Daily Iowan, March 9, 1919
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The Daily Iowan The Student Newspaper of the State University of Iowa VOL. XVIII--NEW SERIES VOL.III IOWA CITY, IOWA, SUNDAY, MARCH 9, 1919 NUMBER 66 HAWKEYES TAKE SECOND IN QUADRANGULAR MEET Drake Gets Third Place in Four School Meet--Iowa Takes Several First HAWKEYES WIN 41 POINTS Shot Put, High Jump, Low Hurdles, and Fifty Yard Dash Go to University Men Iowa's thinly clads captured second place in the quadrangle track meet at Ames yesterday afternoon with a total of 41 points. Ames was first with fifty points and Drake, third with 7. Iowa won first place in four events. [unreadable] shot put Iowa took two places, Wallen first, and Mockmore, third. Brigham, showing his old time form, took first in the high jump. Reno succeeded in getting second place in the broad jump. Kelly who showed up unusually strong in the tryouts captured first place in the 50 yard low hurdle. Greenwood got first in the 440 yard dash. The 50 yard dash was won by Justin with Titus in second place. Kruse won third in the two mile. Jack Watson took eighteen men with him on his trip to Ames, Those who left yesterday for the meet are: Capt. Greenwood, Smith, Cumberland, Woodruff, Justin, Titus, Hayes, Kelly, Rosenbaugh, Sharpe, Kruse, Young, Brigham, Holliday, Culver, Valentine, and Reno. JESSUP'S OPPOSITION TO BILL PRODUCTIVE The Byington bill, recently passed by the state legislature, providing that no person not a citizen of the United States could teach in the schools of Iowa, was amended Friday, to the effect that aliens be not allowed to teach in educational institutions unless approved by the board of education. Under the provision of the bill as originally suggested by O.A. Byington, the University would have lost several faculty members and foreign scholars could hardly have delivered even a series of lectures here. As amended, in accordance with President Jessup's plan, the bill allows citizens of foreign countries, to instruct in the University, provided they be approved by the president and the board of education. HUMANISTS TO HEAR POTTER The Humanist society will meet at the home of Prof. and Mrs. C.E. Young, 222 E. Fairchild street, Monday evening at 8 o'clock. Prof. F.H. Potter of the department of Latin will speak on Shudraka's "Mrcchokatika." ATTEND MEMORIAL The Daily Iowan staff will attend in a body the memorial services for Homer G. Roland, former editor-in-chief of The Iowan, which will be held at the Presbyterian church tonight at 7:30. NOTICE The Sophomore oratorical contest has been postponed from March 20, to March 27. UNIVERSITY MAN WINS LITERARY DISTINCTION "Clouds," a short story by Walter L. Meyers, a graduate of this University, and at present a member of the English department on leave of absence, has been placed by Edward J. O'Brien in his book, "The Best Short Stories of 1918." Each year from all the stories published in American magazines, Mr. O'Brien selects a groups of fifty or sixty which he considers the most notable. That Mr. Meyer's work should be placed with that of Kipling, Irvin S. Cobb, and Norman Duncan, is a distinction of no small merit. Mr. Meyers has until recently been a lieutenant in the army. He will return to the University for the summer session. His story, which O'Brien called "one of the best stories so far produced in the literary revival throughout the Middle West" first appeared in the Midland. EXTEMPORE SPEAKING CONTEST IS APRIL 2 Women's Literary Societies Will Follow Pentagonal System in Debates Women's extemporaneous speaking contest will be held April 2. General topics will be posted on the bulletin boards soon and particular subjects will be chosen from these two days before the contest. Every literary society members are to register at the oiffce of the dean of Women March 17-20 In case with any society, a preliminary will with any society a preliminary will be arranged. Debates will be held May 6, the pentagonal system of last year being followed. Each society will have an affirmative and a negative