Daily Iowan, March 20, 1919
Page 3
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Thursday, March 20, 1919 THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA PAGE THREE PARSONS COMING HOME FOR REMOVAL OF MASTOIDS Lieut. Charles Parsons, of Iowa City, a graduate of the University and a prominent athlete, has been ordered home from France to undergo an operation for mastoids, according to a cablegram to his wife. Nine "I's" in three years was the record of Lieut. Parsons in athletics when he was a student at Iowa. Before he enlisted in the army he was living at Golden, Colo., where he was athletic coach in the Colorado School of Mines. He has been serving for some time with the Engineers in the American Expeditionary Forces in France. Lieut. Parsons' condition is not serious as evidenced by the fact that his operation can be delayed until he reaches home. There is a possibility of his returning to France after recovering from the operation, if his services are still needed over there. EXCUSE US, PLEASE The Iowan wishes to correct an error which appeared in the March 2 issue in which it was inferred that Vernice Weems received an individual citation for bravery. Mr. Weems saw action with the fifth and sixth marines which were cited by the French government. The information was correctly received by The Iowan, but the mistake was made in writing the copy. UNIVERSITY WOMEN ORGANIZE COUNCIL Fifty University women met and voted to organize a women's council Tuesday night. Staff and Circle girls were at the head of the movement. They called together the freshman commission, the captains of the districts, and all their own members. A dinner was served in the liberal arts drawing room, after which different girls discussed the movement. The women decided to form this council with the idea to create sentiment and public opinion and gradually work toward self government. The first meeting will be held early next quarter. NOTICE ATHENA--The debate tryouts and the University clubrooms Tuesday evening, March 25. All freshmen members are required to tryout for the team. Prof. W. E. Hays will leave for Chicago on a short business trip this evening. TWO THINGS You must get before vacation YOUR DATE and YOUR TICKET for the PROM MARCH 28 NORTHWESTERN TEACHERS' AGENCY FOR ENTIRE WEST AND ALASKA--THE LARGEST AND BEST AGENCY Write immediately for free circular UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE ON THE CORNER Text Books and Supplies WATERMAN, CONKLIN AND SCHAEFFER FOUNTAIN PENS UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE Capt. R. A. McGuire, who was graduated from the University in 1908, arrived at his home in Brighton Tuesday. Capt. McGuire was of Unit R, base hospital 32, and has been in France 18 months in the Red Cross bilitary hospital in Paris. [illustration of women and perfume bottle] TALC Jonteel 25c TO expect to pay a high price for talc perfumed with an odor that cost thousands of dollars to produce would be natural. But to be able to obtain such a superb perfume at a low price is a delightful surprise. This surprise awaits you in the Talc perfumed with Jonteel--the New Odor of Twenty-six Flowers. HENRY LOUIS The Rexall and Kodak Store 124 E. College street. OH BOY! Did you ever taste those Sweet Rolls served for breakfast in the JEFFERSON COFFEE ROOM and JEFFERSON QUICK LUNCH SERVICE CAFE They are simply wonderful. Delicious coffee also--n'everything. Drink Coca-Cola DELICIOUS and REFRESHING QUALITY tells the difference in the taste between Coca-Cola and counterfeit imitations. Coca-Cola quality, recorded in the public taste, is what holds it above imitations. Demand the genuine by full name--nicknames encourage substitution. THE COCA-COLA CO. Atlanta, Ga. 2C Sold Everywhere SENIOR ORDER YOUR COMMENCEMENT INVITATIONS AT ONCE AT THE UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE. ALL ORDERS MUST BE IN BEFORE VACATION. ORDER NOW OR YOU WON'T GET ANY, FOR WE SHALL NOT HAVE ANY EXTRA COPIES THIS YEAR . THE COMMITTEE. The Townsend Studio SAFETY FIRST
Thursday, March 20, 1919 THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA PAGE THREE PARSONS COMING HOME FOR REMOVAL OF MASTOIDS Lieut. Charles Parsons, of Iowa City, a graduate of the University and a prominent athlete, has been ordered home from France to undergo an operation for mastoids, according to a cablegram to his wife. Nine "I's" in three years was the record of Lieut. Parsons in athletics when he was a student at Iowa. Before he enlisted in the army he was living at Golden, Colo., where he was athletic coach in the Colorado School of Mines. He has been serving for some time with the Engineers in the American Expeditionary Forces in France. Lieut. Parsons' condition is not serious as evidenced by the fact that his operation can be delayed until he reaches home. There is a possibility of his returning to France after recovering from the operation, if his services are still needed over there. EXCUSE US, PLEASE The Iowan wishes to correct an error which appeared in the March 2 issue in which it was inferred that Vernice Weems received an individual citation for bravery. Mr. Weems saw action with the fifth and sixth marines which were cited by the French government. The information was correctly received by The Iowan, but the mistake was made in writing the copy. UNIVERSITY WOMEN ORGANIZE COUNCIL Fifty University women met and voted to organize a women's council Tuesday night. Staff and Circle girls were at the head of the movement. They called together the freshman commission, the captains of the districts, and all their own members. A dinner was served in the liberal arts drawing room, after which different girls discussed the movement. The women decided to form this council with the idea to create sentiment and public opinion and gradually work toward self government. The first meeting will be held early next quarter. NOTICE ATHENA--The debate tryouts and the University clubrooms Tuesday evening, March 25. All freshmen members are required to tryout for the team. Prof. W. E. Hays will leave for Chicago on a short business trip this evening. TWO THINGS You must get before vacation YOUR DATE and YOUR TICKET for the PROM MARCH 28 NORTHWESTERN TEACHERS' AGENCY FOR ENTIRE WEST AND ALASKA--THE LARGEST AND BEST AGENCY Write immediately for free circular UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE ON THE CORNER Text Books and Supplies WATERMAN, CONKLIN AND SCHAEFFER FOUNTAIN PENS UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE Capt. R. A. McGuire, who was graduated from the University in 1908, arrived at his home in Brighton Tuesday. Capt. McGuire was of Unit R, base hospital 32, and has been in France 18 months in the Red Cross bilitary hospital in Paris. [illustration of women and perfume bottle] TALC Jonteel 25c TO expect to pay a high price for talc perfumed with an odor that cost thousands of dollars to produce would be natural. But to be able to obtain such a superb perfume at a low price is a delightful surprise. This surprise awaits you in the Talc perfumed with Jonteel--the New Odor of Twenty-six Flowers. HENRY LOUIS The Rexall and Kodak Store 124 E. College street. OH BOY! Did you ever taste those Sweet Rolls served for breakfast in the JEFFERSON COFFEE ROOM and JEFFERSON QUICK LUNCH SERVICE CAFE They are simply wonderful. Delicious coffee also--n'everything. Drink Coca-Cola DELICIOUS and REFRESHING QUALITY tells the difference in the taste between Coca-Cola and counterfeit imitations. Coca-Cola quality, recorded in the public taste, is what holds it above imitations. Demand the genuine by full name--nicknames encourage substitution. THE COCA-COLA CO. Atlanta, Ga. 2C Sold Everywhere SENIOR ORDER YOUR COMMENCEMENT INVITATIONS AT ONCE AT THE UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE. ALL ORDERS MUST BE IN BEFORE VACATION. ORDER NOW OR YOU WON'T GET ANY, FOR WE SHALL NOT HAVE ANY EXTRA COPIES THIS YEAR . THE COMMITTEE. The Townsend Studio SAFETY FIRST
Daily Iowan Newspapers