Daily Iowan, March 16, 1919
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Sunday, March 16, 1919 THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA PAGE THREE COLDS ARE SERIOUS THIS YEAR-ALBERT Streptococci Germs Cause Colds, Influenza and Pneumonia - Take Precaution "Colds are likely to be more serious this year than they have been for many years past because during the past year and a half, one of the germs, scientifically referred to as Streptococcus, has become more virulent than ever before," states Dr. Henry Albert, of the medical staff. This is a germ which produces the more serious complications in connection with influenza, and likewise the germ that was the cause of so many fatal cases of pneumonia a year ago. At present a large number of people are affected by what is ordinarily called a common cold. In many of these cases there is a mild bronchitis which leads to coughing. These colds are not, for the most part influenza, and are not serious. However, these colds are caused by a germ and may readily be transmitted from one person to another, in the same way as influenza; that is by coughing and sneezing. "All people should take precautions not to transmit colds, influenza, and other respiratory tract diseases to others, says Dr. Albert. Examination shows that the germ "streptococcus" is at present very much more common in the throats of persons with colds than it was in the past years. it is therefore very important that proper precautions be taken to prevent the spread of ordinary colds. It is also important that when affected, persons should take proper care of themselves so as not to unduly lower the vitality of the system and in that way give the rather virulent streptococci so widely distributed at the present time, an opportunity to gain a foothold and produce a more serious disease. MUSIC TEST MADE FOR FRESHMAN STUDENTS A test to determine musical talent was given to freshman students Thursday in place of their regular lecture. This test was conducted by Dr. C.E. Seashore and Dr. Mabel Williams of the psychology department. Charts were passed among the students upon which they registered the second of a series of tones played on a victrola. Dr. Seashore explained that these tones were taken from tuning forks which he exhibited to the audience. A report will be made ranking the student according to his talent shown on the chart. According to Dr. Seashore this test is in no way affected by the intelligence of the pupil or the number of music lessons he has taken. Announcement is made of the marriage of Rose McEvoy, B.A. '18, to Edward Kennedy, of Coon Rapids. [advertisement] TAXI PHONE 1700 MURPHY'S SERVICE Office HOTEL JEFFERSON SOCIETY AND PERSONAL PHI DELT FOUNDERS' DAY Phi Delta Theta entertained at a Founders' day banquet at the Jefferson hotel Saturday evening. A banquet was also held at Des Moines at the Harris-Emery tea room Eaturday evening. Representatives from the three Iowa chapters at the University, Iowa State college, and Iowa Wesleyan were present at the banquet in Des Moines. Gamma Phi Beta entertained at a St. Patrick's party Saturday afternoon at its chapter house. Delta Gamma held its alumnae banquet at the Hotel Jefferson Saturday evening. Out of town guests were Margaret Mallory of Hampton, Myrna Hayette of Des Moines, Lillian Burnette of Des Moines, Mildred Mansfield of Clinton, Mrs. Theodore Garfield of Ames, Marjory MacVicar of Des Moines, Florence Lincoln of Alton, and Florence Quarton of Algona. Fay Stahl, county Y.W.C.A. secretary at Falls City, Neb., visited at the Alpha Theta house. Engineers entertained at a dancing party at the women's gymnasium Saturday evening. Dean and Mrs. W.G. Raymond and Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Keller were the chaperons. Chaperons at Varsity Saturday evening were Lieut. and Mrs. Will Hart and Mr. and Mrs. C.C. Shrader. Vera Johnson, freshman, has been called to Cedar Rapids by the death of her grandmother. Marjorie Graham, freshman, is visiting at West Liberty this week end. Cora Reed is spending a few days at North English. Isabel Guthrie and Beneta Buxton are spending the week end at the Guthrie home in West Liberty. Mildred Kelly is visiting at her home in Wapello. Ruth Beyer is spending the week end at Cedar Rapids. Helen Peterson and Eleanor Foskett are spending the week end in Des Moines. Florence Pascoe, senior, has been confined to her home for several days on account of illness. Harold Smith of Nashua, a freshman here last year, is visiting at the Apollo house. Ruth Rogers, Dora Ohde, and Edna Bornholdt, spent Saturday in Cedar Rapids. Ardis Cummins and Marianne Ashford are spending the week end at the Gamma Phi Beta house. Lenihan Lally, freshman, has gone to his home in Denison and will not return until next quarter. Dan Bailey of Winfield is visiting at the Kappa Sigma house. Phoebe Baxter is visiting at the Delta Gamma house. [advertisement] SABINS' EDCATIONAL EXCHANGE Founded 1893 A.M.M. DORNON, Manager The most widely patronized, because the most reliable Teachers Agency in the Middle West. Territory from Mississippi River to Pacific Coast. FLYNN BUILDING DES MOINES, IOWA [advertisement] BOOK and CRAFT SHOP TEXT BOOKS for the THIRD QUARTER Fountain Pens, Note Book Paper and other supplies 124 E. WASHINGTON STREET [advertisement] JUST RECEIVED A LARGE SHIPMENT OF NEW WAIST-SEAM MODELS IN SPRING SUITS AND TOP-COATS. IN DARK BLUE, GREEN AND FANCY MIXTURES. You'll want a new Suit and topcoat for your spring vacation trip. WE SHALL BE GLAD TO SERVE YOU. PHONEIX SILK HOSE FOR LADIES CROSSET SHOES FOR MEN Italial light weight Hats at Colors-Green, Brown, Tan, Grey $6.00 BREMERS' GOLDEN EAGLE IOWA CITY, IOWA [advertisement] The Townsend Studio SAFETY FIRST