team, The question for debate is: "Resolved that the United States should enter the League of Nations." The Whitby negative team will debate Erodelphian affirmative and Whitby affirmative will debate Octave's negative trio. Octave affirmative will debate Hesperian negative, Erodelphian negative will contest Athena affirmative and Athena negative will debate affirmative Hesperia. A.T.O.'S ARE GUESTS AT ALUMNI LUNCHEON Alpha Tau Omegas from Iowa, Ames, and Simpson were guests of 150 alumni at a luncheon yesterday at Harris-Emery tea room in Des Moines, Members of other fraternities and of the Des Moines Pan-Hellenic association were invited. Dean Thomas Arcle Clark, of the University of Illinois, head of the national fraternity, gave the main address at the luncheon. A business meeting followed, and a dinner was held last night. The following A.T.O.'s represented the Iowa chapter at the convention: Norris W. Webb, P.A. Dahlen and Allen Nichols. UNIVERSITY MEMBERS TAKE VARIOUS PARTS IN KATCHA KOO PLAY Arthur Kroppach Will Represent Katcha Koo; Frank Sueppel Will be Maharajah ATMOSPHERE IS ORIENTAL Allied Nations are Represented in "Liberty Aflame" and Once Scene is American Katcha Koo, an oriental fantastique, will be given at the Englert theater March 13 and 14 under the auspices of the Y.W.C.A. Many of the principal parts will be Katch Koo, an East Indian fakir. Frank Sueppel will portray the Maharajah of Hunga. The res of the cast is as follows: Dollie--Dorothy Yetter Swisher; Prudence--Margery Heberling; Mrs. Chattie Gaddin--Mrs. Erling Thoen; Solejah--Mrs Helen Wilson Brueckner; Urbanah--Jean Birdsall' Dick Horton--Harold Rigler. The four wives of theMaharajah: Chin Chin Fu, a Chinese, Ruth Martin; Brazillitata, a Brazilian, Muriel Russell; Patsy Kildare, Irish woman, Marion Smith; La Belle Elysse, French woman, Helene Blattner; America, Ruth Cotton; Joan of Arc, Magdalene Freyder; France, Mrs. Robert Carson; Italy, Philomena Plaza; Belgium, Jean Dayton West. Red Cross nurses, Jess O'Neil and Mrs. D.M. Brumfiel; Oriental ladies of rank: Florence Fisher, Laura Osgood, Sadie Whitney, Lucile Arnold, Vivienne Coady, Rosalind Jenks, Lucille Everett, and Eloise Junk. Attendants of the temple: Doris Brownlee, Miriam Brueckner, Bessie Tye, Mary Kramer, Magdalene Grimm, Virginia Carson, Esther Meyers, Miriam Roe, Miriam Chase, and Maragaret Dolliver. The polo group of dancers: Gretchen Koeningsberger, Kathryn Dayton, Marcia De Bey, Hope Hobbs, Vera Johnson, Mildred Tummell, Mabel Lucas, Robert Aurner, Don Nas- (Continued on page 8) TO GIVE "THE NEIGHBORS" Educational Dramatic Class to Present Play Wednesday The educational dramatic class of the public speaking department will give a one act play "The Neighbors" by Zona Gale, in the natural science auditorium Wednesday, March 12, at eight o'clock. This class puts on plays each year and expects to give two one act plays a week later, the names of which will be announced soon. The cast follows: Dianthy Abel--Romola Latchem Inez (her daughter)--Frances Garris Mis' Trot--Harriet Franker Mis' Moran--Ella Schmock Mis' Ellsworth--Anita Bakewell Grandma--Marjorie Gailey Ezra Williams--Carl Kaufman Peter--Charles Brown The play is being produced under the direction of Miss Emma C. Dumke of the public speaking department The public is invited to attend. Admission free. SENIOR MEDICS GIVEN IOWA APPOINTMENTS A few senior medical students who will graduate at the end of the quarter, have been appointed internes and assistants at the University hospital. John Harold Butts, Robert Hamlin Crawford, and Alfred A. Eggleston will be internes in the department of surgery. Herbert R. Olsen, Willis L. McConkie, and Llyod G. Howard will be internes in opthalmology and oral surgery. John Emmet Rock has been chosen as junior clinical assistant in this department. In the department of theory and practice of medicine the internes will be Gordon Wilker, Homer W. Scott, and Llyod Lu Verne Ely. Dr. George H. Hensmann is appointed clinical assistant. Victor Hugo Gardner of Cedar Rapids is to be interne in