Daily Iowan, April 3, 1919
Page 3
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Thursday, April 3, 1919 THE DAILY IOWAN TE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA PAGE THREE FROSH TRACK MEN PRACTICE FOR MEET Winners of Numerals Determined in Home Contest and Telegraphic Meets Freshman track men will be given their first chance to win numerals in a home meet April 19. This date conflicts with the Drake relays at Des Moines, but the absence of the varsity men who will run in the relays will make the freshman-varsity meet a closer match. Thirty first year men reported for practice Monday night for the first workout, and still more intend to come out some time this week. Lawrence Dutton coaches the squad. Numerals are to be given to freshmen who take first or second place in the home meet. Telegraphic meets are being arranged with Wisconsin and Northwestern and numerals will also be awarded to the winners in these contests. It is especially urged by the athletic department that all first year men, who did high school track work or who think they might run, report at once to Coach Dutton for training. Just a little more than two weeks remain before the home meet, and then men will need all the training they can get before that time. GOLF ENTHUSIASTS TO ORGANIZE CLUB Students Who Joined Country Club to Elect Officers And Rent Links Interest in golf among students will probably assume definitely organized form this spring, as a result of a meeting held in the armory Saturday when a group of golf promoters met with E. G. Schroeder, director of physical education of men, to discuss the prospects of a University golf club. Heretofore, students have been admitted to the Iowa City Country club either as social members or as golf members, and were given all the privileges of the society. The aim of the prospective University club is to treat the nine-hole course as a unit instead of each individual having to become a County club member. The University Golf club will include both men and women. As soon as it is definitely known that arrangements can be made with the Country club in regard to the use of the golf links, another meeting will be held for the purpose of organizing and electing officers. PRACTICE FOOTBALL Football practice is held every Wednesday at 4:30 o'clock on the athletic field. Coach Howard Jones as charge of this instruction. Men who wish to try out for the team next fall are urged to attend. Freshmen as well as veteran players are eligible for this training. AWARD BASKETBALL LETTERS Members of the Iowa basketball team who have been awarded letters like Berrien, Brown, Cotton, Nicolaus, and Olson. Worth, Kaufman, and Finlayson were awarded "I" 2. Let The Iowan be your letter Alpha Theta announces the pleadging of Beatrice Gates of Pierre, S. Dak. Ensign F. L. Larlock of Maxwell, visited at the Alpha Tau Omega house Tuesday. Prof. N. A. Brisco will speak on the "History of the Church of England" at the meeting of the Wesley club Thursday evening at 7:30 at the home of Rev L. G. Rohrbaugh, 406 S. Clinton street. Sigma Delta Chi, honorary journalistic fraternity ,met at a luncheon at the Burkley Wednesday noon. Alpha Tau Omega announces the pledging of Arthur Kruse of Dysart. Delta Tau Delta held initiation Monday evening. The men initiated were Franklin Green, David Mitchell, Elvin Ryan, Martin Van Ooosterhaut, Philip Williams, John Ashby, Laird Fryer, Bruce Townsend, James Clifford, William Martin, Lloyd Keith, Bain Martin, Carl Falkenheimer, and Harold Howe. Helen Younkin, former student here, spent Tuesday at the Tri Delt house. Gertrude Bergman is entertaining her mother of Newton at Currier hall. Let The Iowan be your letter. Let The Iowan be your letter. Let The Iowan be your letter. Let The Iowan be your letter. Let The Iowan be your letter. SABINS' EDCATIONAL EXCHANGE Founded 1893 A. M. M. DORNON, Manager The most widely patronized, because the most reliable, Teachers Agency in the Middle West. Territory from Mississippi River to Pacific Coast. FLYNN BUILDING DES MOINES, IOWA IF you want the best pipe that can be made, you can get it in a W D C-up to $6. If you want the best genuine French Briar that as little as 75 cents will buy, you can get it in a W D C. American made, in all sizes and styles, and sold at the best shops. No man ever had a better pipe than this one. Carefully selected genuine French Briar, a sterling ring, and vulcanite bit, hand fitted and finished by an expert. WM. DEMUTH & CO., New York World's Largest Pipe Manufacturer OH BOY! Did you ever taste those Sweet Rolls for breakfast in the JEFFERSON COFFEE ROOM and JEFFERSON QUICK LUNCH SERVICE CAFE They are simply wonderful. Delicious coffee also-n'everything. Photographs... Newest and Latest Folders just arrived for your Easter photographs. See them in our display window. NEWBERG STUDIO VARSITY DANCE Company A Armory Varsity 8 Piece Orchestra Dancing from 8:45 to 11:45 SATURDAY EVE, APRIL 5 Foolishness More than that-it's ineconomy to mail your laundry home. All you have to do is phone 294 and we will call for and deliver it. You save postage, time, and trouble. New Process Laundry "The Pride of Iowa City" PHONE 294 SENIORS Of All Colleges Order your Commencement Invitations at the UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE IF YOU WANT ANY Do it now or you won't get any. The Committee
