Daily Iowan, March 16, 1919
Page 4
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Page Four The Daily Iowan State University of Iowa Sunday, March 16, 1919 University Players to Present Comedy "Dolly Reforming Herself" Was First Given at Haymarket Theater in London "Dolly Reforming Herself," the University Players' first presentation of this season, to be given at the Englert theater Tuesday night, April 2, is rapidly nearing the final stages of perfection in the many practices. That a fine treat is in store for those who witness "Dolly Reforming Herself" the night of its presentation is the opinion of all who are intimately acquainted with the play and the talents of the University Players. Arthur Henry Jones' ludicrous comedy dealing with English life and morals has created laughter wherever presented in this country or England. The play was given its premier at the famous Haymarket theater in London several years ago. Since then it as become the laughing success of two continents. The London Times says that the play is "most delightful and skillfully arranged." Leading newspapers in the this country have also given the comedy favorable reviews. It was this public opinion, together with the delightful and high humorous situations of the plot that led the University Players to their choice of "Dolly Reforming Herself," and members of the public speaking department have voiced their hearty approval of the selection. Will Admit Adults to Perkins Ward Law Passed Be General Assembly Will Give Free Treatment To All Cripples In Iowa The Iowa Senate passed a bill Thursday extending the privileges of the Perkins law which provides for the medical treatment of all crippled children under 16 years, to all needy adults desiring treatment in the orthopedic department. The new bill was introduced in the house, Feb. 22, by S. W. Klaus of Delaware county was passed in both senate and house without a dissenting vote. Senator W. G. Haskell, of Cedar Rapids fostered the bill in the senate. The original Perkins law, introduced by a man of that name from Delaware county was passed in March 1915, the appropriation for the building of the Perkins hospital was passed in the thirty-seventh general assembly and the passing of the bill relating to adults, all came in the month of March. President W. A. Jessup says the passing of the this bill is a splendid endorsement of the work the University has been doing the last three years for the crippled children of the state. Dr. W. T. Graham, Superintendent of the University hospital declares there will be plenty of room in the general hospital for the crippled adults who will come for treatment. The four floors of the right wing of the hospital which have been used for the children of the orthopedic department will now be turned over to the adults. To Present Two Plays Educations Dramatic Class Will Perform Wednesday Evening Members of the class educational dramatics will present as part of their regular class work two once act plays, "The Violin Maker of Cremona," by Francis Coppee, and "The Finger of God," by Percival Wilde, Wednesday night at 7:45 in the natural science auditorium. Rehearsals are being carried on under the direction of Miss Emma C. Dumke of the public speaking department. Last week this class successfully presented Zona Gale's "The Neighbors." The cast for the coming plays are as follows: The Violin Maker of Cremona (Coppee) Tadeo Ferrari (the violin maker) J. L. Murphy [Advertisement] Strand Theater Today Douglas Fairbanks in "Arizona" His latest and best Philippo (his pupil) Charles Brown Sandro (his pupil) H. H. Mott Gianna (his daughter) Frances Garris Scene--Cremona about the year 1750 The Finger of God (P. Wilde) Strickland J. L. Murphy Bensen (his valet) H. H. Mott a girl Martha Darrah Admission to the plays will be free and the public is invited to attend. The freshman party was held Friday evening at the armory. Prof. Mrs. Frank B. Thayer were the chaperons. Decorations were very pretty and the music was also very good. [Advertisement] Jefferson Billiard Hall and Barber Shop C. A. Schmidt, Prop. Under Jefferson Hotel Major Bordwell Returns Major Percy Bordwell, who has been serving as an inspector in the Eighty-eighth division in France, has been returned to this country and has received his honorable discharge. Major Bordwell will soon return to the University and will resume his duties as professor of law at the start of the third quarter. [advertisement] Dainty Lunches between or after classes. Drop into Whiting's Pharmacy on Dubuque St. [Advertisement] Betty Wales Dresses The Make Me Think of Springtime Yes, visiting the Betty Wales Dress department in this store is like stepping into a gay flower garden. Tender browns, woodsy greens, the blue of the sky, the pink of roses--all these are blended with a mastery of style. Each Dress Is Different Every Betsy wales Dress has a touch of individuality about it; there are unexpected bits of trimming, quaint draperies, enrichment of embroidery. The Are Guaranteed Each Betty Wales Dress carries the Betty Wales label which unconditionally guarantees it to give absolute satisfaction. Smart Suits, Capes, Dolmans, And Coats embodying the latest ideas for spring are to be found in abundance. Come and see them. Gossard Coresets fitted by Experienced Corsetiers. The Womens' Shop... Harvat & Stach 10 S. Dubuque Street Iowa City ...Iowa
