Daily Iowan, March 20, 1919
Page 4
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PAGE FOUR THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Thursday, March 20, 1919 WANT ADS RATE 10c a line or fraction: 20% discount on three or more insertions. Want ads cash in advance. Make your college expenses during your spare time selling our pennants and pillows. For agency write, THE COLLEGE FLAG CO. Columbus, O. If you want a man with some executive ability for part time employment, phone Red 955. Students desiring to work an hour or more a day can make wages of more than $1.00 per hour selling America's War for Humanity and Life of Roosevelt. Send at once for free outfit, F. B. Dickerson Co. Detroit, Mich., enclosing 20c in stamps for mailing outfits. LOST--Black seal skin muff at Varsity, Saturday night. Return to Iowan office. 70 LOST--A Xi Psi Phi pin. Reward Return to this office. 73 LOST--Cameo pin. Finder return to 114 North Gilbert. Reward. 71 OFFERS NEW COURSES Dean W. F. Russell will offer three new two-hour courses in education for the third quarter. One on public education in the United States is to count on a requirement in principles. The others are educational statistics and school finance. Mildred Taylor, junior, has recovered from her recent attack of scarlet fever. LIBRARY HOURS The University library will be open from 8:30 to 12 a. m. and 1:30 to 5 p. m. during vacation. TRACK MEN ATTEND BIG TEN CONFERENCE Justin, Titus, Brigham and Kruse Are Picked to go--Slater or Mockmore for Wallen's Place Five men and possibly six will go to Chicago Saturday to compete in the Big Ten conference indoor track meet. In the tryouts last night Justin won the 50 yard dash, covering the distance in 5.4 seconds. Titus took second place and will also go to Chicago. Both men made good time in this event. Brigham will go for the high jump, and Kruse will be taken for the two mile run. It is not yet known who Jack Watson will take in the shot put. Wallen, who took first at the Ames indoor meet March 8, was called home on account of the sickness of his father and will not be able to go. Slater of Mockmore or possibly both men will compete in this event. The outdoor track is rapidly being put in condition for outdoor practice. The men expect to take their work-outs during vacation on it if the weather permits. More men are not being taken for the conference meet, Director Howard Jones said yesterday, because most of the men running the longer distances are not yet in good condition. Beginning with the fourth quarter June 16, courses will be given in the college of law for beginners. Almost the entire faculty will be present during the summer. Considerable enrollment has already been assured for the session, as many men who have been in service will resume their studies at this time. Florence Pascoe, senior, left yesterday for her home in Albia on account of illness. NOTED HUMORIST TO SPEAK Stephen Leacock Will Lecture at the University April 17 Stephen Laecock, noted American humorist and favorite of University audiences, will give the next talk on the University lecture program, Wednesday, April 17. He is head of the department of political economy at McGill university, Montreal, but finds time to write such books as "Further Foolishness" and other humorous works, as well as volumes on political economy. Speaking of the comparative difficulty of writing two types of books, the author says, "Personally I would sooner have written 'Alice of Wonderland' than the whole Encyclopedia Britanica." Mr. Leacock was to have given a lecture here last year, but his train was held up by a snowstorm. Dean W. F. Russell and Prof. F. C. Ensign are on the program for the Northwestern Iowa teachers' association this week. Mrs. Edna Biller, of the National Woman's Auxiliary of the Episcopal church, was a guest of Trinity parish the first of the week. Garden THURSDAY & FRIDAY ANITA STEWART --in-- "FROM HEADQUARTERS" also A POST TRAVEL BOOK and CRAFT SHOP TEXT BOOKS for the THIRD QUARTER Fountain Pens, Not Book Paper and other supplies 124 E. WASHINGTON STREET Members of the Faculty and Students of the University of Iowa For many years we believe that you have been thinking of this store as YOUR STORE You can scarcely imagine how proud we are to be deserving. We are trying to make it your store. We are trying to maintain so large and varied a stock that you can be suited here better than anywhere else. We are trying to treat you with such courtesy that it will alweys be pleasant for you to trade with us. Your loyalty gives us cause to believe that we are succeeding. OUR SPRING SHOWING Perfectly portrays the Leading Style Tendencies in Women's Suits, Wraps, Dresses, Dress Accessories, Silks, Dress-good and Millinery. As this showing means much to us, it should mean much to you, for it typifies the spirit of this organization which takes upon itself the responsibility to care adequately and wisely for your requirements. The GRACE and BEAUTY of the garments are unsual. Will you do us the honor to SEE THEM Yetter's THE BIG STORE Jefferson Billiard Hall and Barber Shop C. A. SCHMIDT, Prop. Under Jefferson Hotel Dancing from 8:45 to 11:45 VARSITY DANCE Company A Armory Varsity 8 Piece Orchestra THURSDAY EVE, MARCH 20 SATURDAY EVE. MARCH 22 MONDAY EVE., MARCH 24
