Daily Iowan, March 6, 1919
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Thursday, March 6, 1919 THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA PAGE THREE IOWA FIVE READY FOR NORTHWESTERN Purple Quintet Is Stiff Opponent But Hawkeyes Show Marked Improvement Coach Bannick's basket tossers are prize for their clash with Northwestern here Saturday night. The Hawkeyes were sent through a last hard scrimmage last ight on the armory floor, performing in great style. Iowa will have a worthy foe in the Purple, although Bannick's men managed to nose out a victory over the Evanston crew by one point earlier in the season. Since this game, Northwestern's five have been considerably strengthened by the return of lison who was a star and has just been released from the navy. The Purple has mantained a high percentage in the conference, habing defeated some of the strongest Big Ten schools since losing to Iowa. The Old Gold five has also improved sinc the first encounter with the Purple. The Iowa five plays with a snap and precision that was lacking a shiort time ago. With Berlen and Cotton at forwards. Olson at center and Brown and Nicholaus at guards. Bannick has at least foud a combination tha can delvier the goods. Of late, a noteable improvement has taken place in the team's ability to shoot baskets. This has been one of the weaknesses in the past, but now the Hawkeye seldom miss the hoop when opportunity offers. A winner over Northwestern Saturday and Wisconsin Monday would raise the Old Gold to a respectable standing in the Big Ten conference. These two games will wind up a Hawkeye season. Mrs. W.F. Russell entertained at tea Monday afternoon for Mrs. James E. Russell, who is here with her husband, Dean James E. Russell of Columbia university, visiting their son, Dean W.F. Russell. Marcia C. Brace of Waterloo is attending the Social Welfare conference and visiting University friends. ALPHA XI DELTAS ATTEND RECEPTION Are Entertained at Dinner Party for Lieut. and MRs. Barber at Black Hawk Hotel (Special to The Iowan) Davenport, March 5.-Tuesday evening, the gold room of the Blackhawk hotel, Davenport, was the scene of one of the most brilliant affairs of the Tri-city "since the war" social season, where Dr. Nelle Abel of Moline entertained at a reception an dinner party for her son-in-law and daughter, Liet. and Mrs. Harry Barber. Mrs. Barber was formerly Gladys Abel, a freshman in the college of liberal arts, and an Alpha Xi Delta pledge, and her wedding took place two weeks ago, upon the return of Lieut. Barber, who has been overseas with the marines for the past sixteen months. Some forty University people were in attendance, members of Alpha Xi Delta, and their men friends, accompanied by Miss Ada B. Culver, the sorority chaperon. Covers were laid for one hundred and ten at the long "I" shaped table, in honor of the University of the bride, abd bridal daintiness combined with miltary elegance to make the affair most attractive. Receiving with Lieut. and MRs. Harry Barber, were Dr. Abel, mother of the bride, and MRs. and Mrs. A.C. Barber, paernt sof the bridegroom. Throughout the arrangements marine blue was combined with red, the chosen colors of the bride, and a special courtesy to Lieut. Barber. Peterson's orchestra played during the dinner hour, and also for the informaal social hours which followed. Phi Zeta Epsilon will entertain at the Burkley Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Howard L. Anderson and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Yetter will be the chaperone. O.L. Frank, senior medic, will go to the Mount Sinai hospital, Cleveland, Ohio, to take his internship after his graduation in March. STEFANSSON TO SPEAK Vilhjalmur Stefansson, Artic explorer, who lectured here last night, will tell of the more technical side of the science exploration at a conference to be held under the auspices of the graduate colelge in the L.A. assembly this morning at 10 o'clock. SOCIOLOGICAL FORUM MEETS Sociological Forum will meet this evening at 8 o'clock in Room 16 liberal arts. Discussion of the Seattle strike will be elad by Earl Fullbrook. All students interested are invited to attend. Xi Psi Phi will entertain at a dancing party at its chapter house on North Clinton street Saturday evening. Sh-h-h! A Dark Secret who is the myserious Egyptian dancer at the Junior Prom She's bewitching and pretty, and her dance will be a feature you don't want to miss. MARCH 28 DAINTY LUNCHES between or after classes Drop into WHITING'S PHARMACY On Dubuque' St Have you tried BANNER DAIRY LUNCH for a meal? BANNER DAIRY LUNCH 11 South Dubuue St. SABINS' EDCATIONAL EXCHANGE Founded 1893 A.M.M. DORNON, MAnager The most widely patronized, because the most relaible Teachers agency in the Middle West. Territory from Mississippi River to Pacific Coast FLYNN BUILDING DES MOINES, IOWA UNDER GOVERNMENT SUPERVISION THERE IS NO DODGING IT It takes some folks half a lifetime to learn that saving is just as important as earning if they expect to get anywhere financially. In the end they start savings accounts- and so must you. But why waste half a lifetime dodging the inevitable? Start it now and here. First National Bank UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE ON THE CORNER Text Books and Supplies WATERMAN CONKLIN AND SCAFFER FOUNTAIN PENS UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE Just Received A SHIPMENT OF HIGH-GRADE SILK KNIT TIES; SILK CREPE SHIRTS AND JERSEY CAPS. SILK KNIT TIES IN BLACK, GREEN AND BLUE AND FANXY MIXTURES AT $2.00, $2.50 AND $3.00. NEW SILK SHIRTS ALL NEW PATTERNS, EXTRA QUALITY AT $3.00. BREMERS' GOLDEN EAGLE IOWA CITY, IOWA Dancing from 8:45 to 11:45 VARSITY DANCE Company A Armory Varsity 8 Piece Orchestra FRIDAY EVE, MARCH 7 SATURDAY EVE, MARCH 8
