Daily Iowan, March 18, 1919
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PAGE SIX THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Tuesday, March 18, 1919 ENGINEERS HELPED WIN THE BIG FIGHT Whereabout of Has Beens--Many Commissioned Officers of High Rank The Iowa engineers' part in the war has been an important one. Ninety-five commissioned officers and 110 privates have stars on the service flag of the college of applied science. Major B. J. Lambert recently returned from France where he was bridge engineer. Capt. A. H. Holt is in France with the 605th engineers, and Capt. B. P. Fleming is with the 34th engineers in the largest machine shop in France. Of the class of 1917 the latest information which Dean W. G. Raymond has is as follows: George Atkinson, captain of Co. A, which is the company of engineers from here; Harold Barber, 1st Lieut.; W. J. Brush was captain and is now discharged and with the Aircraft Bureau Production company in the finance division; C. H. Cook with an aviation corps; Roy King, first division; [photograph] WENDELL ANDERSON Co. Author and Manager Play Harold Romine, 11th Engineers; Louis E. Ticktin, 1st Lieut. with an Engineering company; C. F. Triplett, 1st Lieut. with 89th division; J. K. Chesebro, radio section of the signal department with the 13th service company; Ernest V. Evans, 1st Iieut. Battery E, 55th Field Artillery, now discharged; Glenn R. Hill, 1st Lieut. 123d artillery; Eldon Imhoff, master signal electrician, 404th telegraph battalion; Glen Ireland, 2nd Lieut., field artillery, 337th regular army; Arch L. Long, 1st Lieut. 163d depot brigade; William E. Owen, 34th Service company; Harold Saxton, 414th telegraph battalion, signal corps; Cecil W. Sward, ensign, now discharged; Guy W. Thomas, 2nd Lieut. engineers company; Ernest C. Wills, major in France; S. E. Gibbs, ground school aviation work, Urbana; George C. Heisterman, 1st Lieut. ordnance department at Washington, D. C.; Frederick D. McClelland, Co. A, 1st provisional ordnance company In the class of 1918 the following men are in service: Raymond S. Deppe, ensign, now in Holland; Chester E. Hibbs, C. A. C. 7th company; Herbert E. Holl, ordnance department, [photograph] MARTIN FLENTJE Co. Author and Manager Play nitrate plant No. 1; Bruce Kenworthy, 2nd Lieut. 3rd Engineers; Frank J. Konvalinka, 2nd Lieut. C. A. C.; Paul W. Lorens, Co. G, now discharged and with Des Moines Bridge and Iron Works; Paul S. McCann, ensign in navy, now discharged; O. L. Nesbit, 2nd Lieut. canal zone; Wayne C. Nichols, 2nd Lieut., F. A.; Herbert C. Shaw, 605th Engineers in France; Elmer W. Siegling, 4th Engineers; Max Smith 4th Engineers; Louis F. Tellin, ensign, now discharged; William A. Weber, ensign, now discharged; Charles E. White, ensign, now discharged, and Walter D. Yager, discharged. Irving E. Noll and Frank H. Raw who were graduated at the February convocation are now in training at the naval school at Hoboken. THE WRITING ON THE WALL "What's the meaning of all those names up on the physics building?" inquired the sight-seer. "Not the names of the architects, I know." "The names of all who get A's in math and physics are engraved up there for posterity," gravely elucidated the guide. And, as the sight-seer, somewhat doubting but almost convinced, passed on, the by-stander chuckled. "The idea of believing a thing like that, when it is as plain as the nose on your face that they are the names of old professors, just like the pictures of the presidents are strung up on the natural science auditorium platform. What some people won't swallow?" The sophomoric youth lit another "fag" and looked up in admiration at the names writ large upon the building. EFFICIENCY QUARTERLY IS JUST OFF PRESS The current copy of the National Efficiency Quarterly, a magazine edied by Dr. Norris A. Brisco, contains articles by four Iowa professors. "Hiring" is the title of the article written by Dr. Brisco and contains the suggestion that the hiring of all employment department headed by hands of an expert so that misfits may be avoided. The old haphazard hire and fire method, he declares, must be supplanted by an up-to-date employment department headed by an expert. TAXI PHONE 1700 MURPHY'S SERVICE Office HOTEL JEFFERSON JUNIOR ELECTRICALS MAKE FOOTBALL SIGNS "Who makes those football signs?" Well, the junior electricals claim the