Daily Iowan, March 18, 1919
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Page Two The Daily Iowan State University of Iowa Tuesday, March 18, 1919 THE DAILY IOWAN A morning paper published for the period of the war three times a week - Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday - by The Daily Iowan Publishing company at 103 Iowa avenue, Iowa City ___________________________ Member Iowa College Press ___________________________ Entered as second class matter at the post office of Iowa City, Iowa ___________________________ Subscription Rate $2.00 per year ___________________________ BOARD OF TRUSTEES C.H. Weller, chairman, Gretchen Kane, secretary, E.M. McEwen, E.S. Smith, Alice E. Hinkley, M. Elizabeth Hendee, Mary Anderson ___________________________ EDITORIAL STAFF MILDRED E. WHITCOMB, Editor-in-chief Telephone, Black 1757; Office Hours - 8-12; 1-6 daily, Room 14, L.A. Building ___________________________ Rowena Wellman - Managing Editor ___________________________ BUSINESS STAFF ROMOLA Latchem - Business manager Telephone 935; Office Hours - 3-5 daily, 103 Iowa Ave ___________________________ "I have never had a policy. I have simply tried to do what seemed best each day as each day came." -- Lincoln. ___________________________ MECCA DAY A university's vitality depends upon its wealth of tradition. Alumni and students alike revere Old Capitol as the symbol of a most noble heritage, but to the engineers, surely Mecca Day is the embodiment of the richest traditions of the professional college. Mecca Day is not simply a "day off;" it has become an institution which binds the men of applied science in close fellowship, cooperation, and responsibility. Mecca Day is a potent agent in promoting loyalty to their profession and to their alma mater. The University of Iowa revels in the spirit of Mecca Day and takes true pride in the fact that the students of applied science do not hide their talents beneath the bushel. For Mecca Days is an expression of the realization that life is not confined to blue prints amperes and steam power. ________ SOCIAL REVOLUTION - HOW To GET IT The world is swept by a wave of revolution that has overthrown monarchies, banished kings, and caused even republics to tremble. The red flag of Bolshevism never sees te sun go down; from Petrograd to Mexico the raising of that banner has come to mean the advent of terror. In our own republic the shadow of that flag has brought sudden unreasoning alarm to the men who control the state. Hurried, frantic measures are proposed for the prohibition of the emblem that stands for terrorism, - measures often so one-sidedly conceived and worded as to inspire a solid conservative with an ardent desire to buy a piece of red cheesecloth and wave it defiantly in the faces of the scurrying politicians. Prohibition of the use of the symbol of a movement will not kill the movement , and neither will blind indifference to the issues at stake. No revolution has ever occurred where a revolution has ever occurred where a revolution was not needed. Too often such changes have taken a direction that did more harm than good, but even an upheaval that brings only confusion worse confounded is the incontrovertible evidence of the crying need for something new. If the Red Revolution of Europe strikes America, it will be because America has not done her part to bring about a revolution of her own that would leave no need for Bolshevism. While class distinctions exist, while foreigners remain untaught and exploited, while financial power is in the hands of the few, America stands in need of a revolution as great as any in Europe. Revolution however, need not mean disruption, for the instruments of republican, democratic government provide the means for necessary changes, Upon the educated thinking young people of today depends much of the safety of the future. Unless the need for a real "turning over" is realized and acted upon by those whose training makes them able to understand it, the red flag will surely reach America, - and who can say it should not come? NINE FOR THE ENGINEERS "Of all that is good Iowa affords the best." The engineers proved that they believed in the better things of life when they led the rest of the University in joining the Y.M.C.A. in the recent membership campaign. Fifty three per cent of the engineers in school at the time joined, one hundred and thirty-two in all. This is a bigger percentage than any other college in the University. ________ What does everyone think of this edition that we women got out? This isn't yellow journalism, only print paper. And the paper, you know, like the color of the driver's cap doesn't matter anyway. ________ O yes! We knew there was something else for this page, - There was an editorial about our governor, but it didn't get in. We didn't want to make anyone mad with this edition, and maybe someone in school is related to Harding. So the editor threw it away. ________ Of course this probably isn't true; the devil over at the office told us this and we can't believe all he says: Somebody asked the governor to grant him a pardon the other day, and he said, "Sure, what did you do?" The reason we don't believe this is because Harding would have said, "Surely." ________ We meant to write an editorial about the League of Nations for you - but forgot it, and now its time to take this over - and they won't wait while we write one. We'll have one about the league some other day, how'll that do? ________ The following literary production was penned by a Theta Sigma Phi who modestly desires to remain anonymous. She and the Engineer She doesn't care much for him, He doesn't wear a pin And he isn't quite approved of By the clique that she is in, But she gets a change of feeling For the Mecca jubilee And along about the Ides of March he's sweet as she can be. ________ They say the lights were turned out at 10:30 to keep the engineers from studying too late, but we know it was to break up the poker games. [Image] Under Government