Daily Iowan, March 20, 1919
Page 2
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PAGE TWO THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Thursday, March 20, 1919 THE DAILY IOWAN A morning paper published for the period of the war three times a week--Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday--by The Daily Iowan Publishing company at 103 Iowa avenue, Iowa City Member Iowa College Press Entered as second class matter at the post office of Iowa City, Iowa Subscription Rate $2.00 per year BOARD OF TRUSTEES C. H. Weller, chairman, Gretchen Kane, secretary, E. M. McEwen, E. S. Smith, Alice E. Hinkley, M. Elizabeth Hendee, Mary Anderson EDITORIAL STAFF MILDRED E. WHITCOMB, Editor-in-chief Telephone, Black 1757; Office Hours--8-12; 1-6 daily, Room 14, L. A. Building Rowena Wellman--Managing Editor BUSINESS STAFF ROMOLA LATCHEM--Business manager Telephone 935; Office Hours--3-5 daily, 103 Iowa Ave "I have never had a policy. I have simply tried to do what seemed best each day as each day came." --Lincoln. Night Editors Kathryn Fritson Ruth Stewart O CLOCK, SPEAK TRUTH It was such a springy morning, our usual sarcastic vein did not flow hot as we strolled the city streets and surveyed the heavens from clock spire to clock spire. Our indignation at the unsteadiness, the falterings, the galloping of clocks was suppressed as out of keeping with the worship of Nature's green loveliness. With unconscious pose and upturned eyes we gazed into the face of the City Hall clock and exclaimed with something of a feeling: "O Time; Why dost not pause?" No answer. And then in the sweet sunshine we strolled to where St. Mary's heavy buttresses of objects surrounding, and casting our gaze on its sun struck dial spoke: "Backward, turn backward, O Time in your flight." The answer did not come. Then we pondered these lines of the poet: "Time conquers all, and we must time obey," but did not see how that could be done when times were all at variance and we knew not where time was true. So we determined to seek out the place where time was correct because the poet once spoke: "Thinkest thou existence doth depend on time? It doth?" And so we wandered on. We finally reached a beauteous spot where the slanting sun rays brightened a crude stone pathway. Straight up this time-worn walk we went until we entered an ancient hall where wise men sat who ruled the University. Surely, we thought, this is the place; here time is correct; we have received our answer. And one of the rulers of the hall spoke and said, "Yes, here time is steady; from our clock may you gauge your work, your play, your walks." And so we PASTIME THEATRE TODAY & TOMORROW America's greatest character actor Frank Keenan in a real western picture "THE MIDNIGHT STAGE" Also Ford Travelogue and a good comedy ADMISSION 15c Spend your vacation at the Pastime this week end. did. Still we were not content. We wanted the sun to rise next morning with every clock in the city pointing true. We wanted those tall spires to keep faith with all passersby. Perhaps we will yet get our wish, if there are good fairies about. Do you think? WHAT OTHERS THINK Democracy in Form and Purpose The other Wednesday evening a meeting was held at which a permanent University council was formed for the purpose of democratizing the government of the University. No motive could have been more sincere or conducive of the best interests of the University than the establishment of this council. The effect which this organization will have upon the student body, however, is anything but that of democracy. The fundamental principle upon which democracy is based is that the electors are chosen by the electorate and are responsible to them. In other words that authority is delegated by the governed and held responsible to the constituents. Without the manifestation of this principle democracy does not fulfill the purpose for which it has been ordained. In its present form the student council is democratic in the sense that particular individuals are designated to represent certain groups. In reality however, there is no democracy whatever, even though the newly constituted body has unlimited authority for it is created and organized not by those whom its actions will effect but by the superior administrative group: the faculty of the University. Inasmuch as the council is appointed from above rather than elected by the various organizations themselves it is doubtful that it will ever have a democratic effect. Since the members of the council are not chosen by the various class organizations themselves, they cannot voice the will of these units; hence no interest will be maintained in this council by the groups and organizations constituting the student body. The most effective way of democratizing the University is that of apportioning one or more delegates to represent every organization and permitting the groups to be represented to choose their own delegate. This would be indicative of real democracy. A self-made body can never function as representative of a group which did not have a voice in its selection. The most feasible