honor, and oh yes! the freshmen help occasionally. For the canvas signs they block out the letters on the cloth and then use gallons and gallons of paint. About the electric "Iowa Fights" and "Get Ames" and all the rest, well, it is quite a story and rather complicated: the flashers are wired and controlled by cylinders. These have contact points with brushes and the current is led from the feeders to the cylinders which are revolved by motors. One cylinder can control nine banks of lights. It takes about three hours to connect and make one of these signs, and then of course they always must be changed after the games to "Got the Gophers," and "Got Ames." [photograph] MARTIN GEIB Chm. Publicity Committee An engineer's letter--"Oceans of love, and a kiss on every wave." Oh! How he prayed for the wind! GOVERNMENT PRAISES IOWA S. A. T. C. BOOK The handsome S. A. T. C. book prepared under the direction of Dr. C. H. Weller, University editor, for the government has been acknowledged by Capt. Arthur Goodrich of the general staff. He writes: "I want to assure you of the very real appreciation of this office of the care which you have shown in the preparation of this series of pictures, as well as of the format in which they have been presented. These pictures make valued additions to the photographic files of the war plans division of the general staff." The University S. A. T. C. book contained seventy-two photographs and was artistically bound in leather. A duplicate copy is kept on the table in the president's office. Steam power class--(Keller)-- What is clearance? (Dunn) "E" grade when "F" flunks you. What are "du biddies?" Oh! Ask Miss Saunders--she's better acquainted with them that I am! John, to a math student: Why didn't you tell me the class was going to cut Monday morning? I could have slept till ten o'clock." NORTHWESTERN TEACHERS' AGENCY FOR ENTIRE WEST AND ALASKA--THE LARGEST AND BEST AGENCY Write immediately for free circular Jefferson Billiard Hall and Barber Shop C.A. SCHMIDT, Prop. Under Jefferson Hotel BOOK and CRAFT SHOP TEXT BOOKS for the THIRD QUARTER Fountain Pens, Note Book Paper and other supplies 124 E. WASHINGTON STREET The Townsend Studio SAFETY FIRST
PAGE SIX THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Tuesday, March 18, 1919 ENGINEERS HELPED WIN THE BIG FIGHT Whereabout of Has Beens--Many Commissioned Officers of High Rank The Iowa engineers' part in the war has been an important one. Ninety-five commissioned officers and 110 privates have stars on the service flag of the college of applied science. Major B. J. Lambert recently returned from France where he was bridge engineer. Capt. A. H. Holt is in France with the 605th engineers, and Capt. B. P. Fleming is with the 34th engineers in the largest machine shop in France. Of the class of 1917 the latest information which Dean W. G. Raymond has is as follows: George Atkinson, captain of Co. A, which is the company of engineers from here; Harold Barber, 1st Lieut.; W. J. Brush was captain and is now discharged and with the Aircraft Bureau Production company in the finance division; C. H. Cook with an aviation corps; Roy King, first division; [photograph] WENDELL ANDERSON Co. Author and Manager Play Harold Romine, 11th Engineers; Louis E. Ticktin, 1st Lieut. with an Engineering company; C. F. Triplett, 1st Lieut. with 89th division; J. K. Chesebro, radio section of the signal department with the 13th service company; Ernest V. Evans, 1st Iieut. Battery E, 55th Field Artillery, now discharged; Glenn R. Hill, 1st Lieut. 123d artillery; Eldon Imhoff, master signal electrician, 404th telegraph battalion; Glen Ireland, 2nd Lieut., field artillery, 337th regular army; Arch L. Long, 1st Lieut. 163d depot brigade; William E. Owen, 34th Service company; Harold Saxton, 414th telegraph battalion, signal corps; Cecil W. Sward, ensign, now discharged; Guy W. Thomas, 2nd Lieut. engineers company; Ernest C. Wills, major in France; S. E. Gibbs, ground school aviation work, Urbana; George C. Heisterman, 1st Lieut. ordnance department at Washington, D. C.; Frederick D. McClelland, Co. A, 1st provisional ordnance company In the class of 1918 the following men are in service: Raymond S. Deppe, ensign, now in Holland; Chester E. Hibbs, C. A. C. 7th company; Herbert E. Holl, ordnance department, [photograph] MARTIN FLENTJE Co. Author and Manager Play nitrate plant No. 1; Bruce Kenworthy, 2nd Lieut. 