obstetrics and gynecolgy, and Howard Archibald Weiss is to be clinical assistant. IOWAN WILL PUBLISH 1 OUR ISSUES A WEEK Increased Service to Be Effective Next Quarter--Theta Sigma Phi to Edit Special Issue Next quarter the Iowan will print four issues each week, according to a decision made by the board of trustees at a meeting Thursday. Increasing the number of publications has been under consideration for some time but the board has postponed all decisions until business conditions would warrant the extra issue. The new issue will be published on Saturday morning, the first publication to appear on March 29. Subscribers will not be charged extra for this increased service. Beginning next quarter the subscription price for the Iowan will be seventy-five cents, a nominal price for approximately fifty issues. The board of trustees also voted to allow Theta Sigma Phi, the journalisitic sorority to edit a Mecca day edition on Tuesday, March 18, the Mecca day of the college of engineering. PLAN TELEGRAPHIC MEET Illinois and Iowa to Have Unique Swimming Contest Saturday The first dual telegraphic swimming meet ever held in the United States will be that between the teams of Iowa and Illinois at each school next Saturday. A mass meet will also be held. All students who can swim are urged to come out, especially those using a breast and back stroke. Coach Armbruster states that he wants more men out for the varsity. Men in the distances and plunges are needed badly. Iowa has an even chance to win the varsity meet inasmuch as the athletes this season have been making excellent time. Hanapel is expected to show up well for the Hawks. IOWA TEAM TROUNCES NORTHWESTERN 28-12 Hawkeyes Dazzle Opponents in Fastest Game of Season on Iowa Floor TEAM PLAY WAS FEATURE Berrien and Cotton Toss Baskets From Difficult Angles and Long Distances In a game last night which for speed has not been equaled on the Iowa floor this year, Iowa trounced Northwestern by the score of 28 to 12. Piling up a lead of 17 points in the first half, the Hawkeyes were not forced to their limit the latter period although the game did not slow up perceptibly. Northwestern scored when Marquardt tossed in a foul but Iowa followed soon with a series of dazzling plays which simply left the Purple suspended in mid-air. When they had found themselces the score was hopelessly onesided. One field basket in the first session was the best the visitors fouls do and Marquardt missed numerous attempts from the foul line. The half ended 20 to 3. In the second period Northweatern braced and the score for this part of the game gace her an advantage of one point. As is usually the case when a game is close as the game last night was, foulinng was frequent and Brown, Iowa's free throw artist, (Continued on page 8) ZETAGATHIAN TEAM WINS Will Change to Negative for Contest With Irvings A unanimous decision for the Zeteagathian debating team over the Philomathean team, was the result of the first contest for the University championship held last Thursday evening. The Zetagathian team consisted of Clarence Fackler, Herman White, and Earl Wells. Philomathean was represented by Rexford Bateson, Fredrick Egan, and William Anderson. Zetagathian affirmed the proposition that the present policy of the government should be extended for a period of five years after the signing of the peace treaty. April 3 the Zetagathian team will meet the Irving team upon the same proposition, but will change to a negative This debate will decide the championship of the University. Prof. E.A. Wilcox, Prof. P.S. Peirce, and Prof. R.A. Stevenson judged the debate. BUSH HONORED AGAIN Prof. Stephen H. Bush, has been called upon to give at the University of Paris a part of the course in history of the French language usually given by Professor Burnot, one of the authorities on this subject. Professor Bush is one of the several American educators who are organizing classes in French universities for Americans. He expects to return to this country early in the autumn and take charge of the Romance language department at the opening of the next year.