Supervision Money to Loan--The Modern Way In the old days the money lender made loans - providing security and terms were satisfactory - quite regardless of whether the thing to be promoted would be a benefit to the borrower. This method of making loans is considered "poor business" according to modern standards. Today the borrower gets, besides needed funds, whole hearted help in making these funds produce desired results. Loans made at this bank are made on this basis. First National Bank Member Federal Reserve System B.I.F.F. Mecca day! Ah, what images of eastern lore the words arouse, what scenes of pilgrimage and worship! In imagination we see long streams of dusty travelers, on foot and camel-back, wending their way toward the East of their desire, the old city of the sacred stone, where everlasting happiness may be purchased by a kiss. Narrow streets and gray stone buildings, kneeling worshippers and gay bazaars, mark the Mecca days of the city of the east. [Picture of Alvin H. Hanapel President A.S. of A.S.] And Mecca day of the University of Iowa? Perchance the stranger thinks at once, when he hears those words, of a glorious stream of ernest worshippers of science, with eager eyes bent on the magic tomes that hold the key to all their hopes. But no, the day is not a day of worship-mayhap, indeed, the noble engineers who celebrate know naught of Islam and its mysteries. Be it known then, to the ignorant, that Mecca, with true scientific precision, is composed of the initial letters of mechanical, electrical, civil, chemical, and architectural engineers. Meccasacius, the sonorous-sounding patron saint of the college, gets his name from the reversal initials of State University of Iowa, college of applied science. Thus is romance killed and ingenuity acknowledged. ________ New discoveries all over the earth - Have you seen Ira C. Jones and his shadow? Thirteen University women are members of a new organization: Kalo. The pin is diamond shiped with a raised K. [Ad] If it isn't an Eastman, it isn't a Kodak We made it a point to carry only goods of known quality and established reputation. That is why you will find only the genuine Kodak goods in our camera department. KODAKS and Kodak Supplies of all kinds, always on hand, and always new. Eastman N.C. Film, the film with 27 years' experience behind it. Developing and printing done by experts, or materials to do your own. Mail us your films for finishing [image - roll of film in box] HENRY LOUIS The Rexall and Kodak Store 124 E. College street [Ad] Sportsmen - Athletes - Everybody1 You will find BEVO Reg US Pat Off The Beverage the all-year-round soft drink, both healthful and appetizing to train and gain on. Bevo is a splendid beverage to satisfy that extravagant thirst that strenuous exercise is bound to bring. Satisfies it without any of that after-feeling of fullness that often comes with water drinking. Bevo is Sold Everywhere Order by the case from your grocer, druggist or dealer. Manufactured and bottled exclusively by Anheuser-Busch St. Louis
Page Two The Daily Iowan State University of Iowa Tuesday, March 18, 1919 THE DAILY IOWAN A morning paper published for the period of the war three times a week - Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday - by The Daily Iowan Publishing company at 103 Iowa avenue, Iowa City ___________________________ Member Iowa College Press ___________________________ Entered as second class matter at the post office of Iowa City, Iowa ___________________________ Subscription Rate $2.00 per year ___________________________ BOARD OF TRUSTEES C.H. Weller, chairman, Gretchen Kane, secretary, E.M. McEwen, E.S. Smith, Alice E. Hinkley, M. Elizabeth Hendee, Mary Anderson ___________________________ EDITORIAL STAFF MILDRED E. WHITCOMB, Editor-in-chief Telephone, Black 1757; Office Hours - 8-12; 1-6 daily, Room 14, L.A. Building ___________________________ Rowena Wellman - Managing Editor ___________________________ BUSINESS STAFF ROMOLA Latchem - Business manager Telephone 935; Office Hours - 3-5 daily, 103 Iowa Ave ___________________________ "I have never had a policy. I have simply tried to do what seemed best each day as each day came." -- Lincoln. ___________________________ MECCA DAY A university's vitality depends upon its wealth of tradition. Alumni and students alike revere Old Capitol as the symbol of a most noble heritage, but to the engineers, surely Mecca Day is the embodiment of the richest traditions of the professional college. Mecca Day is not simply a "day off;" it has become an institution which binds the men of applied science in close fellowship, cooperation, and responsibility. Mecca Day is a potent agent in promoting loyalty to their profession and to their alma mater. The University of Iowa revels in the spirit of Mecca Day and takes true pride in the fact that the students of applied science do not hide their talents beneath the bushel. For Mecca Days is an expression of the realization that life is not confined to blue prints amperes and steam power. ________ SOCIAL REVOLUTION - HOW To GET IT The world is swept by a wave of revolution that has overthrown monarchies, banished kings, and caused even republics to tremble. The red flag of Bolshevism never sees te sun go down; from Petrograd to Mexico the raising of that banner has come to mean the advent of terror. In our own republic the shadow of that flag has brought sudden unreasoning alarm to the men who control the state. Hurried, frantic measures are proposed for the prohibition of the emblem that stands for terrorism, - measures often so one-sidedly conceived and worded as to inspire a solid conservative with an ardent desire to buy a piece of red cheesecloth and wave it defiantly in the faces of the scurrying politicians. Prohibition of the use of the symbol of a movement will not kill the movement , and neither will blind indifference to the issues at stake. No revolution has ever occurred where a revolution has ever occurred where a revolution was not needed. Too often