Sunday, March 16, 1919 THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA PAGE THREE COLDS ARE SERIOUS THIS YEAR-ALBERT Streptococci Germs Cause Colds, Influenza and Pneumonia - Take Precaution "Colds are likely to be more serious this year than they have been for many years past because during the past year and a half, one of the germs, scientifically referred to as Streptococcus, has become more virulent than ever before," states Dr. Henry Albert, of the medical staff. This is a germ which produces the more serious complications in connection with influenza, and likewise the germ that was the cause of so many fatal cases of pneumonia a year ago. At present a large number of people are affected by what is ordinarily called a common cold. In many of these cases there is a mild bronchitis which leads to coughing. These colds are not, for the most part influenza, and are not serious. However, these colds are caused by a germ and may readily be transmitted from one person to another, in the same way as influenza; that is by coughing and sneezing. "All people should take precautions not to transmit colds, influenza, and other respiratory tract diseases to others, says Dr. Albert. Examination shows that the germ "streptococcus" is at present very much more common in the throats of persons with colds than it was in the past years. it is therefore very important that proper precautions be taken to prevent the spread of ordinary colds. It is also important that when affected, persons should take proper care of themselves so as not to unduly lower the vitality of the system and in that way give the rather virulent streptococci so widely distributed at the present time, an opportunity to gain a foothold and produce a more serious disease. MUSIC TEST MADE FOR FRESHMAN STUDENTS A test to determine musical talent was given to freshman students Thursday in place of their regular lecture. This test was conducted by Dr. C.E. Seashore and Dr. Mabel Williams of the psychology department. Charts were passed among the students upon which they registered the second of a series of tones played on a victrola. Dr. Seashore explained that these tones were taken from tuning forks which he exhibited to the audience. A report will be made ranking the student according to his talent shown on the chart. According to Dr. Seashore this test is in no way affected by the intelligence of the pupil or the number of music lessons he has taken. Announcement is made of the marriage of Rose McEvoy, B.A. '18, to Edward Kennedy, of Coon Rapids. [advertisement] TAXI PHONE 1700 MURPHY'S SERVICE Office HOTEL JEFFERSON SOCIETY AND PERSONAL PHI DELT FOUNDERS' DAY Phi Delta Theta entertained at a Founders' day banquet at the Jefferson hotel Saturday evening. A banquet was also held at Des Moines at the Harris-Emery tea room Eaturday evening. Representatives from the three Iowa chapters at the University, Iowa State college, and Iowa Wesleyan were present at the banquet in Des Moines. Gamma Phi Beta entertained at a St. Patrick's party Saturday afternoon at its chapter house. Delta Gamma held its alumnae banquet at the Hotel Jefferson Saturday evening. Out of town guests were Margaret Mallory of Hampton, Myrna Hayette of Des Moines, Lillian Burnette of Des Moines, Mildred Mansfield of Clinton, Mrs. Theodore Garfield of Ames, Marjory MacVicar of Des Moines, Florence Lincoln of Alton, and Florence Quarton of Algona. Fay Stahl, county Y.W.C.A. secretary at Falls City, Neb., visited at the Alpha Theta house. Engineers entertained at a dancing party at the women's gymnasium Saturday evening. Dean and Mrs. W.G. Raymond and Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Keller were the chaperons. Chaperons at Varsity Saturday evening were Lieut. and Mrs. Will Hart and Mr. and Mrs. C.C. Shrader. Vera Johnson, freshman, has been called to Cedar Rapids by the death of her grandmother. Marjorie Graham, freshman, is visiting at West Liberty this week end. Cora Reed is spending a few days at North English. Isabel Guthrie and Beneta Buxton are spending the week end at the Guthrie home in West Liberty. Mildred Kelly is visiting at her home in Wapello. Ruth Beyer is spending the week end at Cedar Rapids. Helen Peterson and Eleanor Foskett are spending the week end in Des Moines. Florence Pascoe, senior, has been confined to her home for several days on account of illness. Harold Smith of Nashua, a freshman here last year, is visiting at the Apollo house. Ruth Rogers, Dora Ohde, and Edna Bornholdt, spent Saturday in Cedar Rapids. Ardis Cummins and Marianne Ashford are spending the week end at the Gamma Phi Beta house. Lenihan Lally, freshman, has gone to his home in Denison and will not return until next quarter. Dan Bailey of Winfield is visiting at the Kappa Sigma house. Phoebe Baxter is visiting at the Delta Gamma house. [advertisement] SABINS' EDCATIONAL EXCHANGE Founded 1893 A.M.M. DORNON, Manager The most widely patronized, because the most reliable Teachers Agency in the Middle West. Territory from Mississippi River to Pacific Coast. FLYNN BUILDING DES MOINES, IOWA [advertisement] BOOK and CRAFT SHOP TEXT BOOKS for the THIRD QUARTER Fountain Pens, Note Book Paper and other supplies 124 E. WASHINGTON STREET [advertisement] JUST RECEIVED A LARGE SHIPMENT OF NEW WAIST-SEAM MODELS IN SPRING SUITS AND TOP-COATS. IN DARK BLUE, GREEN AND FANCY MIXTURES. You'll want a new Suit and topcoat for your spring vacation trip. WE SHALL BE GLAD TO SERVE YOU. PHONEIX SILK HOSE FOR LADIES CROSSET SHOES FOR MEN Italial light weight Hats at Colors-Green, Brown, Tan, Grey $6.00 BREMERS' GOLDEN EAGLE IOWA CITY, IOWA [advertisement] The Townsend Studio SAFETY FIRST
Daily Iowan Newspapers