Daily Iowan, March 16, 1919
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Sunday, March 16 1919 The Daily Iowan State University of Iowa Page Seven University Calendar Sunday, March 16 Vesper services at natural science auditorium. Lecture, "It Must Never Happen Again," by Prof. Theodore G. Soares, and special music by the University choir. 4 p.m. Monday, March 17 University lecture by Charles [Upson?] Clark at the natural science auditorium. 7:30 p. m. Political Science club. Liberal arts drawing room. 8 p.m. History conference at liberal arts building. Room 225. 4:30 p.m. Y.W.C.A. cabinet meeting at the [noms?] 4:30 p.m. Engineers banquet. Hotel Jefferson 6:00 p.m. Tuesday, March 18 "I" club meeting at liberal arts assembly 7:30 p.m. Erodelphian meeting at liberal arts drawing room, 7:30 p.m. Regular meeting of Women's Glee club. Professor Hays' studio. 4 p.m. Band rehearsal at band room, [4:30 p.m.?] Orchestra rehearsal at band room [7:00 p.m.?] Engineers' Mecca parade, 1:15 p.m. Engineers show after the parade, in the shops. Engineers' play, "The Passing of the S.A.T.C." Englert theater 8:15 p.m, Wednesday, March 19 Educational dramatics play at the natural science auditorium 7:30 p.m. Regular meeting of Mens' Glee club at Professor Hays' studio, 7:15 p.m. Y.W.C.A. tea at 4:00 p.m. and regular meeting at 4:30 p.m. Regular meeting of Kappa Phi at the Reverand Rohrbaugh's home 7:30 p.m. Y.M.C.A. cabinet meeting at cabinet rooms. 4:00 p.m. Thursday, March 20 Second quarter ends at 6 p.m. Third quarter begins March 15 at 8 a.m. Friday, March 21 Triangle club rooms open in afternoon to ladies of members' families. University club afternoon tea. 4 to 6 p.m. Saturday, March 22 University club open house at 8 p.m. Recital Tomorrow Esther MacDowell Swisher will present her pupil, Alice Coast, in a piano recital, assisted by Vivienne [Hedy?] soprano, in Prof. W. E. Hays' studio, tomorrow evening at 8 o' clock. Composer's Widow Players Here Soon Mrs. MacDowell Will Present Program at Lecture-Recital Marion Nevin MacDowell widow of Edward A. MacDowell, has been secured by the University music council to give a public concert at the natural science auditorium Wednesday evening, March 26. In order to give the best interpretation of her husband's compositions, Mrs. MacDowell presents her program in the form of a lecture-recital. She has been touring the United states for several years illustrating the works of America's great composer. As it was the hope of Edward MacDowell to assist American artists in being surrounded by a quiet environment in which they might more fully carry out their creative work, whether music, painting, or sculpture, Mrs. MacDowell has increased her farm near Petersborough, N. H., to 200 acres, where she is carrying out her husband's plans. In this colony, artists spend their days alone in the woods carrying their lunch with them and meeting at Lower House for dinner in the evening. Mrs. MacDowell has charge of this colony and has become an expert farmer, dairy-woman, house buildner, landscape gardner and road-maker. Mrs. MacDowell's concerts are said to be very interesting because of her explanation and interpretation of her husband's works which deal largely with nature. Soldier's Letters St. Joire, France Dec. 29, 1918. Prof. W. J. Teeters Iowa City, Iowa. Dear Dean-- Landed in Liverpool, England Aug. 31, going from there to South Hampton. Crossed the English Channel to Le Havre, France. The first really interesting place I was in was Semur. Semur is a very neat town with a population of about two thousand. the town is surrounded by a massive stone wall in which are towers often badly cracked where the French revolutionists tried to blow them up. I also went through a large cathedral built in the thirteenth century. Belfort is a very strongly fortified city with a population of fifty thousand. I saw some keen air battles there, also the famous Belfort [Advertisement] University Book Store On The Corner Text Books and Supplies Waterman, Conklin and Schaeffer Fountain Pens University Book Store Lion facing Germany cut in the side of a hill by the same sculptor who made the statue of liberty. While I was at Chavrain Sur Lang, the Germans put over a heavy barrage answered by the French. Don't know how many men the Germans lost but American casualties were slight. The Germans caught a few prisoners. including several officers from our division. When the armistice was signed I was in the Toul sector of the St. Mihiel front. It caused very little excitement and we can hardly realize yet that it is all over. I was sent here four weeks ago to the divisional medical school. St. Joire is a small, dirty, town completely surrounded by mountains. So far it as been quite warm here. Though it rained here all Christmas the mountains are covered with snow. Medical supplies here are good. Nearly everything is in dry form. Our tincture of iodine is made by breaking a tube