The Daily Iowan The Student Newspaper of the State University of Iowa VOL. XVIII--NEW SERIES VOL.III IOWA CITY, IOWA, SUNDAY, MARCH 9, 1919 NUMBER 66 HAWKEYES TAKE SECOND IN QUADRANGULAR MEET Drake Gets Third Place in Four School Meet--Iowa Takes Several First HAWKEYES WIN 41 POINTS Shot Put, High Jump, Low Hurdles, and Fifty Yard Dash Go to University Men Iowa's thinly clads captured second place in the quadrangle track meet at Ames yesterday afternoon with a total of 41 points. Ames was first with fifty points and Drake, third with 7. Iowa won first place in four events. [unreadable] shot put Iowa took two places, Wallen first, and Mockmore, third. Brigham, showing his old time form, took first in the high jump. Reno succeeded in getting second place in the broad jump. Kelly who showed up unusually strong in the tryouts captured first place in the 50 yard low hurdle. Greenwood got first in the 440 yard dash. The 50 yard dash was won by Justin with Titus in second place. Kruse won third in the two mile. Jack Watson took eighteen men with him on his trip to Ames, Those who left yesterday for the meet are: Capt. Greenwood, Smith, Cumberland, Woodruff, Justin, Titus, Hayes, Kelly, Rosenbaugh, Sharpe, Kruse, Young, Brigham, Holliday, Culver, Valentine, and Reno. JESSUP'S OPPOSITION TO BILL PRODUCTIVE The Byington bill, recently passed by the state legislature, providing that no person not a citizen of the United States could teach in the schools of Iowa, was amended Friday, to the effect that aliens be not allowed to teach in educational institutions unless approved by the board of education. Under the provision of the bill as originally suggested by O.A. Byington, the University would have lost several faculty members and foreign scholars could hardly have delivered even a series of lectures here. As amended, in accordance with President Jessup's plan, the bill allows citizens of foreign countries, to instruct in the University, provided they be approved by the president and the board of education. HUMANISTS TO HEAR POTTER The Humanist society will meet at the home of Prof. and Mrs. C.E. Young, 222 E. Fairchild street, Monday evening at 8 o'clock. Prof. F.H. Potter of the department of Latin will speak on Shudraka's "Mrcchokatika." ATTEND MEMORIAL The Daily Iowan staff will attend in a body the memorial services for Homer G. Roland, former editor-in-chief of The Iowan, which will be held at the Presbyterian church tonight at 7:30. NOTICE The Sophomore oratorical contest has been postponed from March 20, to March 27. UNIVERSITY MAN WINS LITERARY DISTINCTION "Clouds," a short story by Walter L. Meyers, a graduate of this University, and at present a member of the English department on leave of absence, has been placed by Edward J. O'Brien in his book, "The Best Short Stories of 1918." Each year from all the stories published in American magazines, Mr. O'Brien selects a groups of fifty or sixty which he considers the most notable. That Mr. Meyer's work should be placed with that of Kipling, Irvin S. Cobb, and Norman Duncan, is a distinction of no small merit. Mr. Meyers has until recently been a lieutenant in the army. He will return to the University for the summer session. His story, which O'Brien called "one of the best stories so far produced in the literary revival throughout the Middle West" first appeared in the Midland. EXTEMPORE SPEAKING CONTEST IS APRIL 2 Women's Literary Societies Will Follow Pentagonal System in Debates Women's extemporaneous speaking contest will be held April 2. General topics will be posted on the bulletin boards soon and particular subjects will be chosen from these two days before the contest. Every literary society members are to register at the oiffce of the dean of Women March 17-20 In case with any society, a preliminary will with any society a preliminary will be arranged. Debates will be held May 6, the pentagonal system of last year being followed. Each society will have an affirmative and a negative team, The question for debate is: "Resolved that the