PAGE FOUR THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Thursday, March 20, 1919 WANT ADS RATE 10c a line or fraction: 20% discount on three or more insertions. Want ads cash in advance. Make your college expenses during your spare time selling our pennants and pillows. For agency write, THE COLLEGE FLAG CO. Columbus, O. If you want a man with some executive ability for part time employment, phone Red 955. Students desiring to work an hour or more a day can make wages of more than $1.00 per hour selling America's War for Humanity and Life of Roosevelt. Send at once for free outfit, F. B. Dickerson Co. Detroit, Mich., enclosing 20c in stamps for mailing outfits. LOST--Black seal skin muff at Varsity, Saturday night. Return to Iowan office. 70 LOST--A Xi Psi Phi pin. Reward Return to this office. 73 LOST--Cameo pin. Finder return to 114 North Gilbert. Reward. 71 OFFERS NEW COURSES Dean W. F. Russell will offer three new two-hour courses in education for the third quarter. One on public education in the United States is to count on a requirement in principles. The others are educational statistics and school finance. Mildred Taylor, junior, has recovered from her recent attack of scarlet fever. LIBRARY HOURS The University library will be open from 8:30 to 12 a. m. and 1:30 to 5 p. m. during vacation. TRACK MEN ATTEND BIG TEN CONFERENCE Justin, Titus, Brigham and Kruse Are Picked to go--Slater or Mockmore for Wallen's Place Five men and possibly six will go to Chicago Saturday to compete in the Big Ten conference indoor track meet. In the tryouts last night Justin won the 50 yard dash, covering the distance in 5.4 seconds. Titus took second place and will also go to Chicago. Both men made good time in this event. Brigham will go for the high jump, and Kruse will be taken for the two mile run. It is not yet known who Jack Watson will take in the shot put. Wallen, who took first at the Ames indoor meet March 8, was called home on account of the sickness of his father and will not be able to go. Slater of Mockmore or possibly both men will compete in this event. The outdoor track is rapidly being put in condition for outdoor practice. The men expect to take their work-outs during vacation on it if the weather permits. More men are not being taken for the conference meet, Director Howard Jones said yesterday, because most of the men running the longer distances are not yet in good condition. Beginning with the fourth quarter June 16, courses will be given in the college of law for beginners. Almost the entire faculty will be present during the summer. Considerable enrollment has already been assured for the session, as many men who have been in service will resume their studies at this time. Florence Pascoe, senior, left yesterday for her home in Albia on account of illness. NOTED HUMORIST TO SPEAK Stephen Leacock Will Lecture at the University April 17 Stephen Laecock, noted American humorist and favorite of University audiences, will give the next talk on the University lecture program, Wednesday, April 17. He is head of the department of political economy at McGill university, Montreal, but finds time to write such books as "Further Foolishness" and other humorous works, as well as volumes on political economy. Speaking of the comparative difficulty of writing two types of books, the author says, "Personally I would sooner have written 'Alice of Wonderland' than the whole Encyclopedia Britanica." Mr. Leacock was to have given a lecture here last year, but his train was held up by a snowstorm. Dean W. F. Russell and Prof. F. C. Ensign are on the program for the Northwestern Iowa teachers' association this week. Mrs. Edna Biller, of the National Woman's Auxiliary of the Episcopal church, was a guest of Trinity parish the first of the week. Garden THURSDAY & FRIDAY ANITA STEWART --in-- "FROM HEADQUARTERS" also A POST TRAVEL BOOK and CRAFT SHOP TEXT BOOKS for the THIRD QUARTER Fountain Pens, Not Book Paper and other supplies 124 E. WASHINGTON STREET Members of the Faculty and Students of the University of Iowa For many years we believe that you have been thinking of this store as YOUR STORE You can scarcely imagine how proud we are to be deserving. We are trying to make it your store. We are trying to maintain so large and varied a stock that you can be suited here better than anywhere else. We are trying to treat you with such courtesy that it will alweys be pleasant for you to trade with us. Your loyalty gives us cause to believe that we are succeeding. OUR SPRING SHOWING Perfectly portrays the Leading Style Tendencies in Women's Suits, Wraps, Dresses, Dress Accessories, Silks, Dress-good and Millinery. As this showing means much to us, it should mean much to you, for it typifies the spirit of this organization which takes upon itself the responsibility to care adequately and wisely for your requirements. The GRACE and BEAUTY of the garments are unsual. Will you do us the honor to SEE THEM Yetter's THE BIG STORE Jefferson Billiard Hall and Barber Shop C. A. SCHMIDT, Prop. Under Jefferson Hotel Dancing from 8:45 to 11:45 VARSITY DANCE Company A Armory Varsity 8 Piece Orchestra THURSDAY EVE, MARCH 20 SATURDAY EVE. MARCH 22 MONDAY EVE., MARCH 24
Daily Iowan Newspapers