of iodine and potassium in alcohol. When we have no alcohol we use water. No chances are taken with wounded men and often antitoxin is given immediately. Few of the smaller French towns have doctors so we take care of the civilians also. We figure on about ten per cent of the men answering sick call. Of course many of these men are not seriously ill,--just have a slight head ache or some minor ailment. Lister bags are put up and water treated with hypo-chloride of lime before the men are permitted to drink it. I am having a good time over here and seeing all I can. Don't know when I will get back to the U.S.A. but hope I will get to see Paris first. I have no definite plans for the future, but think I will go back to Clinton for a while. One of the officers in the infirmary here is Lieutenant Middleton whose father was formerly dean of the college of medicine at Iowa. Best regards to you, Professor Kuever, and Miss Cooper. You friend, Phillip Sipfle (Sergeant) Camp Infirmary Det. 313 Sanitary Train France, A.P.P 795. Prof C. W. Wassam and Prof. Louis Pelzer acted as judges of the Iowas City-Oskaloosa debate here Friday night. The decision was unanimous in favor of the local high school. Bruce E. Mahan, coach of the winning team, is a graduate student in the history department. A. W. Lindsley, fellow in entomoogy, left for Decatur, Ill., where he has accepted a position in the department of entomology. [Advertisement] Teachers wanted For all departments of school work. School officials will soon elect teachers for next year. A Maximum of Service at a Minimum Commission Rate. Commission 4 per cent. Territory, central and western states. Write today for blanks. Huer Teachers' Agency Cedar Rapids, Iowa [Advertisement] Oh Boy! Did you ever taste those Sweet rolls served for breakfast in the Jefferson Coffee Room and Jefferson Quick Lunch Service Cafe They are simply wonderful. Delicious coffee also-- n'everything. [Advertisement] Drink Coca-Cola Delicious and Refreshing Coca-Cola is a perfect answer to thirst that no imitation can satisfy. Coca-Cola quality, recorded in the public taste, is what holds it above imitations. Demand the genuine by full name--nicknames encourage substitution. The Coca-Cola Co. Atlanta, GA. Sold Everywhere [Advertisement] Seniors Order Your Commence Invitations At Once At The University Book Store. All Orders Must be In Before Vacation. Order Now Or You Won't Get Any, For We Shall Not Have Any Extra Copies This Year. The Committee
Sunday, March 16 1919 The Daily Iowan State University of Iowa Page Seven University Calendar Sunday, March 16 Vesper services at natural science auditorium. Lecture, "It Must Never Happen Again," by Prof. Theodore G. Soares, and special music by the University choir. 4 p.m. Monday, March 17 University lecture by Charles [Upson?] Clark at the natural science auditorium. 7:30 p. m. Political Science club. Liberal arts drawing room. 8 p.m. History conference at liberal arts building. Room 225. 4:30 p.m. Y.W.C.A. cabinet meeting at the [noms?] 4:30 p.m. Engineers banquet. Hotel Jefferson 6:00 p.m. Tuesday, March 18 "I" club meeting at liberal arts assembly 7:30 p.m. Erodelphian meeting at liberal arts drawing room, 7:30 p.m. Regular meeting of Women's Glee club. Professor Hays' studio. 4 p.m. Band rehearsal at band room, [4:30 p.m.?] Orchestra rehearsal at band room [7:00 p.m.?] Engineers' Mecca parade, 1:15 p.m. Engineers show after the parade, in the shops. Engineers' play, "The Passing of the S.A.T.C." Englert theater 8:15 p.m, Wednesday, March 19 Educational dramatics play at the natural science auditorium 7:30 p.m. Regular meeting of Mens' Glee club at Professor Hays' studio, 7:15 p.m. Y.W.C.A. tea at 4:00 p.m. and regular meeting at 4:30 p.m. Regular meeting of Kappa Phi at the Reverand Rohrbaugh's home 7:30 p.m. Y.M.C.A. cabinet meeting at cabinet rooms. 4:00 p.m. Thursday, March 20 Second quarter ends at 6 p.m. Third quarter begins March 15 at 8 a.m. Friday, March 21 Triangle club rooms open in afternoon to ladies of members' families. University club afternoon tea. 4 to 6 p.m. Saturday, March 22 University club open house at 8 p.m. Recital Tomorrow Esther MacDowell Swisher will present her pupil, Alice Coast, in a piano recital, assisted by Vivienne [Hedy?] soprano, in Prof. W. E. Hays' studio, tomorrow evening at 8 o' clock. Composer's Widow Players Here Soon Mrs. MacDowell Will Present Program at Lecture-Recital Marion Nevin MacDowell widow of Edward A. MacDowell, has been secured by the University music council to give a public concert at the natural science auditorium Wednesday evening, March 26. In order to give the best interpretation of her husband's compositions, Mrs. MacDowell presents her program in the form of a lecture-recital. She has been touring the United states for several years illustrating the works of America's great composer. As it was the hope of Edward MacDowell to assist American artists in being