such changes have taken a direction that did more harm than good, but even an upheaval that brings only confusion worse confounded is the incontrovertible evidence of the crying need for something new. If the Red Revolution of Europe strikes America, it will be because America has not done her part to bring about a revolution of her own that would leave no need for Bolshevism. While class distinctions exist, while foreigners remain untaught and exploited, while financial power is in the hands of the few, America stands in need of a revolution as great as any in Europe. Revolution however, need not mean disruption, for the instruments of republican, democratic government provide the means for necessary changes, Upon the educated thinking young people of today depends much of the safety of the future. Unless the need for a real "turning over" is realized and acted upon by those whose training makes them able to understand it, the red flag will surely reach America, - and who can say it should not come? NINE FOR THE ENGINEERS "Of all that is good Iowa affords the best." The engineers proved that they believed in the better things of life when they led the rest of the University in joining the Y.M.C.A. in the recent membership campaign. Fifty three per cent of the engineers in school at the time joined, one hundred and thirty-two in all. This is a bigger percentage than any other college in the University. ________ What does everyone think of this edition that we women got out? This isn't yellow journalism, only print paper. And the paper, you know, like the color of the driver's cap doesn't matter anyway. ________ O yes! We knew there was something else for this page, - There was an editorial about our governor, but it didn't get in. We didn't want to make anyone mad with this edition, and maybe someone in school is related to Harding. So the editor threw it away. ________ Of course this probably isn't true; the devil over at the office told us this and we can't believe all he says: Somebody asked the governor to grant him a pardon the other day, and he said, "Sure, what did you do?" The reason we don't believe this is because Harding would have said, "Surely." ________ We meant to write an editorial about the League of Nations for you - but forgot it, and now its time to take this over - and they won't wait while we write one. We'll have one about the league some other day, how'll that do? ________ The following literary production was penned by a Theta Sigma Phi who modestly desires to remain anonymous. She and the Engineer She doesn't care much for him, He doesn't wear a pin And he isn't quite approved of By the clique that she is in, But she gets a change of feeling For the Mecca jubilee And along about the Ides of March he's sweet as she can be. ________ They say the lights were turned out at 10:30 to keep the engineers from studying too late, but we know it was to break up the poker games. [Image] Under Government Supervision Money to Loan--The Modern Way In the old days the money lender made loans - providing security and terms were satisfactory - quite regardless of whether the thing to be promoted would be a benefit to the borrower. This method of making loans is considered "poor business" according to modern standards. Today the borrower gets, besides needed funds, whole hearted help in making these funds produce desired results. Loans made at this bank are made on this basis. First National Bank Member Federal Reserve System B.I.F.F. Mecca day! Ah, what images of eastern lore the words arouse, what scenes of pilgrimage and worship! In imagination we see long streams of dusty travelers, on foot and camel-back, wending their way toward the East of their desire, the old city of the sacred stone, where everlasting happiness may be purchased by a kiss. Narrow streets and gray stone buildings, kneeling worshippers and gay bazaars, mark the Mecca days of the city of the east. [Picture of Alvin H. Hanapel President A.S. of A.S.] And Mecca day of the University of Iowa? Perchance the stranger thinks at once, when he hears those words, of a glorious stream of ernest worshippers of science, with eager eyes bent on the magic tomes that hold the key to all their hopes. But no, the day is not a day of worship-mayhap, indeed, the noble engineers who celebrate know naught of Islam and its mysteries. Be it known then, to the ignorant, that Mecca, with true scientific precision, is composed of the initial letters of mechanical, electrical, civil, chemical, and architectural engineers. Meccasacius, the sonorous-sounding patron saint of the college, gets his name from the reversal initials of State University of Iowa, college of applied science. Thus is romance killed and ingenuity acknowledged. ________ New discoveries all over the earth - Have you seen Ira C. Jones and his shadow? Thirteen University women are members of a new organization: Kalo. The pin is diamond shiped with a raised K. [Ad] If it isn't an Eastman, it isn't a Kodak We made it a point to carry only goods of known quality and established reputation. That is why you will find only the genuine Kodak goods in our camera department. KODAKS and Kodak Supplies of all kinds, always on hand, and always new. Eastman N.C. Film, the film with 27 years' experience behind it. Developing and printing done by experts, or materials to do your own. Mail us your films for finishing [image - roll of film in box] HENRY LOUIS The Rexall and Kodak Store 124 E. College street [Ad] Sportsmen - Athletes - Everybody1 You will find BEVO Reg US Pat Off The Beverage the all-year-round soft drink, both healthful and appetizing to train and gain on. Bevo is a splendid beverage to satisfy that extravagant thirst that strenuous exercise is bound to bring. Satisfies it without any of that after-feeling of fullness that often comes with water drinking. Bevo is Sold Everywhere Order by the case from your grocer, druggist or dealer. Manufactured and bottled exclusively by Anheuser-Busch St. Louis
Daily Iowan Newspapers