United States should enter the League of Nations." The Whitby negative team will debate Erodelphian affirmative and Whitby affirmative will debate Octave's negative trio. Octave affirmative will debate Hesperian negative, Erodelphian negative will contest Athena affirmative and Athena negative will debate affirmative Hesperia. A.T.O.'S ARE GUESTS AT ALUMNI LUNCHEON Alpha Tau Omegas from Iowa, Ames, and Simpson were guests of 150 alumni at a luncheon yesterday at Harris-Emery tea room in Des Moines, Members of other fraternities and of the Des Moines Pan-Hellenic association were invited. Dean Thomas Arcle Clark, of the University of Illinois, head of the national fraternity, gave the main address at the luncheon. A business meeting followed, and a dinner was held last night. The following A.T.O.'s represented the Iowa chapter at the convention: Norris W. Webb, P.A. Dahlen and Allen Nichols. UNIVERSITY MEMBERS TAKE VARIOUS PARTS IN KATCHA KOO PLAY Arthur Kroppach Will Represent Katcha Koo; Frank Sueppel Will be Maharajah ATMOSPHERE IS ORIENTAL Allied Nations are Represented in "Liberty Aflame" and Once Scene is American Katcha Koo, an oriental fantastique, will be given at the Englert theater March 13 and 14 under the auspices of the Y.W.C.A. Many of the principal parts will be Katch Koo, an East Indian fakir. Frank Sueppel will portray the Maharajah of Hunga. The res of the cast is as follows: Dollie--Dorothy Yetter Swisher; Prudence--Margery Heberling; Mrs. Chattie Gaddin--Mrs. Erling Thoen; Solejah--Mrs Helen Wilson Brueckner; Urbanah--Jean Birdsall' Dick Horton--Harold Rigler. The four wives of theMaharajah: Chin Chin Fu, a Chinese, Ruth Martin; Brazillitata, a Brazilian, Muriel Russell; Patsy Kildare, Irish woman, Marion Smith; La Belle Elysse, French woman, Helene Blattner; America, Ruth Cotton; Joan of Arc, Magdalene Freyder; France, Mrs. Robert Carson; Italy, Philomena Plaza; Belgium, Jean Dayton West. Red Cross nurses, Jess O'Neil and Mrs. D.M. Brumfiel; Oriental ladies of rank: Florence Fisher, Laura Osgood, Sadie Whitney, Lucile Arnold, Vivienne Coady, Rosalind Jenks, Lucille Everett, and Eloise Junk. Attendants of the temple: Doris Brownlee, Miriam Brueckner, Bessie Tye, Mary Kramer, Magdalene Grimm, Virginia Carson, Esther Meyers, Miriam Roe, Miriam Chase, and Maragaret Dolliver. The polo group of dancers: Gretchen Koeningsberger, Kathryn Dayton, Marcia De Bey, Hope Hobbs, Vera Johnson, Mildred Tummell, Mabel Lucas, Robert Aurner, Don Nas- (Continued on page 8) TO GIVE "THE NEIGHBORS" Educational Dramatic Class to Present Play Wednesday The educational dramatic class of the public speaking department will give a one act play "The Neighbors" by Zona Gale, in the natural science auditorium Wednesday, March 12, at eight o'clock. This class puts on plays each year and expects to give two one act plays a week later, the names of which will be announced soon. The cast follows: Dianthy Abel--Romola Latchem Inez (her daughter)--Frances Garris Mis' Trot--Harriet Franker Mis' Moran--Ella Schmock Mis' Ellsworth--Anita Bakewell Grandma--Marjorie Gailey Ezra Williams--Carl Kaufman Peter--Charles Brown The play is being produced under the direction of Miss Emma C. Dumke of the public speaking department The public is invited to attend. Admission free. SENIOR MEDICS GIVEN IOWA APPOINTMENTS A few senior medical students who will graduate at the end of the quarter, have been appointed internes and assistants at the University hospital. John Harold Butts, Robert Hamlin Crawford, and Alfred A. Eggleston will be internes in the department of surgery. Herbert R. Olsen, Willis L. McConkie, and Llyod G. Howard will be internes in opthalmology and oral surgery. John Emmet Rock has been chosen as junior clinical assistant in this department. In the department of theory and practice of medicine the internes will be Gordon Wilker, Homer W. Scott, and Llyod Lu Verne Ely. Dr. George H. Hensmann is appointed clinical assistant. Victor Hugo Gardner of Cedar Rapids is to be interne in obstetrics and gynecolgy, and Howard Archibald Weiss is