surrounded by a quiet environment in which they might more fully carry out their creative work, whether music, painting, or sculpture, Mrs. MacDowell has increased her farm near Petersborough, N. H., to 200 acres, where she is carrying out her husband's plans. In this colony, artists spend their days alone in the woods carrying their lunch with them and meeting at Lower House for dinner in the evening. Mrs. MacDowell has charge of this colony and has become an expert farmer, dairy-woman, house buildner, landscape gardner and road-maker. Mrs. MacDowell's concerts are said to be very interesting because of her explanation and interpretation of her husband's works which deal largely with nature. Soldier's Letters St. Joire, France Dec. 29, 1918. Prof. W. J. Teeters Iowa City, Iowa. Dear Dean-- Landed in Liverpool, England Aug. 31, going from there to South Hampton. Crossed the English Channel to Le Havre, France. The first really interesting place I was in was Semur. Semur is a very neat town with a population of about two thousand. the town is surrounded by a massive stone wall in which are towers often badly cracked where the French revolutionists tried to blow them up. I also went through a large cathedral built in the thirteenth century. Belfort is a very strongly fortified city with a population of fifty thousand. I saw some keen air battles there, also the famous Belfort [Advertisement] University Book Store On The Corner Text Books and Supplies Waterman, Conklin and Schaeffer Fountain Pens University Book Store Lion facing Germany cut in the side of a hill by the same sculptor who made the statue of liberty. While I was at Chavrain Sur Lang, the Germans put over a heavy barrage answered by the French. Don't know how many men the Germans lost but American casualties were slight. The Germans caught a few prisoners. including several officers from our division. When the armistice was signed I was in the Toul sector of the St. Mihiel front. It caused very little excitement and we can hardly realize yet that it is all over. I was sent here four weeks ago to the divisional medical school. St. Joire is a small, dirty, town completely surrounded by mountains. So far it as been quite warm here. Though it rained here all Christmas the mountains are covered with snow. Medical supplies here are good. Nearly everything is in dry form. Our tincture of iodine is made by breaking a tube of iodine and potassium in alcohol. When we have no alcohol we use water. No chances are taken with wounded men and often antitoxin is given immediately. Few of the smaller French towns have doctors so we take care of the civilians also. We figure on about ten per cent of the men answering sick call. Of course many of these men are not seriously ill,--just have a slight head ache or some minor ailment. Lister bags are put up and water treated with hypo-chloride of lime before the men are permitted to drink it. I am having a good time over here and seeing all I can. Don't know when I will get back to the U.S.A. but hope I will get to see Paris first. I have no definite plans for the future, but think I will go back to Clinton for a while. One of the officers in the infirmary here is Lieutenant Middleton whose father was formerly dean of the college of medicine at Iowa. Best regards to you, Professor Kuever, and Miss Cooper. You friend, Phillip Sipfle (Sergeant) Camp Infirmary Det. 313 Sanitary Train France, A.P.P 795. Prof C. W. Wassam and Prof. Louis Pelzer acted as judges of the Iowas City-Oskaloosa debate here Friday night. The decision was unanimous in favor of the local high school. Bruce E. Mahan, coach of the winning team, is a graduate student in the history department. A. W. Lindsley, fellow in entomoogy, left for Decatur, Ill., where he has accepted a position in the department of entomology. [Advertisement] Teachers wanted For all departments of school work. School officials will soon elect teachers for next year. A Maximum of Service at a Minimum Commission Rate. Commission 4 per cent. Territory, central and western states. Write today for blanks. Huer Teachers' Agency Cedar Rapids, Iowa [Advertisement] Oh Boy! Did you ever taste those Sweet rolls served for breakfast in the Jefferson Coffee Room and Jefferson Quick Lunch Service Cafe They are simply wonderful. Delicious coffee also-- n'everything. [Advertisement] Drink Coca-Cola Delicious and Refreshing Coca-Cola is a perfect answer to thirst that no imitation can satisfy. Coca-Cola quality, recorded in the public taste, is what holds it above imitations. Demand the genuine by full name--nicknames encourage substitution. The Coca-Cola Co. Atlanta, GA. Sold Everywhere [Advertisement] Seniors Order Your Commence Invitations At Once At The University Book Store. All Orders Must be In Before Vacation. Order Now Or You Won't Get Any, For We Shall Not Have Any Extra Copies This Year. The Committee
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