policy to pursue is to acknowledge the will of the group and give it an opportunity to adequate express itself in its own manner. H. W. PLEDGES ENTERTAIN Alpha Tau Omega pledges entertained the initiates of the fraternity at a banquet last night at the Jefferson hotel. Professors C. E. Cousins and H. L. Rietz were guests. This was preliminary to the formal party and initiation to be held April 5. Joe Tye was toastmaster. If You Do Not Dance watch it from the balcony. The prettiest party of the year, and one you don't want to miss under any consideration. BALCONY SEATS 25c THE PROM MARCH 28 SABINS' EDCATIONAL EXCHANGE Founded 1893 A. M. M. DORNON, Manager The most widely patronized, because the most reliable Teachers Agency in the Middle West. Territory from Mississippi River to Pacific Coast. FLYNN BUILDING DES MOINES, IOWA UNDER GOVERNMENT SUPERVISION Money To Loan--The Modern Way In the old days the money lender made loans--providing security and terms were satisfactory--quite regardless of whether the thing to be promoted would be a benefit to the borrower. This method of making loans is considered "poor business" according to modern standards. Today the borrower gets, besides needed funds, whole-hearted help in making these funds produce desired results. Loans made at this bank are made on this basis. First National Bank MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM TEACHERS WANTED For all departments of school work. School officials will soon elect teachers for next year. A MAXIMUM OF SERVICE AT A MINIMUM COMMISSION RATE. Commission 4 per cent. Territory, central and western states. Write today for blanks. HEUER TEACHERS' AGENCY Cedar Rapids, Iowa Don't Send Your Laundry Home..... When you have it done here you get the highest quality of work and you save postage, time and trouble. Phone 294. We call for and deliver. New Process Laundry "The Pride of Iowa City" PHONE 294 H. A. STRUB & CO. MILLINERY THE LATEST CREATIONS--LARGE LINE--IT'S FINE--SEE IT. H. A. STRUB & CO. [illustration of people practicing various sports] Sportsmen--Athletes--Everybody! You will find Bevo REG US PAT OFF THE BEVERAGE the all-year-round soft drink, both healthful and appetizing to train and gain on. Bevo is a splendid beverage to satisfy that extravagant thirst that strenuous exercise is bound to bring. Satisfies it without any of that after-feeling of fullness that often comes with water drinking. Bevo is Sold Everywhere Order by the case from your grocer, druggist or dealer. Manufactured and bottled exclusively by Anheuser-Busch St. Louis A WINNER EVERYWHERE 2MO Bevo
PAGE TWO THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Thursday, March 20, 1919 THE DAILY IOWAN A morning paper published for the period of the war three times a week--Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday--by The Daily Iowan Publishing company at 103 Iowa avenue, Iowa City Member Iowa College Press Entered as second class matter at the post office of Iowa City, Iowa Subscription Rate $2.00 per year BOARD OF TRUSTEES C. H. Weller, chairman, Gretchen Kane, secretary, E. M. McEwen, E. S. Smith, Alice E. Hinkley, M. Elizabeth Hendee, Mary Anderson EDITORIAL STAFF MILDRED E. WHITCOMB, Editor-in-chief Telephone, Black 1757; Office Hours--8-12; 1-6 daily, Room 14, L. A. Building Rowena Wellman--Managing Editor BUSINESS STAFF ROMOLA LATCHEM--Business manager Telephone 935; Office Hours--3-5 daily, 103 Iowa Ave "I have never had a policy. I have simply tried to do what seemed best each day as each day came." --Lincoln. Night Editors Kathryn Fritson Ruth Stewart O CLOCK, SPEAK TRUTH It was such a springy morning, our usual sarcastic vein did not flow hot as we strolled the city streets and surveyed the heavens from clock spire to clock spire. Our indignation at the unsteadiness, the falterings, the galloping of clocks was suppressed as out of keeping with the worship of Nature's green loveliness. With unconscious pose and upturned eyes we gazed into the face of the City Hall clock and exclaimed with something of a feeling: "O Time; Why dost not pause?" No answer. And then in the sweet sunshine we strolled to where St. Mary's heavy buttresses of objects surrounding, and casting our gaze on its sun struck dial spoke: "Backward, turn backward, O Time in your flight." The answer did not come. Then we pondered these lines of the poet: "Time conquers all, and we must time obey," but did not see how that could be done when times were all at variance and we knew not where time was true. So we determined to seek out the place where time was correct because the poet once spoke: "Thinkest thou existence doth depend on time? It doth?" And so we wandered on. We finally reached a beauteous spot where the slanting sun rays brightened a crude stone pathway. Straight up this time-worn walk we went until we entered an ancient hall where wise men sat who ruled the University. Surely, we thought, this is the place; here time is correct; we have received our answer. And one of the rulers of the hall spoke and said, "Yes, here time is steady; from our clock may you gauge your work, your play, your