Thursday, March 6, 1919 THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA PAGE THREE IOWA FIVE READY FOR NORTHWESTERN Purple Quintet Is Stiff Opponent But Hawkeyes Show Marked Improvement Coach Bannick's basket tossers are prize for their clash with Northwestern here Saturday night. The Hawkeyes were sent through a last hard scrimmage last ight on the armory floor, performing in great style. Iowa will have a worthy foe in the Purple, although Bannick's men managed to nose out a victory over the Evanston crew by one point earlier in the season. Since this game, Northwestern's five have been considerably strengthened by the return of lison who was a star and has just been released from the navy. The Purple has mantained a high percentage in the conference, habing defeated some of the strongest Big Ten schools since losing to Iowa. The Old Gold five has also improved sinc the first encounter with the Purple. The Iowa five plays with a snap and precision that was lacking a shiort time ago. With Berlen and Cotton at forwards. Olson at center and Brown and Nicholaus at guards. Bannick has at least foud a combination tha can delvier the goods. Of late, a noteable improvement has taken place in the team's ability to shoot baskets. This has been one of the weaknesses in the past, but now the Hawkeye seldom miss the hoop when opportunity offers. A winner over Northwestern Saturday and Wisconsin Monday would raise the Old Gold to a respectable standing in the Big Ten conference. These two games will wind up a Hawkeye season. Mrs. W.F. Russell entertained at tea Monday afternoon for Mrs. James E. Russell, who is here with her husband, Dean James E. Russell of Columbia university, visiting their son, Dean W.F. Russell. Marcia C. Brace of Waterloo is attending the Social Welfare conference and visiting University friends. ALPHA XI DELTAS ATTEND RECEPTION Are Entertained at Dinner Party for Lieut. and MRs. Barber at Black Hawk Hotel (Special to The Iowan) Davenport, March 5.-Tuesday evening, the gold room of the Blackhawk hotel, Davenport, was the scene of one of the most brilliant affairs of the Tri-city "since the war" social season, where Dr. Nelle Abel of Moline entertained at a reception an dinner party for her son-in-law and daughter, Liet. and Mrs. Harry Barber. Mrs. Barber was formerly Gladys Abel, a freshman in the college of liberal arts, and an Alpha Xi Delta pledge, and her wedding took place two weeks ago, upon the return of Lieut. Barber, who has been overseas with the marines for the past sixteen months. Some forty University people were in attendance, members of Alpha Xi Delta, and their men friends, accompanied by Miss Ada B. Culver, the sorority chaperon. Covers were laid for one hundred and ten at the long "I" shaped table, in honor of the University of the bride, abd bridal daintiness combined with miltary elegance to make the affair most attractive. Receiving with Lieut. and MRs. Harry Barber, were Dr. Abel, mother of the bride, and MRs. and Mrs. A.C. Barber, paernt sof the bridegroom. Throughout the arrangements marine blue was combined with red, the chosen colors of the bride, and a special courtesy to Lieut. Barber. Peterson's orchestra played during the dinner hour, and also for the informaal social hours which followed. Phi Zeta Epsilon will entertain at the Burkley Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Howard L. Anderson and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Yetter will be the chaperone. O.L. Frank, senior medic, will go to the Mount Sinai hospital, Cleveland, Ohio, to take his internship after his graduation in March. STEFANSSON TO SPEAK Vilhjalmur Stefansson, Artic explorer, who lectured here last night, will tell of the more technical side of the science exploration at a conference to be held under the auspices of the graduate colelge in the L.A. assembly this morning at 10 o'clock. SOCIOLOGICAL FORUM MEETS Sociological Forum will meet this evening at 8 o'clock in Room 16 liberal arts. Discussion of the Seattle strike will be elad by Earl Fullbrook. All students interested are invited to attend. Xi Psi Phi will entertain at a dancing party at its chapter house on North Clinton street Saturday evening. Sh-h-h! A Dark Secret who is the myserious Egyptian dancer at the Junior Prom She's bewitching and pretty, and her dance will be a feature you don't want to miss. MARCH 28 DAINTY LUNCHES between or after classes Drop into WHITING'S PHARMACY On Dubuque' St Have you tried BANNER DAIRY LUNCH for a meal? BANNER DAIRY LUNCH 11 South Dubuue St. SABINS' EDCATIONAL EXCHANGE Founded 1893 A.M.M. DORNON, MAnager The most widely patronized, because the most relaible Teachers agency in the Middle West. Territory from Mississippi River to Pacific Coast FLYNN BUILDING DES MOINES, IOWA UNDER GOVERNMENT SUPERVISION THERE IS NO DODGING IT It takes some folks half a lifetime to learn that saving is just as important as earning if they expect to get anywhere financially. In the end they start savings accounts- and so must you. But why waste half a lifetime dodging the inevitable? Start it now and here. First National Bank UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE ON THE CORNER Text Books and Supplies WATERMAN CONKLIN AND SCAFFER FOUNTAIN PENS UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE Just Received A SHIPMENT OF HIGH-GRADE SILK KNIT TIES; SILK CREPE SHIRTS AND JERSEY CAPS. SILK KNIT TIES IN BLACK, GREEN AND BLUE AND FANXY MIXTURES AT $2.00, $2.50 AND $3.00. NEW SILK SHIRTS ALL NEW PATTERNS, EXTRA QUALITY AT $3.00. BREMERS' GOLDEN EAGLE IOWA CITY, IOWA Dancing from 8:45 to 11:45 VARSITY DANCE Company A Armory Varsity 8 Piece Orchestra FRIDAY EVE, MARCH 7 SATURDAY EVE, MARCH 8
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