Thursday, April 3, 1919 THE DAILY IOWAN TE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA PAGE THREE FROSH TRACK MEN PRACTICE FOR MEET Winners of Numerals Determined in Home Contest and Telegraphic Meets Freshman track men will be given their first chance to win numerals in a home meet April 19. This date conflicts with the Drake relays at Des Moines, but the absence of the varsity men who will run in the relays will make the freshman-varsity meet a closer match. Thirty first year men reported for practice Monday night for the first workout, and still more intend to come out some time this week. Lawrence Dutton coaches the squad. Numerals are to be given to freshmen who take first or second place in the home meet. Telegraphic meets are being arranged with Wisconsin and Northwestern and numerals will also be awarded to the winners in these contests. It is especially urged by the athletic department that all first year men, who did high school track work or who think they might run, report at once to Coach Dutton for training. Just a little more than two weeks remain before the home meet, and then men will need all the training they can get before that time. GOLF ENTHUSIASTS TO ORGANIZE CLUB Students Who Joined Country Club to Elect Officers And Rent Links Interest in golf among students will probably assume definitely organized form this spring, as a result of a meeting held in the armory Saturday when a group of golf promoters met with E. G. Schroeder, director of physical education of men, to discuss the prospects of a University golf club. Heretofore, students have been admitted to the Iowa City Country club either as social members or as golf members, and were given all the privileges of the society. The aim of the prospective University club is to treat the nine-hole course as a unit instead of each individual having to become a County club member. The University Golf club will include both men and women. As soon as it is definitely known that arrangements can be made with the Country club in regard to the use of the golf links, another meeting will be held for the purpose of organizing and electing officers. PRACTICE FOOTBALL Football practice is held every Wednesday at 4:30 o'clock on the athletic field. Coach Howard Jones as charge of this instruction. Men who wish to try out for the team next fall are urged to attend. Freshmen as well as veteran players are eligible for this training. AWARD BASKETBALL LETTERS Members of the Iowa basketball team who have been awarded letters like Berrien, Brown, Cotton, Nicolaus, and Olson. Worth, Kaufman, and Finlayson were awarded "I" 2. Let The Iowan be your letter Alpha Theta announces the pleadging of Beatrice Gates of Pierre, S. Dak. Ensign F. L. Larlock of Maxwell, visited at the Alpha Tau Omega house Tuesday. Prof. N. A. Brisco will speak on the "History of the Church of England" at the meeting of the Wesley club Thursday evening at 7:30 at the home of Rev L. G. Rohrbaugh, 406 S. Clinton street. Sigma Delta Chi, honorary journalistic fraternity ,met at a luncheon at the Burkley Wednesday noon. Alpha Tau Omega announces the pledging of Arthur Kruse of Dysart. Delta Tau Delta held initiation Monday evening. The men initiated were Franklin Green, David Mitchell, Elvin Ryan, Martin Van Ooosterhaut, Philip Williams, John Ashby, Laird Fryer, Bruce Townsend, James Clifford, William Martin, Lloyd Keith, Bain Martin, Carl Falkenheimer, and Harold Howe. Helen Younkin, former student here, spent Tuesday at the Tri Delt house. Gertrude Bergman is entertaining her mother of Newton at Currier hall. Let The Iowan be your letter. Let The Iowan be your letter. Let The Iowan be your letter. Let The Iowan be your letter. Let The Iowan be your letter. SABINS' EDCATIONAL EXCHANGE Founded 1893 A. M. M. DORNON, Manager The most widely patronized, because the most reliable, Teachers Agency in the Middle West. Territory from Mississippi River to Pacific Coast. FLYNN BUILDING DES MOINES, IOWA IF you want the best pipe that can be made, you can get it in a W D C-up to $6. If you want the best genuine French Briar that as little as 75 cents will buy, you can get it in a W D C. American made, in all sizes and styles, and sold at the best shops. No man ever had a better pipe than this one. Carefully selected genuine French Briar, a sterling ring, and vulcanite bit, hand fitted and finished by an expert. WM. DEMUTH & CO., New York World's Largest Pipe Manufacturer OH BOY! Did you ever taste those Sweet Rolls for breakfast in the JEFFERSON COFFEE ROOM and JEFFERSON QUICK LUNCH SERVICE CAFE They are simply wonderful. Delicious coffee also-n'everything. Photographs... Newest and Latest Folders just arrived for your Easter photographs. See them in our display window. NEWBERG STUDIO VARSITY DANCE Company A Armory Varsity 8 Piece Orchestra Dancing from 8:45 to 11:45 SATURDAY EVE, APRIL 5 Foolishness More than that-it's ineconomy to mail your laundry home. All you have to do is phone 294 and we will call for and deliver it. You save postage, time, and trouble. New Process Laundry "The Pride of Iowa City" PHONE 294 SENIORS Of All Colleges Order your Commencement Invitations at the UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE IF YOU WANT ANY Do it now or you won't get any. The Committee
Daily Iowan Newspapers