3rd Engineers; Frank J. Konvalinka, 2nd Lieut. C. A. C.; Paul W. Lorens, Co. G, now discharged and with Des Moines Bridge and Iron Works; Paul S. McCann, ensign in navy, now discharged; O. L. Nesbit, 2nd Lieut. canal zone; Wayne C. Nichols, 2nd Lieut., F. A.; Herbert C. Shaw, 605th Engineers in France; Elmer W. Siegling, 4th Engineers; Max Smith 4th Engineers; Louis F. Tellin, ensign, now discharged; William A. Weber, ensign, now discharged; Charles E. White, ensign, now discharged, and Walter D. Yager, discharged. Irving E. Noll and Frank H. Raw who were graduated at the February convocation are now in training at the naval school at Hoboken. THE WRITING ON THE WALL "What's the meaning of all those names up on the physics building?" inquired the sight-seer. "Not the names of the architects, I know." "The names of all who get A's in math and physics are engraved up there for posterity," gravely elucidated the guide. And, as the sight-seer, somewhat doubting but almost convinced, passed on, the by-stander chuckled. "The idea of believing a thing like that, when it is as plain as the nose on your face that they are the names of old professors, just like the pictures of the presidents are strung up on the natural science auditorium platform. What some people won't swallow?" The sophomoric youth lit another "fag" and looked up in admiration at the names writ large upon the building. EFFICIENCY QUARTERLY IS JUST OFF PRESS The current copy of the National Efficiency Quarterly, a magazine edied by Dr. Norris A. Brisco, contains articles by four Iowa professors. "Hiring" is the title of the article written by Dr. Brisco and contains the suggestion that the hiring of all employment department headed by hands of an expert so that misfits may be avoided. The old haphazard hire and fire method, he declares, must be supplanted by an up-to-date employment department headed by an expert. TAXI PHONE 1700 MURPHY'S SERVICE Office HOTEL JEFFERSON JUNIOR ELECTRICALS MAKE FOOTBALL SIGNS "Who makes those football signs?" Well, the junior electricals claim the honor, and oh yes! the freshmen help occasionally. For the canvas signs they block out the letters on the cloth and then use gallons and gallons of paint. About the electric "Iowa Fights" and "Get Ames" and all the rest, well, it is quite a story and rather complicated: the flashers are wired and controlled by cylinders. These have contact points with brushes and the current is led from the feeders to the cylinders which are revolved by motors. One cylinder can control nine banks of lights. It takes about three hours to connect and make one of these signs, and then of course they always must be changed after the games to "Got the Gophers," and "Got Ames." [photograph] MARTIN GEIB Chm. Publicity Committee An engineer's letter--"Oceans of love, and a kiss on every wave." Oh! How he prayed for the wind! GOVERNMENT PRAISES IOWA S. A. T. C. BOOK The handsome S. A. T. C. book prepared under the direction of Dr. C. H. Weller, University editor, for the government has been acknowledged by Capt. Arthur Goodrich of the general staff. He writes: "I want to assure you of the very real appreciation of this office of the care which you have shown in the preparation of this series of pictures, as well as of the format in which they have been presented. These pictures make valued additions to the photographic files of the war plans division of the general staff." The University S. A. T. C. book contained seventy-two photographs and was artistically bound in leather. A duplicate copy is kept on the table in the president's office. Steam power class--(Keller)-- What is clearance? (Dunn) "E" grade when "F" flunks you. What are "du biddies?" Oh! Ask Miss Saunders--she's better acquainted with them that I am! John, to a math student: Why didn't you tell me the class was going to cut Monday morning? I could have slept till ten o'clock." NORTHWESTERN TEACHERS' AGENCY FOR ENTIRE WEST AND ALASKA--THE LARGEST AND BEST AGENCY Write immediately for free circular Jefferson Billiard Hall and Barber Shop C.A. SCHMIDT, Prop. Under Jefferson Hotel BOOK and CRAFT SHOP TEXT BOOKS for the THIRD QUARTER Fountain Pens, Note Book Paper and other supplies 124 E. WASHINGTON STREET The Townsend Studio SAFETY FIRST
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