Page Four The Daily Iowan State University of Iowa Sunday, March 16, 1919 University Players to Present Comedy "Dolly Reforming Herself" Was First Given at Haymarket Theater in London "Dolly Reforming Herself," the University Players' first presentation of this season, to be given at the Englert theater Tuesday night, April 2, is rapidly nearing the final stages of perfection in the many practices. That a fine treat is in store for those who witness "Dolly Reforming Herself" the night of its presentation is the opinion of all who are intimately acquainted with the play and the talents of the University Players. Arthur Henry Jones' ludicrous comedy dealing with English life and morals has created laughter wherever presented in this country or England. The play was given its premier at the famous Haymarket theater in London several years ago. Since then it as become the laughing success of two continents. The London Times says that the play is "most delightful and skillfully arranged." Leading newspapers in the this country have also given the comedy favorable reviews. It was this public opinion, together with the delightful and high humorous situations of the plot that led the University Players to their choice of "Dolly Reforming Herself," and members of the public speaking department have voiced their hearty approval of the selection. Will Admit Adults to Perkins Ward Law Passed Be General Assembly Will Give Free Treatment To All Cripples In Iowa The Iowa Senate passed a bill Thursday extending the privileges of the Perkins law which provides for the medical treatment of all crippled children under 16 years, to all needy adults desiring treatment in the orthopedic department. The new bill was introduced in the house, Feb. 22, by S. W. Klaus of Delaware county was passed in both senate and house without a dissenting vote. Senator W. G. Haskell, of Cedar Rapids fostered the bill in the senate. The original Perkins law, introduced by a man of that name from Delaware county was passed in March 1915, the appropriation for the building of the Perkins hospital was passed in the thirty-seventh general assembly and the passing of the bill relating to adults, all came in the month of March. President W. A. Jessup says the passing of the this bill is a splendid endorsement of the work the University has been doing the last three years for the crippled children of the state. Dr. W. T. Graham, Superintendent of the University hospital declares there will be plenty of room in the general hospital for the crippled adults who will come for treatment. The four floors of the right wing of the hospital which have been used for the children of the orthopedic department will now be turned over to the adults. To Present Two Plays Educations Dramatic Class Will Perform Wednesday Evening Members of the class educational dramatics will present as part of their regular class work two once act plays, "The Violin Maker of Cremona," by Francis Coppee, and "The Finger of God," by Percival Wilde, Wednesday night at 7:45 in the natural science auditorium. Rehearsals are being carried on under the direction of Miss Emma C. Dumke of the public speaking department. Last week this class successfully presented Zona Gale's "The Neighbors." The cast for the coming plays are as follows: The Violin Maker of Cremona (Coppee) Tadeo Ferrari (the violin maker) J. L. Murphy [Advertisement] Strand Theater Today Douglas Fairbanks in "Arizona" His latest and best Philippo (his pupil) Charles Brown Sandro (his pupil) H. H. Mott Gianna (his daughter) Frances Garris Scene--Cremona about the year 1750 The Finger of God (P. Wilde) Strickland J. L. Murphy Bensen (his valet) H. H. Mott a girl Martha Darrah Admission to the plays will be free and the public is invited to attend. The freshman party was held Friday evening at the armory. Prof. Mrs. Frank B. Thayer were the chaperons. Decorations were very pretty and the music was also very good. [Advertisement] Jefferson Billiard Hall and Barber Shop C. A. Schmidt, Prop. Under Jefferson Hotel Major Bordwell Returns Major Percy Bordwell, who has been serving as an inspector in the Eighty-eighth division in France, has been returned to this country and has received his honorable discharge. Major Bordwell will soon return to the University and will resume his duties as professor of law at the start of the third quarter. [advertisement] Dainty Lunches between or after classes. Drop into Whiting's Pharmacy on Dubuque St. [Advertisement] Betty Wales Dresses The Make Me Think of Springtime Yes, visiting the Betty Wales Dress department in this store is like stepping into a gay flower garden. Tender browns, woodsy greens, the blue of the sky, the pink of roses--all these are blended with a mastery of style. Each Dress Is Different Every Betsy wales Dress has a touch of individuality about it; there are unexpected bits of trimming, quaint draperies, enrichment of embroidery. The Are Guaranteed Each Betty Wales Dress carries the Betty Wales label which unconditionally guarantees it to give absolute satisfaction. Smart Suits, Capes, Dolmans, And Coats embodying the latest ideas for spring are to be found in abundance. Come and see them. Gossard Coresets fitted by Experienced Corsetiers. The Womens' Shop... Harvat & Stach 10 S. Dubuque Street Iowa City ...Iowa
Daily Iowan Newspapers