walks." And so we PASTIME THEATRE TODAY & TOMORROW America's greatest character actor Frank Keenan in a real western picture "THE MIDNIGHT STAGE" Also Ford Travelogue and a good comedy ADMISSION 15c Spend your vacation at the Pastime this week end. did. Still we were not content. We wanted the sun to rise next morning with every clock in the city pointing true. We wanted those tall spires to keep faith with all passersby. Perhaps we will yet get our wish, if there are good fairies about. Do you think? WHAT OTHERS THINK Democracy in Form and Purpose The other Wednesday evening a meeting was held at which a permanent University council was formed for the purpose of democratizing the government of the University. No motive could have been more sincere or conducive of the best interests of the University than the establishment of this council. The effect which this organization will have upon the student body, however, is anything but that of democracy. The fundamental principle upon which democracy is based is that the electors are chosen by the electorate and are responsible to them. In other words that authority is delegated by the governed and held responsible to the constituents. Without the manifestation of this principle democracy does not fulfill the purpose for which it has been ordained. In its present form the student council is democratic in the sense that particular individuals are designated to represent certain groups. In reality however, there is no democracy whatever, even though the newly constituted body has unlimited authority for it is created and organized not by those whom its actions will effect but by the superior administrative group: the faculty of the University. Inasmuch as the council is appointed from above rather than elected by the various organizations themselves it is doubtful that it will ever have a democratic effect. Since the members of the council are not chosen by the various class organizations themselves, they cannot voice the will of these units; hence no interest will be maintained in this council by the groups and organizations constituting the student body. The most effective way of democratizing the University is that of apportioning one or more delegates to represent every organization and permitting the groups to be represented to choose their own delegate. This would be indicative of real democracy. A self-made body can never function as representative of a group which did not have a voice in its selection. The most feasible policy to pursue is to acknowledge the will of the group and give it an opportunity to adequate express itself in its own manner. H. W. PLEDGES ENTERTAIN Alpha Tau Omega pledges entertained the initiates of the fraternity at a banquet last night at the Jefferson hotel. Professors C. E. Cousins and H. L. Rietz were guests. This was preliminary to the formal party and initiation to be held April 5. Joe Tye was toastmaster. If You Do Not Dance watch it from the balcony. The prettiest party of the year, and one you don't want to miss under any consideration. BALCONY SEATS 25c THE PROM MARCH 28 SABINS' EDCATIONAL EXCHANGE Founded 1893 A. M. M. DORNON, Manager The most widely patronized, because the most reliable Teachers Agency in the Middle West. Territory from Mississippi River to Pacific Coast. FLYNN BUILDING DES MOINES, IOWA UNDER GOVERNMENT SUPERVISION Money To Loan--The Modern Way In the old days the money lender made loans--providing security and terms were satisfactory--quite regardless of whether the thing to be promoted would be a benefit to the borrower. This method of making loans is considered "poor business" according to modern standards. Today the borrower gets, besides needed funds, whole-hearted help in making these funds produce desired results. Loans made at this bank are made on this basis. First National Bank MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM TEACHERS WANTED For all departments of school work. School officials will soon elect teachers for next year. A MAXIMUM OF SERVICE AT A MINIMUM COMMISSION RATE. Commission 4 per cent. Territory, central and western states. Write today for blanks. HEUER TEACHERS' AGENCY Cedar Rapids, Iowa Don't Send Your Laundry Home..... When you have it done here you get the highest quality of work and you save postage, time and trouble. Phone 294. We call for and deliver. New Process Laundry "The Pride of Iowa City" PHONE 294 H. A. STRUB & CO. MILLINERY THE LATEST CREATIONS--LARGE LINE--IT'S FINE--SEE IT. H. A. STRUB & CO. [illustration of people practicing various sports] Sportsmen--Athletes--Everybody! You will find Bevo REG US PAT OFF THE BEVERAGE the all-year-round soft drink, both healthful and appetizing to train and gain on. Bevo is a splendid beverage to satisfy that extravagant thirst that strenuous exercise is bound to bring. Satisfies it without any of that after-feeling of fullness that often comes with water drinking. Bevo is Sold Everywhere Order by the case from your grocer, druggist or dealer. Manufactured and bottled exclusively by Anheuser-Busch St. Louis A WINNER EVERYWHERE 2MO Bevo
Daily Iowan Newspapers