Fabric Gloves-compare with any $1.50 pair, shear point backs-tomorrow....89 cents Bennison's Closing Out Sale Lillian Neff, sophomore is entertaining her mother and father of Davenport this week. Vern Owen, former student, is an instructor in the Tipton school.
PAGE FOUR THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Tuesday, March 4, 1919 WANT ADS RATE 10c a line or fraction: 20 % discount on three or more insertions. Want ads cash in advance. Make your college expenses during your spare time selling our pennants and pillows. For agency write THE COLLEGE FLAG CO. Columbus, O. FOR RENT-Modern furnished rooms. 511 Washington 64 If you want a man with some executive ability for part time employment, phone Red 955. Students desiring to work an hour or more a day can make wages of more than $1.00 per hour selling America's War for Humanity and Life of Roosevelt. Send at once for free outfit, F.B Dickerson Co. Detroit, Mich., enclosing 20c in stamps for mailing outfits. FOR RENT-Desirable room for one man, at 604 Clinton St. WANTED TO BUY- An underwood typewriter in good conditon. Phone Black 1550. 64 WANTED-Typewriter, satisfaction guranteed. Phone Black 1921. LOST-Pear bar pin. Return Iowan office. 64 FOUND-Pocketbook containing six interesting pictures. Owner may have same by paying for ad. Call Iowan office. 65 INVITATIONS HAVE ARRIVED Seniors of All Colleges Urged to Hand in Orders Soon Samples of the senior invitations have arrived and are on exhibition at the University book store for inspection by seniors of all colleges. The committee in charge is sending in the copy this week. The copy and the number of invitations desired must be sent to the company by March 20. This neccessitates that seniors call at once and give their orders. Choice is given of two types of invitation, leather at 40 cents each and cardboard at 22 cents. Cash payment must accompany all orders. Romola Latchem, chairman of the committee, urges that seniors of all colleges hand in their orders as soon as possible. Prof. and Mrs H.C. Horack entertained the junior law class at dinner at their home Sunday evening. Week End Shoe Sale The CROSSET Shoe "MAKES LIFE'S WALK EASY" TRADE-MARK Great Values In Fine Footwear For Men In Golden Brown', Cordovan, Vici-Kid and Box Calf. Every shoe an extra good value and high grade made. A great opportunity for students who want to economize without sacrificing quality. For the remainder of this week we will offer the following lots of high grade shoes at prices which can only be appreciated when you see the shoes. A great many of these shoes are the "Crossett" make, which is known all over the world as a high-grade shoe. Special lot of 35 pair of Plain Toe Officers Dress Shoes $11 to $12 values at $9.95 Special lot of Genuine Cordovan Double Sole, Bench Made Shoes, $14 values $11.45 Special lot of Broken sizes $6.50 value. Extra quality- $4.95 Special lot of 40 pairs two-tone high grade Crossett Shoes, $12.00 values- $8.50 Bremers' Golden Eagle Iowa City Iowa DAINTY LUNCHES between or after classes. Drop into WHITING'S PHARMACY On Dubuque St. TAXI PHONE 1700 MURPHY'S SERVICE Office Hotel Jefferson STRAND THEATRE TOMORROW and SATURDAY JOHN BARRYMORE in "HERE COMES THE BRIDE" LAST TIME TODAY "THE SQUAW MAN" Come On Come All to the Christian Science Hall, 211 1-2 E. Iowa Ave., on Friday evening, March 7th, at 8 o'clock an hear a lecture on CHRISTIAN SCIENCE By Dr. John M. Tutt, C.S.B. (Formerly a practicing physician) It is Free. You will be welcomed LADIES NOTICE! We wish to announce the addition of Jeanette Van Halteren to our staff of experts. Miss Van Halteren has been secured at great expanse and against a great deal of competition from other establishments for her services. We believe that she has no equal in spotting, finishing, and pressing ladies' garments. We shall make a speciality from now on of ladies' work and assure you that you will be surprised and delighted with our services. T. DELL KELLY THE RELIABLE CLEANER PHONE 17 BENNISON'S Closing Out Sale OUR TIME IS SHORT Rebuilding operations will commence at once if weather permits-One-half the present selling space must be turned over to the contracts- YOU'LL SAVE MANY DOLLARS NEW SPRING COATS-NEW DRESSES NEWEST MILLINERY Merchandise we contracted for-goes at a SAVING OF 1-4-1-3-1-2 A Wonder Regulation Uniform Serge Dress for School, Work, or Dress-Unmatchable $20.00 values ..............$16.85 Wonderful Surdtex Gloves-in all shades a $1.25 value for ........ 69 cent pair Extra values at ....... 75 cents BELDING Long Satin Bloomers, $6.50 values .... $5.50 In all the shades-does away with petticoats. Silk Fibre Silk Hosiery...... $1.25 $1.50, $1.65, $1.75 Nainsook Teddys for...... $1.29 We offer a complete stock of new Easter neckwear and the latest in Georgette Rufflings at 1-4 to 1-3 less. NEW CANTEEN BOXES ....... $5.00 and $6.50 See the newest Suedetex Fabric Gloves-compare with any $1.50 pair, shear point backs-tomorrow....89 cents Bennison's Closing Out Sale Lillian Neff, sophomore is entertaining her mother and father of Davenport this week. Vern Owen, former student, is an instructor in the Tipton school.
Daily Iowan Newspapers