to be clinical assistant. IOWAN WILL PUBLISH 1 OUR ISSUES A WEEK Increased Service to Be Effective Next Quarter--Theta Sigma Phi to Edit Special Issue Next quarter the Iowan will print four issues each week, according to a decision made by the board of trustees at a meeting Thursday. Increasing the number of publications has been under consideration for some time but the board has postponed all decisions until business conditions would warrant the extra issue. The new issue will be published on Saturday morning, the first publication to appear on March 29. Subscribers will not be charged extra for this increased service. Beginning next quarter the subscription price for the Iowan will be seventy-five cents, a nominal price for approximately fifty issues. The board of trustees also voted to allow Theta Sigma Phi, the journalisitic sorority to edit a Mecca day edition on Tuesday, March 18, the Mecca day of the college of engineering. PLAN TELEGRAPHIC MEET Illinois and Iowa to Have Unique Swimming Contest Saturday The first dual telegraphic swimming meet ever held in the United States will be that between the teams of Iowa and Illinois at each school next Saturday. A mass meet will also be held. All students who can swim are urged to come out, especially those using a breast and back stroke. Coach Armbruster states that he wants more men out for the varsity. Men in the distances and plunges are needed badly. Iowa has an even chance to win the varsity meet inasmuch as the athletes this season have been making excellent time. Hanapel is expected to show up well for the Hawks. IOWA TEAM TROUNCES NORTHWESTERN 28-12 Hawkeyes Dazzle Opponents in Fastest Game of Season on Iowa Floor TEAM PLAY WAS FEATURE Berrien and Cotton Toss Baskets From Difficult Angles and Long Distances In a game last night which for speed has not been equaled on the Iowa floor this year, Iowa trounced Northwestern by the score of 28 to 12. Piling up a lead of 17 points in the first half, the Hawkeyes were not forced to their limit the latter period although the game did not slow up perceptibly. Northwestern scored when Marquardt tossed in a foul but Iowa followed soon with a series of dazzling plays which simply left the Purple suspended in mid-air. When they had found themselces the score was hopelessly onesided. One field basket in the first session was the best the visitors fouls do and Marquardt missed numerous attempts from the foul line. The half ended 20 to 3. In the second period Northweatern braced and the score for this part of the game gace her an advantage of one point. As is usually the case when a game is close as the game last night was, foulinng was frequent and Brown, Iowa's free throw artist, (Continued on page 8) ZETAGATHIAN TEAM WINS Will Change to Negative for Contest With Irvings A unanimous decision for the Zeteagathian debating team over the Philomathean team, was the result of the first contest for the University championship held last Thursday evening. The Zetagathian team consisted of Clarence Fackler, Herman White, and Earl Wells. Philomathean was represented by Rexford Bateson, Fredrick Egan, and William Anderson. Zetagathian affirmed the proposition that the present policy of the government should be extended for a period of five years after the signing of the peace treaty. April 3 the Zetagathian team will meet the Irving team upon the same proposition, but will change to a negative This debate will decide the championship of the University. Prof. E.A. Wilcox, Prof. P.S. Peirce, and Prof. R.A. Stevenson judged the debate. BUSH HONORED AGAIN Prof. Stephen H. Bush, has been called upon to give at the University of Paris a part of the course in history of the French language usually given by Professor Burnot, one of the authorities on this subject. Professor Bush is one of the several American educators who are organizing classes in French universities for Americans. He expects to return to this country early in the autumn and take charge of the Romance language department at the opening of the next year.
Daily Iowan Newspapers